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A Regional Climate Model (RegCM3) 10-year (1990–1999) simulation over southwestern South Atlantic Ocean (SAO) is evaluated to assess the mean climatology and the simulation errors of turbulent fluxes over the sea. Moreover, the relationship between these fluxes and the rainfall over some cyclogenetic areas is also analyzed. The RegCM3 results are validated using some reanalyses datasets (ERA40, R2, GPCP and WHOI). The summer and winter spatial patterns of latent and sensible heat fluxes simulated by the RegCM3 are in agreement with the reanalyses (WHOI, R2 and ERA40). They show large latent heat fluxes exchange in the subtropical SAO and at higher latitudes in the warm waters of Brazil Current. In particular, the magnitude of RegCM3 latent heat fluxes is similar to the WHOI, which is probably related to two factors: (a) small specific humidity bias, and (b) the RegCM3 flux algorithm. In contrast, the RegCM3 presents large overestimation of sensible heat flux, though it simulates well their spatial pattern. This simulation error is associated with the RegCM3 underestimation of the 2-m air temperature. In southwestern SAO, in three known cyclogenetic areas, the reanalyses and the RegCM3 show the existence of different physical mechanisms that control the annual cycles of latent/sensible heating and rainfall. It is shown that over the eastern coast of Uruguay (35°–43°S) and the southeastern coast of Argentina (44°–52°S) the sea-air moisture and heat exchange play an important role to control the annual cycle of precipitation. This does not happen on the south/southeastern coast of Brazil.  相似文献   
Anomalous changes in the diffuse emission of carbon dioxide within the Masaya caldera have been observed before two seismic events that occurred at 10 and 30 km from the observation site. Their epicenters are located, respectively, south of Managua in Las Colinas (4.3 magnitude) and the Xiloa caldera (3.6 magnitude), in 2002 and 2003, recorded by the geochemical station located at El Comalito, Masaya volcano (Nicaragua). Anomalous increases were observed, which occurred around 50 and 8 days before the main seismic event that took place in Las Colinas, and 4 days before the seismic swarm at the Xiloa caldera, with a maximum CO2 efflux of 9.3 and 10.7 kg m?2 day?1, respectively. The anomalous CO2 efflux increases remained after filtering with multiple regression analysis was applied to the CO2 efflux time series, which indicated that atmospheric variables, during the first 4 months, explained 23 % CO2 variability, whereas, during the rest of the time series, CO2 efflux values are poorly controlled with only 6 %. The observed anomalies of the diffuse CO2 emission rate might be related to pressure changes within the volcanic–hydrothermal system and/or to geostructural changes in the crust due to stress/strain changes caused before and during the earthquakes’ formation, and seem not to be related to the activity of the main crater of Masaya volcano.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the performance of geo-reinforced soil structures subjected to loading applied to strip footings positioned close to a slope crest. The kinematic theorem of limit analysis, which is based on the upper bound theory of plasticity, is applied for evaluating the ultimate bearing capacity within the framework of pseudo-static approach to account for earthquake effects. The mechanism considered in this analysis is a logarithmic spiral failure surface, which is assumed to start at the edge of the loaded area far from the slope, consistent with the observed failure mechanisms shown in the experimental tests reported in the literature. A parametric study is then carried out to investigate the influence of various parameters including the geosynthetic configuration, backfill soil friction angle, footing distances from the crest of the slope, slope angles and horizontal seismic coefficients. Attention is paid to the failure mechanism because its maximum depth is the depth at least to which the reinforcements must be placed. Results of the analyses are presented in the form of non-dimensional design charts for practical use. Finally, a simple procedure based on the assessment of earthquake-induced permanent displacements is shown for the design of footing resting on reinforced slopes subjected to earthquake.  相似文献   
