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The volcanoes of the South Sandwich island arc follow threedistinct series: low-K tholeiitic (followed by Zavodovski, Candlemas,Vindication, Montagu and Bristol), tholeiitic (followed by Visokoi,Saunders and Bellinghausen) and calcalkaline (followed by Leskov,Freehand and part of Cook and Thule). Flux calculations indicatethat the percentage contribution of the subduction componentto the mantle source of all three series varies from undetectable(e.g. Zr) through small (e.g. Nd=20%) and moderate (e.g. La,Ce, Sr=50–80%) to dominant (e.g. Pb, K, Ba, Rb, Cs >90%)with little change along the arc. Isotope systematics (Pb, Nd,Sr) show that this subduction component obtains a greater contributionfrom altered oceanic crust than from pelagic sediment. Elementsfor which the subduction contribution is small show that themantle is already depleted relative to N-MORB mantle (equivalentto loss of an 2•5% melt fraction) before melting beneaththe arc. After addition of the subduction component, dynamicmelting of this depleted mantle then causes the variations inK that distinguish the three series. The estimated degree ofpartial melting (20%) is slightly greater than that beneathocean ridges, though geothermometry suggests that the primarymagma temperature (1225C) is similar to that of primary MORB.About half of the melting may be attributed to volatile addition,and half to decompression. Dynamic melting involving three-dimensional,two-phase flow may be needed to explain fully the inter-islandvariations. KEY WORDS: geochemistry; petrology; fluxes; melting; subduction *Corresponding author  相似文献   
The Lilloise is an 8 km4 km layered mafic intrusion which cutsthe plateau basalts of the East Greenland Tertiary province.Lilloise was intruded at 50 Ma, 4–5 Ma after cessationof the voluminous tholeiitic magmatism which accompanied riftingof the East Greenland continental margin. Lilloise is unusualamong layered intrusions in the province because it had a hydrousalkali picrite parent magma and generated a late-stage effluxof magmatic water from the intrusion into the aureole rocks.The three major subdivisions of the layered rocks are: olivine-clinopyroxene,olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase and plagioclase-amphibolecumulates. Massive subsidence of the intrusion before completesolidification resulted in deformation of the internal layeringand downturn of the bedding in the surrounding basalts. A strikingfeature of the intrusion is the injection of the layered rocksby a plexus of magmatic sheets which formed at the time of subsidence.The composition of these sheets is representative of the fractionationtrend of the intrusion and ranges from hawaiite to mildly saturatedquartz trachyte. The fractionation trend is successfully explainedby extraction of cumulus minerals of the layered rocks froma parent magma represented by alkali picrite dykes of a contemporaneousregional dyke swarm. Saturated to mildly over-saturated syenitesare a major component of the East Greenland province and theLilloise intrusion is illustrative of an important magmatictrend towards such compositions at this stage in the openingof the North Atlantic. KEY WORDS: Lilloise intrusion; East Greenland; alkali picrite magma; layered intrusion; magmatic differentiation *Corraponding author  相似文献   
The Late Paleolithic sites existed in cold and dry climat (Ustinovka I, 10–25 ky ago; Ust-Ulma, 19, 360 ± 65 BP) with warmer stages (Suvorovo IV, 15,300 ± 140 BP) and on the Pleistocene/Holocene transition, near 10,000 BP (Suvorovo III). The Final Paleolithic sites existed in Late Glacial time, 10,000–12,000 BP (Gorbatka III, lower level) and in Boreal period, 8,000–9,000 BP (Ilistaya I, 7, 840 ± 60 BP; Timofeevka I). The Developed Neolithic sites existed during the warm and humid Middle-Late Atlantic period, 6,000–8,000 BP; the Late Neolithic sites — 3,000–5,000 BP. The human impact in the Paleolithic-Neolithic was restricted to burning and trampling the vegetation near the sites; the bases of paleoeconomy were hunting, fishing, gathering. The presence of pastoral anthropogenic indicators in pollen spectra of the Neolithic sites may reflect the beginning of cattle breeding.The Bronze Age (end of the 4th-2nd millenia BC) provides the first reliable evidence of cultivated plants (foxtail and Japanese millet) and domestic animals (pig, dog). In the paleoeconomy agriculture and cattle breeding appeared; the first stage of human impact increased (4,000–4,500 BP, ie 2550–3230 cal. BC) is reflected in pollen spectra from cultural layers. From the Early Iron Age to the Middle Ages (end of 2nd millenium BC-13th century AD) agriculture and cattle breeding were the base of paleoeconomy. From the 8th to the 10th centures AD, due to the development of ploughing (arable), the human impact intensified.Paper was presented on the 27th International Geographical Congress, Washington, DC, USA, August 9–14, 1992 (section Human Induced Environmental Change, the Ancient Past)  相似文献   
