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Summary A number of small Palaeoproterozoic granitoid plutons were emplaced in the Khetri Copper Belt, which is an important Proterozoic metallogenic terrane in the northeastern part of Aravalli mountain range. Contiguous Biharipur and Dabla plutons are located about 15 km southeast of Khetri, close to a 170 km long intracontinental rift zone. The plutons are composed of amphibole-bearing alkali-feldspar granites, comprising microcline-albite granite, albite granite and late-stage microgranite. The albite granite in Biharipur is confined to the margins of the pluton, and shows extensive commingling with the synchronous mafic plutonics. Geochemically, the albite granites are characterised by low K2O (∼0.5 wt.%) and elevated Na2O (∼7.0 wt.%) abundances. By contrast, the microcline-albite granite does not show any significant mafic-granite interactions and shows normal concentrations of alkali elements. The granitoids display high concentrations of the rare earth (except Eu) and high field strength elements, high values of Ga/Al (>2.5), agpaitic index and Fe*-number. These features together with their alkaline metaluminous and ferroan nature classify the rocks as typical A-type within-plate granites. All the granitoid facies display similar REE and incompatible element profiles indicating their cogenetic nature. These granitoids were emplaced in a shallow crustal chamber under relatively low pressures, high temperature (≥850 °C) and relatively oxidising conditions. The oxidised nature, HFSE concentrations and Nd isotope data (ɛNd = −1.3 to −2.9) favour derivation of these granitoid rocks from crustal protoliths. The generation of albite granite is attributed to the replacement of alkali feldspar and plagioclase of the original granite by pure albite as a consequence of pervasive infiltration of a high Na/(Na + K) fluid at the late-magmatic stage. This model may have wider significance for the generation of albite granites/low-K granites or albitites in other areas. The A-type plutonism under consideration seems to be an outcome of ensialic rifting of the Bhilwara aulacogen.  相似文献   
Multifractal modeling and spatial statistics   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In general, the multifractal model provides more information about measurements on spatial objects than a fractal model. It also results in mathematical equations for the covariance function and semivariogram in spatial statistics which are determined primarily by the second-order mass exponent. However, these equations can be approximated by power-law relations which are comparable directly to equations based on fractal modeling. The multifractal approach is used to describe the underlying spatial structure of De Wijs 's example of zinc values from a sphalerite-bearing quartz vein near Pulacayo, Bolivia. It is shown that these data are multifractal instead of fractal, and that the second-order mass exponent (=0.979±0.011 for the example) can be used in spatial statistical analysis.  相似文献   
 The amounts and types of extractable hydrocarbon components in sediment cores from the Rochester Basin of eastern Lake Ontario provide a record of environmental changes that have accompanied the settlement and population growth of the surrounding land areas. Sediments deposited prior to the mid-1800s contain low concentrations of hydrocarbons that are dominated by land-plant wax components. Concentrations begin to rise in the late 1800s as erosion of soil and nutrients from watershed areas accelerated. This pattern continues into modern times. Episodes of enhanced aquatic productivity are sometimes recorded in twentieth-century sediments by the dominance of algal hydrocarbons, but land-plant components typically predominate. Petroleum residues begin to appear in sediments deposited in the late 1800's but remain minor constituents of the hydrocarbon contents of modern sediments in the Rochester Basin. Received: 21 March 1995 · Accepted: 11 August 1995  相似文献   
Summary Chromitites (Cr ores) of the Ojen lherzolite massif (Serranía de Ronda, Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain) were found to contain platinum-group minerals (PGM) as discrete inclusions in the chromite and in the associated silicates. The PGM mineralogy consists of sulfides [laurite, erlichmanite, malanite, unnamed (Ni-Fe-Cu)2 (Ir, Rh) S3, unidentified Pd-S], sulfarsenides (irarsite, hollingworthite, ruarsite, and osarsite), arsenides [sperrylite, unidentified (Pd, Ni)-As], one unidentified Pd-Bi compound, and native platinum group elements (PGE) consisting of Ru and Pt-Fe alloys. Textural considerations suggest that the PGE chalcogenides with S and As were formed in the high-temperature magmatic stages, as part of the chromite precipitation event (primary PGM), in contrast with the native PGE, which originated during the low-temperature serpentinization of the ultramafic host of the chromitites (secondary PGM).The primary PGM inclusions in the Ojen chromite are unusual compared with PGM inclusions in chromitites from tectonitic upper-mantle of ophiolites and other alpine-type complexes in that i) they display a great variety of mineral species sulfides, sulfarsenides and arsenides, and ii) comprise specific phases of all six PGE. The singularity of the primary PGM mineralization probably reflects high activities of both S and As during chromite precipitation at Serrania de Ronda to be related with particular physico-chemical conditions during uplifting of sub-continental, astenospheric mantle.The nature, composition, and paragenetic association of secondary PGM at Ojen confirm the relatively-high mobility of the PGE at low temperature, and indicate that remobilization can be selective under appropriate redox conditions causing separation and redistribution of the PGE in the rocks as a result of the alteration process.
