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Slope instability induced by volcano-tectonics as an additional source of hazard in active volcanic areas: the case of Ischia island (Italy) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Marta Della Seta Enrica Marotta Giovanni Orsi Sandro de Vita Fabio Sansivero Paola Fredi 《Bulletin of Volcanology》2012,74(1):79-106
Ischia is an active volcanic island in the Gulf of Naples whose history has been dominated by a caldera-forming eruption (ca.
55 ka) and resurgence phenomena that have affected the caldera floor and generated a net uplift of about 900 m since 33 ka.
The results of new geomorphological, stratigraphical and textural investigations of the products of gravitational movements
triggered by volcano-tectonic events have been combined with the information arising from a reinterpretation of historical
chronicles on natural phenomena such as earthquakes, ground deformation, gravitational movements and volcanic eruptions. The
combined interpretation of all these data shows that gravitational movements, coeval to volcanic activity and uplift events
related to the long-lasting resurgence, have affected the highly fractured marginal portions of the most uplifted Mt. Epomeo
blocks. Such movements, mostly occurring since 3 ka, include debris avalanches; large debris flows (lahars); smaller mass
movements (rock falls, slumps, debris and rock slides, and small debris flows); and deep-seated gravitational slope deformation.
The occurrence of submarine deposits linked with subaerial deposits of the most voluminous mass movements clearly shows that
the debris avalanches impacted on the sea. The obtained results corroborate the hypothesis that the behaviour of the Ischia
volcano is based on an intimate interplay among magmatism, resurgence dynamics, fault generation, seismicity, slope oversteepening
and instability, and eruptions. They also highlight that volcano-tectonically triggered mass movements are a potentially hazardous
phenomena that have to be taken into account in any attempt to assess volcanic and related hazards at Ischia. Furthermore,
the largest mass movements could also flow into the sea, generating tsunami waves that could impact on the island’s coast
as well as on the neighbouring and densely inhabited coast of the Neapolitan area. 相似文献
Following a seismic event that occurred years ago in Central Italy, the public opinion was growing and growing a concern on the adequacy of educational buildings all across Italy. This activated several political decisions and a consequent technical effort is in progress. Technically speaking one has to manage the classical problem of retrofitting existing buildings. However, the legal environment goes across national codes, targeted guidelines and the professional need of achieving pragmatic solutions based on ethical and social acceptation schemes.This paper introduces the topic in its worldwide exception and focuses then on some operative aspects in the Italian situation. It outlines the consolidated steps along this technical process and emphasizes the weak aspects one meets when going across the designers’ reports. 相似文献
Nonlinear dynamic response of r.c. framed structures subjected to near-fault ground motions 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
The nonlinear dynamic response of reinforced concrete (r.c.) framed buildings subjected to near-fault ground motions is studied
to check the effectiveness of current code provisions with reference to study cases. Three-, six- and twelve-storey r.c. plane
frames, representative of symmetric framed buildings, are designed according to the European seismic code (EC8), assuming
medium and high ductility classes and stratigraphic profiles A (rock) and D (soft soil) in a high-risk seismic region. The
nonlinear seismic analysis is performed using a step-by-step procedure; a bilinear model idealizes the behaviour of the r.c.
frame members. Artificially generated motions (matching EC8 response spectra for subsoil classes A and D) and horizontal motions
(recorded on rock- and soft soil-site at near-fault areas) are considered. The results indicate that near-fault ground motions
may require a special consideration in the code, in particular when designing r.c. framed structures placed on a soft soil-site;
particular attention should be paid to the design of the frame members of the lower storeys. 相似文献
Barbara Borzi Fabio Dell��Acqua Marta Faravelli Paolo Gamba Gianni Lisini Mauro Onida Diego Polli 《Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering》2011,9(2):675-690
The aim of this paper is to disseminate knowledge in the seismic science community about a possible tool which is not largely
popular, despite its potential usefulness. In this paper it will be shown how satellite remotely sensed images may represent
a powerful source of information where traditional sources of information are unable to deliver it, or at least to do so timely.