Interstellar water in meteorites?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D/H ratios of two meteorites (Renazzo CR and Semarkona LL3), which are known to exhibit the largest departures from the terrestrial hydrogen isotopic ratios, have been determined with the CRPG Nancy ion microprobe. Correlations between the D/H ratios and the chemical compositions (H2O, K, Si, C/H) of plausible hydrogen carriers were observed. From these correlations, it is possible to show that, contrary to previous interpretations, phyllosilicates are the carriers of the deuterium-rich hydrogen in Semarkona and Renazzo: 870 x 10(-6) > or = D/H > or = 670 x 10(-6) (+4600 > or = deltaD > or = 3300%) and > or = 320 x 10(-6) (deltaD > or = 1050%), respectively. Hydrogen is also present in the chondrules of these two deuterium-rich meteorites. The large differences in D/H ratios between matrix (up to 700 x 10(-6), deltaD up to +3500%) and chondrules (from 120 x 10(-6) (deltaD = -230%) to 230 x 10(-6) (deltaD = +475%)) show that hydrogen in chondrules cannot originate from the matrix by simple contamination or diffusion processes. The high D/H ratios measured in water-bearing minerals could not have been produced thermally within a dense solar nebula. Chemical reactions (i.e., involving ions or radicals), taking place in interstellar space or in the outer regions of the nebula at 110-140K are presently the only conceivable mechanisms capable of yielding such isotopic enrichments. Water in these meteorites should no longer be considered as a simple product of nebular condensation under equilibrium thermodynamic conditions at T > or = 160K.  相似文献   
Micas of the composition K(Fe3–x Mg x )AlSi3 O10(OH)2 (x=0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4 and 3.0, corresponding to ann80phl20, ann60phl40, ann40phl60, ann20phl80 and ann0phl100) were synthesized hydrothermally under controlled oxygen fugacity conditions. Lattice parameters a 0 and b 0 show a distinct linear decrease with increasing Mg content. With increasing ferric iron content a deviation from this linear trend is observed especially within iron rich samples. The tetrahedral rotation angle increases smoothly from 0° in annite to 9.1° in phlogopite. Mössbauer spectra show Fe2+ and Fe3+ on the octahedral M1 and M2 sites and partially also Fe3+ on the tetrahedral site. There is a smooth increase of the quadrupole splitting on both the M1 and the M2 site going from annite to phlogopite, probably due to changes in the lattice contribution to the electric field gradient, assuming a positive correlation between quadrupole splitting and distortion. Fe3+ contents, as determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy, versus oxygen fugacity shows that, depending on the composition of the micas, minimum amounts of Fe3+ are present. For ann80phl20 this minimum amount of Fe3+ is about 8% decreasing to about 1–2% Fe3+ for ann20phl80.The molar volume of each solid solution member has been estimated from the determined relations of the molar volume versus % Fe3+ contents, extrapolated back to 0% Fe3+. Plotting these volumes as a function of Xphl shows that negative excess volume occur in the annitephlogopite join, with the maximum deviation from ideality around X phl=0.3. Margules volume parameters have been constrained as: Wv, AnnPhl=0.018±0.016 J/(bar.mol) and Wv, PhlAnn=-0.391±0.025 J(bar.mol) (three site basis).  相似文献   
A major alkali province of late Panafrican age occupies centralMadagascar and takes the form of a thick sequence of ‘stratoid’(sheet-like)granites emplaced in a mid-crustal gneissic basement This alkalinemagmatism has been interpreted as a consequence of extensionaltectonics accompanying the collapse of the Mozambique belt.The rocks belong to three petrographic types: subsolvus granites,hypersolvus alkaline granites and syenites. Major and traceelement analyses have typical A-type characteristics. Two distinctmagmatic suites are recognized: a mildly alkaline suite includingall the subsolvus granites and a strongly alkaline suite includingthe hypersolvus alkaline granites and the syenites. We proposethat the mildly alkaline suite was derived from a granodioriticcrustal protolith. Some