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Sanz Pérez E 《Ground water》2001,39(2):203-209
Specific functions of distribution of the number of springs and of their contributions according to flow for each of nine lithological groups are established. These functions confirm the suitability of a general type of distribution (Sanz 1996), which is a borderline case of the lognormal distribution. The statistical methods proposed for the lithological types presented can be applied to any region if data on flow and lithology of the aquifers drained by springs are available. These methods have been applied to Spain, a representative region with varied geology, climate and topography; 71.2% of spring flow is supplied by limestones, 19.17% by alluvial sediments and marls, 6.7% by conglomerates and sandstones, and 3% by slates, plutonic rocks, quartzites, and other groups. Springs with discharge rates exceeding 2000 L/s exist only in limestones. The majority of springs with low flow occur in marls. If we consider springs with flow greater than 0.5 L/s, alluvial sediments, sandstones, marls, and limestones have the greatest density of springs per surface area, although the average flow varies greatly from one lithology to the next. The cumulative estimated discharge and the estimated number of springs depend upon the definition of the lower limit of flow. For example, total discharge is reduced by 30% if we eliminate all springs with flow lower than 0.5 L/min.  相似文献   
A field tracer test performed under natural flow conditions at the Twin Lake test site, Chalk River Laboratories of the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. in Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, using tritium and three herbicides (Chlortoluron, Terbuthylazine, and Pendimethalin) was interpreted using the dispersion equation with a combined reaction model. The reaction model couples an instantaneous equilibrium reaction governed by a linear adsorption isotherm with a reversible or irreversible kinetic reaction of the first order, and decay. An improved interpretation method consists of a simultaneous fitting of theoretical concentration and mass-recovery curves to the experimental data, which leads to a more reliable determining of reaction models and improves the accuracy of fitting. Tritium served as the reference tracer to determine the flow velocity, dispersivity, and the recovery of the herbicides. Chlortoluron was slightly delayed by equilibrium exchange with strongly reduced concentration due to an irreversible kinetic reaction and/or decay. Terbuthilazine was slightly delayed by equilibrium exchange, with strongly reduced concentration due to a reversible kinetic reaction with some influence of decay. A strong equilibrium reaction and a strong reversible kinetic reaction without degradation governed the transport of Pendimethalin, reducing considerably its concentration. The results obtained show that simulations based only on Kd and decay constant, especially if these parameters are found in the laboratory, may considerably differ from those performed with reaction parameters determined in properly performed field tests. The dominant reaction types, and the values of parameters found in the study, supply useful information on the transport of the investigated herbicides in sandy aquifers under natural flow conditions.  相似文献   
