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In the fall of 2001, an intense thunderstorm in southwest Montana triggered many debris flows in the burned area of Sleeping Child Creek. In most instances, the debris flows cut deep gullies into previously unchannelized colluvial hollows and deposited large volumes of sediment onto the valley floor. The presence of rill networks above the gullies as well as the absence of landslide features indicate that the gullies were scoured by progressively bulked debris flows, a process in which dilute surface runoff becomes increasingly more laden with sediment until it transforms into a debris flow. In this contribution, we present a morphometric analysis of six of the gullies to better understand this relatively understudied process. We find that the locations of the rill heads and gully heads conform to slope-area thresholds that are characteristic of erosion by overland flow. Our data also suggest that the volumes of the debris flows increase exponentially with normalized drainage area, thus lending support to an assumption used in a recently proposed debris flow incision law. Finally, the debris flow fans have been relatively unaltered since deposition, suggesting that the valley may be currently aggrading while the hillslopes are being denuded.  相似文献   

The foundation of modern Digital Earth frameworks is the Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS). To standardize the DGGS model, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) recently created the DGGS Abstract Specification, which also aims to increase usability and interoperability between DGGSs. To support these demands and aid future research, open implementations are necessary. However, several OGC conformant DGGSs are not available for researchers to use. This has motivated us to develop an open-source web service that allows users to create quadrilateral grids based on the rHEALPix DGGS. In this paper, we describe the implementation of the web service, including issues and limitations, and demonstrate how discrete global grids and regional grids can be created. Lastly, we present examples that show how vector data sets can be modeled and integrated at different levels of resolution – a key benefit of the DGGS model.  相似文献   
Large-scale runoff routing models (RRMs) are important as a validation tool for GCMs, and to close the hydrological cycle in fully-coupled climate models. The model RiTHM was developed to simulate the discharge of large rivers from the total runoff simulated by the LMD GCM. It uses a 1024×800 grid, nested in the 64×50 grid of the LMD GCM. The runoff simulated in a GCM grid cell is uniformly distributed over the underlying cells, where a series of two reservoirs accounts for the delay related to infiltration through the unsaturated zone and aquifers. The resulting riverflow is routed assuming pure translation along the drainage network, extracted with a GIS from a 5 min DEM. The transfer time from a cell to the outlet depends on topography, and on a basin-wide parameter, the time of concentration. RiTHM was calibrated in 11 river basins, using a realistic runoff forcing (computed by the land surface model SECHIBA from reanalyzed meteorological forcing). This led to a very satisfactory reproduction of observed hydrographs. The main problems were related to hydraulic processes neglected in RiTHM (reservoirs, diversion of riverflow because of flooding or irrigation). These results helped to validate SECHIBA, except for its snow processes, shown to be too simple. With the same parameters, RiTHM was also forced with runoff from the LMD GCM. This induced an important degradation of the simulated hydrographs, regarding both volume and timing. It was largely explained by errors in precipitation, and more generally climate, in the GCM. The direct calibration of RiTHM under the GCM-runoff forcing markedly improved the timing of simulated discharge, which could be interesting for land–atmosphere–ocean coupling. This work demonstrated that the usefulness of RRMs for GCMs strongly depends on their adequate calibration.  相似文献   
We present an analysis of 19 μm spectra of Io’s SO2 atmosphere from the TEXES mid-infrared high spectral resolution spectrograph on NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility, incorporating new data taken between January 2005 and June 2010 and a re-analysis of earlier data taken from November 2001 to January 2004. This is the longest set of contiguous observations of Io’s atmosphere using the same instrument and technique thus far. We have fitted all 16 detected blended absorption lines of the ν2 SO2 vibrational band to retrieve the subsolar values of SO2 column abundance and the gas kinetic temperature. By incorporating an existing model of Io’s surface temperatures and atmosphere, we retrieve sub-solar column densities from the disk-integrated data. Spectra from all years are best fit by atmospheric temperatures <150 K. Best-fit gas kinetic temperatures on the anti-Jupiter hemisphere, where SO2 gas abundance is highest, are low and stable, with a mean of 108 (±18) K. The sub-solar SO2 column density between longitudes of 90–220° varies from a low of 0.61 (±0.145) × 10?17 cm?2, near aphelion in 2004, to a high of 1.51 (±0.215) × 1017 cm?2 in 2010 when Jupiter was approaching its early 2011 perihelion. No correlation in the gas temperature was seen with the increasing SO2 column densities outside the errors.Assuming that any volcanic component of the atmosphere is constant with time, the correlation of increasing SO2 abundance with decreasing heliocentric distance provides good evidence that the atmosphere is at least partially supported by frost sublimation. The SO2 frost thermal inertias and albedos that fit the variation in atmospheric density best are between 150–1250 W m?2 s?1/2 K?1 and 0.613–0.425 respectively. Photometric evidence favors albedos near the upper end of this range, corresponding to thermal inertias near the lower end. This relatively low frost thermal inertia produces larger amplitude seasonal variations than are observed, which in turn implies a substantial additional volcanic atmospheric component to moderate the amplitude of the seasonal variations of the total atmosphere on the anti-Jupiter hemisphere. The seasonal thermal inertia we measure is unique both because it refers exclusively to the SO2 frost surface component, and also because it refers to relatively deep subsurface layers (few meters) due to the timescales of many years, while previous studies have determined thermal inertias at shallower levels (few centimeters), relevant for timescales of ~2 h (eclipse) or ~2 days (diurnal curves).  相似文献   
