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A tracer plume was created within a thin aquifer by injection for 299 d of two adjacent “sub‐plumes” to represent one type of plume heterogeneity encountered in practice. The plume was monitored by snapshot sampling of transects of fully screened wells. The mass injection rate and total mass injected were known. Using all wells in each transect (0.77 m well spacing, 1.4 points/m2 sampling density), the Theissen Polygon Method (TPM) yielded apparently accurate mass discharge (Md) estimates at three transects for 12 snapshots. When applied to hypothetical sparser transects using subsets of the wells with average spacing and sampling density from 1.55 to 5.39 m and 0.70 to 0.20 points/m2, respectively, the TPM accuracy depended on well spacing and location of the wells in the hypothesized transect with respect to the sub‐plumes. Potential error was relatively low when the well spacing was less than the widths of the sub‐plumes (>0.35 points/m2). Potential error increased for well spacing similar to or greater than the sub‐plume widths, or when less than 1% of the plume area was sampled. For low density sampling of laterally heterogeneous plumes, small changes in groundwater flow direction can lead to wide fluctuations in Md estimates by the TPM. However, sampling conducted when flow is known or likely to be in a preferred direction can potentially allow more useful comparisons of Md over multiyear time frames, such as required for performance evaluation of natural attenuation or engineered remediation systems.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the effect of nanoclay on permeability, swelling, compressive strength, and cation exchange capacity of a compacted Kahrizak landfill clay liner. The results show that 4% nanoclay significantly reduces permeability (3 × 10?9 to 7.74 × 10?11 cm/s in neutral, 3.66 × 10?9 to 7.9 × 10?10 cm/s in acidic, and 3.25 × 10?9 to 5.24 × 10?10 cm/s in alkaline condition), and increases compressive strength (by 36.28%) and the percentage of swelling (from 16.67 to 41.82, 23.33 to 45.45, and 15 to 38.18 at pH 7, 4.8, and 9, respectively) compare to raw clay samples. Moreover, the results of cation exchange capacity tests show that adding 4% nanoclay to the Kahrizak clay, permeated with landfill leachate, helps the sample maintain its mono‐valent ions between layers and remains dispersed. The results of SEM and XRD analyses show that by adding nanoclay, nanoclay clusters are formed in the sample; as a result, the interlayer spacing decreases which makes it remain dispersed. XRF analyses also demonstrate that by adding nanoclay to the mixture, the permeability and therefore, the amount of heavy metals which can penetrate into it decreases. The results justify the construction of clay barriers with nanoclay in order to prevent leachate penetration, and consequently reduce the operation costs.  相似文献   
A precise value of the matrix-fracture transfer shape factor is essential for modeling fluid flow in fractured porous media by a dual-porosity approach. The slightly compressible fluid shape factor has been widely investigated in the literature. In a recent study, we have developed a transfer function for flow of a compressible fluid using a constant fracture pressure boundary condition [Ranjbar E, Hassanzadeh H, Matrix-fracture transfer shape factor for modeling flow of a compressible fluid in dual-porosity media. Adv Water Res 2011;34(5):627-39. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.02.012]. However, for a compressible fluid, the consequence of a pressure depletion boundary condition on the shape factor has not been investigated in the previous studies. The main purpose of this paper is, therefore, to investigate the effect of the fracture pressure depletion regime on the shape factor for single-phase flow of a compressible fluid. In the current study, a model for evaluation of the shape factor is derived using solutions of a nonlinear diffusivity equation subject to different pressure depletion regimes. A combination of the heat integral method, the method of moments and Duhamel’s theorem is used to solve this nonlinear equation. The developed solution is validated by fine-grid numerical simulations. The presented model can recover the shape factor of slightly compressible fluids reported in the literature. This study demonstrates that in the case of a single-phase flow of compressible fluid, the shape factor is a function of the imposed boundary condition in the fracture and its variability with time. It is shown that such dependence can be described by an exponentially declining fracture pressure with different decline exponents. These findings improve our understanding of fluid flow in fractured porous media.  相似文献   
A ship board trial of a deoxygenation method for treating ballast water was carried out during a voyage from Southampton (United Kingdom) to Manzanillo (Panama). A nutrient solution added to two ballast tanks encouraged bacterial growth, resulting in a gradual change to an anoxic environment. Samples were taken from two treated tanks and two untreated tanks to assess changes in the abundance and viability of zooplankton, phytoplankton and bacteria. The work was carried out before the International Maritime Organization (IMO) standard was agreed so only a broad indication of whether the results achieved the standard was given. For the zooplankton, the standard would have been achieved within 5 or 7 days but the phytoplankton results were inconclusive. The biological efficacy was the result of the combination of several factors, including the treatment, pump damage and an increase in the water temperature during the voyage.  相似文献   
