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Pterosaur pelves feature prominently in discussions of pterosaur terrestrial locomotion (e.g. Wellnhofer 1988; Bennett 1990), but have otherwise received scant attention.  相似文献   
The stability of the rotational motion of artificial satellites is analyzed considering perturbations due to the gravity gradient torque, using a canonical formulation, and Andoyer’s variables to describe the rotational motion. The stability criteria employed requires the reduction of the Hamiltonian to a normal form around the stable equilibrium points. These points are determined through a numerical study of the Hamilton’s equations of motion and linear study of their stability. Subsequently a canonical linear transformation is used to diagonalize the matrix associated to the linear part of the system resulting in a normalized quadratic Hamiltonian. A semi-analytic process of normalization based on Lie–Hori algorithm is applied to obtain the Hamiltonian normalized up to the fourth order. Lyapunov stability of the equilibrium point is performed using Kovalev and Savchenko’s theorem. This semi-analytical approach was applied considering some data sets of hypothetical satellites, and only a few cases of stable motion were observed. This work can directly be useful for the satellite maintenance under the attitude stability requirements scenario.  相似文献   
We present an analysis of the optical spectra of a volume-limited sample of 375 radio galaxies at redshift  0.4 < z < 0.7  from the 2dF-SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) and QSO (quasi-stellar object) (2SLAQ) redshift survey. We investigate the evolution of the stellar populations and emission-line properties of these galaxies. By constructing composite spectra and comparing with a matched sample of radio-quiet sources from the same survey, we also investigate the effect on the galaxy of the presence of an active nucleus.
The composite spectra, binned by redshift and radio luminosity, all require two components to describe them, which we interpret as an old and a younger population. We found no evolution with redshift of the age of the younger population in radio galaxies, nor were they different from the radio-quiet comparison sample. Similarly, there is no correlation with radio power, with the exception that the most powerful radio sources  ( P 1.4 > 1026  W Hz−1) have younger stars and stronger emission lines than the less powerful sources. This suggests that we have located the threshold in radio power where strong emission lines 'switch on', at radio powers of around 1026 W Hz−1. Except for the very powerful radio galaxies, the presence of a currently active radio active galactic nucleus (AGN) does not appear to be correlated with any change in the observed stellar population of a luminous red galaxy at   z ∼ 0.5  .  相似文献   
The glacial deposits at the Boyne Bay Limestone Quarry near Portsoy, a key Quaternary Site of Special Scientific Interest, comprise (i) a sandy, partly weathered diamicton (Craig of Boyne Till Formation, CBTF) resting on decomposed bedrock, (ii) a central, variably glaciotectonised assemblage of dark clay, diamicton and sand, with rafts of sand and weathered diamicton (Whitehills Glacigenic Formation, WGF), and (iii) an upper dark sandy diamicton (Old Hythe Till Formation, OHTF). The CBTF was probably derived from the west or southwest, and the WGF from seawards. Structures within the OHTF conform to deposition by east‐ or southeast‐moving ice from the Moray Firth, but some erratics indicate derivation from the south. The CBTF is believed to pre‐date the last (lpswichian) interglacial, but the WGF and OHTF both post‐date the early Middle Devensian, and are probably of Late Devensian age. It is proposed that the OHTF was deposited by ice from inland which was directed eastwards near the coast by a vigorous glacier in the Moray Firth, and that the complex, Late Devensian glacial history of the south coast of the Moray Firth as a whole is the result of the interplay of these two contemporary ice‐masses. British Geological Survey. © NERC 2000.  相似文献   
Understanding the ecological significance of oestrogenic biomarker responses, seen in field surveys of some UK estuarine fish, requires a suitable model to link biochemical and reproductive effects. The sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) is a common inshore fish that has been successfully bred in laboratory aquaria. Juvenile sand goby were continuously exposed to 17beta-oestradiol (E2) during gonadal maturation, and their subsequent reproductive success investigated. Exposure endpoints included hepatic vitellogenin (VTG) mRNA expression and maturation (male nuptial colouration, sperm duct gland- and gonado-somatic indices (SDGSI, GSI)). Reproductive endpoints included spawning behaviour, brood size, fertility and population-level fertile egg production. Measured E2 exposure concentrations were <5 (controls), 17, 71 and 530 