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The scattering of soft protons inside the Wolter-type optics of X-ray observatories has been proven to concentrate these particles onto the focal plane instruments. The funneling of these protons increases the instrumental background and can also contribute to the degrading of the detectors. The instrumental background and degradation of the detector’s performance experienced by Chandra and XMM-Newton is significantly larger than what was expected on the basis of previous Monte Carlo simulations. For Chandra the main issue is the degradation of the energy resolution due to lattice displacements in the detectors. For XMM the contribution to the instrumental background is more significant. In between, new laboratory measurements as well as a revision of the theory are needed to correctly assess the impact of the environmental radiation for future missions. In this publication we present a Geant4 class that will allow future users to select between either theoretical models or measured data to simulate the scattering of soft protons at grazing angles. To develop this method, we revisit the theory of elastic scattering of protons on polished surfaces and implement these approaches into Geant4. We also implemented recently performed measurements using parts of eROSITA (extended ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array) mirror shells as scattering targets as another scattering model to be used within the Geant4 toolkit.  相似文献   
Future X-ray astronomy missions will be based on instruments with apertures much larger than those used up to now. Therefore, the risk posed by hyper-velocity dust grains in the space environment to the onboard instrumentation will increase, especially when a larger aperture is combined with a longer focal length. Starting from the lessons learned from the XMM and Swift satellites, we review the question of hyper-velocity impacts and discuss the expected impact-rate, risk of damage and possible mitigation strategies in the context of LOFT, eROSITA and ATHENA.  相似文献   
The Lake Izabal Basin in Guatemala is a major pull-apart basin along the sinistral Polochic Fault, which is part of the North American and Caribbean plate boundary. The basin infill contains information about the tectonic and sedimentological processes that have imparted a significant control on its sedimentary section. The inception of the basin has been linked to the relative importance of the Polochic Fault in the tectonic history of the plate boundary; yet, its sedimentological record and its inception age have been poorly documented. This study integrates diverse datasets, including industry reports, well logs and reports, well cuttings, vintage seismic data, outcrop observations and geochronological data to constrain the initial infill and age of inception of the basin. The integrated data show that during the Oligocene–Miocene, a marine carbonate platform was established in the region which was later uplifted and eroded in the early Miocene. The fluvial–lacustrine deposits above this carbonate platform are part of the initial infill of the basin and are constrained with zircon weighted-mean 206Pb/238U ages of 12.060 ± 0.008 from a volcanic tuff ~30 m above the unconformity. Sandstone, mudstone and coal dominate the interval from 12 to 4 Ma, with an increase in conglomerate correlating to the uplift of the Mico Mountains and San Gil Hill at 4 Ma. Fault switch activity between the Polochic and Motagua faults has been hypothesized to explain total offset along the Polochic Fault and the geologic and geodetic slip rates along the two faults. The 12 Ma age determined for the initial infill of the basin confirms this hypothesis. Consequently, our study confirms that at ~12 Ma the Polochic Fault served as the main fault of the plate boundary with inferred slip rates ranging from 13 to 21 mm/yr with a strong possibility that the Polochic Fault was, at some point between 15 Ma and 7 Ma, the only active fault of the plate boundary. The results of this study show that tectonic records preserved in sediments of strike-slip basins improve the understanding of the relative significance of individual faults and the implications with respect to strain partitioning throughout its tectonic history.  相似文献   
The dynamics of the seasonal surface circulation in the Philippine Archipelago (117°E–128°E, 0°N–14°N) are investigated using a high-resolution configuration of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) for the period of January 2004–March 2008. Three experiments were performed to estimate the relative importance of local, remote and tidal forcing. On the annual mean, the circulation in the Sulu Sea shows inflow from the South China Sea at the Mindoro and Balabac Straits, outflow into the Sulawesi Sea at the Sibutu Passage, and cyclonic circulation in the southern basin. A strong jet with a maximum speed exceeding 100 cm s−1 forms in the northeast Sulu Sea where currents from the Mindoro and Tablas Straits converge. Within the Archipelago, strong westward currents in the Bohol Sea carry the surface water of the western Pacific (WP) from the Surigao Strait into the Sulu Sea via the Dipolog Strait. In the Sibuyan Sea, currents flow westward, which carry the surface water from the WP near the San Bernardino Strait into the Sulu Sea via the Tablas Strait.These surface currents exhibit strong variations or reversals from winter to summer. The cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation during winter (summer) in the Sulu Sea and seasonally reversing currents within the Archipelago region during the peak of the winter (summer) monsoon result mainly from local wind forcing, while remote forcing dominates the current variations at the Mindoro Strait, western Sulu Sea and Sibutu