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The evaluation of agricultural sustainability status helps in identifying specific indicators that constrain the achievement of sustainable agriculture. The agricultural sector in Egypt is facing major sustainability constraints such as scarce land and water resources, environmental degradation, and rapid population growth as well as institutional arrangement including land tenure and farm fragmentation, agricultural administration, lack of infrastructure, and credit utilization and high interest rates. This study aims to evaluate the agricultural sustainability in some areas in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, north of the Nile Delta; the international framework for evaluating sustainable land management was used for realizing this objective. The map of the physiographic soils of the studied area was produced depending upon Landsat ETM+ images analysis; the results indicate that the area includes three main landscapes, i.e., alluvial, lacustrine, and marine plains. The characteristics of productivity, security, protection, economic viability, and social acceptability in the different mapping units were assessed. The obtained results show that the studied area includes two different class types, the first are the lands that are marginally below the requirement of sustainability and the second are those lands that do not meet sustainability requirements. The former class is represented by the physiographic units of alluvial plain, whereas the latter class is represented by the physiographic units of the lacustrine and marine plains. The sustainability constrains in the studied area are related to the soil productivity, economic viability, and social acceptability.  相似文献   
The orthophragminids in lower Bartonian Reineche Limestone member, a fossiliferous shallow-marine unit exposed in Cap Bon peninsula in Tunisia, are represented by 17 species assigned to Discocyclinidae Galloway 1928 and Orbitoclypeidae Brönnimann 1946. These taxa, associated with nummulitids and alveolinids, belong to the lineages of Discocyclina Gümbel 1870, Nemkovella, 1987, Orbitoclypeus Silvestri 1907, and Asterocyclina Gümbel 1870, described for the first time from north Africa lying at the southern margin of Tethyan ocean during Paleogene. We identified Nemkovella evae, previously not recorded in upper Lutetian/lower Bartonian and younger Eocene deposits of northern Tethyan platforms, and erected a new subspecies, N. evae reinechensis n. ssp. A comparison of Reineche orthophraminids, assigned to orthophragmines zone (OZ) 12 and shallow benthic zone (SBZ 17), to the well-described coeval assemblages at northern Tethyan platforms in Italy, Hungary, Turkey, and to those in Kutch Basin in the Indian subcontinent suggests that some species are confined to certain paleogeographic domains. Orbitoclypeus haynesi, the only orbitoclypeid and the most abundant orthophragminid in lower Bartonian deposits in Kutch, appears to be the most common orbitoclypeid in Reineche Limestone. In Europe, this species is not known and is replaced by Orbitoclypeus varians, the most common orbitoclypeid in middle Eocene of central Europe. Both species occur in varying proportions in marine successions in Turkey. Asterocyclina sireli, identified so far only in Turkey, occurs in Reineche Limestone and in lower Bartonian deposits in Kutch. This species is recorded for the first time in the Indian subcontinent. Relying on present study, as well as our recent studies in Kutch Basin, we conclude that the generic and specific diversity of orthophragminids decreases eastward from the peri-Mediterranean region to Indian subcontinent and to the western Pacific.  相似文献   
We report on the coronal hole (CH) influence on the 54 magnetic cloud (MC) and non-MC associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) selected for studies during the Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops (CDAWs) focusing on the question if all CMEs are flux ropes. All selected CMEs originated from source regions located between longitudes 15E?–?15W. Xie, Gopalswamy, and St. Cyr (2013, Solar Phys., doi: 10.1007/s11207-012-0209-0 ) found that these MC and non-MC associated CMEs are on average deflected towards and away from the Sun–Earth line, respectively. We used a CH influence parameter (CHIP) that depends on the CH area, average magnetic field strength, and distance from the CME source region to describe the influence of all on-disk CHs on the erupting CME. We found that for CHIP values larger than 2.6 G the MC and non-MC events separate into two distinct groups where MCs (non-MCs) are deflected towards (away) from the disk center. Division into two groups was also observed when the distance to the nearest CH was less than 3.2×105 km. At CHIP values less than 2.6 G or at distances of the nearest CH larger than 3.2×105 km the deflection distributions of the MC and non-MCs started to overlap, indicating diminishing CH influence. These results give support to the idea that all CMEs are flux ropes, but those observed to be non-MCs at 1 AU could be deflected away from the Sun–Earth line by nearby CHs, making their flux rope structure unobservable at 1 AU.  相似文献   
