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The aim of the investigation was to define the mechanisms of sediment transport in the swash zone of microtidal coarse-clastic beaches in the very short term by evaluating the displacement rates of marked pebbles under low-energy wave conditions. Tests were performed at two sites (Marina di Pisa, Ligurian Sea, and Portonovo, central Adriatic Sea) to check the consistency of the data over a range of different grain sizes. Two recovery campaigns were carried out at both sites, one 6 h and the other 24 h after the injection. During the experiments wave action was at a minimum (wave heights never exceeded 0.3 m). The results show that 20% of pebbles ranging in diameter from 30–90 mm moved significantly (more than 0.5 m) already 6 h after the injection, with some tracers being lost (3%). After 24 h, 40% of the pebbles were significantly displaced and 10% were lost. The preferential downslope movement of tracers, which suggests that coarse sediment movement under low-energy conditions is mainly controlled by gravity processes enhanced by steep beachface slopes, represents the novelty of the results reported here. It would appear that swash processes on low-energy beaches cause a significant rate of pebble displacement through the destabilization induced by wave uprush and backwash. Despite the microtidal range, the position of the mean water level plays a major role in changing the beach level at which swash processes can actually trigger pebble movement. The results of this study show that considerable, and mostly seaward-directed, coarse sediment transport takes place even during short fair-weather periods.  相似文献   
Empirical multivariate predictive models represent an important tool to estimate gully erosion susceptibility. Topography, lithology, climate, land use and vegetation cover are commonly used as input for these approaches. In this paper, two multivariate predictive models were generated for two gully erosion processes in San Giorgio basin (Italy) and Mula River basin (Spain) using only topographical attributes as independent variables. Initially, nine models (five for San Giorgio and four for Mula) with pixel sizes ranging from 2 to 50 m were generated, and validation statistics were calculated to estimate the optimal pixel size. The best models were selected based on model performance using the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC) curve and the generalized cross-validation. The best pixel size was 4 m in the San Giorgio basin and 20 m in the Mula basin. The finest resolution was not necessarily the best; rather, the relationship between digital elevation model resolution and size of the landform was important. The two selected models showed an excellent performance with AUC values of 0.859 and 0.826 for San Giorgio and Mula, respectively. The Topographic Wetness Index and the general curvature were identified as key topographical attributes in San Giorgio and Mula basins, respectively. Both attributes were related to the processes observed in the field and described in the literature. Finally, maps of gully erosion susceptibility were produced for each basin. These maps showed that 22 and 20 % of San Giorgio and Mula basins, respectively, present favourable conditions for the development of gullies.  相似文献   
The Durkan Complex is a key tectonic element of the Makran accretionary prism (SE Iran) and it has been interpreted as representing a continental margin succession. We present here a multidisciplinary study of the western Durkan Complex, which is based on new geological, stratigraphic, biostratigraphic data, as well as geochemical data of the volcanic and meta-volcanic rocks forming this complex. Our data show that this complex consists of distinct tectonic slices showing both non-metamorphic and very low-grade metamorphic deformed successions. Stratigraphic and biostratigraphic data allow us to recognize three types of successions. Type-I is composed by a Coniacian – early Campanian pelagic succession with intercalation of pillow lavas and minor volcaniclastic rocks. Type-II succession includes a volcanic sequence passing to a volcano-sedimentary sequence with Cenomanian pelagic limestones, followed by a hemipelagic sequence. This succession is characterized by abundant mass-transport deposits. Type-III succession includes volcanic and volcano-sedimentary sequences, which are stratigraphically covered by a Cenomanian platform succession. The latter is locally followed by a hemipelagic sequence. The volcanic rocks in the different successions show alkaline geochemical affinity, suggesting an origin from an oceanic within-plate setting. Our new results indicate that the western Durkan Complex represents fragments of seamounts tectonically incorporated in the Makran accretionary wedge during the latest Late Cretaceous–Paleocene. We propose that incorporation of seamounts in the frontal prism caused a shortening of the whole convergent margin and possibly contributed to controlling the deformation style in the Makran Accretionary Wedge during Late Cretaceous–Paleocene times.  相似文献   

