The HADES project (High Activity Disposal Experimental Site) aims at demonstrating the technical feasibility and the long-term safety of geological disposal of reprocessed HLW (High-Level Wastes) radioactive wastes. This disposal could be realised in the Tertiary Boom clay formation below the Mol/Dessel nuclear site. Previous studies in the 80's on the geomechanical behaviour of Boom clay, at host rock temperature (15°C), have demonstrated the mining capabilities of this clay. European partners have collaborated to increase the number of in-situ tests to be developed and operated from the Underground Research Facility (URF). Integrated large-scale experiments have been developed during the last four years, within the framework of the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) research contracts, in order to gain more insight into the thermal influence of heat-emiting wastes on the clay behaviour in the near field.
This paper summarizes the knowledge gained from the in-situ hydro-thermo-mechanical experiments realised from the URF. The objectives and main issues of the tests are described. Information regarding selection of parameters and representativeness of their measurements is discussed. Despite their different aims and designs, three hydro-thermo-mechanical experiments are compared in order to emphasize similarities in the general behaviour of the clay massif submitted to a thermal load. It is observed that its behaviour is qualitatively similar to the reaction upon a constant total stress increase. With the information now available, it is not obvious to draw conclusions with respect to the irreversibility of some phenomena.
Simple in-house analytical codes are able to simulate with a good accuracy the hydro-thermo-mechanical behaviour of clay. Nevertheless, these codes are not sufficient to describe the complexity of the phenomena that are involved in hydro-thermo-mechanical processes as pointed out by field data. In order to validate more complex models, the possibilities to improve the representativeness of the measurements are investigated. 相似文献
The Belt and Road initiative has a significant focus on infrastructure, trade, and economic development across a vast region, and it also provides significant opportunities for sustainable development. The combined pressure of climate variability, intensified use of resources, and the fragility of ecosystems make it very challenging, however, to achieve future sustainability. To develop the path in a sustainable way, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of these issues across nations and evaluate them in a scientific and well-informed approach. In this context, the Digital Belt and Road (DBAR) program was initiated as an international venture to share expertise, knowledge, technologies, and data to demonstrate the role of Earth observation science and technology and big Earth data applications to support large-scale development. In this paper, we identify pressing challenges, present the research priorities and foci of the DBAR program, and propose solutions where big Earth data can make significant contributions. This paper calls for further joint actions and collaboration to build a digital silk road in support of sustainable development at national, regional and global levels. 相似文献
Major and trace element chemistry suggest that the Holyrood plutonic series is a co-magnetic calc-alkaline suite, formed at about 5 kb PH2O by fractionation of plagioclase, amphibole and clinopyroxene from a gabbroic magma which was derived from the upper mantle. It appears unlikely that the series is genetically related to the Harbour Main volcanic rocks, either magmatically or by hybridization. Chemical comparison of the Holyrood series with suites from known tectonic environments suggest that this region approximated a ‘basin and range’ type of tectonic setting during formation of the Holyrood plutonic series. 相似文献
Lake Seeloch is a wind-protected, small and shallow forest lake near Hanau, Rhine-Main area, that has neither surface inflow nor outflow. Wet and dry deposition of atmospheric pollutants and groundwater, but primarily the biochemical degradation of organic matter in the lake generates the bulk of dissolved constituents. Forest derived organic materials (pollen; debris; autumn-shed leaves) are the main sources of supply. Except for nitrate-nitrogen, all essential plant nutrients are available in very high, almost excessively high concentrations. Temporal and spatial distribution patterns of elements are established as a continuous recharge/release system at the water/sediment interface and in the lake water column, where processes related to organic matter decay play a dominant role. 相似文献
A finite element formulation is proposed to approximate a nonlinear system of partial differential equations, composed by an elliptic subsystem for the pressure–velocity and a transport equation (convection–diffusion) for the concentration, which models the incompressible miscible displacement of one fluid by another in a rigid porous media. The pressure is approximated by the classical Galerkin method and the velocity is calculated by a post-processing technique. Then, the concentration is obtained by a Galerkin/least-squares space–time (GLS/ST) finite element method. A numerical analysis is developed for the concentration approximation. Then, stability, convergence and numerical results are presented confirming the a priori error estimates. 相似文献
Geochemical analysis of bitumen- and hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions from the Devonian-Carboniferous Clair field indicates that the reservoirs contain a mixture of oils from different marine and lacustrine sources. Reconstruction of the Clair field oil-charge history using fluid inclusion petrography show that oil-charging occurred at times of K-feldspar, quartz and calcite cementation. Temperature–composition–time data yielded from the integration of fluid inclusion microthermometry with high-resolution Ar–Ar dating, date hydrocarbon-bearing K-feldspar overgrowths at 247 ± 3.3 Ma. These data show that in order for oil to be trapped within primary fluid inclusions in K-feldspar overgrowths, hydrocarbon migration throughout the UK Atlantic margin must have been taking place during the Late Palaeozoic and as such, current industry oil-play models based solely on oil charging from Jurassic-Cretaceous marine sources are clearly incomplete and need revision. Apatite fission track analysis and vitrinite reflectance data were used to reconstruct thermal burial histories and assess potential oil generation from Middle Devonian lacustrine source rocks. Thermal history data from wells along The Rona Ridge adjacent to the Clair field show that the Palaeozoic section was heated to greater than 100 °C at some time between 270 and 230 Ma, confirming that Devonian source rocks were mature and expelling oil during the Late Palaeozoic at the time that authigenic K-feldspar overgrowths were growing in the Clair field. 相似文献
The tridiurnal wave in cosmic-ray intensity expected from a free space anisotropy is theoretically calculated for different cosmic-ray stations which are characterized by different shapes of asymptotic cones of acceptance. The amplitude A and the time of maximum Tmax are given for latitude dependence of the form cosn λ and rigidity dependence of the form , where λ and R are the latitude and rigidity respectively and n, β, R0 are constants. The values of A and Tmax, are calculated for different values of n, β and R0 for each station. The dependence of A and Tmax on the anisotropy parameters is studied for the proper selection of cosmic-ray stations whose data may be used in determining these parameters.Available experimental data were used to find the observed amplitudes of the tridiurnal variations at five stations using power spectrum analysis with hanning applied on the averaged trains. Minimum variance analysis of the theoretical and experimental amplitudes showed that β has a value between 1 and 2, R0 greater than 100 GV and n smaller than 3. 相似文献