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Do organic ligands affect calcite dissolution rates?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Steady state Iceland-spar calcite dissolution rates were measured at 25 °C in aqueous solutions containing 0.1 M NaCl and up to 0.05 M dissolved bicarbonate at pH from 7.9 to 9.1 in the presence of 13 distinct dissolved organic ligands in mixed-flow reactors. The organic ligands considered in this study include those most likely to be present in either (1) aquifers at the conditions pertinent to CO2 sequestration or (2) soil/early diagenetic environments: acetate, phthalate, citrate, EDTA4−, succinate, d-glucosaminate, l-glutamate, d-gluconate, 2,4-dihydroxybenzoate, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate, fumarate, malonate, and gallate. Results show that the presence of <0.05 mol/kg of these organic anions changes calcite dissolution rates by less than a factor of 2.5 with the exception of citrate and EDTA4−. The presence of 0.05 mol/kg citrate and EDTA4− increases calcite dissolution rates by as much as a factor of 35 and 500, respectively, compared to rates in organic anion-free solutions. Further calcite dissolution experiments were performed in the presence of organic polymers similar to bacterial exudates, cell exopolysaccharides, and analogs of microbial cell envelopes: alginate, lichen extract, humic acid, pectin, and gum xanthan. In no case did the presence of <100 ppm of these organics change calcite dissolution rates by more than a factor of 2.5. Results obtained in this study suggest that the presence of aqueous organic anions negligibly affects calcite forward dissolution rates in most natural environments. Some effect on calcite reactivity may be observed, however, by the presence of organic anions if they change substantially the chemical affinity of the fluid with respect to calcite.  相似文献   
129I is one of the three major radiation risk contributors to the public as a consequence of past nuclear processing activities at Department of Energy (DOE) facilities. Elevated levels of 129I are present in the surface soils of F-Area of Savannah River Site, which used to be an isotope separation facility for the production of nuclear weapons components. The 129I in soils is thought to be bound predominantly to soil organic matter (SOM). Measurements of stable 127I and radioactive 129I in humic acids (HAs) and fulvic acids (FAs) obtained by five successive alkaline, two glycerol and one citric acid-alkaline extraction, demonstrated that these extractable humic substances (HS) together account for 54-56% and 46% of the total 127I and 129I in the soil, respectively. The remainder was likely bound to residual SOM. The iodine content (μg-I/g-C) generally decreased with each subsequent extract, while 129I/127I increased concurrently. The coincident variations in chemical compositions, aromaticity (estimated by UV spectroscopy), functional groups (e.g., aliphatic), degree of humification, relative migration in the hydrophobic interaction column, and molecular weight indicated that: (1) iodine in different HAs was bound to a small-size aromatic subunit (∼10 kDa); (2) the large-size subunit (∼90 kDa), which likely linked the small-size unit through some weak chemical forces (hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic or electrostatic interactions), determined the relative mobility of iodine bound to organic matter; (3) from the strong correlation between iodine content and aromaticity in the HAs, we suggested that iodine incorporation into the SOM via covalent aromatic C-I bond is the key mechanism controlling iodine behavior in this system. However, this relationship is not universal for all fractions of organic matter as evidenced from the different slopes of this relationship at the two sampling sites, as well as from the different relationships for HAs and FAs, respectively. These differences in iodination are due to different SOM molecular sizes, compositions, and availability of preferred iodination sites. 129I in the soil downstream from the contaminated site and near a wetland abruptly dropped below our detection limit (0.5 pCi-129I/g-soil), which suggests that the high SOM in the plume soil around the 129I-contaminated F-Area might be a natural barrier to scavenge radioiodine released from the nuclear waste repository by forming organo-iodine compounds. Soil resuspension experiments showed that mobile 129I was mostly associated with a low average molecular weight amphiphilic organic carrier (13.5-15 kDa). SOM clearly behaves as a sink for iodine at the Savannah River Site F-Area. However, this work demonstrates that a small fraction of the SOM can also behave as a source, namely that a small fraction that may be readily dispersible under some environmental conditions and presumably release iodine in the organic-colloidal form. This radioiodinated organo-colloid likely can get into the groundwater through infiltration or surface runoff where it might migrate further into the wetlands. Results from this study provide the geochemical basis for future 129I migration controls, remediation, and/or land-groundwater management strategies.  相似文献   
A series of new-generation synthetic talcs were prepared by varying the hydrothermal synthesis duration from a few hours up to 2 months. Crystallinity and particle size analysis of the synthetic products were evaluated by photon correlation spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, differential thermal analysis and unoriented X-ray diffraction, and then analyzed by various spectroscopic methods such as Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and solid-state 1H and 29Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance. The new process for preparing synthetic talcs allows to obtain single-phased particles which after few hours grow heterogeneously and simultaneously in both the c* direction and the (ab) plan. Fine particles, observed for whatever the synthesis duration, lead to the presence of numerous sheet edges surfaces due to particle size which represents the main difference with natural talc. Spectroscopy data show the influence of the fine particles on signals and highlight that synthetic talc characterization is a potential tool for better understanding crystal chemistry of natural talc.  相似文献   