Diorites and granitoids that intruded the Upper Austroalpine units of the central Alps during the Permian display map-pable tectonic imprints and metamorphic transformations that were acquired during the Alpine tectonometamorphic cycle. Superposed heterogeneous deformations interacted with metamorphic re-equilibration stages and created a range of textural types that reflect local deformation gradients: coronitic transformations textures, normally foliated S-tectonites and mylonitic foliations. The three textural types are distinguished on maps recording foliation trajectories of successive deformation phases, which are correlated to the evolution of metamorphic assemblages. Tectonic deformation of Alpine age is represented by three generations of ductile syn-metamorphic structures. The mineral assemblages stable during the first Alpine deformation phase (D1) are AmpII + P1II + white mica, + Zo/Czo + Grt + Qtz ± Mg-Ch1 ± Ilm in metadiorites and P1II + white micaI + Zo/Czo + Grt + AmpII + Qtz ± Ilm/Ttn in metagranitoids; the successive foliations D2a and D2b are defined by greenschist facies minerals. Thermobarometric estimates allow T = 500–600 °C and P = 1.1 ± 0.2 GPa conditions to be determined during D1 and T ≤ 350 °C and P ≤ 0.5 GPa during D2. Relict igneous minerals in metadiorites allow to determine intrusive conditions of T = 879 ± 110 °C and P = 0.4–0.7 GPa. Radiometric ages and P/T ratio of Alpine PmaxTPmax suggest that the inferred P-T-d-t path may represent the thermal state of the initial Alpine subduction stages. © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
Today, a stimulating debate involves the scientific community about the impact of presumable future climate changes on the human life. One of the main question marks concerns their effects on hydrological hazards. Unfortunately, often such a debate is not based on reliable data. The paper proposes a methodology based on the coupling of climatic scenarios and geotechnical analyses accounting for the potential changes in climate parameters. Some analyses have been carried out to forecast the future behaviour of a slow landslide in clay. According to the adopted model, local climate effects should cause a slow decrease in the displacement rate.  相似文献   
Landslide hazard assessment, effected by means of geostatistical methods, is based on the analysis of the relationships between landslides and the spatial distributions of some instability factors. Frequently such analyses are based on landslide inventories in which each record represents the entire unstable area and is managed as a single instability landform. In this research, landslide susceptibility is evaluated through the study of a variety of instability landforms: landslides, scarps and areas uphill from crown. The instability factors selected were: bedrock lithology, steepness, topographic wetness index and stream power index. The instability landform densities computed for all the factors, which were arranged in Unique Condition Unit, allowed us to derive a total of three prediction images for each landslide typology. The role of the instability factors and the effects generated by the use of different landforms were analyzed by means of: a) bivariate analysis of the relationships between factors and landslide density; b) predictive power validations of the prediction images, based on a random partition strategy.The test area was the Iato River Basin (North-Western Sicily), whose slopes are moderately involved in flow and rotational slide landslides (219 and 28, respectively). The area is mainly made up of the following complexes: Numidian Flysch clays (19%, 1%), Terravecchia sandy clays (5%, 1%), Terravecchia clayey sands (3%, 0.3%) and San Cipirello marly clays (9%, 0%). The steepness parameter shows the highest landslide density in the [11–19°] class for both the typologies (8%, 1%), even if the density distributions for rotational slides are right-asymmetric and right-shifted. We obtained significant differences in shape when we used different instability landforms. Unlike scarps and areas uphill from crowns, landslide areas produce left-asymmetric and left-shifted density distributions for both the typologies. As far as the topographic wetness index is concerned, much more pronounced differences were detected among the instability landforms of rotational slides. In contrast, the flow landslides produce normal-like density distributions. The latter and the rotational slide landslide areas produce the highest density values in the class [5.5–6.7], despite an abrupt decreasing trend starting from the first class [3.2–4.4], which is generated by the density values of the rotational slide scarps and areas uphill from crowns. The stream power index at the foot of the slopes, which was automatically derived using a GIS-procedure, shows a positive correlation with the landslide densities marked by the maximum classes: [4.8–6.0] for flows, and [6.0–7.2] for rotational slides. The validation procedure results confirmed that the choice of instability landform influences the results of the susceptibility analysis. Furthermore, the validation procedure indicates that: a) the predictive models are generally satisfactory; b) scarps and zones uphill from crown areas are the most diagnostically unstable landforms, for flow and rotational slide landslides respectively.  相似文献   
