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Petrogenesis of Cenozoic Potassic Volcanic Rocks in the Nangqen Basin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Nangqen basin is one of the Tertiary pull-apart basins situated in the east of the Qiangtang block.Similar to the adjacent Dengqen basin and Baxoi basin, there occurred a series of potassic volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks, ranging from basic, intermediate to intermediate-acid in lithology.Based on the study of petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry, including REEs, trace elements, isotopic elements and chronology, the authors concluded that the Cenozoic potassic volcanic rocks in the Nangqen basin were formed in the post-collisional intraplate tectonic settings. The relations between the basic, intermediate and intermediate-acid rocks are neither differentiation nor evolution, but instead the geochemical variability is mainly attributable to the different partial melting degrees of the mantle sources formed at depths of 50-80 km.The sources of the potassic rocks are enriched metasomatic mantle that has experienced multiple mixing of components mainly derived from the crust. The recycling model can b  相似文献   
塔里木盆地中新生代海侵和海相地层研究的新进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
中新生代海侵是塔里木盆地地质发展史上的重要事件之一。通过对新近发现的古生物化石和海相地层资料研究,本文提出了早白垩世、晚白垩世、古近纪的海侵范围的新认识。同时,依据露头和钻井资料提出了中新世海水分布的新范围。这些新成果对厘定塔里木盆地中新生代地层时代,建立整个盆地中新生代地层格架和油气远景分析具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Fluorescence lifetime provides a third independent dimension of information for the resolution of totalluminescence spectra of multicomponent mixtures.The incorporation of this parameter into theexcitation-emission matrix(EEM)by the phase modulation technique results in a three-dimensionalexcitation-emission-frequency array (EEFA).Multicomponent analysis based on the three-dimensionalEEFA brings a qualitative change for the resolved spectra,i.e.individual spectra can be uniquely resolved,which is impossible with any two-dimensional analysis.In this paper we present a method for analyzingthe EEFA.We show mathematically that with the three-dimensional analysis of the EEFA individualspectra and lifetimes can be obtained.Our algorithm is developed in mathematical detail and isdemonstrated by its application to a two-component mixture.  相似文献   
夏斌  林清茶  张玉泉 《地质学报》2006,80(8):1189-1196
青藏高原东部新生代钾质碱性系列的岩石,包括深成岩、火山岩和煌斑岩,在时空上具有一致性,岩石化学成分均富碱、高钾、K2O/Na2O比值远大于1,高度富集Sr、Ba等大离子亲石元素(LILE)和轻稀土元素(LREE),亏损Nb、Ta等高场强元素(HFSE),及物质来源于富集地幔源区的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素组成等,均显示钾质碱性系列的岩石特有的特征,其形成与印度和欧亚两大陆碰撞,导致青藏高原北、东部在40Ma左右出现的大型走滑拉分带,致使地壳变薄以及地幔上拱的构造背景有关。  相似文献   
The Bulong gold deposit, located in the southwest Tianshan in China, occurs in the Upper Devonian finegrained clastic rocks. The gold orebodies are controlled by an gently inclined interlayer fractured zone. They are hosted only in quartz-barite veins though there are barite veins and quartz veins in the ore district. The δ34S values of pyrite in the ores range from 14.6‰ to 19.2‰ and those of barite from 35.0‰ to 39.6‰, indicating that the sulfur was derived from the strata. 3He/4He ratios of fluid inclusions in pyrite are 0.24-0.82 R/Ra, approximating to that of the crust. The 40Ar/39Ar ratios range from 338 to 471, slightly higher than that of the atmosphere. 40Ar /4He ratios of ore fluids range from 0.015 to 0.412 with a mean of 0.153. Helium and argon isotope compositions of fluid inclusions show that the ore fluids of the Bulong gold deposit were mainly derived from the crust.  相似文献   