ngl(-1). Male maturation decreased with increasing E2 concentration. VTG mRNA expression increased with E2 concentration, but not with duration of exposure. Reproductive endpoints showed progressive impairment with increasing E2 concentration. For most endpoints, the lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC) was 71 ngl(-1), and EC50s were in the range 87-165 ngl(-1). Pre-breeding male colouration, VTG expression and SDGSI were good predictors of subsequent population-level fertile egg production, but GSI was not. The sensitivity of oestrogenic markers in sand goby are comparable to those used in other species, and feral fish populations exhibiting such oestrogenic responses at molecular and organ levels are likely to have reduced fertile egg production.  相似文献   
Today’s forests are largely viewed as a natural asset, growing in a climate envelope, which favors natural regeneration of species that have adapted and survived the variability’s of past climates. However, human-induced climate change, variability and extremes are no longer a theoretical concept. It is a real issue affecting all biological systems. Atmospheric scientists, using global climate models, have developed scenarios of the future climate that far exceed the traditional climate envelope and their associated forest management practices. Not all forests are alike, nor do they share the same adaptive life cycles, feedbacks and threats. Much of tomorrow’s forests will become farmed forests, managed in a pro-active, designed and adaptive envelope, to sustain multiple products, values and services. Given the life cycle of most forest species, forest management systems will need to radically adjust their limits of knowledge and adaptive strategies to initiate, enhance and plan forests in relative harmony with the future climate. Protected Areas (IUCN), Global Biosphere Reserves (UNESCO) and Smithsonian Institution sites provide an effective community-based platform to monitor changes in forest species, ecosystems and biodiversity under changing climatic conditions.  相似文献   
This article examines the concept of cartographic visualization. The value of cartographic visualization as an essential component in the study of geographic phenomena is discussed. Ontological and epistemological perspectives are addressed, with examinations of positivist, realist, postmodern, feminist, and anarchist approaches to visualization. Critiques of cartographic visualization from social theorists and quantitative positivists are presented. The author asserts that cartographic visualization is not restricted to any one particular epistemological framework but may combine methods of knowledge production. For comprehensive analysis of spatial data, cartographic visualization must be included along with other qualitative and quantitative analysis.  相似文献   
The important role of vegetation in adding cohesion and stabilizing streambanks has been widely recognized in several aspects of fluvial geomorphology, including stream restoration and studies of long‐term channel change. Changes in planform between braided, meandering, and anabranching forms have been attributed to the impacts of vegetation on hydraulic roughness and bank stability. However, these studies focus either on flume studies where analog vegetation is used, or case studies featuring one species, which is commonly invasive. We present functional differences of bank‐stabilizing root characteristics and added cohesion, with vegetation categorized as woody and non‐woody and by the vegetation groups of trees, shrubs, graminoids, and forbs. We analyzed root morphology and tensile strength of 14 species common to riparian areas in the southern Rocky Mountains, in field sites along streambanks in the montane and subalpine zones of the Colorado Front Range. Using the vegetation root component (RipRoot) of a physically‐based bank stability model (BSTEM), we estimated the added cohesion for various sediment textures with the addition of each of the 14 species. Significant differences exist between woody and non‐woody vegetation and between the four vegetation categories with respect to the coefficient of the root tensile strength curve, lateral root extent, and maximum root diameter. Woody vegetation (trees and shrubs) have higher values of all three parameters than non‐woody species. Tree roots add significantly more cohesion to streambanks than forb roots. Additionally, rhizomes may play an important role in determining the reach‐scale effects of roots on bank stabilization. Differences in root characteristics and added cohesion among vegetation categories have several important implications, including determining the likelihood of planform change, developing guidelines for the use of bank‐stabilizing vegetation, and linking the effect of vegetation to geomorphic structure that can benefit ecosystem functioning. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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