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Our study aimed to identify possible relationships between the structure of the benthic macrofauna and the intense use of vehicles in Cassino Beach. Physical changes in the sediment were identified, with high compaction in the sector most affected by the vehicles, especially during the summer. The benthic macrofauna was significantly affected by vehicles, with lower densities observed in the most impacted sector, mainly in the summer, unlike the control sector, where higher densities were observed during the pre-summer and summer. We concluded that the vehicle traffic changes the physical environment of the beach and consequently affects the benthic community in the face of this disturbance. We conclude that the benthic macrofauna is highly impacted by vehicle traffic at Cassino Beach, mainly in the period with the highest traffic, and alternatives are needed for this impact, helping to recover this ecosystem.  相似文献   
Understanding the pace and drivers of marine-based ice-sheet retreat relies upon the integration of numerical ice-sheet models with observations from contemporary polar ice sheets and well-constrained palaeo-glaciological reconstructions. This paper provides a reconstruction of the retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) from the Atlantic shelf west of Ireland during and following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). It uses marine-geophysical data and sediment cores dated by radiocarbon, combined with terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide and optically stimulated luminescence dating of onshore ice-marginal landforms, to reconstruct the timing and rate of ice-sheet retreat from the continental shelf and across the adjoining coastline of Ireland, thus including the switch from a marine- to a terrestrially-based ice-sheet margin. Seafloor bathymetric data in the form of moraines and grounding-zone wedges on the continental shelf record an extensive ice sheet west of Ireland during the LGM which advanced to the outer shelf. This interpretation is supported by the presence of dated subglacial tills and overridden glacimarine sediments from across the Porcupine Bank, a westwards extension of the Irish continental shelf. The ice sheet was grounded on the outer shelf at ~26.8 ka cal bp with initial retreat underway by 25.9 ka cal bp. Retreat was not a continuous process but was punctuated by marginal oscillations until ~24.3 ka cal bp. The ice sheet thereafter retreated to the mid-shelf where it formed a large grounding-zone complex at ~23.7 ka cal bp. This retreat occurred in a glacimarine environment. The Aran Islands on the inner continental shelf were ice-free by ~19.5 ka bp and the ice sheet had become largely terrestrially based by 17.3 ka bp. This suggests that the Aran Islands acted to stabilize and slow overall ice-sheet retreat once the BIIS margin had reached the inner shelf. Our results constrain the timing of initial retreat of the BIIS from the outer shelf west of Ireland to the period of minimum global eustatic sea level. Initial retreat was driven, at least in part, by glacio-isostatically induced, high relative sea level. Net rates of ice-sheet retreat across the shelf were slow (62–19 m a−1) and reduced (8 m a−1) as the ice sheet vacated the inner shelf and moved onshore. A picture therefore emerges of an extensive BIIS on the Atlantic shelf west of Ireland, in which early, oscillatory retreat was followed by slow episodic retreat which decelerated further as the ice margin became terrestrially based. More broadly, this demonstrates the importance of localized controls, in particular bed topography, on modulating the retreat of marine-based sectors of ice sheets.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of the application of an ultrasonic telemetry system to the investigation of short‐term movements in the European spiny lobster, Palinurus elephas, in a coastal area of NW Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea). Ten lobsters were tagged with miniaturized transmitters and released over a favourable habitat and their movements then recorded by means of nine automated receivers with the objective of investigating post‐release displacement, home‐range extension, movement patterns, activity rhythm and the influence of lunar light intensity on lobster activity. Acoustic detection data were used to assess activity and home range using estimates of horizontal and vertical movements and minimum convex polygons, respectively. Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) analysis was applied to time series of position data. Acoustic data from five of 10 lobsters were successfully recorded across a 78‐day study period between April and June 2008. All of them displayed an activity pattern characterized by diurnal sheltering and nocturnal foraging, with higher activity (i.e., longer distances travelled) at night. Their home range measured between 1629 and 8641 m2, and all lobsters relocated every 4.6 days on average, probably in search of unexploited feeding grounds. For this reason we hypothesize a nomadic movement pattern for our tagged lobsters. CWT analyses highlighted a 24‐h periodicity in lobster activity, with higher activity from sunset to sunrise. No clear influence of moon phase on lobster activity was detected.  相似文献   
We present an overview of the Space Telescope A901/2 Galaxy Evolution Survey (STAGES). STAGES is a multiwavelength project designed to probe physical drivers of galaxy evolution across a wide range of environments and luminosity. A complex multicluster system at   z ∼ 0.165  has been the subject of an 80-orbit F606W Hubble Space Telescope (HST) /Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) mosaic covering the full     span of the supercluster. Extensive multiwavelength observations with XMM–Newton , GALEX, Spitzer , 2dF, Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and the 17-band COMBO-17 photometric redshift survey complement the HST imaging. Our survey goals include simultaneously linking galaxy morphology with other observables such as age, star formation rate, nuclear activity and stellar mass. In addition, with the multiwavelength data set and new high-resolution mass maps from gravitational lensing, we are able to disentangle the large-scale structure of the system. By examining all aspects of an environment we will be able to evaluate the relative importance of the dark matter haloes, the local galaxy density and the hot X-ray gas in driving galaxy transformation. This paper describes the HST imaging, data reduction and creation of a master catalogue. We perform the Sérsic fitting on the HST images and conduct associated simulations to quantify completeness. In addition, we present the COMBO-17 photometric redshift catalogue and estimates of stellar masses and star formation rates for this field. We define galaxy and cluster sample selection criteria, which will be the basis for forthcoming science analyses, and present a compilation of notable objects in the field. Finally, we describe the further multiwavelength observations and announce public access to the data and catalogues.  相似文献   
