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On atmospheric vortex streets in the wake of large islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Results from laboratory experiments on stably stratified flows over three-dimensional obstacles are related to atmospheric vortex streets formed in the lee of large islands. A quasi horizontal flow around the island can be expected if stable stratification favours the formation of a so-called dividing streamline below the islands top. The subsequent shedding of vortices with vertical axis from islands may then be due to viscous boundary layer separation, but also other possible mechanisms of vortex shedding in stably stratified flows are discussed.With 6 Figures  相似文献   
Natural wetlands perform significant sewage treatment, but artificial reedbeds are likely to be more reliable and effective. The processes responsible for purification in wetlands and reedbeds are described in this paper, together with an outline of the experimental reedbeds which have been established in the UK up to 1987. Major research needs are outlined.  相似文献   
After a short introduction into the field of the zeolites the use of the molecular sieve 4 A as builder in the washing process is treated. Structure and ion-exchange capacity are characterized, the mechanism of the elimination of calcium-ions is described and the environmental behaviour is examined. Finally, other potential applications of zeolitic ion exchangers are presented.  相似文献   
The areal outflow of ice through Fram Strait during the period 1953–1984 is estimated on a monthly basis from the geostrophic wind and the ice concentration. Summer ice coverage in various sectors of the Arctic is then compared with the computed outflow through Fram Strait in various antecedent periods. Lag correlations indicate that interannual variations of summer ice severity in the Pacific side of the Arctic Basin are consistent with fluctuations of Fram Strait outflow during the previous 3–9 months. The findlings suggest that above-normal outflow of multiyear ice during the winter/spring months may precondition the large-scale pack ice to respond more directly to offshore flow events during the ensuing months.The areas of highest correlation with Fram Strait outflow undergo a pronounced shift in the early 1970's. Coincident changes in the large-scale circulation pattern imply that the source region of the Transpolar Drift Stream shifted westward from the Alaskan to the Siberian waters during this period.  相似文献   
Well-established species of non-nautilid jaws (Rhynchoteuthis, Palaeoteuthis, andLeptocheilus) from the European Continent and North Africa have been found in Pliensbachian and Oxfordian to Barremian beds of the North Atlantic Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project boreholes 1-547B). The rhyncholites from DSDP cores demonstrate stratigraphic condensation, redeposition, and changing palaeoceanographical conditions during the late Jurassic. Being characteristic Tethyan organisms such rhyncholites can also be used as index fossils and indicators for palaeobiogeography, palaeobathymetry, and palaeoclimate. Most likely the rhyncholites described here could be calcified upper jaws of Phylloceratid or Lytoceratid ammonites.
Zusammenfassung In den DSDP-Bohrungen 1-547B im Nordatlantik sind nicht-nautilide Cephalopoden-Oberkiefer bekannter Arten des europäischen Festlands (Rhynchoteuthis, Palaeoteuthis, Palaeotheutis, undLeptocheilus) im Pliensbachium und vom Oxfordium bis Barremium verbreitet. Die DSDP-Rhyncholithenfunde zeigen stratigraphische Kondensation, Umlagerung und einen Wechsel in den Faziesbedingungen während des Oberen Jura an. Ebenso können solche Rhyncholithen als charakteristische Tethys-Elemente für Aussagen über die Biostratigraphie, Paläobiogeographie und als Paläoklima-Indikatoren verwendet werden. Höchstwahrscheinlich stellen die hier beschriebenen Rhyncholithen karbonatische Oberkiefer von Phylloceraten und Lytoceraten dar.