Platingruppen-Minerale in chromititen aus dem ojen-lherzolithmassiv (Serranía de Ronda, Betische Kordillere, Süd-Spanien)
Zusammenfassung Platingruppen-Minerale in Chromititen aus dem Ojen-Lherzolithmassiv (Serranía de Ronda, Betische Kordillere, Süd-Spanien) In den Chromititen (Cr-Erzen) aus dem Ojen-Lherzolithmassiv (Serranía de Ronda, Betische Kordillere, Süd-Spanien) warden Platingruppen-Minerale (PGM) als einzelne Einschlüsse im Chromit and in den begleitenden Silikaten gefunden. Die Mineralogie der PGM setzt sich aus Sulfiden [Laurit, Erlichmanit, Malanit, einem unbenannten (Ni-Fe-Cu)2 (Ir, Rh)S3 und einem nicht identifizierten Pd-S], Sulfarseniden (Irarsit, Hollingworthit, Ruarsit und Osarsit), Arseniden [Sperrylit, einem nicht identifizierten (Pd, Ni)-As], einer nicht identifizierten Pd-Bi-Verbindung sowie gediegenen Platingruppen-Elementen (PGE) bestchend aus Ru and Pt-Fe-Legierungen, zusammen. Texturelle Untersuchungen haben ergeben, daß die PGE-Chalkogenide mit S und As im Zuge der Chromitfällung (primäre PGM) in den hochtemperierten, magmatischen Stadien gebildet warden, während die gediegenen PGE während der niedriggradigen Serpentini sierung des ultramafischen Nebengesteins der Chromitite (sekundäre PGM) gebildet warden.Die primären PGM-Einschlüsse in den Ojen-Chromiten sind im Vergleich zu PGM-Einschlüssen in Chromititen aus dem tektonisierten oberen Mantel in Ophiolithen und anderen alpinotypen Komplexen ungewöhnlich: i) Einerseits zeigen sie eine große Vielfalt an Mineralarten aus der Gruppe der Sulfide, Sulfarsenide und Arsenide. ii) Andererseits enthalten sie spezifische Phasen aller sechs PGE. Die Einzigartigkeit der primären PGM-Mineralisation könnte hohe Aktivitäten von S and As während der Chromit-Fällung in Serranía de Ronda widerspiegeln, die mit besonderen physiko-chemischen Bedingungen während der Hebung des subkontinentalen, asthenosphärischen Mantels zusammenhängen.Die Art, die Zusammensetzung and die paragenetische Vergesellschaftung von sekundären PGM in Ojen bestätigen die relativ hohe Mobilität der PGE bei niedriger Temperatur und zeigen, daß die Remobilisierung unter geeigneten Redox-Bedingungen selektiv wirken kann, wodurch eine Trennung und Neuverteilung der PGE in den Gesteinen als Ergebnis des Alterationsprozesses bewirkt wird.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
Rapid extension and active normal faulting in the western extremity of the Corinth Gulf are accompanied by fast coastal uplift. We investigate Pleistocene uplift west of Aigion, by attempting to date remains of marine terraces and sedimentary sequences by calcareous nannoplankton and U‐series analyses. Net uplift initiated recently, due to abandonment of an older rift‐bounding fault zone and increase in activity on the presently active, coastal fault zone. This change apparently coincides with an abrupt slow down (or, termination) of secondary fault block tilting within the broader hangingwall block of the older zone, indicated by an angular unconformity that dates in the early part of MIS10 (∼390–350 ka BP, preferably, in the earlier part of this period). Net uplift driven by the coastal zone resulted in the formation of MIS9c (330 ka) and younger terraces. The formation of the unconformity and the initiation of net uplift coincide temporally with a ∼300–400 ka unconformity recognized by recent studies in a wide area offshore Aigion i.e. they could be part of an evolutionary event that affected the entire western part of the Corinth Rift or, a large area therein. Uplift rate estimates at four locations are discussed with reference to the morphotectonic context of differential uplift of secondary fault blocks, and the context of possible increase in uplift rate with time. The most reliable and most useful estimate for uplift rate at the longitude of the studied transect is 1.74–1.85 mm/year (time‐averaged estimate for the last ∼240 ka, based on calcareous nannoplankton and sequence‐stratigraphic interpretation). Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary A group of funnel-shaped gabbroic plutons at Black Hill, South Australia, consist of a lower series of layered peridotite, troctolite and olivine gabbro cumulates overlain by gabbronorites and potassic gabbronorites, the latter yielding a Sm-Nd isochron of 489 ± 39 Ma. Mineral assemblages in the gabbros record an olivine compositional hiatus (Fo75-55) and a high temperature (1200-1000°C), low pressure (1 kbar), continental tholeiitic fractionation trend under moderate fO 2 (QFM) conditions. The liquid line of descent involved complex open system processes including recharge and crustal assimilation. In one pluton, fine-grained norites may reflect assimilation which resulted in an increaseda SiO2 liquid causing orthopyroxene to crystallize prior to plagioclase.All the gabbros, including the most primitive peridotites, are LREE and incompatible element enriched. Moreover, the calculated parental magma composition in equilibrium with the most primitive troctolite has high La/Yb, La/Nb, Ti/Y and low Rb/Ba, similar to that of basaltic dykes which cut the gabbroic complex. Such compositions are untypical of melts derived from the asthenosphere suggesting that the incompatible element enrichment is not simply due to small degrees of melting. Given the isotopic constraints (Ndi 3.4 to –4.6,87Sr/86Sri 0.7038-0.7065), this enrichment is not easily reconciled by crustal contamination either, and instead it is inferred to reflect an enriched lithospheric mantle source. Published data on mantle xenoliths from local Tertiary volcanoes overlap the isotopic and geochemical array of the gabbros and dykes, supporting this hypothesis.In conjunction with A-type granites and minor volcanic rocks, the gabbroic plutons form part of a high temperature, bimodal magmatic suite which intruded the Adelaide fold belt just after the cessation of convergent deformation during the Cambro-Ordovician Delamerian Orogeny. The appearance of such magmas is problematic since thick orogenic lithosphere severely restricts the likelihood of decompression melting in the asthenosphere. One solution to this dilemma is that convective thinning of the lithospheric mantle beneath the orogen promoted melting of hydrated, enriched regions within the lithospheric mantle. Such a model can reconcile the strong lithospheric mantle signature in the gabbros with the observation that their intrusion was coincident with uplift and the cessation of deformation.
Die Petrogenese eines spätdelamerischen Gabbrokomplexes von Black Hill, Südaustralien: Schlußfolgerungen zur konvektiven Ausdünnung des lithospharischen Mantels
Zusammenfassung Eine Gruppe von trichterförmigen, gabbroiden Plutonen von Black Hill, Südaustralien, setzt sich aus einer unteren Serie von geschichteten Peridotiten, Troktoliten and Olivin-Gabbro-Kumulaten, die von Gabbro-Noriten und potassischen Gabbros überlagert werden, zusammen; letzgenannte Gesteine ergaben ein Sm-Nd Isochronenalter von 489 ± 39 Ma. Die Mineralzusammensetzungen der Gabbros belegen eine Mischungslücke bei Olivin (Fo75-55). Die Gesteine folgen einem kontinentalen, tholeiitischen Fraktionierungstrend und kristallisierten bei hohen Temperaturen (1200-1000°C), unter niedrigem Druck ( 1 kbar) and moderatem fo2 ( QFM). Wiederholte Magmenzufuhr und Krustenassimilation sind weitere zu beriicksichtigende, komplexe Prozesse, die sich in einem offenen System abspielten. Feinkörnige Norite von einem der Plutone könnten durch Assimilationsprozesse - she äußern sich in einer Erhöhung desa SiO2 liquid liquid - entstanden sein. In diesen Gesteinen kristallisierte Orthopyroxen vor Plagioklas.Alle Gabbros, einschließich der primitivsten Peridotite, sind an LREE und inkompatiblen Elementen angereichert. Die berechnete Zusammensetzung des Ausgangsmagmas, das im Gleichgewicht mit dem primitivsten Troktolit steht, weist hohe La/Yb, La/Nb, Ti/Y and niedrige Rb/Ba auf. Basaltische Dykes, die die Gabbros durchsetzen zeigen ähnliche Elementverhältnisse. Derartige Zusammensetzungen sind untypisch für astenosphärische Schmelzen und belegen, daß die Anreicherung an inkompatiblen Elementen nicht einfach nur mit geringen Aufschmelzungsraten zu erklären ist. Auf Grund der Isotopendaten (Ndi 3.4 to -4.6,87Sr/86 Sri 0.7038–0.7065) kann these Anreicherung auch nicht leicht mit Krustenkontamination erklärt werden. Vielmehr wird eine angereicherte, lithosphärische Mantelquelle vermutet. Publizierte Daten an Mantelxenolithen von tertiären Vulkanen zeigen sehr ähnliche isotopische und geochemische Zusammensetzungen and belegen these Hypothese.Gemeinsam mit A-Typ Graniten und untergeordnet, vorkommenden, vulkanischen Gesteinen sind die Gabbros Teil einer hochtemperierten bimodalen, magmatischen Serie, die den Adelaide Fold Belt postdeformativ, während der kambro-ordovizischen delamerischen Orogenese, intrudierten. Das Vorkommen solcher Magmen ist problematisch, da die Präsenz dicker, orogen gebildeter Lithosphäre die Möglichkeit der Dekompressions-Aufschmelzung der Astenosphäre stark vermindert. Eine mögliche Lösung dieses Dilemmas ist, daß konvektives Ausdünnen des lithosphärischen Mantels unterhalb der Orogenzone das Aufschmelzen von hydratisierten, angereicherten Regionen innerhalb der Lithosphäre förderte. Dieses Modell bringt die Beobachtungen, daß die Gabbros einerseits eine lithosphärische Signatur zeigen, andererseits aber während der Hebungsphase und am Ende des Deformationsgeschehens intrudierten, in Einklang.

