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Tsunamis can cause catastrophic loss of life, destruction of property, engineered structures and coastal infrastructure, and they can lead to major economic losses. Even though tsunamis are relatively rare in the Mediterranean Sea, their potential danger to cities along the Mediterranean coast cannot be neglected. In order to create awareness among the potentially affected people it is important to know the risk and vulnerability of the population and infrastructure related to a possible tsunami impact. In this work a hazard, vulnerability and risk analysis for buildings in two districts of Alexandria was carried out. Relevant input parameters were derived mainly from remote sensing and field data and were analyzed with a geographical information system (GIS). Based on historical records of past tsunamis, two inundation scenarios of 5 m and 9 m were defined and modeled applying a bath-type model. The resulting tsunami building risk zone maps showed that 12% of the buildings in El Gomrok district are at high or very high risk for the 5 m scenario, while the risk for El Montazah area is low. For the 9 m scenario, on the other hand, the majority of the buildings in both districts, 56% of El Gomrok, and 60% of El Montazah, are in the high or very high risk zone. An analysis of the building use indicated that the majority of these buildings are residential and commercial types, highlighting that the potential consequences of a tsunami could be severe. Due to the scarcity of historical data no frequency could be associated with the two selected scenarios. While both are credible we consider the 5 m scenario as possible but unlikely and the 9 m scenario as unlikely.  相似文献   
Monthly averaged total volume transport of the Indonesian throughflow (ITF) estimated by 14 global ocean data assimilation (ODA) products that are decade to multi-decade long are compared among themselves and with observations from the INSTANT Program (2004–2006). The main goals of the comparisons are to examine the consistency and evaluate the skill of different ODA products in simulating ITF transport. The ensemble averaged, time-mean value of ODA estimates is 13.6 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3/s) for the common 1993–2001 period and 13.9 Sv for the 2004–2006 INSTANT Program period. These values are close to the 15-Sv estimate derived from INSTANT observations. All but one ODA time-mean estimate fall within the range of uncertainty of the INSTANT estimate. In terms of temporal variability, the scatter among different ODA estimates averaged over time is 1.7 Sv, which is substantially smaller than the magnitude of the temporal variability simulated by the ODA systems. Therefore, the overall “signal-to-noise” ratio for the ensemble estimates is larger than one. The best consistency among the products occurs on seasonal-to-interannual time scales, with generally stronger (weaker) ITF during boreal summer (winter) and during La Nina (El Nino) events. The scatter among different products for seasonal-to-interannual time scales is approximately 1 Sv. Despite the good consistency, systematic difference is found between most ODA products and the INSTANT observations. All but the highest-resolution (18 km) ODA product show a dominant annual cycle while the INSTANT estimate and the 18-km product exhibit a strong semi-annual signal. The coarse resolution is an important factor that limits the level of agreement between ODA and INSTANT estimates. Decadal signals with periods of 10–15 years are seen. The most conspicuous and consistent decadal change is a relatively sharp increase in ITF transport during 1993–2000 associated with the strengthening tropical Pacific trade wind. Most products do not show a weakening ITF after the mid-1970s’ associated with the weakened Pacific trade wind. The scatter of ODA estimates is smaller after than before 1980, reflecting the impact of the enhanced observations after the 1980s. To assess the representativeness of using the average over a three-year period (e.g., the span of the INSTANT Program) to describe longer-term mean, we investigate the temporal variations of the three-year low-pass ODA estimates. The average variation is about 3.6 Sv, which is largely due to the increase of ITF transport from 1993 to 2000. However, the three-year average during the 2004–2006 INSTANT Program period is within 0.5 Sv of the long-term mean for the past few decades.  相似文献   
Numerical solutions of the equations of meteor ablation in the Earth's atmosphere have been obtained using a variable step size Runge-Kutta technique in order to determine the size of the residual mass resulting from atmospheric flight. The equations used include effects of meteoroid heat capacity and thermal radiation, and a realistic atmospheric density profile. Results were obtained for initial masses in the range 10?7–10?2 g, and for initial velocities less than 24 km s?1 (results indicated no appreciable residual mass for meteors with velocities above 24 km s?1 in this mass range). The following function has been obtained to provide the logarithm of the ratio of the residual mass following atmospheric ablation to the original preatmospheric mass
log r = 4.7 ?0.33v ?0.013v2 + 1.2 log m + 0.08 log2 m ?0.083v log mM
The pre-atmospheric mass and velocity are represented by m and v.When the results are expressed in terms of the size of the residual mass following atmospheric ablation as a function of the initial mass and velocity, it is found that the final residual mass is almost independent of the original mass of the meteoroid, but very strongly dependent on the original velocity. For example, the residual mass is very nearly 10?7 g for a meteoroid with velocity 18 kms?1 for initial masses from 10?7 to 10?3 g. On the other hand, a slight change in the initial velocity to 20 km s?1 will shift the residual mass to approx. 10?8 g. This strong velocity dependence coupled with the weak dependence on the original mass has important consequences for the sampling of ablation product micrometeorites.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Registrierungen der Feuchtigkeit an einer Station, die im Talkessel von Krimml (Land Salzburg) 1,5 km von den gro\en Wasserfällen entfernt gelegen ist, ergaben im Vergleich mit benachbarten Stationen, daß dort der Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Luft viel höher ist, als der Höhenlage des Ortes entspricht (Tab. 2). Die relative Feuchtigkeit ist namentlich tagsüber viel zu hoch (Abb. 1). Der Dampfdruck zeigt im Tagesgang auch im Sommer nur ein einfaches Maximum, ähnlich wie Bergstationen (Abb. 2). Diese abnormalen Feuchtigkeitsverhältnisse werden auf die Nähe der großen Krimmler Wasserfälle zurückgeführt, deren Wirkung sich über einen großen Teil des Kessels erstreckt.
