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区域自动气象站在气象监测和防灾减灾的作用日益突出,随着大量区域自动气象站的建成并投入使用,后续的维护及故障排除等成为热点问题.对区域自动气象站几例信号干扰的故障处理进行分析,找出故障的原因,并提出相应的解决办法,为区域自动气象站的稳定运行、及时维护、高效管理提供参考.  相似文献   
2013年6月3日辽宁省境内出现剧烈的雷电活动,在17 h内观测到落雷14 103次。使用静止卫星和多普勒雷达探测数据显示雷暴系统的发展特征,计算了该过程中辽宁省境内单位面积落雷密度,并对雷暴的生成环境和WRF-3.5.1模拟的雷暴云中冰晶、霰和雨滴等粒子数浓度的空间分布状态进行了探讨。结果表明:低空急流为雷暴过程的发展输送暖湿空气,形成强烈的对流运动;高空急流右侧和右前侧的下沉干冷空气进入0~-20℃雷暴云起电层区域,东北冷涡高低空急流形成的强垂直风切变造成雷暴云体上下出现较大角度的倾斜,高频次负地闪的发生与雷暴云体倾斜造成的特定电场结构有关;负主电荷积累区域和落雷区出现在上升气流较弱的带负电粒子沉降区域。  相似文献   
This study investigates the persistence barrier phenomenon associated with positive Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) events during the various phases of its development. The results derived from three observational datasets (the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation, International Comprehensive Ocean–Atmosphere Data Set, and Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature) indicate that significant winter persistence barriers (WPBs) occur during IOD events, both in its growing and decaying phases. The simulation skill of the 14 models within the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 with respect to persistence barriers was also evaluated and compared with observational data. The results show that although most models were able to simulate the WPB reasonably well during the growing phase, only five models could capture the appropriate WPB during the decaying phase. Further analysis demonstrates that the zonal equatorial gradient of climatological sea surface temperature (SST) and zonal sea surface winds at the equator in the Indian Ocean are very weak in winter, which indicates that the coupling between ocean and atmosphere is weakest in winter and encourages a rapid variation of IOD events and a swift reduction of persistence, favoring the occurrence of WPBs; furthermore, a deep climatological thermocline in winter implies that the subsurface water temperature cannot influence SST readily, and the memory of the subsurface temperature cannot help SST to recover from the loss of persistence during this period, leading to the occurrence of WPBs. In addition, an analysis of the climatological conditions in the outputs from the 14 models shows that those models that can (cannot) capture the winter climatological conditions frequently simulate the WPBs appropriately (poorly). This confirms that the occurrence of the WPB for IOD events may be closely related to particular winter climatological conditions, indicating that the WPB is an inherent property of IOD events.  相似文献   
冬春亚洲大气环流与华北中部夏季降水的相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1957~2002年的NCEP/NCAR 500 hPa再分析资料以及同期华北地区夏季降水资料,分析了华北中部夏季降水与前期环流的关系。结果表明:夏季华北中部降水的多少与冬季东亚槽强弱、春季巴尔喀什湖到贝加尔湖的蒙古高原地区高度场呈显著相关。20世纪80年代中期以前冬季东亚槽偏强、春季蒙古高原地区高度值偏低;80年代中期之后冬季东亚槽开始转弱、春季蒙古高原地区高度值偏高。这与华北夏季降水的演变趋势相对应。说明冬季东亚槽的减弱以及春季蒙古高原地区高度值偏高是近年来华北夏季降水减少的原因之一。冬季东亚槽强对应夏季西太平洋副高在日本海地区高度呈偏强趋势,有利华北中部夏季降水偏多;春季蒙古高原地区高度值偏高有利于华北夏季出现西高东低形势,华北中部夏季降水易偏少。  相似文献   
云南德宏“7.5”特大洪涝与滇缅高压   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
寸灿琼  鲁亚斌  李娟  段丽华 《气象》2006,32(1):84-88
利用MICAPS系统资料对2004年7月5日云南省德宏州西部出现的突发性大暴雨、局部特大暴雨天气进行诊断分析,结果表明此次强降水与滇缅高压的建立有关,滇缅高压西侧强西南气流的存在和滇缅间低空急流的建立,为此次强降水提供了丰富的水汽和位势不稳定能量;而高原高压的南压和西藏东部至川西T形切变槽的加深东南移,有利于引导北方冷空气南下渗入。过程期间,物理量场表现出强水汽输送辐合及上升运动;冷空气与暖湿气流及特殊地形的综合作用激发出中a尺度降水云团,造成此次强降水。  相似文献   