A ballast water short-time high temperature heat treatment technique was applied on board a car-carrier during a voyage from Egypt to Belgium. Ballast water from three tanks was subjected for a few seconds to temperatures ranging from 55 degrees C to 80 degrees C. The water was heated using the vessel's heat exchanger steam and a second heat exchanger was used to pre-heat and cool down the water. The treatment was effective at causing mortality of bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) standard was not agreed before this study was carried out, but comparing our results gives a broad indication that the IMO standard would have been met in some of the tests for the zooplankton, in all the tests for the phytoplankton; and probably on most occasions for the bacteria. Passing the water through the pump increased the kill rate but increasing the temperature above 55 degrees C did not improve the heat treatment's efficacy.  相似文献   
In this paper, a comprehensive study is carried out to examine the possibility of dynamic instability produced in soil‐structure systems using an ensemble of 50 pulse‐like records. A number of structural models with various vibration periods varying from 0.1 to 2 s are used in this study. The superstructure is simulated as a non‐linear SDOF oscillator with a two‐segment backbone curve having negative post‐yield stiffness. The soil is idealized based on the cone model concept widely used for practical purposes. The results of this investigation demonstrate that as the pulse period increases, the collapse relative lateral strength ratio decreases and probability of dynamic instability enhances. Moreover, soil flexibility makes the system dynamically more unstable, and as the non‐dimensional frequency increases, the collapse relative lateral strength ratio highly reduces. Additionally, the aspect ratio has insignificant effects on the collapse relative lateral strength ratio. Furthermore, comparison of the collapse relative lateral strength ratios resulting from pulse‐like motions with those obtained from studies under non‐pulse‐like motions (Miranda and Akkar; FEMA 440) for fixed‐base conditions shows that high‐velocity pulses exacerbate the dynamic instability problem and decrease the collapse relative lateral strength ratio. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Using the Sagdeev pseudo-potential technique, further investigation on the effect of nonextensive hot electrons on finite amplitude nonlinear low-frequency electrostatic waves in a magnetized two-component plasma have been reported in detail. The plasma model consists of cold ions fluid and nonextensively distributed electrons. The existence domain for the nonlinear structures have been established analytically and numerically. Apart from the compressive and rarefactive soliton solutions that have been reported earlier, the present investigation shows that double layer structures can be obtained for certain values of nonextensive electrons in the supersonic Mach number regime. The present results may provide an explanation for the observed nonlinear structures in the auroral region of the Earth’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - This paper presents a constitutive model enabled to simulate monotonic and cyclic behaviour of clay and sand in a unified framework. The bounding surface concept has been...  相似文献   
Wave parameters prediction is an important issue in coastal and offshore engineering. In this literature, several models and methods are introduced. In the recent years, the well-known soft computing approaches, such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems and etc., have been known as novel methods to form intelligent systems, these approaches has also been used to predict wave parameters, as well. It is not a long time that support vector machine (SVM) is introduced as a strong machine learning and data mining tool. In this paper, it is used to predict significant wave height (Hs). The data set used in this study comprises wave wind data gathered from deep water locations in Lake Michigan. Current wind speed (u) and those belonging up to six previous hours are given as input variables, while the significant wave height is the output parameter. The SVM results are compared with those of artificial neural networks, multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF) models. The results show that SVM can be successfully used for prediction of Hs. Furthermore, comparisons indicate that the error statistics of SVM model marginally outperforms ANN even with much less computational time required.  相似文献   
We construct long-term time series of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet mass change from satellite gravity measurements. A statistical reconstruction approach is developed based on a principal component analysis (PCA) to combine high-resolution spatial modes from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission with the gravity information from conventional satellite tracking data. Uncertainties of this reconstruction are rigorously assessed; they include temporal limitations for short GRACE measurements, spatial limitations for the low-resolution conventional tracking data measurements, and limitations of the estimated statistical relationships between low- and high-degree potential coefficients reflected in the PCA modes. Trends of mass variations in Greenland and Antarctica are assessed against a number of previous studies. The resulting time series for Greenland show a higher rate of mass loss than other methods before 2000, while the Antarctic ice sheet appears heavily influenced by interannual variations.  相似文献   
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