of the strongly alkaline granites andthe quartz syenites display low 18O isotopic signatures of around+6.The parental magmas for this suite are most probably of mantlederivation. The more evolved compositions are consistent withcrystal fractionation processes. Contemporaneous alkaline silicicplutonismoccurs in many parts of the Panafrican belt of Eastern Africa;however, sheet-like intrusions have rarely been described. Asa large-scale province, the nearest analogues of the stratoidgranites of Madagascar are the rapakivi granites of earlierProterozoic age in Scandinavia and Greenland. KEY WORDS: alkaline granite; Madagascar; Panafrican; pastcollisional magmatism *Corresponding author  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents results of static and cyclic direct shear tests performed on undisturbed and remoulded samples of Mexico City clays, including results of soil-on-interface tests. Experiments show that the static adhesion coefficient depends on the soils' liquidity index and that it diminishes due to the effect of repeated dynamic loads. Dynamic overstrength effects were not apparent, as has been observed when testing this clay in other apparatus. Interface strength in remoulded clays is initially less than half the strength of interfaces with undisturbed materials but it increases with time. At least in the materials tested in this research, it did not equal the strength of interfaces with undisturbed materials. Correction factors derived from experimental data can be used to modify the adhesion coefficient to account for dynamic and remoulding effects.  相似文献   
Daily averaged tilt component data from two sites of the Central Apennines (Italy) and of the Southern Caucasus (Georgia), respectively, revealed intermediate-term tilts as possible precursors to earthquakes (M=3.0÷4.7) which occurred in the above-mentioned seismic areas within a distance of 50 km from the sites. A good temporal correlation as well as a fair spatial correspondence between these residual tilts (with amplitude and duration of some microradians and months, respectively) and main shocks were pointed out, by removing both secular trends and seasonal thermoelastic effects from the raw tilts. An attempt was made to justify the above-mentioned results, based on the assumption that the observed intermediate-term preseismic tilts are the manifestation of aseismic creep episodes of comparable duration in the fault materials of thrust faults close to the tilt sites. The mechanism refers to a strain field slowly propagating from the preparation focal area to the tilt site, through crustal blocks separated by weak transition zones. This propagation is thought to be the cause of the local aseismic fault slip recorded by the tiltmeters. Previously, both discrete structures and strain propagation effects were revealed in the Central Apennines and are thought also to exist in the Southern Caucasus. As in the past, the rheological properties of fault materials are revealed as viscoelastic ones. In fact, creep equations obtained by applying several viscoelastic models on our data, proved to fit quite well some of the observed tilt precursors, producing viscosity and rigidity values very similar to those reported in literature.Professor Petr Viktorovich Manjgaladze died during the writing of this paper  相似文献   
A search for low energy neutrinos of all flavours in correlation with 553 ray bursts detected by BATSE aboard the Compton Observatory has been performed by the LSD (Liquid Scintillator Detector) neutrino telescope. No excess ofe,, orv e,, candidate has been detected by LSD during the time interval in which BATSE detected the 90% of the photon flux for any of the GRBs analyzed. Upper limits on the neutrino fluxes are given in the paper.  相似文献   
The spectra of 26 IRAS sources have been fitted using experimental optical data obtained in our laboratory for different types of carbon and silicon carbide (SiC) submicronic particles. Laboratory data are the main input for a radiative transfer model, which, taking into account several important parameters of the circumstellar matter and of the central star, evaluates the temperature gradient across the envelope and hence the emission best-fit spectrum. In this way it has been possible to fit, with good accuracy, most of the examined IRAS spectra in the range 8 - 100µm. The sources have been chosen among those showing SiC feature around 11µm and the best fits have been obtained by carefully assessing the amount and the type ( &) of SiC particles present in the grain mixtures.  相似文献   
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