Over 10,000 published detrital zircon ages have been reprocessed (applying a +10% normal and reverse concordance range) and analysed to understand the evolution of the detrital zircon record of north-west Africa during the Phanerozoic. Using dissimilarity and clustering analysis, shifts in detrital zircon populations allow interpretation of the evolution of source regions and source to sink systems throughout the Phanerozoic within the West Gondwana superfan. Previous thermochronology and field studies conducted across north-west Africa indicate significant and sustained shifts in source regions in Meso-Cenozoic times which are not recorded in the detrital zircon geochronology record. This discrepancy is most notable for Mesozoic to modern source to sink studies focused on the evolution of the Atlasic rift and opening of the Atlantic and Tethyan Oceans to the west and north respectively. Our results indicate a high degree of similarity between samples from Cambrian times onwards due to successive phases of sediment recycling. This highlights the need to integrate detrital zircon analysis with other techniques to provide confident reconstruction of sediment routing systems across Morocco. This systematic review also reveals the ubiquitous occurrence of Mesoproterozoic zircons within Moroccan sediment. No basement of this age is known from north-west Africa—often described as the ‘Mesoproterozoic Gap’, which was thought to be a diagnostic feature of sediment derived from the West African Craton. However, zircons of this age form 7% of all analysed zircons and are present in sediments from at least 700 Ma. The presence of this population is interpreted as strongly diagnostic of provenance from either the Amazonian Craton or the Eastern Gondwana Orogen within Central Africa. Their presence in the Moroccan detrital record from the Neoproterozoic onwards raises questions about the position of the West African Craton in the Proterozoic, and for the spatial extent of Mesoproterozoic orogeny within north Africa.  相似文献   
Zircons and other heavy minerals (corundum, rutile, ilmenite, magnetite, sillimanite) are identified in the Nsanaragati gem corundum placer deposit, in the western part of the Mamfe sedimentary basin, SW Cameroon. These alluvial minerals have different morphological characteristics and zircons, in particular, vary mostly in colour and shape. They are reddish, brownish, yellowish, pink or colourless. These minerals form rounded and sub‐rounded alluvial grains, prismatic, pyramidal or dipyramidal crystals. Reddish zircons retain their original crystallographic shape. Trace element and U–Pb isotopic geochemical analyses of these reddish zircons, using the LA‐ICP‐MS method give significant Hf (4576–6334 ppm), Th (46–1565 ppm) and U (66–687 ppm) contents, with Th/U ratio ranging from 0.6 to 3.0. The 206Pb/238U corrected mean age gave 12.39 ± 0.55 Ma, which characterizes an Upper Cenozoic (Serravallian) magmatic event. The zircons are probably sourced from a magmatic field in the South eastern boundary of the Cross River Formation. The Cameroon Volcanic Line of basaltic and alkaline lavas and intrusions which lie east of the Mamfe Basin mostly range in age from 37 Ma to <1 Ma. The zircons may also relate to the Mount Bambouto plateau lavas which lie northeast of the Mamfe sedimentary basin and have an eruptive age range of 21–14 Ma. The oldest Nsanaragati reddish zircon ages overlap within error with the end stages of the Bambouto eruptions. This eruptive or a related episode provides a potential source for megacrystic reddish zircons within the Nsanagarati placer deposit.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Acknowledging the devastating consequences of past earthquakes, current research efforts focus on the development of tools for assessing and controlling the risk and losses...  相似文献   
The reef fauna connectivity of the West Indian Ocean (WIO) is one of the least studied globally. Here we use genetic analyses of the grouper Epinephelus merra (Bloch 1793) to determine patterns of connectivity and to identify barriers to dispersal in this WIO marine area. Phylogeographic and population‐level analyses were conducted on cytochrome b sequences and microsatellites (13 loci) from 557 individuals sampled in 15 localities distributed across the West Indian Ocean. Additional samples from the Pacific Ocean were used to benchmark the WIO population structure. The high level of divergence revealed between Indian and Pacific localities (of about 4.5% in sequences) might be the signature of the major tectonic and climatic changes operating at the Plio‐Pleistocene transition, congruently with numerous examples of Indo‐Pacific speciation. In comparison, the E. merra sequences from the Indian Ocean constitute a monophyletic clade with a low average genetic distance (d < 0.5%). However both genetic markers indicated some structure within this ocean. The main structure revealed was the isolation of the Maldives from the WIO localities (a different group signature identified by clustering analysis, great values of differentiation). Both marker types reveal further significant structure within the WIO, mainly the isolation of the Mascarene Islands (significant AMOVA and isolation‐by‐distance patterns) and some patchy structure between the northernmost localities and within the Mozambique Channel. The WIO genetic structure of E. merra appeared congruent with main biogeographic boundaries and oceanographic currents.  相似文献   
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