With 15 Figures  相似文献   
Extreme value analysis provides a semiparametric method for analyzing the extreme long tails of skew distributions which may be observed when handling mining data. The estimation of important tail characteristics, such as the extreme value index, allows for a discrimination between competing distribution models. It measures the thickness of such long tailed distributions, if only a limited sample is available. This paper stresses the practical implementation of extreme value theory, which is used to discriminate a lognormal from a mixed lognormal distribution in a case study of size distributions for alluvial diamonds.  相似文献   
Summary Pseudo-static and dynamic non-linear finite element analyses have been performed to assess the dynamic behaviour of gravity retaining walls subjected to horizontal earthquake loading. In the pseudo-static analysis, the peak ground acceleration is converted into a pseudo-static inertia force and applied as a horizontal incremental gravity load. In the dynamic analysis, an actual measured earthquake acceleration time history has been scaled to provide peak ground acceleration values of 0.1 g and 0.3 g. Good agreement is obtained between the pseudo-static analysis and analytical methods for the calculation of the active coefficient of earth pressure. However, the results from the dynamic analysis require careful interpretation. In the pseudo-static analysis, the increase in the point of application of the resultant active force with the horizontal earthquake coefficient k h from the one-third point to the mid-height of the wall is clearly observed. In the dynamic analysis, the variation in the point of application is shown to be a function of the type of wall deformation. Both finite element analyses indicate the importance of determining the magnitude of the predicted displacements when assessing the behaviour of the wall to seismic loading.  相似文献   
Dissolved and particulate samples were collected to study the distribution of thorium isotopes (234Th, 232Th and 230Th) in the water column of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean (from 42°S to 47°S and from 60°E to 66°E, north of the Polar Front) during Austral summer 1999. Vertical profiles of excess 230Th (230Thxs) increases linearly with depth in surface water (0–100 m) and a model was applied to estimate a residence time relative to the thorium scavenging (τscav). Low τscav in the Polar Front Zone (PFZ) are found, compared to those estimated in the Subtropical Front Zone (STZ). Changes in particle composition between the PFZ and STZ could influence the 230Thxs scavenging efficiency and explain this difference. An innovative coupling between 234Th and 230Thxs was then used to simultaneously constrain the settling velocities of small (0.6–60 μm) and large (above 60 μm) particles. Although the different hydrological and biogeochemical regimes visited during the ANTARES IV cruise did not explain the spatial variation of sinking velocity estimates, our results indicate that less particles may reach the seafloor north (60 ± 2 m d− 1, station 8) than south of the Agulhas Return Current (119 ± 23 and 130 ± 5 m d− 1 at stations 3 and 7, respectively). This information is essential for understanding particle transport and by extension, carbon export. In the deep water column, the 230Thxs concentrations did not increase linearly with depth, probably due to lateral transport of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) from the Atlantic to the Indian sector, which renews the deep waters and decreases the 230Thxs concentrations. A specific 230Thxs transport model is applied in the deep water column and allows us to assess a “travel time” of NADW ranging from 2 to 15 years.  相似文献   
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