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This study is concerned with the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental history of southeastern Australia for the last ~300 ka by establishing a luminescence chronology of dune sand deposition in the western Murray Basin (South Australia). In the study area, vast fields of palaeodunes, stabilised by vegetation, provide evidence of past environmental change. In total 98 samples were collected from dune sand layers at 13 different dune sections. The time of their deposition was determined using optically stimulated luminescence dating of single quartz grains, accounting for the impact of post-depositional mixing by the use of a finite mixture model. The oldest depositional phase demonstrates that dune sand layers of great antiquity are preserved in the western Murray Basin, ranging up to at least 380 ka. Phases of substantial dune sand deposition were identified for the periods 18–38 ka and 63–72 ka. Older depositional phases also exist, but are poorly resolved due to relatively large errors of the luminescence ages. Aeolian deposition during the last termination and the Holocene is relatively limited, with a slight clustering of ages at the time of the Antarctic Cold Reversal and from 5–8 ka. Two modern ages give evidence of very recent dune sand deposition. Comparison with other palaeoclimate records from the region suggests that phases with high aeolian sedimentation coincide with more arid conditions and breaks in the dune record with more humid phases. Thus, although dune records are often discontinuous and their interpretation in palaeoclimatic terms is not always straightforward, the palaeodunes of the western Murray Basin show a good preservation of phases of aeolian activity and provide useful information for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Rutile, Cassiterite und Brookite verschiedener Fundorte enthalten entsprechend einer scharfen Absorptionslinie bei =3 kleine Mengen von Hydroxyl-Gruppen. Die Zuordnung der Absorptionslinie zur OH-Streckschwingung wurde für diese drei Minerale durch die Linienverschiebung bewiesen, die man nach hydrothermaler Deuterierung beobachtet. Die ungefähre Orientierung der OH-Gruppen konnte aus dem Pleochroismus orientierter Kristallplatten abgeleitet werden, wobei polarisierte UR-Strahlung verwendet wurde. Es wird die strukturelle Deutung gebracht. Anatas alpiner Herkunft enthält keine oder nur sehr wenige OH-Gruppen.
Measurement of the infrared-pleochroism in Minerals. XI. The Pleochroism of the OH-stretching frequency in rutile, anatase, brookite, and cassiterite
Summary Rutile, cassiterite, and brookite from several localities contain small amounts of hydroxyl groups, based on the presence of a sharp absorption line at =3. The attribution of the absorption line to the OH-stretching vibration is proved for the three minerals by the line shift which is caused by hydrothermal deuteration. The approximate orientation of the OH-groups could be derived from the pleochroism as observed in oriented crystal plates with polarized IR-radiation. The structural interpretations are given. Anatase, however, from Alpine fissures contains no or undedectable amounts of OH-groups.

Mit 8 Abbildungen  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In Anatolien gibt es drei grö\ere Kristallin-Massive — Menderes, Kirehir und Bitlis — neben zahlreichen kleineren. Das Kirehir-Massiv ist ganz aus vordevonischem Altkristallin aufgebaut. Menderes- und Bitlis-Massiv enthalten altkristalline Kerne. Eine intra-mesozoische Metamorphose umgab sie mit Hüllen von palÄozoisch-altmesozoischen Phylliten und Marmoren. Die metamorphe Aureole des Menderes-Massivs lÄ\t sich in die ÄgÄis, die des Bitlis-Massivs nach ZentralIran hinein verfolgen. Die Kristallin-Aufbrüche Nord-Anatoliens sind Bruchstücke einer alten Masse, der Nordanatolischen Schwelle; sie besteht aus Altkristallin. Die Taurus-Geosynkline hat ihre SelbstÄndigkeit durch die Schwellenzone gewonnen, die durch die intramesozoische Metamorphose in ihrem Rücklande geschaffen worden ist.
In Anatolia there are three large crystalline massifs — Menderes, Kirehir and Bitlis — apart from a number of minor ones. The Kirehir Massif consists entirely of pre-Devonian metamorphites. The Menderes and Bitlis massifs both contain cores of old crystalline rocks. In the course of an intra-Mesozoic metamorphism these cores have been surrounded by envelopes of phyllites and marbles derived from beds of Paleozoic and Older Mesozoic age. The aureoles of young metamorphism can be traced from the Menderes Massif into the Aegean Sea and from the Bitlis Massif into Central Iran. The crystalline domes of northern Anatolia are fragments of the North Anatolian Welt, an ancient block composed of crystalline schists of probably pre-Paleozoic age. The Taurus geosyncline came into virtual existence by the ridge built up in its hinterland by the intra-Mesozoic metamorphism.