Unpreparedness is often the main cause of the economic and social damages caused by floods. To mitigate these impacts, short-term forecasting has been the focus of several studies during the past decades; however, less effort has been paid to flood predictions at longer lead times. Here, we use forecasts by six models from the North American Multi-Model Ensemble project with a lead time from 0.5 to 9.5 months to predict the seasonal duration of floods above four National Weather Service flood categories (“action,” “flood,” “moderate” and “major”). We focus on 202 U.S. Geological Survey gage stations across the U.S. Midwest and use a statistical framework which considers precipitation, temperature, and antecedent wetness conditions as predictors. We find that the prediction skill of the duration of floods for the “action” and “flood” categories is overall low, largely because of the low accuracy of the climate forecasts rather than of the errors introduced by the statistical models. The prediction skill slightly improves when considering the shortest lead times (i.e., from 0.5 to 2.5 months) during spring in the Northern Great Plains, where antecedent wetness conditions play an important role in influencing the generation of floods. It is very difficult to draw strong conclusions with respect to the “moderate” and “major” flood categories because of the limited number of available events.  相似文献   
A spectrally filtered Optical Frequency Comb (OFC) laser is proposed as a versatile calibration source for astronomical spectrometers in the 1?C2 ??m spectral range. Such a source overcomes the limitations of current calibration lamps providing a uniform spectrum of equally spaced lines with similar intensity and extremely high long-term frequency stability. We present preliminary studies and results of a system which filters the OFC from a 100 MHz comb spacing to 16 GHz one, an adequate spacing for spectrometers with resolving power ????/???>30000. The first approach employs two Fabry-Perot cavities in series, made of dielectric coated mirrors, followed by a non-linear optical broadening system. The limitations of such a filtering process are discussed. These can be overcome by the second approach, based on filtering cavities with metallic coated mirrors.  相似文献   
The Dawn spacecraft mission has provided extensive new and detailed data on Vesta that confirm and strengthen the Vesta–howardite–eucrite–diogenite (HED) meteorite link and the concept that Vesta is differentiated, as derived from earlier telescopic observations. Here, we present results derived by newly calibrated spectra of Vesta. The comparison between data from the Dawn imaging spectrometer—VIR—and the different class of HED meteorites shows that average spectrum of Vesta resembles howardite spectra. Nevertheless, the Vesta spectra at high spatial resolution reveal variations in the distribution of HED‐like mineralogies on the asteroid. The data have been used to derive HED distribution on Vesta, reported in Ammannito et al. (2013), and to compute the average Vestan spectra of the different HED lithologies, reported here. The spectra indicate that, not only are all the different HED lithologies present on Vesta, but also carbonaceous chondritic material, which constitutes the most abundant inclusion type found in howardites, is widespread. However, the hydration feature used to identify carbonaceous chondrite material varies significantly on Vesta, revealing different band shapes. The characteristic of these hydration features cannot be explained solely by infalling of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites and other possible origins must be considered. The relative proportion of HEDs on Vesta's surface is computed, and results show that most of the vestan surface is compatible with eucrite‐rich howardites and/or cumulate or polymict eucrites. A very small percentage of surface is covered by diogenite, and basaltic eucrite terrains are relatively few compared with the abundance of basaltic eucrites in the HED suite. The largest abundance of diogenitic material is found in the Rheasilvia region, a deep basin, where it clearly occurs below a basaltic upper crust. However, diogenite is also found elsewhere; although the depth to diogenite is consistent with one magma ocean model, its lateral extent is not well constrained.  相似文献   
Low Altitude Aerial Photography (LAAP) is based on the use of small flying platforms to take photographs from very low altitudes. The acquisition of series of Digital Surface Models (DSMs) and orthoimages through photogrammetric and orthorectification processes is one of the main applications. The use of this technique in archaeological sites provides very precise and valuable data, but knowing the reliability of the method is a key to ensuring that the results are valid, since the repeatability of the method is fundamental to multitemporal studies. The present work shows an analysis of the similarity of DSMs obtained from different stereoscopic pairs from the same area. The reliability of the models has been assessed by calculating the Standard Deviation (STD) of the altitude values from the models, to obtain maps displaying the differences among them. Finally, the STD values' spatial distribution has been studied to assess if spatial autocorrelation exists by means of the Moran's Index and Anselin's Local Moran's Index. Results showed good similarity among the models and revealed clearly those areas where the model must be edited.  相似文献   