Four metallogenic epochs occurred in different tectonic environments during theevolution of the Northern Qilian metallogenic province through the geological time. The Mid-dle Proterozoic metallogenic epoch witnessed the tectonic environment of crustal breakupcaused by mantle diapirism, in which ultramafic-mafic rocks were intruded along beep faultbelts and the superlarge Jinchuan magmatic Cu-Ni sulphide deposit was formed. In theMiddle-Late Proterozoic metallogenic epoch the crust was further broken to form anintracontinental rift, in which the Chenjiamiao style massive Cu-Fe sulphide deposits hosted bybasic volcanic tuff were formed in the lower volcano-sedimentary sequence, while the largesedex type Jingtieshan style Fe-Cu deposits were formed within the upper abyssal carbon-richargillaceous sedimentary sequence. The Early Palaeozoic saw the aulacogen environment, with-in which the Baiyinchang style superlarge massive base and precious metal sulphide depositshosted by quartz keratophyric tuff were formed in the Middle-Late Cambrian rifted island arcand the massive Cu-Zn sulphide deposits and magmatic chromite deposits associated with theophiolite suite were formed in the Early-Middle Ordovician, and the Honggou style massiveCu-Fe sulphide deposits hosted by spilite were formed in the Late Ordovician back-arc basinenvironment. In the Late Palaeozoic-Meso-Cenozoic, the metallogenic province went into anintracontinental orogenic stage characterized by compressive tectonic environment, in whichthere occurred carbonate-quartz vein type and tectono-alteration gold deposits associated withductile-shear structures.  相似文献   
介绍了对岩石样品的Ce同位素组成进行高精度测量的TIMS方法.采用α-羟基异丁酸(α-HIBA) 离子交换法分离和纯化岩石样品中的La、Ce元素, Ce同位素组成和La、Ce含量测定在Triton热电离质谱仪上完成.质谱标样JMC304的138Ce/142Ce比值统计值为0.0225762±0.0000015, 与大部分文献值一致.应用该方法对USGS玄武岩标样BCR-2和峨眉山玄武岩EQB的138Ce/142Ce比值和La、Ce含量进行了分析, 其结果分别为: 0.0225572±0.0000010、25.2±0.3μg/g、55.8±0.9μg/g和0.0225755±0.0000003、54.2±0.4μg/g、117.4±1.3μg/g.BCR-2的La、Ce含量测定结果与其证书值在误差范围内一致, 其分析精度为0.001%~0.005%.所有样品的140Ce/142Ce比值测定结果统计值为7.9439±0.0002, 介于文献最低值7.941与最高值7.947之间, 可能代表了该比值的最佳估计值.   相似文献   
陆相沉积的天文地层研究方法简介——以井下地层为例   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
通过对我国大陆三十余口井的测井资料研究成果,归纳出对陆相地层进行天文地层研究的方法。介绍了所用的新的天文周期理论值、测井资料的选取及预处理方法,重点说明谱分析的数据点数的选定、不同参数(自然伽玛、自然电位和岩屑)的测井资料谱分析结果的对比,以实例说明如何选定主要优势旋回和AR值,以及FIR数字滤波器的基本性质和数字滤波结果,小波分析的特点和通过小波图进行调频的方法,并介绍了地层单位的延续时间计算和年龄确定方法。  相似文献   
综述用非线性优化方法研究厄尔尼诺(El Ni~no)南方涛动(ENSO)事件可预报性的进展。针对ENSO可预报性研究中的热点问题———“前期征兆”、“春季可预报性障碍”,以及如何量化研究ENSO可预报性和ENSO的不对称性问题,作者在近年来的工作中先后用理论模式和中等复杂程度ENSO模式研究了ENSO可预报性的动力学,揭示了ENSO的若干重要非线性特征。主要结果如下:(1)条件非线性最优扰动(CNOP)(局部CNOP)比线性奇异向量更易发展成ENSO事件,扮演了ENSO的最优前期征兆。这些ENSO事件关于气候平均态是不对称的。理论分析表明,非线性温度平流过程是造成这种不对称性的重要原因。1980~2002年的海洋再分析资料验证了上述理论结果。(2)ENSO事件CNOP型初始误差的发展有明显的季节依赖性,该误差导致了ENSO事件最显著的春季可预报性障碍(SPB)现象。ENSO事件SPB的发生不仅依赖于气候平均态,而且依赖于ENSO事件本身及其初始误差模态,是三者综合作用的结果。(3)建立了关于ENSO可预报性的最大可预报时间下界、最大预报误差上界和最大允许初始误差下界的三类可预报性问题,分别从三个方面揭示了ENSO事件的春季可预报性障碍现象,比较有效地量化了其可预报性。(4)通过CNOP方法,揭示了非线性温度平流在年代际尺度ENSO不对称性研究中的重要作用,解释了ENSO不对称性的年代际变化,基于所用ENSO模式给出了ENSO不对称性年代际变化的机制。最后,展望了非线性优化方法在ENSO可预报性中应用的前景,并期望该方法能拓展到ENSO第二类可预报性问题的研究中。  相似文献   
冲绳海槽宫古段中央地堑的形态与分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用中国科学院海洋研究所“科学1号”调查船及国家海洋局“向阳红9号”调查船最近几年在冲绳海槽宫古段进行海底地形及反射地震调查所取得的数据,首次详细展示了冲绳海槽宫古段南北长约200km区域内中央地堑的形态及空间展布特征。本文给出的成果大大加深了关于冲绳海槽中央地堑各种变化的认识。指出,按照形态,中央地堑分为U型、V型和半地堑三种。其中大部分中央地堑为U型地堑。地堑的深度40~250m,宽度6~14km,长度17~33km。冲绳海槽宫古段的最大水深为2244.4m,位于中央地堑城阳段北端底部靠东的一侧(125°19.3′E,25°49.8′N)。本研究区的中央地堑可分为断续的9段,从东北向西南大致呈右旋雁行排列。但黄岛段相对于崂山段,城阳段相对于莱西段,李仓段相对于城阳段又稍微向西偏出,呈现为左旋雁行排列。地堑的走向一般为N60°E左右,相对于冲绳海槽的走向更偏向于东西方向,偏角在15°左右。各段中央地堑是被NW向断裂错开的。这些断裂在海底表现为明显的海底断崖地貌和陡沟地貌,在地震剖面上表现为明显的地层错位,其错位的幅度往往老地层比新地层要大。根据地震剖面分析,这些NW向的断裂应该是走滑性质的。本文展示的中央地堑在形态上和空间展布形式上都和扩张洋脊类似。莱西段和城阳段中央地堑之间重叠地堑,在形式上也类似于扩张洋脊的重叠扩张中心。从地堑深度较浅并发育重叠地堑来分析,冲绳海槽的扩张速率应当介于慢速扩张和中速扩张之间。本研究区莱西段、即墨段和平度段海底地形相对较高,中央地堑深度变浅,并发育重叠中央地堑,应该相当于快速扩张大洋中脊的轴高,可能是正在孕育岩浆活动的位置。目前我们所观测到的中央地堑的错断和有规律的排列说明海槽的主体演化过程已经在拉张盆地和断陷盆地的基础上上升到一个更高的阶段。本文根据中央地堑的展布形式、重叠中央地堑,及其两侧中央地堑中的海底山推测此区域海底扩张可能正在进行。  相似文献   
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