Résumé Les couches du Pliensbachien et de l'Oxfordien-Barrémien de l'Atlantique nord (site DSDP 1-547B) renferment des machoires de céphalopodes non nautiloïdes appartenant à des espèces connues sur les continents européen et nord-africain (Rhynchoteuthis, Palaeoteuthis, Palaeotheutis etLeptocheilus). Ces fossiles témoignent d'une condensation stratigraphique, d'un remaniement et d'un changement des conditions de facies au cours du Jurassique supérieur. Comme ces rhyncholites sont des organismes caractéristiques de la Téthys, ils peuvent être utilisés comme des indicateurs de paléobiogéographie, de paléobathymétrie et des paléoclimats. Selon toute vraisemblance, les rhyncholites en question ici sont des machoires supérieures calcifiées de phylloceratides ou de lytoceratides.

1–547 DSDP , (Rhynchoteuthis, Palaeoteuthis, Palaeotheutis Leptocheilui) . , . . . , , , . , .
Application of models over large areas requires enormous amounts of point data which are seldom available. As a result, the use of remote sensing to acquire data for these models becomes a practical alternative because from space areal measurements can be made over entire regions. Remote sensing data sets of snow are being studied and refined for input into energy balance, hydrological, and general circulation models. Snow influences the amount of solar energy retained and returned to space, the utilization of radiant energy in the hydrological cycle, and the atmospheric circulation by interacting with and modifying air masses. The continually evolving remote sensing technology will be used to provide a better understanding of how snow cover influences global climate and a better fundamental understanding of snow accumulation and ablation processes.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In den DSDP-Legs 1, 11, 13, 17, 25, 27, 32, 36, 41, 43, 44, 50 und 62 wurden die Unterkreide-Foraminiferen biostratigraphisch, taxonomisch und paläoökologisch bearbeitet. Eine Übersicht zeigt die in Leg 1–80 erbohrte Unterkreide und ihre Foraminiferen-Bearbeitungen.Im Nordatlantik fehlen regional ab dem Oberen Tithonium im Verlaufe einer Regression und der sie begleitenden Schichtlücken bis in das Valanginium charakteristische Foraminiferenfaunen. In Gebieten ohne Schwarzschiefer-Bedingungen setzen im Valanginium-Barremium mäßig reichhaltige bis sehr spärliche Mikrofaunen mitPraedorothia ouachensis (Sigal) der gleichnamigen Zone ein (Valanginium-Hauterivium). Hauterivium-Aptium gliedern sich in dieGavelinella barremiana-, dieGaudryina dividens- und dieConorotalites aptiensis- Zone.Wo im Albium nicht das ausgedehnte Schwarzschiefer-Milieu herrschte, findet man eine kosmopolitische Fauna aus agglutinierten und kalkschaligen Foraminiferen derPseudoclavulina gaultina- Zone. Für das höhere Albium und Cenomanium wurde dieGavelinella cenomanica- Zone ausgeschieden. Von biostratigraphischer Bedeutung sind im Berriasium-Albium die GattungenPraedorothia, Gaudryina, Pseudoclavulina, von den Kalkschalern nur wenige skulptierte Arten der Nodosariiden (Citharina, Lenticulina) sowieGavelinella, Conorotalites, Pleurostomella, Valvulineria undOsangularia. Die vonMoullade (1984) begründeten Zonen vom Berriasium-Albium der Tethys und des DSDP sind wegen der großen stratigraphischen Reichweite der verwendeten Foraminiferenarten nicht überall anwendbar.Im Indischen Ozean lassen die wenigen, bisher bekannten »australen« Foraminiferenfunde aus dem Neokom von Site 261 mit überwiegend primitiven agglutinierenden Formen eine genaue Datierung kaum zu. Die Kalkschaler sind meist aufgelöst oder auch umgelagert. Man ordnet sie dem Bereich des kühleren Wassers zu.Im Pazifischen Ozean sind die meisten Mikrofaunen wegen der geringen Kerngewinne, Verunreinigungen oder primärer Foraminiferenarmut (Schwarzschiefer) biostratigraphisch und paläoökologisch kaum verwertbar. Erst im Albium findet sich — wie im Atlantik — eine etwas reichhaltigere Kalk- und Sandschalerfauna mit wichtigen Arten derPseudoclavulina gaultina- Zone. Da außerGavelinella cenomanica (Brotzen) keine andere benthonische Foraminiferenart neu einsetzt, wird die Grenze zum Cenomanium in der Regel mit planktonischen Foraminiferen gezogen.Im Albium fallen die einheitlichen, kosmopolitischen Foraminiferenfaunen ohne ausgeprägte Faunenprovinzen auf.
