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A biogeochemical characterization of the Madeira river basin has been made to evaluate the local and global effects of possible alterations in the ecosystem caused by recent intensive occupation in Rondonia state. During the period April 1983—January 1986, sampling was made both by land and river along the tributaries and main channel of the Madeira river. The parameters analysed lead to a detailed study of the physicochemical quality of the waters of the basin and their relationship with the local geology, associated with the transport of solid material and the hydrological behavior of the ecosystem.Penman's method adapted to tropical rainforest conditions was used to evaluate the potential evapotranspiration for the basin. Estimated potential evapotranspiration was 1420 mm/y, 77% due to the energy balance. Real evapotranspiration was 94% of the estimated potential and the main residence time of the rain water in the basin was 2 months. The isotopic behavior of Hydrogen and Oxygen in the river waters of the region was typical of great rivers, the values being more positive during the dry season and more negative during the rainy season. An isotopic gradient of 18O 0.038 ()/100 km, was established from Porto Velho station to the estuary, which was considered low when compared with the value of 0.063 ()/100 km, obtained for the Amazon river.In general, the waters of the tributaries were poor in dissolved ion species when compared with the main channel of the Madeira river. Seasonal variation in the transport of suspended sediment kept the same pattern, greater transport being observed on rising water than during high water. A transport of 2.85 million tons per day was observed in the Madeira river near the mouth.  相似文献   
Summary The geographical distribution of organic matter and particles <20 m in North Sea sediments as well as the correlation between organic content, <20 m fraction and PCB (as the sum of content of 24 individual components), p, p-DDE, HCB, -HCH and Lindane (-HCH) is reported. High amounts of organic matter and fine particles have been found in Fladen Ground, Kattegat/Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel, and the inner German Bight. Organic matter settling in the Kattegat/Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel is probably degraded by benthic organisms, including mineralization by bacteria. The smelter in south Norway and the rivers Ems and Elbe are point sources for HCB, the mud-area south-east of Helgoland is a point source for HCB and PCBs. No point source, however, was found for p,p-DDE. Sediment content of PCB, p,p-DDE and HCB show a good correlation to the amount of organic matter and to the <20 m fraction. -HCH and Lindane are only poorly adsorbed onto sediments.
Zyklische organische Chlorverbindungen in Nordseesedimenten: Verteilung von organischer Substanz und feinpartikulärem Material
Zusammenfassung Es wird über die Verteilung von organischer Substanz und feinpartikulärem Material <20 m in Nordseesedimenten sowie über die Korrelation der Sedimentparameter mit den Konzentrationen von polychlorierten Biphenylen (24 Einzelisomere), p,p-DDE, HCB, -HCH und Lindan (-HCH) berichtet. Hohe Gehalte an organischer Substanz und der <20 m Fraktion wurden im Fladengrund, Kattegat/ Skagerrak/Norwegische Rinne sowie in der inneren Deutschen Bucht gefunden. Die Ergebnisse legen den Schluß nahe, daß ein Großteil des sedimentierten organischen Materials vor der norwegischen Küste von Benthosorganismen und Bakterien verstoffwechselt wird. Durch die mit Søderbergelektroden arbeitenden Metallschmelzen Südnorwegens sowie durch die Flüsse Elbe und Ems werden die Sedimente punktuell mit HCB belastet. Das Schlammgebiet südöstlich von Helgoland tritt als Emittent für PCBs in Erscheinung. Für p,p-DDE konnte keine Punktquelle nachgewiesen werden. Im Gegensatz zu -HCH und Lindan korrelieren die Sedimentkonzentrationen an PCBs, HCB und p,p-DDE gut mit den Gehalten an organischer Substanz bzw. feinpartikulärem Material.