Résumé En Anatolie il y a trois vastes massifs cristallins — Mendérès, Kiréhir et Bitlis — sans parler de nombreux autres moins étendus. Le massif de Kiréhir se compose entièrement de roches cristallines pré-dévoniennes. Les massifs du Mendérès et de Bitlis contiennent des noyaux de cristallin ancien. Au cours d'un métamorphisme intra-mésozoique ces noyaux furent entourés des enveloppes de phyllite et de marbre dérivées des couches du Paléozoique et du Mésozoique inférieur. L'auréole métamorphique du massif du Mendérès se poursuit dans la Mer Egée, celle du massif de Bitlis jusqu'à l'Iran central. Les nombreux bombements cristallins de l'Anatolie du Nord représentent des fragments du Seuil Nord-Anatolien, ancien massif constitué par des schistes métamorphiques probablement précambriens. Le géosynclinal du Taurus a gagné son individualité par le ride cristallin s'étendant dans son arrière-pays et formé par le métamorphisme intramésozoique.

: Menderes, Kirsehir Bitlis — . Kirsehir — -. Menderes Bitlis , , . Menderes , Bitlis — . - , . . , , . .

Für förderliche Erörterungen habe ich den Kollegen E.Baarir, Izmir,St. Dürr, Marburg, H.Haude, Hannover, E.Izdar, Izmir, F.Karl, Kiel, K.-O.Kopp, München, W.Niehoff, Hannover, J.Papastamatiou, Athen, J.Stöcklin, Teheran, für Fossil-Bestimmungen dem Kollegen E.Flügel, Darmstadt, zu danken. Der Deutschen Forschungs-Gemeinschaft und dem Aratirma Ileri Kurulu (Nr. 966/11) bin ich für Förderung der Feldarbeiten verpflichtet.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aus den bei Ballonaufstiegen, bei Mondfinsternissen und durch den Umkehreffekt gemessenen Ozonverteilungen werden für verschiedene geographische Breiten gemittelte Ozonverteilungen abgeleitet und mit den theoretisch photochemisch berechneten Verteilungen verglichen, wodurch der Spielraum der letzten erheblich eingeengt wird. — Die Diskrepanz zwischen der berechneten und der gemessenen Ozonverteilung unterhalb des Ozonmaximums in 23 km Höhe lässt auf eine bedeutende Wirkung des Massenaustausches in der Troposphäre und in der unteren Stratosphäre schliessen, der nach den Aequator hin stark zunimmt. — In mittleren und höheren Breiten tritt — vornehmlich im Frühjahr — ein zweites tieferes Ozonmaximum in 16 km Höhe auf, das photochemisch nicht zu erklären ist, sondern advektiv, durch aus polaren Breiten herzugeführtes Ozon bedingt wird.
Summary The mean ozone distribution for various geographical latitudes is derived from ozone distributions measured by means of balloon ascents, eclipses of the moon and the «Umkehreffekt» and compared with the theoretically calculated photochemical distributions, whereby the full scope of the latter is considerably limited. —The discrepancy between the calculated and the measured ozone distribution below the ozone maximum at 23 km altitude is a sign of a considerable effect of mass exchange in the troposphere and lower stratosphere which increases towards the equator. In the mean and higher latitudes we find — especially in spring — a second lower ozone maximum at 16 km altitude which cannot be explained photochemically but is probably due to advection, to ozone transported down from polar latitudes.
Summary The thread pendulum previously was found to have remarkable advantages in avoiding systematical errors with regard to absolute gravity determination. To assure, on account of the present claims, the whole force of conviction, full recording of energy transformation seems to be indispensable. Two influences on the period of the pendulum, as yet remained without consideration, habe been treated: theFoucault revolution and the elliptical figure of the swing whenever occurring — which may be considered as a contribution to the movement of the spherical pendulum. In order to prepare the final measurements a number of introducing steps are to be regarded.
Résumé Le pendule à fil, discuté précédemment, a été trouvé supérieur à cause de manque des erreurs systématiques pour la détermination de la gravité. Au but d'assurer une précision convaincante en raison des prétentions modernes, l'enrégistrement total de la transformation énergétique est retenue indispensable. Deux influences à la période oscillatoire du pendule, jusqu'à présent restées sans considération, ont été examinées: la révolution deFoucault et la figure élliptique d'oscillation. Les deux, proposées comme suppléments au mouvement du pendule sphérique. En outre la préparation des mesures définitives exige de considérer un nombre de démarches introductives.