New palaeoseismic trenching across the main splay of the Fucino fault system provides evidence for a High Middle Age surface‐faulting episode conceivably associated with a disruptive earthquake, similar to the one that occurred in 1915 (Mw 7.0). The existence of this event, which has already been suggested by some previous studies, implies a shortening of the recurrence interval for Mw 7.0 earthquakes with respect to current knowledge. If we assume that the palaeoseismic Holocene record is complete, this shortening is focused in the historical period, when the Fucino structure sourced three strong earthquakes in only 1.4 ka. A similar clustering of energy release in the recent past is consistent with both palaeoseismological studies on other faults affecting the Apennine divide, and the high GPS strain rates observed in the same chain sectors.  相似文献   
The paper is concerned with the seismic design of steel‐braced frames in which the braces are configured in a chevron pattern. According to EuroCode 8 (EC8), the behaviour factor q, which allows for the trade‐off between the strength and ductility, is set at 2.5 for chevron‐braced frames, while 6.5 is assigned for most ductile steel moment‐resisting frames. Strength deterioration in post‐buckling regime varies with the brace's slenderness, but EC8 adopts a unique q value irrespective of the brace slenderness. The study focuses on reevaluation of the q value adequate for the seismic design of chevron‐braced frames. The present EC8 method for the calculation of brace strength supplies significantly different elastic stiffnesses and actual strengths for different values of brace slenderness. A new method to estimate the strength of a chevron brace pair is proposed, in which the yield strength (for the brace in tension) and the post‐buckling strength (for the brace in compression) are considered. The new method ensures an identical elastic stiffness and a similar strength regardless of the brace slenderness. The advantage of the proposed method over the conventional EC8 method is demonstrated for the capacity of the proposed method to control the maximum inter‐storey drift. The q values adequate for the chevron‐braced frames are examined in reference to the maximum inter‐storey drifts sustained by most ductile moment‐resisting frames. When the proposed method is employed for strength calculation, the q value of 3.5 is found to be reasonable. It is notable that the proposed method does not require larger cross‐sections for the braces compared to the cross‐sections required for the present EC8 method. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The zero-lag cross-correlation technique, used for array analysis in the hypothesis of plane waves, has been modified to allow the wave front to be circular. Synthetic tests have been performed to check the capability of the method, which returns the input test data when the source–array distances are not greater than two or three times the array aperture. For this distance range the method furnishes an estimate of the apparent velocity and the epicentral coordinates of the source. For more distant sources the method becomes equivalent to that based on the planar-wave approximation, which gives an estimate of the backazimuth to the source and the apparent velocity. The method has been applied to seismic data recorded at the active volcano located at Deception Island, Antarctica. 35 volcanic long-period events occurring in a small swarm were selected. Results show that the epicentres are close to the array (between 0.4 and 2 km) and aligned in a SW direction, in agreement with one of the main directions of the fracture system of Deception volcano.  相似文献   
A peat deposit (Zennare basin, Venice coastland, Italy) was monitored in previous field studies to investigate the hydrological response of organic soil to meteorological dynamics. Field tests and modelling predictions highlighted the risk of the complete loss of this peat layer during the next 50 years, due to oxidation enhanced by the increased frequency of warmer periods. Unfortunately, despite the considerable impacts that are expected to affect peat bogs (in this area and worldwide), only a few experimental studies have been carried out to assess the hydrologic response of peat to severe water scarcity. Because of that, an undisturbed 0.7 m3 peat monolith was collected, transferred to the laboratory and instrumented. The total weight (representative of the water content dynamics of the peat monolith as a whole), and two vertical profiles of matric potentials and water content were monitored in controlled water-scarce conditions. After an extended air-drying period, the monolith was used as an undisturbed peat lysimeter and a complete cycle of wetting and drainage was performed. Supplementary measurements of matric potential ψ and water content θ were collected by testing peat subsamples on a suction table apparatus. A set of water retention curves was determined in a range of matric potentials broader (ψ down to −7 m) than the current natural conditions in the field (minimum ψ = −1 m). While water content at saturation showed values similar to those in the original natural conditions (θ ≅ 0.8), a remarkable loss of water holding capacity (even for low potentials) has been highlighted, especially in deep layers that are now permanently below the water table. The retention curves changed shape and values, with a more pronounced hysteresis visible in an increasing distance between wetting and drying data. Hydraulic non-equilibrium between the water content and water potential could be a possible cause and it is worth modelling in future studies. The parameters of the van Genuchten retention curves were obtained for the wetting and the drying phases.  相似文献   
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