We utilize regional GPS velocities from Luzon, Philippines, with focal mechanism data from the Harvard Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) Catalog, to constrain tectonic deformation in the complex plate boundary zone between the Philippine Sea Plate and Eurasia (the Sundaland block). Processed satellite imagery and digital elevation models are used with existing gravity anomaly, seismicity, and geologic maps to define a suite of six elastic blocks. Geodetic and focal mechanism data are inverted simultaneously to estimate plate rotations and fault-locking parameters for each of the tectonic blocks and faults comprising Luzon. Major tectonic structures that were found to absorb the plate convergence include the Manila Trench (20–100 mm yr− 1) and East Luzon Trough ( 9–15 mm yr− 1)/Philippine Trench ( 29–34 mm yr− 1), which accommodate eastward and westward subduction beneath Luzon, respectively; the left-lateral strike-slip Philippine Fault ( 20–40 mm yr− 1), and its northward extensions, the Northern Cordillera Fault ( 17–37 mm yr− 1 transtension), and the Digdig Fault ( 17–27 mm yr− 1 transpression). The Macolod Corridor, a zone of active volcanism, crustal thinning, extension, and extensive normal and strike-slip faulting in southwestern Luzon, is associated with left-lateral, transtensional slip of  5–10 mm yr− 1. The Marikina Fault, which separates the Central Luzon block from the Southwestern Luzon block, reveals  10–12 mm yr− 1 of left-lateral transpression. Our analysis suggests that much of the Philippine Fault and associated splays are locked to partly coupled, while the Manila and Philippine trenches appear to be poorly coupled. Luzon is best characterized as a tectonically active plate boundary zone, comprising six mobile elastic tectonic blocks between two active subduction zones. The Philippine Fault and associated intra-arc faults accommodate much of the trench-parallel component of relative plate motion.  相似文献   
The Intra-Americas Sea (IAS) low-level jet has been studied mainly for the summer and winter seasons. In contrast, spring conditions have been studied less. Here we analyze the boreal spring variability of the IAS low-level jet (IA-LLJ) and its relation with precipitation and tornadic activity in the region of the lower Mississippi, Tennessee and Ohio River basins (MORB). The main mode of variability of the spring IA-LLJ is obtained from a combined principal component analysis of zonal and meridional winds at 925-hPa. The first empirical orthogonal function of the IA-LLJ is a strengthening of the climatological flow with stronger easterlies in the Caribbean and stronger southeasterlies in the Gulf of Mexico. This first mode of variability of the IA-LLJ is related mainly to the Pacific North American (PNA) teleconnection pattern as the PNA modulates the pressure in the southeast region of the U.S. Consequently, there is an increase in precipitation over the MORB region as the moisture fluxes associated with the IA-LLJ increase. Tornadic activity in nine states spanning the MORB region is also significantly related to the IA-LLJ and the PNA index for March, in addition to the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) and the Ni?o indexes. Among the environmental factors that influence tornadic activity are southwesterly wind shear, dry transients at the mid-troposphere, moist transients at low levels, and an increase in convective available potential energy (CAPE). The decadal shifts in MORB precipitation and tornado activity appear to be related to the decadal shift of the IA-LLJ.  相似文献   
We present an application of a multivariate analyses technique on data returned by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) instrument on board the ESA’s Mars Express (MEX) spacecraft in order to separate the atmospheric contribution from the observed radiation. We observe that Thermal/Far Infrared spectra returned from Mars, covering almost a whole martian year, can be represented by a linear model using a limited set of end-member spectra. We identify the end-members as the suspended mineral dust and water ice clouds, but no surface signature was found. We improve previous studies performed with data from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) thanks to the higher spectral resolution of PFS. This allows for distinguishing narrow gaseous bands present in the martian atmosphere. Furthermore, the comparison of results from PFS and TES with data collected in 1971 by the Mariner 9 Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS) shows an atmospheric dust component with similar spectral behavior. This might indicate homogeneity of the dust source regions over a time period of more than 30 years.  相似文献   
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