passage before the monsoons reach their peaks. The temporal variations (with the mean removed), also referred to as anomalies, of volume transports in the upper 40 m at eight major Straits are caused predominantly by remote forcing, although local forcing can be large during sometime of a year. For example, at the Mindoro Strait, the correlation between the time series of transport anomalies due to total forcing (local, remote and tides) and that due only to the remote forcing is 0.81 above 95% significance, comparing to the correlation of 0.64 between the total and local forcing. Similarly, at the Sibutu Passage, the correlation is 0.96 for total versus remote effects, comparing to 0.53 for total versus local forcing. The standard deviations of transports from the total, remote and local effects are 0.59 Sv, 0.50 Sv, and 0.36 Sv, respectively, at the Mindoro Strait; and 1.21 Sv, 1.13 Sv, and 0.59 Sv at the Sibutu Passage. Nonlinear rectification of tides reduces the mean westward transports at the Surigao, San Bernardino and Dipolog Straits, and it also has non-negligible influence on the seasonal circulation in the Sulu Sea.  相似文献   
The continuous feedbacks among tectonics, surface processes, and climate are reflected in the distribution of catchments on active mountain ranges. Previous studies have shown a regularity of valley spacing across mountain ranges worldwide, but the origin of this geomorphological feature is currently not well known. In this work, we use a landscape evolution model to investigate the process of fluvial network organization and the evolution of regular ridge‐and‐valley patterns on simulated mountain ranges. In particular, we investigate the behavior of such patterns when subjected to a perturbation in landscape processes from a previous steady state, resulting from a sudden variation in the pattern of bedrock erodibility, from homogeneous to a gradient. We analyze the time evolution of the mean ratio λ' between the linear spacing of adjacent valleys and the half width of the mountain range. We show how a valley spacing ratio of ~0.5 is first achieved at steady state under uniform bedrock erodibility. After applying the gradient of bedrock erodibility across the landscape, we observe that λ' first increases and then decreases to a new steady‐state value that is smaller than the original value. A detailed analysis of the simulations, through observations of surface ‘snapshots’ at repeated time intervals, allows to gain some insight into the mechanisms governing this fluvial network reorganization process, driven by the migration of the main divide toward the side characterized by lower bedrock erodibility. On both sides of the range the new steady‐state valley spacing is obtained through mechanisms of catchment reorganization and competition between adjacent fluvial networks. In particular, catchment reorganization is characterized by the growth of smaller catchments between shrinking larger catchments on the side with lower erodibility, and the growth of larger catchments on the side with higher erodibility. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The development and widespread use of statistical learning models have brought the need for tools that help analysts diagnose, build, and refine those models. In this work, in particular, we focus on interpolation models, which spatially predict the value of a variable based on the values of its neighborhood. Investigating these results spatially or comparing them with other models at different levels of granularity is still a challenge for the analysts trying to understand and refine their models. To deal with that, we propose a visual analytics model-agnostic tool for facilitating the comparison and refinement of spatial models at different levels of granularity using interactive visualization techniques. The tool was built in collaboration with specialists who used it to diagnose and improve a spatial model for predicting residential real estate prices.  相似文献   
Integrated classification maps were produced by combining sediment grain-size and hydrological data (water renewal time, WRT) from two Mediterranean lagoons, Lesina (LL) and Varano (LV), Italy. The geophysical characteristics of the two basins, derived from detailed bathymetric charts, are quite distinct: ~30% of LL (mean depth ~1 m) but only 3% of LV (mean depth ~3 m) is shallower than 1 m. The sediments of both lagoons are mainly composed of mud (~80%). A detailed multivariate analysis of grain-size data by EntropyMax classified the lagoon beds of LL and LV into five sedimentary facies. WRT data, computed by a hydrodynamic model, indicated different hydrological conditions in the two lagoons: LL showed a sharp west–east gradient, with a basin-wide average of ~190 days, whilst LV showed a fairly uniform distribution and a higher basin-wide average (~260 days). The distribution of sedimentary facies and water renewal times were combined in a composite map representing the distribution of environmental patterns. The approach outlined in this study can be used to improve zonation schemes by providing a hydromorphological perspective on transitional and coastal environments.  相似文献   