Summary Humidity records at a station situated in the Krimml valley (province of Salzburg) at a distance of 1,5 km from the big water falls showed, in comparison with neighbouring stations, a much higher moisture content of the air than would correspond to the height of the place (Tab. 2). The relative humidity is much too high, particularly in the day-time (Fig. 1). The vapor pressure shows, similar to mountain-stations only a simple maximum in its diurnal variation also in summer (Fig. 2). These abnormal humidity conditions are accounted for by the neighbourhood of the big Krimml water-falls whose effect extends over a great part of the valley.

Résumé Des enregistrements de l'humidité à une station située dans la vallée encaissée de Krimml (province de Salzbourg) à la distance de 1,5 km des cataractes montraient, en comparaison avec des stations voisines, un état hygrométrique beaucoup plus haut de celui qui correspond à l'altitude de la place (Tab. 2). L'humidité relative est trop haute spécialement pendant le jour (Fig. 1). La pression de vapeur montre seulement un maximum simple dans la variation diurne aussi en été, ressembland à les stations de montagne (Fig. 2). Cettes conditions anormales de l'humidité sont interprétées par le voisinage des cataractes de Krimml dont l'effet s'étend à une grande partie de la vallée encaissée.

Mit 2 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   
We report on clear‐sky column closure experiments (CLEARCOLUMN) performed in the Canary Islands during the second Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE‐2) in June/July 1997. We present CLEARCOLUMN results obtained by combining airborne sunphotometer and in‐situ (optical particle counter, nephelometer, and absorption photometer) measurements taken aboard the Pelican aircraft, space‐borne NOAA/AVHRR data and ground‐based lidar and sunphotometer measurements. During both days discussed here, vertical profiles flown in cloud‐free air masses revealed 3 distinctly different layers: a marine boundary layer (MBL) with varying pollution levels, an elevated dust layer, and a very clean layer between the MBL and the dust layer. A key result of this study is the achievement of closure between extinction or layer aerosol optical depth (AOD) computed from continuous in‐situ aerosol size‐distributions and composition and those measured with the airborne sunphotometer. In the dust, the agreement in layer AOD (λ=380–1060 nm) is 3–8%. In the MBL there is a tendency for the in‐situ results to be slightly lower than the sunphotometer measurements (10–17% at λ=525 nm), but these differences are within the combined error bars of the measurements and computations.  相似文献   
Archaeological sites dating to the Ertebolle period of the Mesolithic have been recorded below a thin layer of marine sands in a reclaimed bay on northern Falster Island in Denmark. The finds seemed randomly distributed throughout the bay; there was no obvious pattern related to the modern landscape. However, by coring through the veneer of marine sands and mapping the pattern of the underlying Late Quaternary deposits, the authors were able to reconstruct the Mesolithic landscape and thereby explain the distribution of archaeological sites. This approach allows archaeologists to focus subsurface exploration in geomorphic settings, such as former fjords and coastlines that have a high potential for yielding prehistoric sites. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
A new model is presented which simulates the dispersal and deposition of material from a Hawaiian eruption column. The model treats the Hawaiian column as a coarse-grained Plinian column and uses a modified version of the Wilson and Walker [Wilson, L., Walker, G.P.L., 1987. Explosive volcanic eruptions: VI. Ejecta dispersal in Plinian eruptions: the control of eruption conditions and atmospheric properties. Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc. 89, 657–679.] Plinian pyroclast dispersal model to simulate the fall out of material during a Hawaiian eruption. The model results are found to be in good agreement with independent estimates of various parameters made for the 1959 Kilauea Iki eruption of Kilauea volcano. The close agreement between the model results and these independent estimates shows that, dynamically, Hawaiian eruptions are indistinguishable from Plinian eruptions. The major differences in the styles and deposits of these two types of eruptions are accounted for by differences in the mass fluxes and gas contents of the erupting magmas and, most fundamentally, by differences in the grainsize distribution of the erupted clasts. Plume heights predicted by the model are greater than those found for previous models of Hawaiian eruptions. This is because previous models did not allow for the progressive fall out of particles from the plume and, more importantly, made no correction for the velocity disequilibrium between gas and clasts when the grainsize distribution is coarse.  相似文献   
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