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SHANG E. C. 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2003,2(1):95-99
1 Introduction PredictionofthebottomreverberationinshallowwaterisveryimpotentforSONARsystems .Toex tractthemodalback scatteringmatrixfromreverbera tiondatahasbeenachallengetopicforalongtime .Inpreviousworks,theinversionofmodalback scatteringmatrixfromreverberationwasbasedonapriorias sumptions (EllisandGerstoft,1996 ;Kurdryashov ,1999;JinandZhang ,1997;ZhouandZhang ,1997;WangandShang ,2 0 0 2 ) .Anewapproachofextract ingthemodalback scatteringmatrixhasbeen pro posedbyShangetal.(2 0 0 2 … 相似文献
E. N. Parker 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2001,1(2):99-124
The Sun is close enough to observe in some detail, and it shows that a star is more than
the traditional stable self-gravitating thermonuclear body established half a celltury ago. For
the fact is that out of sight beneath the visible surface the outward flow of heat from the
thermonuclear core drives hydrodynamics that generates magnetic fields. It is the complicated
dynamics of those magnetic fields that produces the modern mysteries of the active Sun. The… 相似文献
Deuterium-enriched amino acids occur in the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite. Synthesis from D-enriched interstellar precursors by Strecker reactions during aqueous alteration of the parent body has been proposed. To test this hypothesis, we have measured the retention of deuterium in amino acids produced from HCN, NH3, and formaldehyde-D2, acetaldehyde-D4, and acetone-D6 in H2O. The isotopic label is 50% to 98% retained, with variations in retentivity depending on the amino acid and the reaction conditions. If amino acids, once formed on the parent body by the Strecker synthesis, lose no deuterium by subsequent exchange with water or H-bearing minerals, then the observed deuterium isotopic composition of Murchison amino acids represents as much as 50% or more of the enrichments inherited from their interstellar precursors. Imino diacids are prominent side products of the Strecker synthesis which have not been reported in carbonaceous chondrites. Under the conditions of the Strecker reaction using deuterium labeled aldehydes and ketones, unlabeled amino acids are also formed by an HCN polymerization route indicating multiple pathways for the synthesis of amino acids in meteorites. 相似文献
使用BIMA的C位形混合波寻联结9元天线阵,对SgrB2(N)和SgrB2(M)观测了CH3CN分子振动激发态v8=1的6k-5k线系.仅在SgrB2(N)的10"×14"区域里探测到上述发射线.在8.5kpe的距离下,该区域的相应线尺寸是0.41pc×0.58pc.对于SgrB2(M)没有探测到高于均方根噪音的发射流量密度.经粗略地估计,SgrB2(N)区的振动激发温度约为300K.针对此线系的激发机制以及SgrB2(N)区和SgrB2(M)区物理条件之间的差别进行了讨论. 相似文献
A wide range of experiments has already been carried out to simulate the chemical evolution of Titan. Such experiments can provide useful information on the possible nature of minor constituents, mostly organic, likely to be present in Titan's atmosphere. Indeed, all but one of the organic compounds already detected in Titan's atmosphere have been identified in simulation experiments. The exception, C4N2, as well as other compounds expected in Titan from theoretical modeling, such as other N-organics, mainly CH2N2, and polyynes, namely C6H2, have never been detected in experimental simulation. It turned out that these compounds were thermally unstable, and the temperature conditions used during the simulation experiments (including conditions used for chemical analysis) were not appropriate. We have recently started a new program of simulation experiments using temperature conditions close to those of Titan's environment, more compatible with the build-up and detection of organics only stable at low temperature. Spark discharge of N2-CH4 gas mixtures was carried out at low temperature in the range of 100-150 K. The analysis of the obtained products was performed through FTIR, GC and GC-MS techniques. GC-peak identification was done owing to its mass spectrum and, in most cases, by comparison of the retention time and of the mass spectrum with standards. We report here the first detection in Titan's simulation experiments of C6H2. Its abundance is a few 10(-2) relative to C4H2. We also report a tentative identification of HC5N (to be confirmed by use of standard) with an abundance of a few 10(-2) relative to HC3N. The possible presence of HC5N suggested by our work provides the occurrence of very novel pathways in the formation of Titan's organic aerosols, involving not only C and H but also N atoms. 相似文献
使用4米毫米波望远镜和中澳合作研制的高分辨率声光频谱仪完成了暗星云DC337.7—4.0的CO分子J=1-0谱线的成图观测。数据处理包含有消干扰步骤。获得云的平均辐射温度为7.3K,平均视向速度3.7km/s,平均谱线半宽1.1km/s。观测结果没显示出云中有恒星形成活动的迹象。 相似文献
主要介绍中国、西班牙两国在Lanzarote火山与地球动力学实验场 12年的合作监测研究。1991年以来 ,中西双方共同在Lanzarote岛火山活动地区建立了Cueva和Timanfaya 2个监测站 ,进行地壳变动和地热流动态监测研究。对合作研制的 2 9台 (套 )监测仪器开展长期稳定实验 ,积累了大量观测资料和数据。初步分析表明 :仪器运行良好 ,记录长期稳定可靠 ;Cueva站的仪器记录主要反映区域或全球地球物理环境或动力学效应 (如海潮、固体潮等 ) ,应变潮汐和倾斜潮汐的O1波、M2 波具有较高精度 ,显示火山目前活动微弱 ;Timanfaya站的仪器记录主要反映局部的火山活动信息 ,显示火山仍在活动但呈下降趋势。为今后火山喷发演变过程的监测研究和进一步合作奠定了基础 相似文献
KULAKOV A P QIU Shan-wen MIASNIKOV E A WANG Xi-kui TASHCHI S M ZHAO Hua-chang SONG Chang-chun 《中国地理科学(英文版)》2000,10(4):348-355
1GIGANTICRING-MORPHOSTRUCTURESOFAMUR-SONGHUA-HUANGHELINEAMENT(ASHL)Thereareaseriesofgiganticring-morphostructure(RM)alongthemarginofcontinentwithdiameterfrom1-2to3-4thousandkilometers.ASHLcrossthenextmega-RMontheeasternmarginofAsia:Amur,Korean,EastChinaandtheSeaofOkhotsk.TheAmurmega-RMismorethan2500kmindiameterandcoversthewholebasinoftheAmurRiveraswellasseriesofsmallbasinsconnectedwiththeSeasofOkhotskandJapan.Theconformaldistributionofthe“steps”ofthicknessear… 相似文献