The relationship between aquifer hydraulic conductivity and aquifer resistivity, either measured on the ground surface by vertical electrical sounding (VES) or from resistivity logs, or measured in core samples have been published for different types of aquifers in different locations. Generally, these relationships are empirical and semi-empirical, and confined in few locations. This relation has a positive correlation in some studies and negative in others. So far, there is no potentially physical law controlling this relation, which is not completely understood. Electric current follows the path of least resistance, as does water. Within and around pores, the model of conduction of electricity is ionic and thus the resistivity of the medium is controlled more by porosity and water conductivity than by the resistivity of the rock matrix. Thus, at the pore level, the electrical path is similar to the hydraulic path and the resistivity should reflect hydraulic conductivity. We tried in this paper to study the effect of degree of groundwater saturation in the relation between hydraulic conductivity and bulk resistivity via a simple numerical analysis of Archie’s second law and a simplified Kozeny-Carmen equation. The study reached three characteristic non-linear relations between hydraulic conductivity and resistivity depending on the degree of saturation. These relations are: (1) An inverse power relation in fully saturated aquifers and when porosity equals water saturation, (2) An inverse polynomial relation in unsaturated aquifers, when water saturation is higher than 50%, higher than porosity, and (3) A direct polynomial relation in poorly saturated aquifers, when water saturation is lower than 50%, lower than porosity. These results are supported by some field scale relationships.  相似文献   
Deposition and early alteration of evaporites   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A robust classification scheme for partitioning groundwater chemistry into homogeneous groups was an important tool for the characterization of Eocene limestone aquifer. The aquifer locally is composed of chalky limestone with thin clay intercalated (Samalut Fm.), the fissures, the joints, and the fractures are represented the conduits of the aquifer system. The flow patterns are conditioned by karstification processes which develop a conduit network and preserve low permeability microfractured blocks. The aquifer is mainly recharged by surrounding aquifers and agricultural wastewaters. The groundwater flows in the eastern part (due the Bahr Yossef and River Nile), which is a discharge area rather than a recharge. Twenty-eight groundwater samples was collected from the Eocene limestone aquifer and analyzed for isotopes, major, and trace elements. δD and δ18O concentrations ranged widely due to geology, infiltration of different surface waters, evaporation, and hydrogeology. The concentration of δD and δ18O isotopes is depleted in the northern zone of the northern part and western zone of the central and southern part of the study area. They are enriched due the eastern area of the central and southern part of the study area. δD vs. δ18O delineate the Pleistocene aquifer and has a strong influence than other waters on aquifer hydrogeochemistry. It is confirmed by the AquaChem outputs of the mixing proportions of different water types included in the aquifer system. Cl-δD and Cl-δ18O relationships indicate the role of evaporation especially due the eastern area of the central and southern part of the study area. This research tests the performance of the many available graphical and statistical methodologies used to classify water samples. R-mode clustering, correlation analysis, and principal component analysis were investigated. All the methods were discussed and compared as to their ability to cluster, ease of use, and ease of interpretation. Nearly most low-salinity waters are in equilibrium to supersaturate with respect to both carbonate minerals, while it is shifted to undersaturate with salinity. The inverse modeling findings clarify that the calcite, gypsum, and anhydrite dissolution increased due the northeastern area, middle zone, and southern corner of the northern, central, and southern part of the study area, respectively. The latter areas also were characterized by the lowest precipitation of the dolomite. Such areas are distinguished by much more enhancement for aquifer permeability and therefore transmissivity. The latter areas can be use as injection zone by fresh water. It can be a triple function; firstly, it recharges the saline Eocene limestone aquifer through the enhancement hydraulic conductivity and dilutes it. Secondly, it enhances much more the aquifer permeability and therefore the transmissivity. The Eocene limestone aquifer can be improved in quality and quantity by using such a model and exploits it as an alternative water resource with Quaternary aquifer and Nile water. Thirdly, it irrigates more areas to increase the income/capita. The dedolomitization represents the main hydrogeochemical process in the aquifer system. The geomedia (limestone, clay, marl, shale, and sand deposits) are in contact with water, therefore, the rock/water interaction, mixing, and ion exchange were estimated by the geochemical evolution of the groundwater systems.  相似文献   