In Mediterranean coastal catchments, water management for preservation of pine forests and other natural areas faces particular challenges. Limited rainfall, water consumption by vegetation as well as subsidence, drainage and salt water intrusion all play an important role. Traditionally forest and water management are carried out independent of one another and do not consider water budget calculations. We show with this study that is very important to have quantitative information of all the components of the water budget as well as the size of the fresh water lenses in the aquifer to be able to integrate the water- and forest management. We use an integrated hydrologic-ecologic methodology based on easily attainable data to assess the monthly water budget of a coastal catchment, Marina Romea (Ravenna, Italy). We present detailed monthly water table records, rainfall data, drainage data, tree density and tree perimeter and use published sap flow measurements of single pine trees (Pinus Pinea) to quantify the actual transpiration of single pine trees in different periods of the year. Transpiration amounts to 10–30 l per day per tree. These values are confirmed by independent estimates of tree transpiration based on our water budget calculations: 9–34 l/tree/day. Because typically there are so many trees in planted pine forests, the total transpiration rates over the whole watershed take up a large percentage (up to 200 %) of the precipitation. In Marina Romea, four monitoring periods out of twelve, the tree transpiration is larger than precipitation. In nine monitoring periods, drainage in the watershed is larger than precipitation or tree water transpiration. The measurements and calculations show that not much freshwater is left to recharge the fresh water lens underneath Marina Romea. Monthly monitoring of groundwater table elevation and salinity in the pine forest of Marina Romea from March 2007 to February 2008 shows that the groundwater table strongly fluctuates and groundwater salinity is constantly very high (up to 17.7 g/l). Analytical calculations based on the Ghyben Herzberg Dupuit principle suggest that even a small continuous annual recharge of 15 mm could form a 2-m deep freshwater lens in the unconfined aquifer. This freshwater lens is not present in the study area and this is due to the fact that tree water transpiration and drainage take out most of the fresh water coming into the watershed. In catchments like Marina Romea, water consumption by the (natural) vegetation and seasonal differences as well as the fact that fresh water lenses are limited in salty surroundings should be taken into account in water and forest management.  相似文献   
In the Ribeira belt, southeastern Brazil, the Precambrian mylonitic fabric mainly formed during the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny (640–480 Ma) and was reactivated as fault zones in the Cretaceous and Cenozoic. The reactivation process led to the development of the System of Continental Rifts of southeastern Brazil, from the Paleogene to the Quaternary. We investigated the brittle reactivation of a mylonitic zone, which is part of a major mylonitic belt, Arcádia-Areal. We used geological and geomorphological mapping, resistivity survey, controlled source audiomagnetotelluric survey, and luminescence dating. Our results indicate that this shear zone was reactivated and formed a 15 km long and 2 km wide sedimentary-filled trough, the Rio Santana Graben. It is located on the northwest border of a major structure, the Guanabara Graben, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The Rio Santana Graben forms an almost entirely fault-bounded, NE-elongated depression that was accommodated entirely within the Arcádia-Areal shear zone. The graben consists of two main depocenters separated by a relay ramp. The graben formed by means of multistage activity of several faults during at least two main periods. The first period formed silicified fault breccia and occurred during alkaline magmatism in the Paleogene. The second formed fault breccia and gouge in shallow conditions and occurred at least until the Quaternary. The NE-trending and NW-dipping Precambrian fabric was reactivated as dip-slip and strike-slip faults. These faults triggered clastic-sediment deposition at least 300 m thick. The upper part of the graben consists of Quaternary alluvial and colluvial sediment fill, which yielded maximum luminescence deposition ages from 49 to 13 ka in the center of the trough. An organic layer at the top of the Quaternary alluvial deposits yielded 14C ages at ~6000 years BP. The lower part of the graben may be composed of Paleogene to Neogene sedimentary deposits, which occur in other basins of the System of Continental Rifts of southeastern Brazil. We conclude that the Rio Santana Graben is an example of the direct control of a preexisting continental-scale rheological boundary on the geometry and location of fault systems and sediment deposition. Quaternary fault reactivation of the preexisting fabrics represents only the latest movement of a major structure.  相似文献   
At ~20 ka bp , lakes Yehuin, Chepelmut and Fagnano constituted a single, large water body in the central part of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego (southernmost Patagonia). The evolutionary history of this lake, known as ‘Palaeolago Fueguino’, was probably controlled by the advances, stillstands and retreats of the ‘Fagnano Palaeoglacier’, an outlet glacier that flowed eastward from the Darwin Cordillera ice sheet. A detailed analysis of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles acquired within the three lakes has allowed the identification and correlation of seven unconformities within the lacustrine sedimentary infill, three seismostratigraphic sequences in Lago Fagnano and four in Lago Yehuin. A seismic stratigraphic correlation between these sequences suggests that these basins formerly constituted a single, large lacustrine body. A lake-level curve of the evolutionary stages of each lake, derived from the seismostratigraphic analysis of the sedimentary infill is proposed here, representing a 17.5 ka-long record. It was further integrated with the glacial record of the advances and retreats of the Fagnano Palaeoglacier. This study has implications for interpreting the sedimentary history of lake basins in glaciated mountain ranges.  相似文献   
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