太阳活动异常与降水和地面气温的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
段长春  孙绩华 《气象科技》2006,34(4):381-386
利用1951~2000年太阳10.7 cm射电流量、全国160站观测到的降水和气温距平资料,分析了太阳活动异常对中国夏季、冬季降水和气温的影响。结果表明:太阳活动强的年份,夏季南方、东北少雨,黄河中上游流域、黄淮地区以及长江中上游则多雨;冬季全国均多雨。北方(尤其是东北和新疆)冬季气温偏高,夏季气温偏低。太阳活动弱的年份,夏季华南及黄河以北多雨,而长江流域及以北到黄河中上游夏季则少雨;冬季全国均少雨,北方冬季气温偏低。进一步讨论了中国东北地区夏季降水与太阳活动的密切关系。  相似文献   
花粉浓度等级划分探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
白玉荣  段丽瑶  吴振玲  刘艳  孟雅琴 《气象》2007,33(9):112-117
随着环境气象服务的拓展,开展花粉预报的省市地区逐年增加,但花粉预报等级在国内尚无统一标准,影响服务效果。为了使花粉浓度预报客观化规范化,根据全国29个省市花粉调查数据,按华北、东北、华东等七大区域进行了花粉季节变化规律分析。利用天津市2001—2005年、武汉市1994—1995年花粉观测资料和同期花粉过敏患者病例,进行了花粉浓度与发病率的相关分析,依据不同种类植物花粉致敏性的强弱,分别按木本植物和草本植物进行了花粉浓度等级划分,共分为低、较低、中等、较高、高5个级别。结果表明花粉浓度与发病率等级有较好的一致性。虽然用花粉浓度的高低不能精确地表示发病率的高低,但基本可以表征花粉症的发病趋势。此等级标准在实际应用中既方便而且又非常有实际意义。  相似文献   
2006年9月4-5日四川暴雨过程分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
屠妮妮  段玮 《气象》2008,34(7):51-60
2006年夏季川渝地区旱灾严重,入秋第一场暴雨过程迅速减弱了川渝地区的高温灾害,同时初步缓解了该地区的旱情,由于雨势强劲亦造成不少地区重大经济损失.采用1°×1° NCEP再分析资料对2006年9月4-5日发生在高原东侧的一次暴雨过程进行物理量的诊断分析.结果表明:本次过程中低空急流的位置与以往的过程不同,它出现在低压的北侧,加快了北方冷空气和水汽的输送,此外低空急流出现和消失都早于风场辐合区,是低压发生发展的动力条件.从视热源和视水汽汇分析表明本次降水积云对流活跃,以对流性降水为主.  相似文献   
2007年夏季(2007年6月~2007年8月),山西省生态综合指数比2006年同期略高,生物多样性一般,生态质量属一般水平。从各种指数来看,湿润指数、植被覆盖指数和水体密度指数都较2006年同期有所增加。从各生态因子对综合生态指数的贡献来看,水体密度指数过小,植被覆盖指数较小以及2007年夏季灾情较重是影响山西综合生态指数提高的主要原因。  相似文献   
The diagnostic model of the cumulus convection proposed by Yanai et al. (1973) was applied to the atmosphere over the Tibetan Plateau, and used to estimate the vertical mass flux, entrainment and detrainment, excess temperature and moisture, liquid water content, and condensation and precipitation rates of highland cloud clusters. The re-sults illustrated that in clouds over the Tibetan Plateau, the water vapor condensation rate, liquid water content, and efficiency of the rain generation process are less than those in the tropics (represented by the Marshall Islands region). Therefore, the condensational latent heat released over the Tibetan Plateau, overall, is much smaller than that in the tropics. The water vapor and liquid water detrainment from shallow nonprecipitating cumulus clouds, and their entrainment into deep cumulus clouds, serve as a growing mechanism for the deep precipitating cumulus towers over the Tibetan Plateau. It should be noted that there is a stronger detrainment of liquid water from cumulus clouds and a stronger re-evaporation rate in environment. The process of the condensation-detrainment-re-evaporation-entrainment is repeatedly in progress. It would play an important role in maintaining of cumulus convection on the condition that the supply of moisture is not plentiful over the Tibetan Plateau.The analyses also showed that the cloud mass flux Mc over the Tibetan Plateau is less, and the large-scale av-erage upward motion is much less than those over the Marshall Islands. Stronger compensating downward motion in the cloud environment over the Tibetan Plateau, responsible for the area’s strong environmental heating rate was re-vealed, and would link to the stability of the South Asian High in summer.  相似文献   
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