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Over one thousand objects have so far been discovered orbiting beyond Neptune. These trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) represent the primitive remnants of the planetesimal disk from which the planets formed and are perhaps analogous to the unseen dust parent-bodies in debris disks observed around other main-sequence stars. The dynamical and physical properties of these bodies provide unique and important constraints on formation and evolution models of the Solar System. While the dynamical architecture in this region (also known as the Kuiper Belt) is becoming relatively clear, the physical properties of the objects are still largely unexplored. In particular, fundamental parameters such as size, albedo, density and thermal properties are difficult to measure. Measurements of thermal emission, which peaks at far-IR wavelengths, offer the best means available to determine the physical properties. While Spitzer has provided some results, notably revealing a large albedo diversity in this population, the increased sensitivity of Herschel and its superior wavelength coverage should permit profound advances in the field. Within our accepted project we propose to perform radiometric measurements of 139 objects, including 25 known multiple systems. When combined with measurements of the dust population beyond Neptune (e.g. from the New Horizons mission to Pluto), our results will provide a benchmark for understanding the Solar debris disk, and extra-solar ones as well.  相似文献   
We present a geochemical and isotopic study that, consistent with observed field relations, suggest Sangmelima late Archaean high-K granite was derived by partial melting of older Archaean TTG. The TTG formations are sodic-trondhjemitic, showing calcic and calc-alkalic trends and are metaluminous to peraluminous. High-K granites in contrast show a potassic calc-alkaline affinity that spans the calcic, calc-alkalic, alkali-calcic and alkalic compositions. The two rock groups (TTG and high-K granites) on the other hand are both ferroan and magnesian. They have a similar degree of fractionation for LREE but a different one for HREE. Nd model ages and Sr/Y ratios define Mesoarchaean and slab-mantle derived magma compositions respectively, with Nb and Ti anomalies indicating a subduction setting for the TTG. Major and trace element in addition to Sr and Nd isotopic compositions support field observations that indicate the derivation of the high-K granitic group from the partial melting of the older TTG equivalent at depth. Geochemical characteristics of the high-K granitic group are therefore inherited features from the TTG protolith and cannot be used for determining their tectonic setting. The heat budget required for TTG partial melting is ascribed to the upwelling of the mantle marked by a doleritic event of identical age as the generated high-K granite melts. The cause of this upwelling is related to linear delamination along mega-shear zones in an intracontinental setting.  相似文献   
The present experimental investigation focuses on the characteristics of near bed turbulence in a fully rough, uniform open-channel flow over a gravel-type bed. Due to bed topography small scale heterogeneity, the flow is not uniform locally in the near bed region and a double averaging methodology is applied over a length scale much larger than the gravel size. The double-averaged Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) budget derived in the context of the present flow over a gravel bed differs from the TKE budget written for flow over a vegetation canopy. The non-constant shape of the roughness function measured in our gravel bed leads to an additional bed-induced production term which is null for vertical roughness elements, such as simplified vegetation elements. The experimental estimation of the terms of the TKE budget reveals that the maximum turbulent activity takes place away from the reference plane, near the roughness crests. However, within the interface sublayer the work of the bed induced velocity fluctuations against the Reynolds stress is of the same magnitude as the main turbulence production term. Consequently, the characteristics of the TKE budget have similarities with uniform flows over canopies and strongly differ from uniform flows over smooth and transitionally rough flows over sedimentlike beds.  相似文献   
Seismic inversion by modelling and data fitting depends on the criterion chosen to measure the misfit between observed and modelled data. The popular least‐squares error criterion has an important drawback: it is sensitive both to the shape of the recording surface and to velocity variations along this surface. Tests on synthetic seismic reflection data show that least‐squares inversion may work surprisingly poorly in situations where (i) the range of angles between reflected rays and the acquisition surface is large, (ii) the velocity varies significantly along this surface, or (iii) a compensation for the effects of dissipation is applied to the gradients. In these situations, the gradients may contain important artefacts and have incorrect amplitudes. The outgoing flux of energy of the residual wavefield across the acquisition surface provides an alternative measure of the data misfit which is independent of the recording surface, provided this surface is closed, and which is only sensitive to the aperture in the practical situation of an open surface or line of receivers. Energy‐flux inversion presents a strong resemblance to reverse‐time migration, but with the additional possibility of iteratively improving the images. In all the tests, energy‐flux inversion provided better images than least‐squares inversion.  相似文献   
Weights of evidence (WofE) modeling usually is applied to map mineral potential in areas with large number of deposits/prospects. In this paper, WofE modeling is applied to a case study area measuring about 920 km2 with 12 known porphyry copper prospects. A pixel size of 100 m × 100 m was used in the spatial data analyses to represent in a raster-based GIS lateral extents of prospects and of geological features considered as spatial evidence. Predictor maps were created based on (a) estimates of studentized values of positive spatial association between prospects and spatial evidence; (b) proportion of number of prospects in zones where spatial evidence is present; and (c) geological interpretations of positive spatial association between prospects and spatial evidence. Uncertainty because of missing geochemical evidence is shown to have an influence on tests of assumption of conditional independence (CI) among predictor maps with respect to prospects. For the final predictive model, assumption of CI is rejected based on omnibus test but is accepted based on a new omnibus test. The final predictive model, which delineates 30% of study area as zones with potential for porphyry copper, has 83% success rate and 73% prediction rate. The results demonstrate plausibility of WofE modeling of mineral potential in large areas with small number of mineral prospects.  相似文献   