Les Organochlorines cycliques dans les Sédiments de la Mer du Nord, relation avec la taille et les matières organiques
Résumé La distribution géographique de matière organique et des particules de taille inférieure à 20 m dans les sédiments de la Mer du Nord ainsi que la corrélation entre le contenu organique, (la fraction <20 m) et PCB (somme des contenus de 24 composants individuels), p, p-DDE, HCB, -HCH et Lindane (-HCH) est décrite. D'importantes quantités de matières organiques et de particules fines ont été trouvées à Fladen Ground, Kattegat/Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel et dans le baie intérieur allemende. Les composants organiques qui se trouvent dans le Kattegat/ Skagerrak/Norwegian Channel sont probablement soumis à la dégradation par des organismes (benthic), et aussi à une minéralisation par bactéries. Les usines de métallurgie du Sud de la Norvège et la rivière l'Ems et l'Elbe sont des points sources pour HCB, les zones de boue au Sud Est de Helgoland sont des points sources pour HCB et PCB. Aucun point source ne fût trouvé cependant pour p, p-DDE. Le contenu en sédiment de PCB, p, p-DDE et HCB montre une bonne corrélation avec la quantité de matière organique et la fraction <20 m. -HCH et Lindane ne sont que peu absorbés dans les sédiments.
The Portuguese Bend landslide, in coastal southern California, is an active, slow-moving mass of blocks and debris that extends from the shoreline to moderate altitudes along part of the southerly margin of the Palos Verdes Hills. These hills form a peninsula that is underlain by Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks draped anticlinally over a core of Mesozoic schist. In the southerly parts of the peninsula, inherently weak units in the Altamira Shale Member of the Miocene Monterey Formation dip seaward in general concordance with the ground surface. Ground failure has been widespread in this area. It evidently began in mid- to late-Pleistocene time, and it has continued intermittently to the present.

The Portuguese Bend landslide represents a reactivation of movement of the eastern part of a complex of prehistoric landslides occupying an area of approximately two square miles. This latest episode of movement began in 1956, presumably in response to placement of fill during a road construction project. The active slide subsequently was enlarged by sequential failure of adjoining blocks of ground, and by September 1969 about 54,500,000 metric tons of debris was slowly moving downslope in an area of approximately 104 ha. Movement has been continuous since recent failure began in 1956, although the velocity of the active slide decreased markedly after that year. Between 1962 and 1972 the velocity fluctuated only slightly about an average value of about 1 cm per day.

The active slide is an irregular prism, roughly triangular in plan view. The southern side of the triangle trends approximately 1100 m east-west along a stretch of shoreline that essentially coincides with the toe of the slide. The other two sides of the triangle trend northeast and northwest from the ends of the toe and meet about 1200 m north of the shoreline. The thickness of the moving mass differs considerably from one place to another, reflecting both topographic irregularities and major undulations in the underlying surface of movement. The maximum thickness is approximately 75 m.

Movement is occurring along a distinct basal failure surface. The eastern part of the slide is underlain by bedrock, and is bordered by bedrock with a general structure that limits further deep-seated propagation of failure to the east and northeast. In contrast, the western part of the slide is underlain and bordered by extensive ancient landslide deposits that are marginally stable. Further encroachment of the active slide westward and northwestward into these materials was viewed as a distinct possibility at the time the dissertation was prepared and has occurred since then.

Continued movement of the Portuguese Bend landslide since 1956 has been due to four main factors. A rise in the water table during the period 1957–1968 has been documented in the northwestern part of the moving mass and is attributable mainly to infiltration of surface runoff entering numerous open fissures that cut the surface of the slide. The toe of the active slide daylights along the shoreline and is subjected to storm-wave erosion, so that any natural build-up of resisting forces is prevented in this area. The redistribution of mass as the slide has moved along an undulatory failure surface has been responsible for local fluctuations in the driving and resisting forces. Finally, smoothing of irregularities in the failure surface by the moving slide mass must have decreased some of the forces resisting movement.  相似文献   

