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A high-resolution study of a marsh sedimentary sequence from the Minho estuary provides a new palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from NW Iberian based on geological proxies supported by historical and instrumental climatic records. A low-salinity tidal flat, dominated by Trochamminita salsa, Haplophragmoides spp. and Cribrostomoides spp., prevailed from AD 140–1360 (Roman Warm Period, Dark Ages, Medieval Climatic Anomaly). This sheltered environment was affected by high hydrodynamic episodes, marked by the increase in silt/clay ratio, decrease of organic matter, and poor and weakly preserved foraminiferal assemblages, suggesting enhanced river runoff. The establishment of low marsh began at AD 1380. This low-salinity environment, marked by colder and wet conditions, persisted from AD 1410–1770 (Little Ice Age), when foraminiferal density increased significantly. Haplophragmoides manilaensis and Trochamminita salsa mark the transition from low to high marsh at AD 1730. Since AD 1780 the abundances of salt marsh species (Jadammina macrescens, Trochammina inflata) increased, accompanied by a decrease in foraminiferal density, reflecting climate instability, when droughts alternate with severe floods. SW Europe marsh foraminifera respond to the hydrological balance, controlled by climatic variability modes (e.g., NAO) and solar activity, thus contributing to the understanding of NE Atlantic climate dynamics.  相似文献   
The abiotic hydrological environment and the community dynamics of the fish fauna were investigated in the Ria de Aveiro, an estuarine coastal lagoon system (43 km2), which has both marine and fluvial influences. Abiotic hydrological and fish community parameters were recorded routinely during 12 months at ten stations. Temperature ranged between 9.5°C and 26.0°C, salinity between 0.0‰ and 32.0‰, dissolved oxygen between 0.8 mg 1?1 and 15.4 mg 1?1, pH between 6.1 and 9.4, and transparency between 4.4% and 100.0%. No significant differences were observed in temperature and dissolved oxygen among stations, or in seasonal variation in transparency. Nineteen thousand thirty-one fish specimens comprising 55 species were sampled. Abundance, biomass, and species richness were highest in summer and late winter at stations near the lagoon entrance. Sedentary species were most numerous, marine migratory species had the highest biomass, and the category “occasional species” had the highest number of species. Atherinidae, Mugilidae, and Gobiidae were the most important families. Eight species represented about 80% of the total fish abundance and biomass but only six species occurred in all the months and at all the stations. It was concluded that the Ria de Aveiro, with high seasonal and spatial abiotic variation, has a very rich and representative fish community compared with temperate and tropical estuaries and estuarine coastal lagoons around the world.  相似文献   
Placing precise constraints on the timing of the India-Asia continental collision is essential to understand the successive geological and geomorphological evolution of the orogenic belt as well as the uplift mechanism of the Tibetan Plateau and their effects on climate,environment and life.Based on the extensive study of the sedimentary record on both sides of the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone in Tibet,we review here the present state of knowledge on the timing of collision onset,discuss its possible diachroneity along strike,and reconstruct the early structural and topographic evolution of the Himalayan collided range.We define continent-continent collision as the moment when the oceanic crust is completely consumed at one point where the two continental margins come into contact.We use two methods to constrain the timing of collision onset:(1) dating the provenance change from Indian to Asian recorded by deep-water turbidites near the suture zone,and(2) dating the age of unconformities on both sides of the suture zone.The first method allowed us to constrain precisely collision onset as middle Palaeocene(59±l Ma).Marine sedimentation persisted in the collisional zone for another 20-25 Ma locally in southern Tibet,and molassic-type deposition in the Indian foreland basin did not begin until another 10-15 Ma later.Available sedimentary evidence failed to firmly document any significant diachroneity of collision onset from the central Himalaya to the western Himalaya and Pakistan so far.Based on the Cenozoic stratigraphic record of the Tibetan Himalaya,four distinct stages can be identified in the early evolution of the Himalayan orogen:(1) middle Palaeocene-early Eocene earliest Eohimalayan stage(from 59 to 52 Ma):collision onset and filling of the deep-water trough along the suture zone while carbonate platform sedimentation persisted on the inner Indian margin;(2) early-middle Eocene early Eohimalayan stage(from 52 to 41 or 35 Ma):filling of intervening seaways and cessation of marine sedimentation;(3) late Eocene-Oligocene late Eohimalayan stage(from 41 to 25 Ma):huge gap in the sedimentary record both in the collision zone and in the Indian foreland;and(4) late Oligocene-early Miocene early Neohimalayan stage(from 26 to 17 Ma):rapid Himalayan growth and onset of molasse-type sedimentation in the Indian foreland basin.  相似文献   
Juncus bufonius L. (Juncaceae) is recognized by the US Department of Agriculture as a weed or invasive plant. Recently, we reported on J. bufonius L. var. bufonius associated with the native vascular p...  相似文献   
The church of Santa María del Naranco is an important monument from the pre‐Romanesque period of Asturian art. Here we present research that locates the probable source of travertine used in the construction of a vault within this monument. Since the genesis of this travertine is associated with spring activity, and archival evidence suggests that stone procurement during this period tended to be local, we surveyed existing carbonated aquifers within a 5‐km radius of the monument. We identified a spring (Sopeña) with an associated outcrop of discontinuous travertine that appeared to have been quarried in the past. We conducted X‐ray powder diffraction, electron microprobe, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses of samples extracted from the suspected travertine source, an additional more distant travertine quarry for comparison, and the vault. Matching mineralogy and geochemistry indicate that the Sopeña travertine was the probable source of rock material used in the construction of the vault. This study provides insight into local ancient monument construction and can assist in procuring original stone material for historical restoration. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Structural, metamorphic and isotopic data obtained from the Nogoli Metamorphic Complex of western Sierra de San Luis indicate that the Early Paleozoic Famatinian Orogeny overprinted an already structured and metamorphosed older basement. The older geological features are relict NW trending fabric associated with high-grade (amphibolite facies) regional metamorphism preserved within thin strips of schists and paragneisses and in the core of mafic to ultramafic lenses. Arc magmatism, medium P (Barrovian type)/high T (amphibolite to granulite facies) regional metamorphism and penetrative NNE to NE trending foliation are related to the building of the Famatinian orogenic belt. The P-T conditions of the Famatinian prograde metamorphism reached a pressure peak of ca. 8 kb, with a thermal peak from -750°C up to -820°C. U-Pb conventional and chemical dating and Ar-Ar plateau ages constrain the peak of the main orogenic phase related to the Famatinian belt to 470–457 Ma (Early to Mid-Ordovician). Greenschist facies retrograde metamorphism closely associated with shear zones and secondary Ar-Ar plateau and Sm-Nd ages suggest that a late to post-orogenic phase of the Famatinian belt was active at least since -445 Ma. This phase continued during the Silurian to Late Devonian times through multiple reactivation of early shear zones. The Famatinian Orogeny reset a previous thermal history and therefore, the timing of the relict fabric could not be constrained conclusively with radiometric dates. Despite this difficulty, a range of 520 to 490 Ma suggests some inheritance from Pampean events registered by the older NW-SE fabric. The Early to Mid-Ordovician regional metamorphism and ductile deformation of the western Sierra de San Luis is interpreted as the orogenic effects of the collision of the allochthonous Cuyania terrane with the autochthonous proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana during the Famatinian Orogeny.  相似文献   
Chemical and isotopic analyses of groundwater from the carbonated Jurassic aquifers in the Gijón-Villaviciosa basin (Asturias, northern Spain) were carried out. Nine springs were sampled to determine major cations and anions, as well as the stable isotopes of the water molecule (δ2H and δ18O) and sulphate (δ34S) values. Also, δ34S values from gypsum coming both from Triassic rocks and bottom of Jurassic sequence were also determined. The results obtained were used to classify the waters with a genetic criteria in three groups: (1) waters with a high gypsum influence, with sulphate coming from Jurassic gypsum, (2) waters without gypsum influence, where sulphate source could be atmospheric deposition from industrial processes and marine aerosol, and (3) waters with some gypsum influence, in which sulphate origin could be a combination of different sources. In relation to recharge, δ2H and δ18O values were close to those of Global Meteoric Water Line and fit a local line that suggests a meteoric origin. The estimated elevations for spring recharge are in agreement with those obtained from hydrogeological maps.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes results of a comprehensive analytical study aimed at evaluating the amplitude and heightwise distribution of residual drift demands in multi‐storey moment‐resisting frames after earthquake excitation. For that purpose, a family of 12 one‐bay two‐dimensional generic frame models was subjected to an ensemble of 40 ground motions scaled to different intensities. In this investigation, an inelastic ground motion intensity measure was employed to scale each record, which allowed reducing the record‐to‐record variability in the estimation of residual drift demands. The results were statistically processed in order to evaluate the influence of ground motion intensity, number of stories, period of vibration, frame mechanism, system overstrength, and hysteretic behaviour on central tendency of residual drift demands. In addition, a special emphasis was given to evaluate the uncertainty in the estimation of residual drift demands. Results of incremental dynamic analyses indicate that the amplitude and heightwise distribution of residual drift demands strongly depends on the frame mechanism, the heightwise system structural overstrength and the component hysteretic behaviour. An important conclusion for performance‐based assessment is that the evaluation of residual drift demands involves significantly larger levels of uncertainty (i.e. record‐to‐record variability) than that of maximum drift demands, which suggests that this variability and corresponding uncertainty should be explicitly taken into account when estimating residual drift demands during performance‐based seismic assessment of frame buildings. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This short communication presents the assessment of seismic inelastic and elastic displacement demands computed from earthquake ground motions (EQGMs) recorded in Mexico City during the intermediate‐depth intraslab Puebla‐Morelos earthquake on 19 September 2017 (Mw = 7.1). Evaluation is conducted by means of peak elastic and inelastic displacement demand spectra, inelastic displacement ratio, CR, spectra, and generalized interstory drift spectra computed for selected recording stations located in different soil sites of Mexico City, including those located in areas of reported collapsed buildings. Results of this study confirm previous observations made from interplate (subduction) EQGMs that peak inelastic displacement demands are greater than corresponding elastic counterparts for short‐to‐medium period structures, while the opposite is true for medium‐to‐long period structures. Possible basin site effects were identified from generalized interstory drift spectra. It is also shown that an equation introduced in the literature to obtain estimates of CR developed from interplate EQGMs provides also a good estimate for mean CR computed from the intermediate‐depth intraslab EQGMs.  相似文献   
It is well known that the majority of buoy measurements are located around the US coast and along some Europeans countries. The lack of long-term and densely spaced in situ measurements in the Southern Hemisphere in general, and the South Atlantic in particular, hinders several investigations due to the lack of detailed metocean information. Here, we present an effort to overcome this limitation, with a dense network of buoys along the Brazilian coast, equipped with several meteorological and oceanographic sensors. Out of ten currently operational buoys, three are employed to present the main characteristics of waves in the Southern part of the network. For the first time, sensor characteristics and settings are described, as well as the methods applied to the raw wave data. Statistics and distributions of wave parameters, swell propagating events, comparison with a numerical model and altimeters and a discussion about the occurrence of freak waves are presented.  相似文献   
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