Multivariate outliers in environmental data sets are often caused by atypical measurement error in a singlevariable.From a quality assurance perspective it is important to identify these variables efficiently so thatcorrective actions may be performed.We demonstrate a procedure for using two multivariate tests toidentify which variable‘caused’each outlier.The procedure is tested with simulated data sets that havethe same correlation structure as selected water chemistry variables from a survey of lakes in the WesternUnited States.The success rates are evaluated for three of the variables for sample sizes of 50 and 100,significance levels of 0.01 and 0.05 and various amounts of mean shift.The procedure works best forhighly correlated variables.  相似文献   
Harvie和Weare(1980)的矿物溶解度模型,被扩展到25℃时高浓度的8组份体系Na-K-Mg-Ca-H-Cl-SO_4-OH-HCO_3-CO_3-CO_2-H_2O。该模型就其水电解质溶液的热力学而言,是以Pitzer(1973)及其同事们的半经验公式为基础的。利用大量的适用于大多数亚体系的有效的等压、电动势及溶解度资料,把模型参数化。模型的推测能力,已通过体系中比参数化所用资料更为复杂的实验资料进行对比而证实。本文讨论了水电解质溶液的化学模型的基本特点和pH与溶液平衡特性之间的关系。  相似文献   
E.F.Laine  阎贫 《世界地质》1990,9(2):38-43
为了构造蒸汽驱油范围内重油砂的层析图像,需要得到井间地震速度及高频电磁(EM)衰减数据,用了初至地震波来构造两井间的一块10m宽、8m高的垂直平面的彩色层析图像,用两个高频(17及15MHz)EM透射层析构造了20m宽、8m高平面,速度层析图明显地指示了一面岩层、其上、下都有油砂,EM层析图则指示了一更复杂的有页岩夹层的油砂地质,最深的EM层析图显示出了活动蒸汽区的上部,并指出了页岩层下蒸汽运移的通道,这些结果显示了井间整个平面的详细结论,并提供了一更好的方法,来理解蒸汽驱油环境的原地重油回采工艺。  相似文献   
引言近年来,北美克迪勒拉是通过分离的构造地层地体增生而形成的这一认识已经得到可资利用的新的地质、地球物理和古生物资料的支持(Jones等,1981;Jonts等,1983;Coney等,1980;Davis等,1978;Balke等,1983)。同样的增生过程似乎也影响了环太平洋边缘的大部分地区。为了探讨这一假说,我们已经编制了初步的环太平洋地体图。本文的目的是回顾Coney等(1980)和Jones等(1983)所提出的地体分析  相似文献   
布莱克-巴哈马(Blake-Bahama)盆地,深海钻井计划(DSDP)534井位的IPOD最新钻井资料给出了与北美大西洋板块边缘破裂有关的扩张中心的漂移的确定年龄。布莱克-斯潘 (Blake-Spur)地磁异常测定的为具有基本的卡洛夫年龄。这种地磁异常记录了标志着现代北大西洋诞生的洋脊扩张中心的漂移,比以前设想的年龄年轻约20Ma。由此可以得出一种推断: 引起北大西洋开裂的扩张中心漂移现在具有的年龄指出延伸扩张中心的漂移在墨西哥湾要结束了。有人认为这可能是同一个事件。另一种推断是:沿北美边缘的侏罗纪外层的磁静带需有很高的扩张速度,这种相对高的扩张速度与磁静带之间的关联同白垩纪中期的相似,同时也暗示了在上地幔控制的板块扩张速度过程和在外核控制的磁场过程之间的一种联系。海洋扩张速度的快和慢与地磁场的宁静和反转都具有60—100Ma的周期。由地幔最低层的热物质流的周期性喷发而形成的脉动构造理论能够解释这种相关性。这些喷出物带着热量离开核幔边界,后来达到软流圈和岩石圈,引起快速扩张。在侏罗纪,这种扩张的脉动明显地导致了北大西洋的洋脊开裂。由快速扩张引起的其它一些脉动的出现与地球各部分的多数洋脊破裂有关,这意味着扩张是一种全球性的过程。被动边缘的破裂也许就是受脉动构造理论所描述的较基本的全球性过程的控制。  相似文献   
Anabat地盾是西伯利亚地台结晶基底的北部外露,由两种主要变质杂岩构成。2.7Ga的太古宙Anabar麻粒岩杂岩含有火山成因的紫苏斜长片麻岩和变基性岩,在某些地段含有石榴片麻岩(变杂砂岩)和变质碳酸盐岩。这些岩石遭受褶皱变形形成狭窄线型,有时呈龙骨状的褶皱,这些褶皱带宽1~5km,长10~25km,走向NW-N,倾向E-NE构成一组均匀褶皱组合,表明了由E-NE向W-NW向的区域挤压作用。 1.9Ga的元古宙Lamujka杂岩占据了地台区面积约五分之一,这是由10~30km宽的断层带对麻岩的转变而成的。最初阶段形成了角闪岩相变余麻粒岩;第二阶段形成混  相似文献   
通过对Namaqua活动带的构造和地层背景的重新评价,我们把该活动带再分成(图1)不同的岩性和构造地体(根据Coney等人的概念,1981) 该活动带的东部向北东方向延伸,它也可以再分。在所划分的地体中,大多数都以大型剪切带为界,并且经测定,一些地体甚至有100km长的位移。在此提出的Aggeneys地体的构造演化就卷入了巨大的水平滑移(与垂向构造运动相反),而这一运动主宰着南非Namaqua活动带的元古宙构造演化。非洲在元古宙时期也肯定有板块构造作用在活动。在角闪岩相的Aggeneys地体(图1)中,主要构造为向南倒转的褶  相似文献   
喀斯特水文学有多方面都值得深入地和分别地研究。碳酸盐岩石对水文体系之上或其内部天然作用的不同敏感性,导致了环境方面的很大变化,其中很多直接地或间接地与渗透性有关。单一的研究已多样化了,对显著的喀斯特环境及其有关的水文学特征的局部区域描述已是常见的事了。喀斯特过程的研究已经取得了很大进展,但是并没有集中起来从全国和全世界范围内的岩溶环境的研究中得到很好的应用。通常出现在喀斯特地区的实际问题起因于如下几个方面:(1)预报性差,而且水源分布不均匀;(2)没有足够的土壤;(3)缺少常年性河流;(4)地基不稳定;(5)不可靠的废物处理环境。所有这些问题在某种程度上都与喀斯特地区的各种渗透性有关,喀斯特地区的天然水均衡可能已被人类的活动干扰了,故应将它加到环境影响的问题中去。进一步的研究可能会导致:(a)在世界范围内对喀斯特景观进行系统地描述,从而对常见的和似乎异常的特征进行鉴别和分类;(b)对过程进行更广泛地研究,以显示出各种景观的形成过程是如何进行的;(c)把科学知识应用于土地和水管理的方案以及各种喀斯特地区的基本原理之中。对喀斯特地区关注的不断增加是有道理的,而且进一步的研究将使人类能更好地开发和利用这些地区。  相似文献   
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