We investigate the correlation of star formation quenching with internal galaxy properties and large-scale environment (halo mass) in empirical data and theoretical models. We make use of the halo-based group catalogue of Yang and collaborators, which is based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Data from the Galaxy evolution explorer are also used to extract the recent star formation rate. In order to investigate the environmental effects, we examine the properties of 'central' and 'satellite' galaxies separately. For central galaxies, we are unable to conclude whether star formation quenching is primarily connected with halo mass or stellar mass, because these two quantities are themselves strongly correlated. For satellite galaxies, a nearly equally strong dependence on halo mass and stellar mass is seen. We make the same comparison for five different semi-analytic models based on three independently developed codes. We find that the models with active galactic nuclei feedback reproduce reasonably well the dependence of the fraction of central red and passive galaxies on halo mass and stellar mass. However, for satellite galaxies, the same models badly overproduce the fraction of red/passive galaxies and do not reproduce the empirical trends with stellar mass or halo mass. This satellite overquenching problem is caused by the too-rapid stripping of the satellites' hot gas haloes, which leads to rapid strangulation of star formation.  相似文献   
Phenological observations of the anthesic phases of olive flowering in a central Mediterranean area were recorded over a 9-year period. The aim of this research was to compare the flowering dates in relationship to the meteorological changes. Pollen emission from anthers was monitored by remote instrumentation placed directly in olive groves and phenological data regarding daily pollen concentrations (pollen/m3) were recorded using a pollen monitoring methodology. The rhythm of the phenological phases emerged as dependent on the meteorological trend of the spring forcing temperature. Generally, the phenomenon of pollen emission occurred progressively earlier prior to 2001, while in the following 5 years, the trend seemed to be inverted, showing a progressive delay of flowering. The spring quarterly mean temperature trends registered by GISS data in Europe confirmed the presence of diverse meteorological behavior during the study period, probably causing the biological divergences that were monitored. The principal result of the present contribution is to evidence the relativity of empirical investigations and observations considering different time intervals. This is due to the partial, brief series (9 years) of flowering dates which have to be considered as part of a longer series (26 years) in order to have a complete vision of the true phenomenon.  相似文献   
An experimental set up was proposed to determine the speed of gravitational signals traveling in air or in some other medium. It involves two vibrating masses—the emitters, which will be the sources of periodic tidal gravitational signals—and one sapphire-made mass that will act as a detector, positioned between the two emitters. The detector is planned to be suspended in vacuum and cooled down to 4.2 K, and its vibrational amplitude should be measured by a microwave signal (with ultra-low phase-noise) that is expected to resonate with the whispering gallery modes inside the detector. The mechanical and electrical quality factors of sapphire are quite high, yielding a very narrow detection band that reduces the detector sensitivity while amplifying the phase difference of the emitters' signals. The frequencies of the normal modes of the detector were previously determined using a finite element program. In this work, these frequencies are applied to the calculation of a first estimate of the sensitivity of the experiment.  相似文献   
We describe the quantitative and compositional (phytopigment, protein, carbohydrate and lipid) patterns of sedimentary organic matter along bathymetric gradients in seven submarine canyons and adjacent open slopes located at four European regions: one along the NE Atlantic and three along the Mediterranean continental margins. The investigated areas are distributed along a putative longitudinal gradient of decreasing primary production from the Portuguese (northeastern Atlantic Ocean), to the Catalan (western Mediterranean Sea), Southern Adriatic (central Mediterranean Sea) and Southern Cretan (eastern Mediterranean Sea) margins. Sediment concentrations of organic matter differed significantly between the Portuguese margin and the Mediterranean regions and also from one study area to the other within the Mediterranean Sea. Differences in quantity and composition of sediment organic matter between canyons and open slopes were limited and significant only in the eutrophic Portuguese margin, where the differences were as large as those observed between regions (i.e. at the mesoscale). These results suggest that the overall trophic status of deep margin sediments is controlled mostly by the primary productivity of the overlying waters rather than by the local topography. Moreover, we also report that the quantity and nutritional quality of sediment organic matter in canyons and adjacent open slopes do not show any consistent depth-related pattern. Only the Nazaré and Cascais canyons in the Portuguese margin, at depths deeper than 500 m, displayed a significant accumulation of labile organic matter. The results of our study underline the need of further investigations of deep margins through sampling strategies accounting for adequate temporal and spatial scales of variability.  相似文献   
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