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Based on recent survey work sponsored by the Geological Survey of Greenland, an attempt is made here to establish an appropriate background to the cryolite deposit at Ivigtut. The cryolite ore body occurs within the original top part of a stock of alkali granite which, during the younger time of the cratonic Gardar period, was emplaced into the older, folded basement rocks. Close to the granite stock a breccia pipe occurs. Both bodies were cut by tinguaitic dykes before the actual mise en place of the cryolite body. The various events which contributed to such a set-up are discussed from both local and regional angles. Certain older basement structures, such as e.g. a Ketilidian depression zone, a younger, partial mobilisation of the dyke-cut Ketilidian crust, followed by the ascent of fluorite-bearing granites, may well have influenced the super-imposed Gardar tectonics. During the Gardar period, a regional system of wrench faults was active — in interaction with Atlantic volcanism.
Zusammenfassung Nach intensiver Kartierungstätigkeit während der letzten Jahre in SW-Grönland wird ein Versuch gemacht, die regionalgeologische Stellung des Kryolithvorkommens von Ivigtut zu erhellen. Mittels relativer Altersverhältnisse von Ganggesteinen, anderer Intrusiva und Verwerfungen wird gezeigt, daß die Kryolithbildung am Ende der kratogenen Gardar-Periode stattgefunden hat und die Platznahme des Kryoliths einem späteren Stadium als der Konsolidation des umgebenden Granits angehört. Strukturelle Merkmale noch älterer Ereignisse sind wahrscheinlich vorhanden. Eine alte ketilidische Depressionszone, eine jüngere (aber prä-Gardar) Wiederbewegung und partielle Mobilisation des alten gangdurchsetzten ketilidischen Sockels, welcher vom Vorstoß einiger flußspatführender Granite gefolgt wurde, scheinen die spätere kratogene Gardar-Tektonik beeinflußt zu haben. Während der Gardar-Periode ist in Interferenz mit atlantischem Vulkanismus ein regionales System von Blattverschiebungen aktiv gewesen.

Résumé Les travaux de cartographie poursuivis activement durant les dernières années dans le S.W. du Groenland permettent à l'auteur de dégager la position des gisements de cryolite d'Ivigtut dans le cadre de la géologie régionale. En se basant sur les âges relatifs de filons, d'autres masses intrusives et de failles, il montre que la formation de la cryolithe a pris place à la fin de la période cratogénique de Gardar et que la mise en place de la cryolithe appartient à un stade postérieur à la consolidation du granite environnant. Il existe encore vraisemblablement des caractéristiques structurales liées à des phénomènes plus anciens. Une ancienne zone de dépression kétilidique, un remaniement plus jeune (mais prégardar) et une mobilisation partielle du vieux socle kétilidique traversé par des filons, suivie de la montée d'un granite à fluorine, semblent avoir influencé la tectonique cratogène Gardar survenue postérieurement. Pendant la période Gardar, un système régional de fractures a interféré avec un volcanisme de type atlantique.

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Summary The formation of the Madjarovo polymetallic ore deposit is closely related to Paleogene magmatism of intermediate character represented by subvolcanic and volcanic rocks. Six stages of vein type mineralization were established: 1. quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite with Bi-sulphosalts; 2. quartz-hematite-chlorite with gold; 3. quartz-galena-sphalerite; 4. quartz-barite-chalcedony with Sb-sulphosalts; 5. quartz-arsenic sulphosalts; 6. calcite-siderite. Ag-bearing galena and Fe-poor sphalerite are the main minerals. Galena of early formation is Bi-bearing, while in late stages it carries more Sb. Gold was found in two generations in different parageneses. The early gold is Ag-poor and related to hematite, while the late one is Ag-rich and closely associated with quartz and sulphosalts. Three groups of sulphosalts were established: Se-bearing Bi-sulphosalts; Sb-sulphosalts, a part of them Cl-bearing, and As-sulphosalts with more or less Ag. Fluid inclusion data obtained in quartz, amethyst, sphalerite and barite from several representative ore veins show formation temperatures in the range of 370° to 150°C for different stages of mineralization. Evidence of boiling fluids suggests pressures of 70 to 180 bars which correspond to an average depth of mineralization near 1.000 m. The low salinities of the fluids (a/v 3.5 eq. wt% NaCI) indicate influx of meteoric waters during mineralization. On the basis of mineralogical and fluid inclusion data physicochemical conditions and source of the ore forming fluids are discussed.
