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Efficient spectrographs at large telescopes have made it possible to obtain high-resolution spectra of stars with high signal-to-noise ratio and advances in model atmosphere analyses have enabled estimates of high-precision differential abundances of the elements from these spectra, i.e. with errors in the range 0.01–0.03 dex for F, G, and K stars. Methods to determine such high-precision abundances together with precise values of effective temperatures and surface gravities from equivalent widths of spectral lines or by spectrum synthesis techniques are outlined, and effects on abundance determinations from using a 3D non-LTE analysis instead of a classical 1D LTE analysis are considered. The determination of high-precision stellar abundances of the elements has led to the discovery of unexpected phenomena and relations with important bearings on the astrophysics of galaxies, stars, and planets, i.e. (i) Existence of discrete stellar populations within each of the main Galactic components (disk, halo, and bulge) providing new constraints on models for the formation of the Milky Way. (ii) Differences in the relation between abundances and elemental condensation temperature for the Sun and solar twins suggesting dust-cleansing effects in proto-planetary disks and/or engulfment of planets by stars; (iii) Differences in chemical composition between binary star components and between members of open or globular clusters showing that star- and cluster-formation processes are more complicated than previously thought; (iv) Tight relations between some abundance ratios and age for solar-like stars providing new constraints on nucleosynthesis and Galactic chemical evolution models as well as the composition of terrestrial exoplanets. We conclude that if stellar abundances with precisions of 0.01–0.03 dex can be achieved in studies of more distant stars and stars on the giant and supergiant branches, many more interesting future applications, of great relevance to stellar and galaxy evolution, are probable. Hence, in planning abundance surveys, it is important to carefully balance the need for large samples of stars against the spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio needed to obtain high-precision abundances. Furthermore, it is an advantage to work differentially on stars with similar atmospheric parameters, because then a simple 1D LTE analysis of stellar spectra may be sufficient. However, when determining high-precision absolute abundances or differential abundance between stars having more widely different parameters, e.g. metal-poor stars compared to the Sun or giants to dwarfs, then 3D non-LTE effects must be taken into account.  相似文献   
Understanding transpiration and plant physiological responses to environmental conditions is crucial for the design and management of vegetated engineered covers. Engineered covers rely on sustained transpiration to reduce the risk of deep drainage into potentially hazardous wastes, thereby minimizing contamination of water resources. This study quantified temporal trends of plant water potential (ψp), stomatal conductance (gs), and transpiration in a 4‐year‐old evergreen woody vegetation growing on an artificial sandy substrate at a mine waste disposal facility. Transpiration averaged 0.7 mm day?1 in winter, when rainfall was frequent, but declined to 0.2 mm day?1 in the dry summer, when the plants were quite stressed. In winter, the mean ψp was ?0.6 MPa at predawn and ?1.5 MPa at midday, which were much higher than the corresponding summer values of ?2.0 MPa and ?4.8 MPa, respectively. The gs was also higher in winter (72.1–95.0 mmol m?2 s?1) than in summer (<30 mmol m?2 s?1), and negatively correlated with ψp (p < 0.05, r2 = 0.71–0.75), indicating strong stomatal control of transpiration in response to moisture stress. Total annual transpiration (147.2 mm) accounted for only 22% of the annual rainfall (673 mm), compared with 77% to 99% for woody vegetation in Western Australia. The low annual transpiration was attributed to the collective effects of a sparse and young vegetation, low moisture retention of the sandy substrate, and a superficial root system constrained by high subsoil pH. Amending the substrate with fine‐textured materials should improve water storage of the substrate and enhance canopy growth and deep rooting, while further reducing the risk of deep drainage during the early stages of vegetation establishment and in the long term. Overall, this study highlights the need to understand substrate properties, vegetation characteristics, and rainfall patterns when designing artificial ecosystems to achieve specific hydrological functions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamic equation of motion that governs the laminar flow of water through soils is the empirical equation of Darcy. According to Darcy's equation the velocity of the flowing water is proportional to the hydraulic gradient under which the water is flowing, with the constant of proportionality being the coefficient of permeability. The interesting question arising is whether or not the coefficient of permeability is a scalar quantity (having only a magnitude) or a vector (having both magnitude and direction). It is proved, in the present paper, that the permeability coefficient is neither a scalar nor a vector but a symmetric tensor of second rank. The fact that the permeability tensor is symmetric gives rise to great simplifications and permits a simple graphical construction of the tensor ellipsoid. Having the tensor ellipsoid, the determination of the direction at which the water will flow under a known imposed hydraulic gradient can be found graphically. In case of isotropic soils (the permeability coefficient has the same value along any direction) the ellipsoid reduces to a sphere and the tensor becomes a scalar. In the general case of anisotropic soils the permeability tensor is an entity with nine elements, six of which are independent representing pure extension or contraction along the three principal coordinate axes, thus transforming the permeability sphere into an ellipsoid and vice versa. It should be noted that in anisotropic soils the only directions along which the flow takes place in the direction of the hydraulic gradient are those of the principal axes of the tensor ellipsoid.