Minutes after the January 12, 2010 Haiti earthquake, most geologists and seismologists assumed that from its shallow teleseismic location and its largely strike-slip mechanism that a significant rupture must have occurred on the transform plate boundary south and west of Port au Prince. Within hours, plans were being made by geologists to map the anticipated rupture and, if possible, to trench it to obtain a record of paleoseismic slip. However, remote sensing images available a few days after the earthquake revealed raised corals and no significant plate boundary slip, and we now know that shallow slip was transpressive and that no surface rupture occurred. A week after the earthquake, it was clear that scientific visits to the region would be much delayed by the continuing needs of emergency response teams and military support who had commandeered access to the airport at Port au Prince. Serendipitously on 20 January, one of the authors accompanied a film crew on a chartered flight from nearby Santo Domingo with the quest to record the tectonic reasons for the disaster and to document the details of structural damage. At the time, there was still no clear idea of whether the transform boundary had a surface rupture, but there was abundant evidence for surface deformation from Google Earth images showing raised corals and collapsed coastlines along the Lêogáne coast. This article briefly describes communications between remote geologists and the ground-based crew who were guided to critical areas in the search for surface deformation using remote sensing data.  相似文献   
Since the Surface Mining and Control Reclamation Act of 1977, US coal mining companies have been required by law to restore the approximate ground contours that existed prior to mining. To ensure mass stability and limit erosion, the reclaimed materials have traditionally been placed with significant compaction energy. The Forest Reclamation Approach (FRA) is a relatively new approach that has been successfully used to facilitate the fast establishment of native healthy forests. The FRA method specifies the use of low compaction energy in the top 1.2–1.5 m of the contour, which may be in conflict with general considerations for mechanical slope stability. Although successful for reforestation, the stability of FRA slopes has not been fully investigated and a rational stability method has not been identified. Further, a mechanics-based analysis is limited due to the significant amount of oversize particles which makes the sampling and measurement of soil strength properties difficult. To investigate the stability of steep FRA slopes (steeper than 20°), three reclaimed coal mining sites in the Appalachian region of East Tennessee were investigated. The stability was evaluated by several methods to identify the predominant failure modes. The infinite slope method, coupled with the estimation of the shear strength from field observations, was shown to provide a rational means to evaluate the stability of FRA slopes. The analysis results suggest that the low compaction of the surface materials may not compromise the long-term stability for the sites and material properties investigated.  相似文献   
This study assesses the potential use of Mg isotopes to trace Mg carbonate precipitation in natural waters. Salda Lake (SW Turkey) was chosen for this study because it is one of the few modern environments where hydrous Mg carbonates are the dominant precipitating minerals. Stromatolites, consisting mainly of hydromagnesite, are abundant in this lake. The Mg isotope composition of incoming streams, groundwaters, lake waters, stromatolites, and hydromagnesite-rich sediments were measured. Because Salda Lake is located in a closed basin, mass balance requires that the Mg isotopic offset between Lake Salda water and precipitated hydromagnesite be comparable to the corresponding offset between Salda Lake and its water inputs. This is consistent with observations; a ??26Mg offset of 0.8?C1.4??? is observed between Salda Lake water and it is the incoming streams and groundwaters, and precipitated hydromagnesite has a ??26Mg 0.9?C1.1??? more negative than its corresponding fluid phase. This isotopic offset also matches closely that measured in the laboratory during both biotic and abiotic hydrous Mg carbonate precipitation by cyanobacteria (Mavromatis, V., Pearce, C., Shirokova, L. S., Bundeleva, I. A., Pokrovsky, O. S., Benezeth, P. and Oelkers, E.H.: Magnesium isotope fractionation during inorganic and cyanobacteria-induced hydrous magnesium carbonate precipitation, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 2012a. 76, 161?C174). Batch reactor experiments performed in the presence of Salda Lake cyanobacteria and stromatolites resulted in the precipitation of dypingite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·5(H2O)) and hydromagnesite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O) with morphological features similar to those of natural samples. Concurrent abiotic control experiments did not exhibit carbonate precipitation demonstrating the critical role of cyanobacteria in the precipitation process.  相似文献   
This paper presents a practical computational approach to quantify the effect of individual observations in estimating the state of a system. Such a methodology can be used for pruning redundant measurements and for designing future sensor networks. The mathematical approach is based on computing the sensitivity of the analyzed model states (unconstrained optimization solution) with respect to the data. The computational cost is dominated by the solution of a linear system, whose matrix is the Hessian of the cost function, and is only available in operator form. The right-hand side is the gradient of a scalar cost function that quantifies the forecast error of the numerical model. The use of adjoint models to obtain the necessary first- and second-order derivatives is discussed. We study various strategies to accelerate the computation, including matrix-free iterative solvers, preconditioners, and an in-house multigrid solver. Experiments are conducted on both a small-size shallow-water equations model and on a large-scale numerical weather prediction model, in order to illustrate the capabilities of the new methodology.  相似文献   
After a pelagic larval phase, infaunal bivalves undergo metamorphosis and transition to the underlying sediments to begin the benthic stage of their life history, where they explore and then either accept or reject sediments. Although the settlement cues used by juvenile infaunal bivalves are poorly understood, here we provide evidence that carbonate saturation state is a significant chemical cue in both direct observation laboratory studies and field manipulations. In the laboratory, plantigrade-stage Mercenaria mercenaria (200 μm shell height) showed a significant positive relationship between percent burrowed and Ωaragonite, with an increasing probability of settlement with increasing saturation state. In the field, we increased bivalve recruitment by a factor of three in a 30-day field study by raising the pH (~0.3) and saturation state of surface sediments by buffering sediments with crushed shell (CaCO3). The susceptibility of infaunal bivalves to dissolution mortality and the tight coupling of other sedimentary biogeochemical processes with carbonate dynamics suggest that mineral thermodynamics may be an overarching cue new settlers are responding to.  相似文献   
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