Even when traditional information flow can ensure delivery, an advantage may still be found in terms of sooner availability
and smaller amount of labour required. In the case shown here a vulnerability study was made on a vast industrial area in
the gulf of Siracusa, Sicily, Italy. A series of concurrent factors made it particularly troublesome to obtain information
on the structures found in the site (tanks, pipes, chimneys, roads, ...), required to suitably carry out the study. Satellite
images were then acquired to obtain the information needed. Processing of the images was carried out relying on in-house software
formerly developed for similar information extraction issues, and integrated with new, specifically developed elements, some
pieces of information were obtained useful for seismic risk evaluation. In particular, location, footprint, elevation of significant
structures (e.g. tanks, chimneys) could be evaluated, obtaining results in a format compatible with the most widespread GIS
(Geographic Information System) standards. Such compatibility allowed a considerable savings on labour time required to lay
a GIS of the area, which is a fundamental tool for risk and vulnerability analyses. 相似文献
Fabio Mazza 《地震工程与结构动力学》2019,48(4):432-453
The out-of-plane (OOP) behaviour of masonry infills (MIs), inserted in reinforced concrete (r.c.)–framed buildings, is recognized as one of the most important failure modes of this nonstructural element during an earthquake, which may be a consequence of simultaneous or prior in-plane (IP) damage. A five-element macro-model, with four diagonal OOP non-linear beams and one horizontal IP non-linear truss, with an equivalent mass of the infill panel divided between two central nodes, takes into account the IP and OOP failure modes occurring in the event of seismic loading. Pivot hysteretic models predict the non-linear IP and OOP force-displacement laws of the infill panel, based on geometrical rules defining loading and unloading branches. Firstly, a calibration of the proposed IP-OOP interaction model of MIs is carried out considering full-scale experimental results of traditional masonry typologies. Each specimen is initially subjected to in-plane quasi-static cyclic loading, until a maximum drift is reached, and then one-sided OOP cycles are imposed pushing in the horizontal direction and back to zero force. Then a numerical investigation considers masonry infills of an existing six-storey r.c.-framed building designed in compliance with a former Italian seismic code. To evaluate the interaction, the results of simultaneous IP and OOP cyclic tests on MIs at the top, intermediate, and lowest levels of the test structure are presented, assuming different displacement histories: (1) OOP loading faster than IP, at the sixth storey; (2) equal IP and OOP loading, at the third storey; (3) IP loading faster than OOP, at the first storey. Finally, attention is focused on the contribution of masonry infills to the IP and OOP energy dissipation of r.c.-framed structures. 相似文献
A field reconnaissance mission was led to the areas affected by the disaster caused by the Magnitude 7.9 earthquake event
of 15/08/2007 near the city of Pisco in Peru. The main objectives of the mission were to collect data and make observations
leading to improvements in design methods and techniques for strengthening and retrofit, and to assist the phase of reconstruction.
The mission focused on the behaviour of non-engineered structures, in particular those of adobe constructions. The findings
of the mission confirmed that most of the damage was observed on adobe houses constructed with traditional non anti-seismic
techniques which either collapsed or nearly collapsed, causing 519 deaths, 1,366 injuries and more than 58,000 houses destroyed.