Impact cratering is a geological process characterized by ultra-fast strain rates, which generates extreme shock pressure and shock temperature conditions on and just below planetary surfaces. Despite initial skepticism, this catastrophic process has now been widely accepted by geoscientists with respect to its importance in terrestrial — indeed, in planetary — evolution. About 170 impact structures have been discovered on Earth so far, and some more structures are considered to be of possible impact origin. One major extinction event, at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, has been firmly linked with catastrophic impact, but whether other important extinction events in Earth history, including the so-called “Mother of All Mass Extinctions” at the Permian-Triassic boundary, were triggered by huge impact catastrophes is still hotly debated and a subject of ongoing research. There is a beneficial side to impact events as well, as some impact structures worldwide have been shown to contain significant (in some cases, world class) ore deposits, including the gold-uranium province of the Witwatersrand basin in South Africa, the enormous Ni and PGE deposits of the Sudbury structure in Canada, as well as important hydrocarbon resources, especially in North America. Impact cratering is not a process of the past, and it is mandatory to improve knowledge of the past-impact record on Earth to better constrain the probability of such events in the future. In addition, further improvement of our understanding of the physico-chemical and geological processes fundamental to the impact cratering process is required for reliable numerical modeling of the process, and also for the correlation of impact magnitude and environmental effects. Over the last few decades, impact cratering has steadily grown into an integrated discipline comprising most disciplines of the geosciences as well as planetary science, which has created positive spin-offs including the study of paleo-environments and paleo-climatology, or the important issue of life in extreme environments. And yet, in many parts of the world, the impact process is not yet part of the geoscience curriculum, and for this reason, it deserves to be actively promoted not only as a geoscientific discipline in its own right, but also as an important life-science discipline.  相似文献   
Iron is limiting phytoplankton productivity in large parts of today’s oceans, the so-called HNLC (high nutrient low chlorophyll) areas. It is a key component in photosynthesis during which inorganic carbon fixation in most phytoplankton species is sustained by so-called carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCMs). Here we investigate CCM regulation in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in response to varying degrees of iron limitation by means of membrane-inlet mass spectrometry. Compared to iron replete conditions rates of both active CO2 and uptake were markedly reduced under iron limitation leading to significantly diminished growth rates. Moreover, there was a concomitant decrease in CCM efficiency, reflected in an increased CO2 loss from the cell in relation to carbon fixation. Under such conditions higher values for carbon isotope fractionation (?p) would be expected. However, direct measurements of ?p showed that carbon isotope fractionation was insensitive to changes in growth rates and CCM activity. This can be explained by concomitant changes in internal DIC fluxes in and out of the chloroplast as demonstrated with a simple cell model comprising two compartments. Thus, carbon isotope fractionation reflects the ability of phytoplankton to actively control their inorganic carbon acquisition depending on environmental conditions. The insensitivity of carbon isotope fractionation to changes in the availability of iron could be of interest for paleoreconstructions in the HNLC areas of today’s oceans.  相似文献   
Atabekov  I. U.  Sadykov  Yu. M. 《Geotectonics》2022,56(3):306-320
Geotectonics - Seismic and tectonic processes were analyzed, taking into account the dimensions of tectonic structures and geological factors that determine the features of the relationship between...  相似文献   
Soil swelling-related disaster is considered as one of the most devastating geo-hazards in modern history.Hence,proper determination of a soil’s ability to expand is very vital for achieving a secure and safe ground for infrastructures.Accordingly,this study has provided a novel and intelligent approach that enables an improved estimation of swelling by using kernelised machines(Bayesian linear regression(BLR)&bayes point machine(BPM)support vector machine(SVM)and deep-support vector machine(D-SVM));(multiple linear regressor(REG),logistic regressor(LR)and artificial neural network(ANN)),tree-based algorithms such as decision forest(RDF)&boosted trees(BDT).Also,and for the first time,meta-heuristic classifiers incorporating the techniques of voting(VE)and stacking(SE)were utilised.Different independent scenarios of explanatory features’combination that influence soil behaviour in swelling were investigated.Preliminary results indicated BLR as possessing the highest amount of deviation from the predictor variable(the actual swell-strain).REG and BLR performed slightly better than ANN while the meta-heuristic learners(VE and SE)produced the best overall performance(greatest R2 value of 0.94 and RMSE of 0.06%exhibited by VE).CEC,plasticity index and moisture content were the features considered to have the highest level of importance.Kernelized binary classifiers(SVM,D-SVM and BPM)gave better accuracy(average accuracy and recall rate of 0.93 and 0.60)compared to ANN,LR and RDF.Sensitivity-driven diagnostic test indicated that the meta-heuristic models’best performance occurred when ML training was conducted using k-fold validation technique.Finally,it is recommended that the concepts developed herein be deployed during the preliminary phases of a geotechnical or geological site characterisation by using the best performing meta-heuristic models via their background coding resource.  相似文献   
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