The levels of low molecular weight hydrocarbons were measured at pristine sites and rural locations affected by hydrocarbon emissions from oil and gas producing fields in Venezuela. At the clean sites, lower concentrations of C2 to C6 alkanes were observed, whereas, in comparison with remotes sites, very much higher levels were measured at the polluted sites. Alkenes present relatively high concentrations, with isoprene being the most abundant, all over the study region. The main sources of alkenes are likely to be natural, mainly from vegetation. The levels of alkanes recorded at the clean sites and the alkene levels found everywhere in the region are in agreement with the values reported for other clean sites in the tropics. The increase of ozone production capacity due to the anthropogenic emissions of alkanes from oil and gas fields was estimated. Due to the presence in the atmosphere of important amounts of naturally emitted isoprene, ethene and propene, which makes a substantial contribution to the reactivity of the hydrocarbon mixture, a small increase (<5%) was estimated to occur in the capacity of the ozone production at a regional scale during the rainy season.  相似文献   
Two cases of simultaneous nighttime measurements of NO2 and OClO in the winter polar stratosphere are analyzed in order to test our present knowledge of halogen chemistry in the presence of high amount of NO2 at low temperature. Comparisons with Lagrangian model calculations using several hypotheses are performed. First simulations, using the admitted constant rates of chemical reaction, strongly underestimate the measured OClO while the NO2 profiles are correctly reproduced. If uncertainties in actinic fluxes calculations are taken into account, simulation results do not show a significant reduction of the underestimation. A better agreement can be achieved if the formation of unstable isomers of ClONO2 and of BrONO2 occurs in the cold conditions of the polar stratosphere. An approximate value of the branching ratios of the channels leading to ClONO2 and ClOONO, and to BrONO2 and BrOONO, necessary to reproduce both OClO and NO2 is given and discussed.  相似文献   
Many savannas in West Africa have been converted to croplands and are among the world’s regions most vulnerable to climate change due to deteriorating soil quality. We focused on the savanna-derived cropland in northern Ghana to simulate its sensitivity to projected climate change and nitrogen fertilization scenarios. Here we show that progressive warming–drying stress over the twenty-first century will enhance soil carbon emissions from all kinds of lands of which the natural ecosystems will be more vulnerable to variation in climate variables, particularly in annual precipitation. The carbon emissions from all croplands, however, could be mitigated by applying nitrogen fertilizer at 30–60 kg N ha???1 year???1. The uncertainties of soil organic carbon budgets and crop yields depend mainly on the nitrogen fertilization rate during the first 40 years and then are dominated by climate drying stress. The replenishment of soil nutrients, especially of nitrogen through fertilization, could be one of the priority options for policy makers and farm managers as they evaluate mitigation and adaptation strategies of cropping systems and management practices to sustain agriculture and ensure food security under a changing climate.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - In the past few decades, a variety of data-driven predictive modeling techniques has led to a dramatic advancement in mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM). The random...  相似文献   
Our current understanding on sedimentary deep-water environments is mainly built of information obtained from tectonic settings such as passive margins and foreland basins. More observations from extensional settings are particularly needed in order to better constrain the role of active tectonics in controlling sediment pathways, depositional style and stratigraphic stacking patterns. This study focuses on the evolution of a Plio-Pleistocene deep-water sedimentary system (Rethi-Dendro Formation) and its relation to structural activity in the Amphithea fault block in the Corinth Rift, Greece. The Corinth Rift is an active extensional basin in the early stages of rift evolution, providing perfect opportunities for the study of early deep-water syn-rift deposits that are usually eroded from the rift shoulders due to erosion in mature basins like the Red Sea, North Sea and the Atlantic rifted margin. The depocentre is located at the exit of a structurally controlled sediment fairway, approximately 15 km from its main sediment source and 12 km basinwards from the basin margin coastline. Fieldwork, augmented by digital outcrop techniques (LiDAR and photogrammetry) and clast-count compositional analysis allowed identification of 16 stratigraphic units that are grouped into six types of depositional elements: A—mudstone-dominated sheets, B—conglomerate-dominated lobes, C—conglomerate channel belts and sandstone sheets, D—sandstone channel belts, E—sandstone-dominated broad shallow lobes, F—sandstone-dominated sheets with broad shallow channels. The formation represents an axial system sourced by a hinterland-fed Mavro delta, with minor contributions from a transverse system of conglomerate-dominated lobes sourced from intrabasinal highs. The results of clast compositional analysis enable precise attribution for the different sediment sources to the deep-water system and their link to other stratigraphic units in the area. Structures in the Amphithea fault block played a major role in controlling the location and orientation of sedimentary systems by modifying basin-floor gradients due to a combination of hangingwall tilt, displacement of faults internal to the depocentre and folding on top of blind growing faults. Fault activity also promoted large-scale subaqueous landslides and eventual uplift of the whole fault block.  相似文献   
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