Mineralogie und Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse in polymetallischen Erzgngen der Lagerstätte Madjarovo, Ost-Rhodopen, Bulgarien
Zusammenfassung Die Bildung der polymetallischen Lagerstätte Madjarovo war eng verknüpft mit einem Paläogenen Magmatismus von intermediärem Charakter, der durch Subvulkanite und Vulkanite repräsentiert wird. Es wurden sechs Bildungsstadien der Gangvererzung festgestellt: 1. Quarz-Pyrit-Chalcopyrit mit Bi-Sulfosalzen; 2. Quarz-Hämatit-Chlorit mit Gold; 3. Quarz-Galenit-Sphalerit; 4. Quarz-Baryt-Chalzedon mit Sb-Sulfosalzen; 5. Quarz-As-Sulfosalze; 6. Calcit-Siderit. Ag-führender Galenit und Fe-armer Sphalerit sind die Hauptminerale. Früh gebildeter Galenit is Bi-haltig, während Galenite der späteren Bildungsstadien mehr Sb führen. Gold wurde in zwei Generationen in unterschiedlichen Paragenesen gefunden. Das Früh-Gold (Ag-arm) ist verknüpft mit Hämatit, während das Spät-Gold (Ag-reich) mit Quarz und Sulfosalzen eng assoziiert ist. Es wurden drei Gruppen von Sulfosalzen festgestellt: Se-führende Bi-Sulfosalze; Sb-Sulfosalze, die z.T. Cl-führend sind, und As-Sulfosalze mit mehr oder weniger Ag-Gehalten. Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse in Quarz, Amethyst, Sphalerit und Baryt aus mehreren repräsentativen Erzgängen zeigen Bildungtemperaturen von 370°–150°C für unterschiedliche Mineralisationsstadien. Siedende Lösungen weisen auf einen Druckbereich von 70–180 Bar hin, der einer durchschnittlichen Bildungstiefe von 1.000 m entspricht. Die durchweg niedrige Salinität der Lösungen (durchschnittlich 3.5. Gew.% NaCl äq.) wird auf einen Zufluß von meteorischen Wässern während der Mineralisation zurückgeführt. Auf der Basis der mineralogischen Ergebnisse und der Daten fluider Einschlüse werden die physikochemischen Bedingungen und die Herkunft der Erzlösungen diskutiert.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   
The Munich Near-IR Cluster Survey (MUNICS) is a wide-area, medium-deep, photometric survey selected in the K' band. The project's main scientific aims are the identification of galaxy clusters up to redshifts of unity and the selection of a large sample of field early-type galaxies up to z < 1.5 for evolutionary studies. We created a Large Scale Structure catalog, using a new structure finding technique specialized for photometric datasets, that we developed on the basis of a friends-of-friends algorithm. We tested the plausibility of the resulting galaxy group and cluster catalog with the help of Color-Magnitude Diagrams (CMD), as well as a likelihood- and Voronoi-approach. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios from bones of contemporaneous Late Atlantic aurochs and early cattle in eastern Denmark are significantly different and provide information on the origin and feeding strategies of the earliest domestic cattle. The data show that the early cattle were feeding on grass right from the beginning 4000 cal. yr BC. In contrast, the youngest aurochs population primarily browsed and grazed from the dense forest floor resulting in rather negative δ13C values measured on bone collagen. The oldest aurochs have similar isotope values to the earlier cattle, whereas the youngest aurochs have similar values to Late Atlantic red deer from the same locality. As eastern Denmark was largely covered by forest, speculations on the origin of the grazing areas are many. The grass may have grown in openings in the forest, at the forest fringe, or more likely on the newly reclaimed coastal land areas exposed by the decreasing rate of eustatic sea‐level rise contemporaneously with isostatic uplift, during the Littorina transgressions. The stable isotope values do not indicate that leaf foddering of the early cattle was of importance.  相似文献   