From the DSDP Legs 1, 11, 13, 17, 25, 27, 32, 36, 41, 43, 44, 50, and 62 the Lower Cretaceous foraminifers have been investigated for biostratigraphical, taxonomical, and palaeoecological purposes. An overview of the cored Lower Cretaceous sections of Leg 1–80 is given.In the Northern Atlantic Ocean characteristic foraminiferal faunas are missing from the Upper Tithonian to the Valanginian due to a marked regression which caused hiatuses. In areas without black shale conditions Valanginian to Barremian medium rich to poor microfaunas withPraedorothia ouachensis (Sigal) of thePraedorothia ouachensis Zone (Valanginian-Hauterivian). The Hauterivian-Aptian interval is characterized by zones ofGavelinella barremiana,Gaudryina dividens, andConorotalites aptiensis. During the Albian a world-wide fauna consisting of agglutinated and calcareous foraminifers of thePseudoclavulina gaultina Zone is established in areas lacking the wide-spread black-shale conditions. The Upper Albian and the Cenomanian are represented by theGavelinella cenomanica Zone. Some ornamented species of the nodosariids (Citharina, Lenticulina), Gavelinella, Conorotalites, Pleurostomella, Valvulineria, andOsangularia are of some importance for the biostratigraphy of the Berriasian-Albian interval. The Berriasian to Albian zones introduced for the Tethys and the DSDP byMoullade (1984) could only be of some local importance due to the long stratigraphical range of the foraminiferal species used.In the Indian Ocean an exact stratigraphical age cannot be assigned to the few Neocomian foraminiferal faunas of a cooler sea water (Site 261). These faunas mainly contain primitive agglutinated foraminifers, because in most cases the calcareous tests are dissolved or redeposited.In the Pacific Ocean most of the Berriasian to Aptian microfaunas are of minor biostratigraphical and palaeoecological importance for reasons of poor core recoveries, contaminations or original foraminiferal poverty (black shales). Since the Albian there are somewhat higher-diverse faunas of calcareous and agglutinated foraminifers with index species of thePseudoclavulina gaultina Zone. As a rule, the boundary Albian/Cenomanian is set by means of planktonic foraminifers because no other foraminifer has its first appearance datum during this interval, exceptGavelinella cenomanica.During the Albian very uniform, world-wide foraminiferal faunas without a marked provincialism are obvious.

Résumé Dans les Legs DSDP 1, 11, 13, 17, 25, 27, 32, 36, 41, 43, 44, 50 et 62, les foraminifères du Crétacé inférieur ont été étudiés aux points de vue biostratigraphique, taxonomique et paléoécologique. La note présente une vue d'ensemble de la section d'âge crétacé inférieur du Leg 1–80.Dans l'Atlantique nord, les faunes caractéristiques de foraminifères sont absentes depuis le Tithonique supérieur jusqu'au Valanginien, en raison d'une régression importante et des lacunes qui en résultent. Dans les régions dépourvues de milieux à shales noirs, on rencontre une microfaune, pauvre à moyennement riche, valanginienne à barrémienne, àPraedorothia ouachensis (Sigal), appartenant à la Zone àPraedorothia ouachensis. L'intervalle Hauterivien-Aptien est caractérisé par les Zones àGavelinella barremiana, Gaudryina dividens et Conorotalites aptiensis. Au cours de l'Albien une faune d'extension mondiale de foraminifères agglutinés et calcaires appartenant à la Zone àPseudoclavu-lina gaultina, s'est établie dans les aires où ne règnaient pas les conditions de formation de shales noirs. L'Albien supérieur et le Cénomanien sont représentés par la Zone àGavelinella cenomanica. Dans l'intervalle Berriasien-Albien, un rôle biostratigraphique de quelque importance est joué par quelques espèces de Nodosariides à coquilles ornementées (Citharina, Lenticulina) ainsi queGavelinella, Conorotalites, Pleurostomella, Valvulineria et Osangularia. Les zones établies parMoullade (1984) pour le Berriasien-Albien