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The Sablettes (Algiers) coastal reclaimed fringe region, located on the hanging wall of the Sahel active fault, is subject to different types of geological hazard such as flood and tsunami, coastal uplift, earthquake, liquefaction, landslide, and site effects. In this present work, we used ambient vibration HVSR for imaging the bedrock. The thickness of the sedimentary column under the backfill layer is unknown, and the coastal reclaimed areas are prone to strong amplification of seismic waves. The determination of the depth of the metamorphic base allowed us to establish a mapping of the bedrock roof surface. The 3D representation of this surface enabled us to present models of tectonic structures in this basement (i.e., fault, fold). This analysis will make it possible to make better evaluation of the amplification after having determined the depth of the metamorphic basement exceeding 240 m, which is supposed to have velocities close to those of the seismological basement, as well as the thicknesses of the different layers surmounting it.  相似文献   
Egyptian beach ilmenite occurs in a relatively high content in the naturally highly concentrated superficial black sand deposits at specific beach zones in the northern parts of the Nile Delta at Rosetta. Microscopic study shows that the ilmenite occurs as fresh homogeneous black or heterogeneous multicoloured altered grains and exhibits three types (homogeneous, exsolved and altered) of ilmenite varieties. XRD data of ilmenite indicates their association with minor hematite and quartz, whereas leucoxene shows its association with Nb‐rutile, pseudorutile and hematite. Grain size distribution suggests a very fine sand size of >89% and 80% and a fine sand size of 10.5% and 18.3% for fresh and altered ilmenites, respectively. The density of fresh, altered ilmenite and leucoxene concentrates varies from 2.70, 2.50 to 2.40 ton/m3, suggesting a gradual decrease from high grade fresh to leucoxene and consistent with variation in magnetic susceptibility as a consequence of the leaching of iron. Mass magnetic susceptibility reveals 97.6% of ilmenite and 92% of the altered form are obtained at 0.20 and 0.48 ampere. Fresh ilmenite exhibits variable TiO2 (47.18%) and Fe2O3T (46.10%) with minor MnO, MgO and Cr2O3 (1.22, 1.10 and 0.51%). The altered ilmenite is higher in TiO2 (76.16%) and SiO2 (4.68%) and lower in Fe2O3T (14.45%), MnO, MgO and Cr2O3 (0.39, 0.52 and 0.11%) compared with the fresh form. Three concentrates of ilmenites (G1, G2 and G3) were prepared from crude ore using a Reading cross belt magnetic separator under different conditions, revealing a gradual increase of TiO2, SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO accompanied by a decrease of Fe2O3T, MgO and Cr2O3 with repetition of the separation processes. Several ore dressing techniques were carried out to upgrade the ilmenite concentrate.  相似文献   
The problem of the change in internal energy of a colliding galaxy due to tidal effects is considered, assuming that the galaxies may be regarded as spherical stellar systems whose over-all structure remains unchanged during the collision and that the stars move in circular orbits. The numerical estimates thus made for the energy gained by the stars during the collision are compared with those derived on the basis of the assumption that the motions of the stars may be neglected during the encounter (the impulsive approximation) to test the adequacy of the latter approximation. If the two galaxies are of 1011 M , of radii 10 kpc and of mass distribution that of a polytrope of indexn=4; and if the relative distance and velocity at their closest approach are taken as 2 kpc and 1000 km/sec respectively, the mass of escaping stars from a galaxy is estimated to be roughly 4% of the total mass of the galaxy and the total increase in the internal energy of a galaxy during the collision due to the tidal acceleration of all its stars is equal in magnitude to approximately 25% of its initial internal energy, about one-fifth of which is associated with the escaping stars.  相似文献   
Abstract: El Mueilha area consists of post-collision granitic rocks intruding Pan-African metasediments, metavolcanics and granodiorites. Tin mineralization in Gabal El Mueilha is either of vein type or disseminated in the greisenized and albitized parts of the granitic rocks. Cassiterite and wolframite-bearing quartz veins also characterize a small intrusion of muscovite granite at El Mueilha tin mine area. Detailed geochemical prospecting for the rare metals Sn, Nb, Be, Li, U, Th and some other trace elements was carried out at Gabal El Mueilha area using stream sediments survey. Sixty-seven stream sediment samples were collected from the main drainage patterns of the study area. Statistical parameters were calculated for the analyzed elements. The sought elements Sn, Nb, Be and Li have relatively high background values in the studied sediments. This may reflect the role of the pathfinder elements (Nb, Be and Li) during secondary dispersion survey for Sn mineralization.
Geochemical maps were constructed to delineate anomalous areas with abnormally high rare metal contents. The anomalous Sn, Nb and Be areas are mainly encountered in the main stream draining the mineralized zones of El Mueilha tin mine and near the SW albitized parts of the post-collision granite. Correlation coefficient matrices show significant positive relation between Sn and the rare metals group (Nb, Rb and Li) at 99 % significant level. R-mode factor analysis for the concerned elements yields five factor–model.  相似文献   
Metastable systems are created when the interface between the atmosphere (in which Patm = 1 bar) and water forms a spherical meniscus either concave toward the air (water filling capillaries, wherein Pwater < Patm) or convex toward the air (fog water droplet, wherein Pwater > Patm). Soil water, undergoing negative pressure (“capillary potential”) remains bound to the solid matrix (instead of flowing downward) by the capillary meniscus, concave toward the undersaturated dry atmosphere. The positive counterpart of tensile water in soils is the pressurized water contained in fine droplets suspended in oversaturated humid air, as in clouds. All these systems are anisobaric domains the phases of which have different pressures. Geochemical consequences of such characteristics are assessed here by calculating the consequences of the positive or negative water potential on the equilibrium constants of reactions taking place in stretched or pressurized aqueous solutions. Thermodynamic properties of aqueous species are obtained by using the TH model, used explicitly for positive pressures but extrapolated to negative ones for soil solutions. It appears that soil water dissolves gases, offering an alternative explanation of the observed enrichment of atmospheric noble gases in groundwater and of carbonic gas in the unsaturated zone below the root zone. Water droplets obviously show the opposite behavior, that is, a decreasing dissolutive capability with decreasing droplet size (water pressure increases), inducing some climatic consequences. An application of this approach to the solid-solution equilibria is performed by comparing experimental solubility of amorphous silica in unsaturated media on the one hand, to theoretical calculations taking account of the negative water pressure on the other hand. This comparison outlines the potential complexity of anisobaric situations in nature and the necessity to develop a suitable approach for solid pressure.  相似文献   