A method allowing isolation of phytoplancton algae for unialgal cultures is briefly described. Advantages and limits of the method are discussed.  相似文献   
The radius, mass, total number of baryons, and other parameters of static, spherically symmetric, superdense stars are calculated. A model with one Ricci-flat inner space of arbitrary dimensionality and the approximation p1=?0.5ε + ap for additional components of the energy — momentum tensor are used (ε and ρ are the total energy density and the pressure of the stellar matter and a is a fitting parameter). In the case of white dwarfs, the results of the multidimensional theory do not depend on the dimensionality D of space-time for ?10 ? a ? 10 and coincide with the analogous data of the general theory of relativity (GTR). For neutron stars there is a dependence on D and a. For D>4, in particular, the greatest mass Mmax of a neutron star as a function of a has a maximum at 3<a(D) ? 4, which exceeds the greatest mass M max 0 =2.14 M in the GTR. A comparison of theoretical results with observational data determines the allowable values of a. Data for PSR 1913 + 16 lead to 0.2 ≤ a ≤ 9.2 in the case of D=26, while the results of [P. C. Joss and S. A. Rappaport, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys.,22, 537 (1984)] lead to the stricter limits 1 ≤ a ≤ 7.4.  相似文献   
Consideration of available thermodynamic data and the published results of direct experiments relating to (1) formation. of periclase from dolomite and (2) hydration of periclase to brucite, permits the following conclusions to be drawn: (1) At very low partial pressures of CO2 (perhaps of the order of 1 bar) and relatively high partial pressures of water (up to 2000 bars), dolomite can break down directly to brucite and calcite at temperatures above about 400° C, and below temperatures on the brucite dehydration curve. (2) The reaction dolomite calcite + periclase + CO2 in contact metamorphism near granitic bodies is likely to occur only at low partial pressures of CO2 (perhaps 10 or 20 bars); this can be achieved without direct formation of brucite, by maintaining a partial pressure of water of the order of 1000 bars or more. (3) At low CO2 pressures dolomite may re-form in the cooling stages of metamorphism by reaction between calcite, brucite, and CO2 at temperatures below about 400° C.  相似文献   
The 1988 good rainy season in the Sudan raised the hopes that desertification/land degradation and shortage of food so markedly observed in Western Sudan have been elevated. This was particularly so as large quantities of grains were produced in the mechanized rain-fed agricultural schemes in the clay plains of Eastern Sudan. But the field work carried by the author in the Umm Ruwaba district of Kordofan region in July/August 1989 shows that, although there has been some improvement in the crop production situation, desertification/land degradation and shortage of food produced locally are still prevailing in the district. The people are still living below the poverty line, but they are able to cope because of remittances from members of the families working abroad and because of donations of food by some world organizations.  相似文献   
沈明洁  胡守云  U.Blaha  闫海涛  W.R 《第四纪研究》2007,27(6):1113-1120
对北京首都机场高速公路旁采集的土壤柱状T01剖面的磁学参数和金属元素分析,探讨了研究区内现代交通导致的土壤磁学性质的变化及其对环境污染的响应.结果表明,磁参数(χ,ARM和SIRM)与重金属含量呈同步垂向变化趋势.来源于交通运输排放的污染物是土壤剖面上部(0~8 cm)磁性和金属含量增强的主要原因,8cm以下,土壤基本未受到污染,磁性矿物和重金属含量较低,磁性颗粒变化稳定,基本代表了该地区土壤的自然背景.尽管土壤岩石磁学分析表明剖面上下部受污染和未受污染样品的磁载体均是粒度较粗的多畴磁铁矿,但是结合磁参数比值曲线,说明底部样品的磁颗粒的粒度较顶部偏细.磁性矿物的含量变化没有影响磁颗粒的粒度特征.指标聚类等相关分析表明,土壤磁参数(χ,ARM和SIRM)与重金属元素(Pb,Zn和Cu)含量显著相关;结合模糊聚类分析,磁参数可用于追踪、识别交通污染物质在土壤剖面中的富集、迁移状态,揭示不同深度土壤的污染程度.  相似文献   
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