More than 60 samples from 5 coal seams and adjacent siltstones and sandstones were selected from a well through Westphalian B sediments from Northern Germany in order to study bitumen generation and migration. The cores were drilled between 1200 und 1530 metres depth. In this interval, vitrinite reflectance (Rr) is increasing from 0.70 to 0.92%. Results reveal high hydrocarbon generation potentials for all coal samples, but not for adjacent clastic rocks, although maceral compositions of both are quite similar. Yields and compositions of thermal extracts from the coals depend on maceral compositions and rank. However, the bulk of the already generated bitumen has not been removed during natural coalification and is not easily releasable by thermovaporisation. A mass balance based on elemental composition of dull coals indicates that in the rather narrow rank interval (0.70–0.92% Rr) a total mass loss of 20% may have occurred by migration. This is evidenced by a loss of about 20% of the original hydrogen, the rest being stored in the coals.
Zusammenfassung Um die Entstehung und Migration von Bitumen zu untersuchen wurden in Norddeutschland mehr als 60 Proben aus 5 Kohleflözen und benachbarten Silt- und Sandsteinen aus einer Bohrung durch Westphal B-Sedimente bearbeitet. Die Entnahmetiefe der Bohrkerne liegt zwischen 1200 und 1530 Metern. Innerhalb dieses Intervales steigt die Vitrinit-Reflexion (Rr) von 0,70 auf 0,92%. Für alle Proben aus den Flözen ergeben sich hohe Kohlenwasserstoff-Bildungspotentiale, nicht aber für die benachbarten klastischen Gesteine, obwohl die Mazeral-Zusammensetzungen in beiden ähnlich sind. Die Ausbeute und Zusammensetzung thermaler Extrakte aus den Flözen hängen von Mazeral-Zusammensetzung und Reife ab. Allerdings wurden weder während der Inkohlung größere Mengen des Bitumens abtransportiert, noch ist dieses durch Thermovaporisation leicht freisetzbar. Eine Massenbalanzierung auf der Basis der Elementzusammensetzung ergibt für das relativ schmale Interval von C,70-0,92% Rr ein Massenverlust von 20% durch Migration. Diese Angabe basiert auf einer 20%igen Reduzierung der ursprünglichen Wasserstoffmenge, wobei die restlichen 80% in der Kohle gespeichert bleiben.

Résumé Dans un forage pratiqué à travers le Westphalien B du nord de l'Allemagne, on a sélectionné plus de 60 échantillons provenant de 5 couches de charbon ainsi que des siltites et grès adjacents, dans le but d'étudier la formation et la migration du bitume. Les carottes proviennent de profondeurs situées entre 1200 et 1530 m. Dans cet intervalle, le pouvoir réflecteur de la vitrinite (Rr) passe de 0,70 à 0,92%. L'étude révèle des potentiels élevés en hydrocarbure pour tous les échantillons de charbon, mais pas pour les roches détritiques voisines, bien que les compositions «macérales» soient analogues dans les deux cas. L'importance et la composition des extrait athermiques des charbons dépendent de la composition «macérale» et du degré d'évolution. Toutefois, la plus grande partie du bitume engendré est restée sur place au cours de la houillification naturelle et elle est difficile à extraire avex la methode de thermovaporisation. Une balance des masses d'éléments indique pour cet intervalle relativement étroit (0,7–0,92% Rr) une perte totale de masse de 20% due à la migration. Ce résultat correspond à une perte d'environ 20% de l'hydrogène originel, les 80% restants étant demeurés dans le charbon.

60 5 , , . 1200 1530 . /Rr/ 0,7 0,92. , , . , , . , , . , , 20% 0,7 0,92 %. 20%; , 80%, .
A reductionistic concept is being pursued in the 125 000 geomorphological mapping of the Federal Republic of Germany. Complex landscape elements with a base length greater than 100 m are broken down into partial elements and re-interpreted in terms of quantificational or abstractly defined, theoretically neutral map symbols. The genetic aspect is expressed by areal colouring. In this way it aims to achieve an interdisciplinary utilization of such information. This reduction has proved to be too drastic insofar as it gives rise to irretrievable loss of information. The claim that use-oriented, ecologically relevant information would be derivable from the GMM-25 has not been substantiated. As ecologically justifiable evaluation must also consider as its most fundamental indicators the quality and distribution of biotopes. These are not even rudimentarily included in the GMM-25. The uncontextualized blending of information units which only make sense in heterogeneous contexts to produce a single map is antithetical to the principle of subject related selection of relevant characteristics and prevents comprehension of the systematic relationships.The underlying concept of the GMM-25, derived from an uncritical incorporation of physico-mathematical total predictability principles, leads to an irreversible renunciation of the necessarily complex constituents of a high geomorphological level of integration.  相似文献   
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