Remediation of dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) is recognized as one of the most difficult problems associated with ground water pollution. The pump-and-treat technique, usually consisting of a continuous operation of extraction-injection wells, is widely used for ground water remediation. In a stratified or otherwise heterogeneous aquifer, however, this technique suffers from tailing and rebound problems, which limit its cleanup efficiency and result in higher operation costs. The tailing and rebound is usually due to slow diffusion of contaminants out of lower- permeability heterogeneities into the flow regime of the higher-permeability zone. In this study, we conduct bench-scale experiments to investigate a novel polymer system and injection method to improve the pump-and-treat technique for DNAPL trapped in a layer of porous media that has a relatively low permeability compared to the surrounding media. This technique might be useful, for example, to remove DNAPL from these low-permeability zones after removal of DNAPL from the higher-permeability zones by a more traditional remediation method. The polymer system consists of a mixture of anionic and cationic polyacrylamides in solution and the injection method is based on flow-induced polymer adsorption, called bridging adsorption. The study includes single and parallel-column experiments. The measured polymer penetration depths were compared with values predicted from a numerical simulation, which was developed previously by the authors of this paper. The experiments and simulations show that the polymer injection leads to a modification of the permeability contrast that favors a more efficient pump-and-treat process. These results suggest that additional research to upscale the technology to pilot scales is warranted.  相似文献   
The Middle Jurassic plutonism of the Central High Atlas (Morocco) was emplaced in N45° trending anticlinal ridges. It is characterised by various petrographic facies including mafic rocks (troctolites), intermediate rocks (diorites, monzodiorites), and evolved rocks (syenites), together with heterogeneous facies resulting from mixing between acidic and the intermediate magmas. Mineralogical and chemical data show (i) the transitional character of the Jurassic magmatic series of the Central High Atlas and (ii) the implication of continental crust as a contaminant during fractional crystallization. To cite this article: R. Zayane et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 97–104.  相似文献   
The effects of salinity, temperature, and light conditions on the reproduction and development of harpacticoid copepod, Nitocra affinis f. californica under controlled laboratory conditions were determined. Seven different salinity levels (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 ppt), four temperatures (20, 25, 30, 35 °C), three different light intensities (25, 56, 130 μmol m−2 s−1) and photoperiods (24 h:0 h, 1 h:23 h, 12 h:12 h LD cycle) were employed in this study. The highest (p < 0.05) overall reproduction and fastest development time were achieved by copepods reared under 30–35 ppt salinity. The optimum temperature required for the maximum reproduction was 30 °C while under 30 °C and 35 °C the copepod development time was shortest (p < 0.05) compared to other temperature levels. The overall reproduction was highest (p < 0.05) and development rate of N. affinis was shortest (p < 0.05) under lowest light intensity (25 μmol m−2 s−1). Continuous light (24 h:0 h LD) inhibited the egg production while, continuous darkness (1 h:23 h LD) and 12 h:12 h LD significantly favoured the overall reproductive activity of the female. Photoperiods 1 h:23 h and 12 h:12 h LD yielded highest total (p < 0.05) offspring female−1 coupled with highest (p < 0.05) survival percentage. This study illustrated that although N. affinis can tolerate wide range of environmental conditions, prolonged exposure to subnormal environments affect its reproduction and development. This study showed that this species can be mass cultured for commercial purposes and has a potential to be used for toxicity studies due to its high reproductive performance fast development and a wide range of tolerance to environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Several series of one-dimensional heat and moisture flow tests were performed to examine the moisture and temperature distributions in the buffer material compacted to a dry density of 1.67 Mg m−3 and water content of 17.7%. In all tests, water was allowed to infiltrate into a horizontal soil column from one end under a constant hydrostatic head of 276 kPa. Also the specimens were heated from the other end by the heater to a constant temperature.

It is experimentally demonstrated that the moisture moves from both ends toward the mid part of the soil column due to both thermal gradient from one end and hydraulic gradient from the other end. It was observed that, in spite of no overall volume change, local volume change occurs in the system. The measured temperatures along the length of the specimen indicate that temperature distributions stabilize within a short period of time. The time required for the temperature to stabilize decreases as the heater skin temperature increases.

The diffusivity parameters are calculated using the measured moisture and temperature profiles combined with the finite difference method. Powell's optimization algorithm was used to determine the material parameters. Good agreements between experimentally measured and calibrated volumetric water content shows that the diffusion parameters can be expressed in a linear function of the volumetric water content and temperature.  相似文献   

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