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Contributions have been made to the theory of the relation between terrestrial magnetism and glaciations. The results are applied to the ice sheets of high-latitude regions. A review of Pleistocene palcomagnetic dating is given.  相似文献   
Metamorphism in the Adirondacks. I. Petrology, Pressure and Temperature   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Grenville Supergroup sediments and suites of pre- and syn-tectonicigneous rocks have been metamorphosed to the upper amphiboliteand granulite facies in the Adirondacks of northern New Yorkduring the Grenville orogeny about one billion years ago. Magnetite-ilmenite, alkali feldspar-plagioclase, calcite-dolomiteand garnet-clinopyroxene thermometry indicate that metamorphictemperatures (T) increase from about 650 ?C in the area westand northwest of Gouverneur to 700–750 ?C near Coltonand along the Lowlands-Highlands boundary to 750–800 ?Cin areas within and around the Marcy anorthosite massif. Thepresence of grossular-rich garnet + quartz without wollastonite+ plagioclase in calc-silicate rocks and the apparent absenceof metamorphic ferropigeonite in charnockites restrict maximummetamorphic T to less than 800–850 ?C. Metamorphic pressures (P), determined from coexisting pyrite-pyrrhotite-sphalerite,garnet-rutile-sillimanite-ilmenite-quartz, fayalite-quartz-ferrosilite,fayalite-anorthite-garnet, ferrosilite-anorthite-garnet-quartz,kyanite-sillimanite, anorthite-garnet-sillimanite-quartz andthe stability of akermanite, are 6?5–7?0 kb near Gouverneurand increase to 7?5–8?0 kb in the central Adirondack Highlands. The above P-T data deduced from diverse mineralogical/chemicalsystems are interpreted as peak or near-peak conditions forAdirondack metamorphism. The compositions of thin retrograderims on garnets indicate a post-peak-metamorphic P-T path forthe Adirondacks with appreciable cooling (200–300?) beforedecompression. Peak and retrograde P-T conditions inferred forthe Adirondacks are similar to numerous other granulite terranessuggesting that similar tectonothermal events are necessaryfor the formation of many granulite belts.  相似文献   
Branding Strategies and Languages of Consumption   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article seeks to contribute to the limited literature on languages of consumption by focusing on the ways in which brands help to articulate the relationships between producers and consumers. A particular theme is the invention and exploitation of identities of place employed in branding strategies. This is illustrated by case studies of ‘clean, green’ New Zealand, and of corporate branding activites in the brewing and wine making industries.  相似文献   
Historical geography was once a popular element of university curricula in New Zealand. It was also a conspicuous focus of research. Today however there is only one identifiable course in historical geography in New Zealand's university calendars – at Massey – and few writers have maintained an active research interest rooted in the sub‐discipline. This Comment suggests some reasons why now is a good time for New Zealand's geographers to reassess this state of affairs, and outlines five themes that might be pursued in the construction of more explicit historical geographies at the start of the third millennium.  相似文献   
Lunar Pyroxene-Phyric Basalts: Crystallization Under Supercooled Conditions   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Pyroxene-phyric basalts constitute a distinct petrologic groupin samples from lunar maria at both Apollo 12 and Apollo 15sites. Textures of pyroxene-phyric basalts from both sites aresimilar, but bulk compositions and mineralogy are somewhat different.Pyroxene-phyric basalts are characterized by large pyroxenephenocrysts with cores of magnesian pigeonite and mantles ofaugite grading to ferroaugite, usually set in a distinctly finergroundmass of iron-rich pyroxene, plagioclase, ilmenite, andother minor minerals. Olivine is scarce or absent modally andnormatively. Controversy has arisen over whether the porphyritictexture is a result of (1) a two-stage cooling history, e.g.phenocrysts formed at depth, and groundmass formed on extrusion;or (2) single stage, rapid cooling under supercooled conditions(cooling history here refers to cooling conditions imposed byexternal factors, and is not to be equated with ‘crystallizationhistory’). A study of six rocks belonging to this groupfrom Apollo 15 rake samples is reported here. A considerablerange of textures is present in these rocks, and they may beranked in order of decreasing late-stage cooling rate (15125,15666, 15682, 15118, 15684, 15116) on the basis of groundmasscrystal size. The same ranking is obtained from delta-beta (measuredin X-ray precession photos) of pigeonite and augite exsolvedfrom once homogeneous crystals, or of epitaxially overgrownaugite and pigeonite. The size of the phenocrysts in these rocks tends to be positivelycorrelated with the coarseness of the groundmass. Furthermorethe same correlation is evidently present in almost all otherApollo 12 and Apollo 15 pyroxene-phyric rocks. This constitutesa strong argument in favor of a single-stage cooling historyfor all pyroxene-phyric rocks, because the correlation wouldbe fortuitous for a two-stage cooling history. On the basisof this and many other arguments advanced previously and inthis paper, it is concluded that all the pyroxene-phyric rocksoriginated in a single-stage cooling process. A crystallization model for pyroxene-phyric rocks accounts forthe bimodal distribution of crystal size by two episodes ofsupercooling and nucleation during the continuous cooling process,the first of pyroxene, which nucleates homogeneously, the secondof plagioclase, which nucleates heterogeneously on the pyroxenephenocrysts. The more rapidly cooled rocks attained greaterdegrees of supercooling in both stages, hence greater nucleationrates and smaller crystals.  相似文献   