To assess heavy metals in mangrove swamps of Sehat and Tarut coastal areas along the Arabian Gulf, 18 sediment samples were collected for Al, V, Cr, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, Sr, As, Fe, Co, and Ni analysis. The results indicated that the distribution of some metals was largely controlled by anthropogenic inputs, while others were of terrigenous origin and most strongly associated with distribution of aluminum and total organic carbon in sediments. Mangrove sediments were extremely severe enriched with Sr (EF?=?67.59) and very severe enriched with V, Hg, Cd, Cu, As (EF?=?44.28, 37.45, 35.77, 25.97, and 11.53, respectively). Average values of Sr, V, Hg, Cd, Cu, Ni, As, and Cr were mostly higher than the ones recorded from the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aqaba, the Caspian Sea, the Arabian and Oman gulfs, coast of Tanzania, sediment quality guidelines, and the background shale and the earth crust. Landfilling due to coastal infrastructure development around mangrove forests, oil spills and petrochemical and desalination effluents from Al-Jubail industrial city to the north were the anthropogenic activities that further enhanced heavy metals in the studied mangrove sediments.  相似文献   
An extension to the DRASTIC model is proposed in order to assess aquifer vulnerability to pollution. In contrast to the DRASTIC model, which considers the unsaturated and saturated zones together and computes a global intrinsic vulnerability index, the suggested approach discriminates between the aquifer vertical vulnerability (a concept related to the pollutant percolation) and the groundwater susceptibility (a concept that depends on the behaviour and uses of the groundwater). This approach is applied to the Haouz aquifer (Morocco) that supplies water to the Marrakech area. This aquifer is widely overexploited and there is evidence that the groundwater quality is threatened by various sources of pollution. Evaluation of the vertical vulnerability indicates that the aquifer mainly presents a moderate-to-weak vertical vulnerability. The zones potentially most favourable to pollutant percolation are mainly located in Central Haouz, along or near the surface wadis. The aquifer susceptibility is high in places located near the N’Fis, Baaja and Issil wadis. Everywhere else, low-to-moderate susceptibility is observed. This new approach therefore enables areas of vertical vulnerability and areas of susceptibility to be delineated separately. As a result, it constitutes a valuable decision-making tool for optimising the management of aquifer water resources and land-use planning.  相似文献   
The post-collisional late Hercynian Tanncherfi intrusive complex (TIC) is part of a widespread intrusive episode in the Moroccan Meseta. The complex contains a wide range of rock types, from monzogabbros to monzogranites. Two distinct magmatic series are recognized: (1) a potassic (shoshonitic) series consisting of monzogabbros, quartz monzonites and monzogranites; and (2) a sodic (granodioritic) series represented by quartz monzodiorites and granodiorites. All the Tanncherfi plutonic rocks display similar spider-diagram profiles, with LILE and LREE enrichment and Nb, Ta, Ti depletion, which are typical of subduction-related magmas. Combined major, trace element compositions and Sr, Nd isotopic results indicate that the two series have been derived from a LILE- and LREE-enriched continental lithospheric mantle source, under different partial melting and/or depth conditions. Intrusion of the Tanncherfi rocks was not temporally related to subduction and the enrichment of their source is likely to be linked to preceding subduction events. The two series evolved by fractional crystallization, of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, K-feldspar and accessories (Fe–Ti oxide minerals, titanite, apatite and zircon) for the potassic series while the sodic series combined fractional crystallization with assimilation of felsic magmas with lower Sr isotopic ratio than the more mafic term of the series, the quartz monzodiorite. The intrusion of the potassic magmas (344±6 Ma) marks a major change in the tectonic regime of eastern Meseta. These magmas intruded during post-thickening uplift and extension, both probably favored by convective thinning of the lithosphere. This model provides a reasonable mechanism for the genesis of other Hercynian intrusive complexes in Morocco.  相似文献   
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