de la Téthys et du DSDP ne sont pas partout utilisables, en raison de l'extension verticale trop grande des foraminifères utilisés.Dans l'Océan Indien, un âge exact ne peut être assigné aux faunes de foraminifères néocomiennes considérées jusqu'ici comme «australes» (site 261): ces faunes renferment surtout des formes agglutinées primitives, car les tests calcaires ont été généralement dissous ou remaniés.Dans l'Océan Pacifique, la plupart des microfaunes berriasiennes à aptiennes sont de faible intérêt biostratigraphique et paléo-écologique, en raison des mauvais rendements des carottes, de contaminations ou de leur pauvreté originelle (facies des shales noirs). A partir de l'Albien, on trouve une faune plus diversifiée de foraminifères agglutinés et calcaires, comportant des espèces caractéristiques de la Zone àPseudoclavulina gaultina. Comme d'ordinaire, la limite Albiencénomanien est définie par les foraminifères planctoniques, aucun autre foraminifère n'apparaissant dans cet intervalle, saufGavelinella cenomanica.A l'Albien, la faune de foraminifères est uniforme à l'échelle mondiale, sans distinction de provinces.

, 1, 11, 13, 17, 25, 27, 32, 36, 41, 43, 44, 50 62 DSDP, , . , 1–80 . . , , - Praedorothia ouachensis (Sigal) — . : Gavelinella barremiana, Gaudryina dividens Conorotalites aptiensis,, , , Pseudoclavulina gaultina. Gavelinella ni. - Praedorothia, Gaudryina, Pseudoclavulina, (Citharina, Lenticulina), Gavelinella, Conorotalites, Pleurostomella, Valvulineria Osangularia. , moullade (1984) - , .. , , . .: 261, , «», . . , . , . . , - - , , ( ). , , , Pseudoclavulina gaultina. T. . Gavelinella ni (brotzen) , , , . .
Conclusions The coastal zone in Nigeria has some problems and if both the Federal and the State Governments continue their movements away from viewing the coastal zone as an important and ecologically unique and fragile environment, the problem will retard the resources of the area. Developing countries like Nigeria lag behind the developed world in the provision of legislations to protect their citizens, coastal environment, and companies and firms. Presently, the development of Nigeria strictly comes from the coastal zone, therefore Government at all levels must be brought to see the coastal zones as a district and important region, and to provide a CZMP network capable of successfully resolving the issues particular to it.  相似文献   
This paper considers certain proposals for the future of the present Israeli-Occupied Territories. An essential yet brief review of various backgrounds, including the notion of Eretz Yisrael, is presented. The two principal Israeli viewpoints on the future of the territories, the Eretz Yisrael and the Regional Compromise positions are considered in some detail. While the so-termed Jordanian Option is outlined the Joshua Option is introduced as it may possibly indicate an even broader dimension for future deliberations and actions. A brief introduction to the proceeding study of Jewish settlement-development in the Samarian core is presented. The importance of such fieldwork is stressed. The overall contentious nature of the subject is emphasized yet academic consideration must proceed.  相似文献   
This paper argues that the process of establishing claims and control over resources, referred to as resource partitioning, structures frontier societies in ways which impede subsequent efforts at rural development. Conflicts over claims to resources create divisions among local elites which prevent the formation of coalitions to promote development. Struggles for control over the flow of resources out of a region cause regional development agencies to pursue transportation policies which retard development by isolating the region from all but one commercial center. A case study of resource partitioning and rural development efforts in the Ecuadorian Amazon illustrates the argument.  相似文献   
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