Microbial metabolism impacts the degree of carbonate saturation by changing the total alkalinity and calcium availability; this can result in the precipitation of carbonate minerals and thus the formation of microbialites. Here, the microbial metabolic activity, the characteristics and turnover of the extracellular polymeric substances and the physicochemical conditions in the water column and sediments of a hypersaline lake, Big Pond, Bahamas, were determined to identify the driving forces in microbialite formation. A conceptual model for organomineralization within the active part of the microbial mats that cover the lake sediments is presented. Geochemical modelling indicated an oversaturation with respect to carbonates (including calcite, aragonite and dolomite), but these minerals were never observed to precipitate at the mat–water interface. This failure is attributed to the capacity of the water column and upper layers of the microbial mat to bind calcium. A layer of high Mg‐calcite was present 4 to 6 mm below the surface of the mat, just beneath the horizons of maximum photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. This carbonate layer was associated with the zone of maximum sulphate reduction. It is postulated that extracellular polymeric substances and low molecular weight organic carbon produced at the surface (i.e. the cyanobacterial layer) of the mat bind calcium. Both aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophic microbes consume extracellular polymeric substances (each process accounting for approximately half of the total consumption) and low molecular weight organic carbon, liberating calcium and producing inorganic carbon. The combination of these geochemical changes can increase the carbonate saturation index, which may result in carbonate precipitation. In conclusion, the formation and degradation of extracellular polymeric substances, as well as sulphate reduction, may play a pivotal role in the formation of microbialites both in marine and hypersaline environments.  相似文献   
The interaction of flow with an erodible bed in alluvial rivers and deep‐sea channels gives rise to a wide range of self‐formed morphologies, including channels, ripples, dunes, antidunes, alternate bars, multiple‐row bars, meandering and braiding. As the flow is invariably turbulent in field manifestations of these morphologies, there has been a tendency to assume that turbulence is necessary for them to form. While turbulence undoubtedly has an important influence when it is present, it is not necessary for any of these features. Indeed, all of these features can be formed by the morphodynamic interaction of purely laminar or nearly laminar flow with an erodible bed. This paper provides a survey and synthesis of a wide range of laminar or near‐laminar flow analogues of morphologies observed in the field. Laminar‐flow analogues of turbulent‐flow morphologies cannot and should not be expected to satisfy dynamic similarity in terms of all relevant dimensionless parameters. What is of more significance is the convergence of the underlying physics. It is illustrated in this paper that many existing theoretical frameworks for the explanation of turbulent‐flow morphodynamics require only relatively minor modification in order to adapt them to laminar flows.  相似文献   
The aluminous pyroxene, fassaite, occurs in two small tabularbodies within mafic plutonites of the Boulder Batholith nearits north-east margin twelve miles east of Helena, Montana.First described by Knopf & Lee (1957), the bodies are contact-metasomatizedlimestone septa, now magnesian-tactites, consisting chieflyof fassaite, spinel, garnet, vesuvianite, and clintonite. Lesscommon minerals include pargasite, diopside, wollastonite, sphene,perovskite, anorthite, forsterite, calcite and chlorite. Sometwenty-five microprobe analyses of the fassaite show it is variablein composition and largely consists of the components CaMgSi2O6(53–83 per cent), CaAl2SiO6 (7–25 per cent), CaFeAlSiO6(8–28 per cent), and CaTiAl2O6 (0–7 per cent). Thestoichiometry generally requires that most of the iron is ferric,consistent with Mössbauer data taken on a typical sample.If fassaite analyses from these and other contact metamorphicrocks are plotted on a triangular diagram with Ca(Mg,Fe)Si2O6,CaAl2SiO6 and CaFeAlSiO6 as end-members, the distribution ofpoints offers no positive evidence for a solvus gap betweenfassaite and diopside as proposed by Ginzburg (1969). The mostaluminous fassaites occur with spinel-clintonite ± grossularand have 25 per cent of the Si replaced by Al, making them truepolymorphs of a garnet (i.e. Gr42And23Pp35). No unusual cationordering is detected in these fassaites by single-crystal X-rayphotographs or Mössbauer measurements. Smede's (1966) estimate of 3–4 km of stratigraphic coverfor the Boulder Batholith indicates pressures of approximately1 kb, in agreement with the occurrence of andalusite + K-feldsparin a hornfels at the Kokaruda Ranch complex. The partial assemblagesof grossular, epidote, perovskite, anorthite-wollastonite, anorthite-calcite,and fassaite-calcite require XCO2 = 0·12 ± 0·08and T = 570 ± 10 °C at these pressures. These pressuresand temperatures place this occurrence in the upper portionsof the hornblende-hornfels facies after Turner (1968), althoughthe low pressures and water-rich fluids permit assemblages (wollastonite,calcite-forsterite-diopside) that Turner lists as characteristicof the pyroxene-hornfels facies.  相似文献   
Experimental studies were carried out to evaluate phase relationsinvolving titanite–F–Al-titanite solid solutionin the system CaSiO3–Al2SiO5–TiO2–CaF2. Theexperiments were conducted at 900–1000°C and 1·1–4·0GPa. The average F/Al ratio in titanite solid solution in theexperimental run products is 1·01 ± 0·06,and XAl ranges from 0·33 ± 0·02 to 0·91± 0·05, consistent with the substitution [TiO2+]–1[AlF2+]1.Analysis of the phase relations indicates that titanite solidsolutions coexisting with rutile are always low in XAl, whereasthe maximum XAl of titanite solid solution occurs with fluoriteand either anorthite or Al2SiO5. Reaction displacement experimentswere performed by adding fluorite to the assemblage anorthite+ rutile = titanite + kyanite. The reaction shifts from 1·60GPa to 1·15 ± 0·05 GPa at 900°C, from1·79 GPa to 1·375 ± 0·025 GPa at1000°C, and from 1·98 GPa to 1·575 ±0·025 GPa at 1100°C. The data show that the activityof CaTiSiO4O is very close to the ideal molecular activity model(XTi) at 1100°C, but shows a negative deviation at 1000°Cand 900°C. The results constrain  相似文献   
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