The mission also confirmed that buildings constructed according to modern earthquake resistant design standards performed
with no evident damage. All the parties contacted during the mission, especially the EC Delegation, showed particular interest
in the results of the present mission report, which will be taken into consideration when planning the reconstruction phase,
especially of the most distant rural areas, where close collaboration between the Governmental Institutions, International
Organizations, Universities and NGO’s, will be needed to assist the population for the adoption of earthquake resistant designs
in the reconstruction of the destroyed houses. 相似文献
Leonardo Sagnotti Aldo Winkler Laura Alfonsi Fabio Florindo Fabrizio Marra 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》2000,180(3-4):243-257
We report on new paleomagnetic results obtained from 27 sites sampled in the Plio–Pleistocene sequences at the external front of the central–northern Apennines. Previous analyses of Miocene (Messinian) sediments indicated that the present shape of the northern Apenninic arc is due to the oroclinal bending of an originally straight belt oriented around N320° and that vertical axis rotations accompanied the migration of the thrust fronts toward the Adriatic foreland [F. Speranza et al., J. Geophys. Res. 102 (1997) 3153–3166]. We tried to provide new paleomagnetic constraints for the timing and rates of the oroclinal bending process during the Pliocene and the Pleistocene. The results suggest that CCW rotations observed in the northern part of the studied area are possibly younger than 3 Ma. No regional rotation is recorded in the Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments from the southern part of the study area, analogously to the Messinian sediments of the ‘Acquasanta’ domain of Speranza et al. [F. Speranza et al., J. Geophys. Res. 102 (1997) 3153–3166]. A local significant CCW rotation (23°±10°) is identified in the Early Pleistocene sediments that crop out along the Adriatic coast between Ascoli and Pescara, indicating differential motion of the thrust sheets. This rotation must be younger than 1.43 Ma. 相似文献
Ana L. Londero Jean P. G. Minella Fabio J. A. Schneider Dinis Deuschle Danrlei Menezes Olivier Evrard Madalena Boeni Gustavo H. Merten 《水文研究》2021,35(3):e14094
No-till (NT) is a conservation system that improves the hydrological regime of agricultural slopes by providing greater surface protection and benefits to the physical and hydrological properties of soils. However, the isolated use of NT is not enough to control runoff and its associated degradation processes. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the runoff of agricultural slopes under NT under different runoff control conditions by monitoring 63 rainfall events in two 2.4-ha zero-order catchments and 27 rainfall events in four 0.6-ha macroplots. The catchments are paired and similar in terms of the type of soil and relief, but different regarding the presence of terraces. The macroplots have different soil and crop management systems. By using monitoring techniques, the hyetographs and hydrographs revealed the influence of the different types of management on the catchments and macroplots and allowed rainfall characteristics, runoff volume, runoff coefficients, water infiltration, peak runoff, response times, and curve number to be analysed. The terraces positively affected the NT and controlled runoff and related variables, in addition to infiltration significantly increasing and runoff reducing in the terraced catchment. All the hydrological information assessed pointed to the positive effects provided by the presence of the terraces. The results in the macroplots showed that high amounts of phytomass and/or chiselling do not control runoff and its correlated variables in medium and high magnitude events. The study concludes by underlining the need for additional measures to control runoff (terraces), even in areas under NT and with high phytomass production. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of monitoring at the catchment scale to better understand the hydrological behaviour of agricultural areas and provide the necessary parameters to effectively control runoff. 相似文献
Marco Massa Francesca Pacor Lucia Luzi Dino Bindi Giuliano Milana Fabio Sabetta Antonella Gorini Sandro Marcucci 《Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering》2010,8(5):1175-1187
The Italian strong-motion database was created during a joint project between Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
(INGV, Italian Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology) and Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (DPC, Italian Civil Protection). The aim of the project was the collection, homogenization and distribution of strong motion data acquired in Italy in the
period 1972–2004 by different institutions, namely Ente Nazionale per l’Energia Elettrica (ENEL, Italian electricity company), Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente (ENEA, Italian energy and environment organization) and DPC. Recently the strong-motion data relative to the 23th December 2009, Parma (Mw = 5.4 and Mw = 4.9) and to the April
2009 L’Aquila sequences (13 earthquakes with 4.1 ≤ Mw ≤ 6.3) were included in the Italian Accelerometric Archive (ITACA) database
(beta release). The database contains 7,038 waveforms from analog and digital instruments, generated by 1.019 earthquakes
with magnitude up to 6.9 and can be accessed on-line at the web site . The strong motion data are provided in the unprocessed and processed versions. This article describes the steps followed
to process the acceleration time series recorded by analogue and digital instruments. The procedures implemented involve:
baseline removal, instrumental correction, band pass filtering with acausal filters, integration of the corrected acceleration
in order to obtain velocity and displacement waveforms, computation of acceleration response spectra and strong motion parameters.
This procedure is applied to each accelerogram and it is realised to preserve the low frequency content of the records. 相似文献