Permeability tests were conducted on anisotropic sandstone samples taken at different directions with respect to rectangular coordinates. The permeability coefficient values plotted on a two-dimensional polar coordinate graph paper give rise to an ellipse substantiating therefore the tensor concept of the permeability coefficient. The graphical construction of the tensor ellipse and the use of it in order to obtain the direction of flow by knowing the direction of the hydraulic gradient is also shown.  相似文献   
Analysis of two continuous, high‐resolution palaeo‐flood records from southern Norway reveals that the frequency of extreme flood events has changed significantly during the Holocene. During the early and middle Holocene, flood frequency was low; by contrast, it was high over the last 2300 years when the mean flood frequency was about 2.5–3.0 per century. The present regional discharge regime is dominated by spring/summer snowmelt, and our results indicate that the changing flood frequency cannot be explained by local conditions associated with the respective catchments of the two lakes, but rather long‐term variations of solid winter precipitation and related snowmelt. Applying available instrumental winter precipitation data and associated sea‐level pressure re‐analysis data as a modern analogue, we document that atmospheric circulation anomalies, significantly different from the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), have some potential in explaining the variability of the two different palaeo‐flood records. Centennial‐scale patterns in shifting flood frequency might be indicative of shifts in atmospheric circulation and shed light on palaeo‐pressure variations in the North Atlantic region, in areas not influenced by the NAO. Major shifts are found at about 2300, 1200 and 200 years ago (cal. a BP). Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
John Tebbutt was Australia's pre-eminent 19th-century astronomer who discovered two great comets of that century. Ragbir Bathal tells his story.  相似文献   
Interactive resource planning is an increasingly important aspect of emission trading markets. The conferences of Rio de Janeiro, 1992, and Kyoto, 1997, originally focusing on environmental protection at both macro- and micro-economic levels, called for new economic instruments of this kind. An important economic tool in this area is Joint Implementation (JI), defined in Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol. Sustainable development can be guaranteed only if JI is embedded in optimal energy management. In this contribution we describe and evaluate one international procedure within uncertain markets which helps to establish optimal energy management and interactive resource planning processes within uncertain emission trading markets.  相似文献   
Summary Amphibole data in the MinIdent database (Smith andLeibovitz, 1986) were initially entered using species names quoted in the original source. The database has been updated by reclassifying these early data using the program AMPHTAB supplied by N. M. S. Rock and by adding supplemental data from the more recent literature, with the species names again checked using AMPHTAB. Associated MinIdent mineral identification software was utilized to determine which minerals in the database most closely resemble a series of unknown specimens chemically, as expressed in the Chemical Matching Index, CM, a relative figure-of-merit. Chemical data fromMogessie and Tessadri (1982) and Hawthorne (1983) were used to check the agreement between MinIdent and AMPHTAB for the classification of 221 unknown amphiboles.With 450 amphibole analyses entered and compiled in MinIdent, the name assigned by AMPHTAB showed the highest value of CM in MinIdent for 127 of the 221 unknown amphiboles (57.5°/x) and the second highest value for another 32 (14.5%). A chemically adjacent amphibole field had the highest value of CM for 59 of the 221 unknowns (26.7%), where chemically adjacent refers to a change in one chemical parameter. The greatest discrepancy between the two programs occurred in the hornblendes, with an agreement of just 20%, although for 58% of the unknowns the species with the highest CM in MinIdent was in a chemical field adjacent to the species name assigned by AMPHTAB. In many cases the disagreement between MinIdent and AMPHTAB could be ascribed to a lack of data in MinIdent.A comparison of the two programs suggests that the assignment of a single name to an unknown amphibole by AMPHTAB with no direct indication of its reliability may be; misleading. Standard analytical errors are frequently sufficient to overlap the arbitrary boundaries between amphibole species fields. In such cases it may be preferable to use a program such as MinIdent which, rather than assigning an arbitrary amphibole name, presents a list of 20 amphiboles with the degree of similarity between them and the unknown amphibole indicated. MinIdent offers the additional benefit of allowing input of other than chemical data and bases the match between unknown and standard data upon all input data. This will become more of an advantage as instruments such as automated refractometers become available for routine use.
Zusammenfassung Ausgangspunkt war das Amphibol-Datenmaterial (Smith und Leibovitz, 1986) mit den dort verwendeten Artnamen. Diese Basisdaten wurden vervollständigt und erneuert durch Reklassifizierung mittels des AMPHTAB Programms, ergänzt durch N. M. S. Rock, und durch Hinzufügung weiterer Daten aus der neuesten Literatur, deren Speciesnamen wiederum mit AMPHTAB überprüft wurden. Außerdem wurde eine MinIdent Mineralidentifizierungs-Software verwendet, um die Minerale zu bestimmen, die in ihrem Chemismus am ehesten einer Serie von unbekannten Amphibol-Species entsprechen, wie sie im Chemical Matching Index (CM) aufscheinen. Zur Klassifikation von 221 unbekannten Amphibolen wurden chemische Daten von Mogessie und Tessadri (1982) verwendet um die Übereinstimmung zwischen MinIdent und AMPHTAB zu überprüfen.Unter den 450 in MinIdent zusammengestellten und eingegebenen Amphibolanalysen zeigen die bei AMPHTAB angegebenen die höchsten CM Werte, nämlich 127 von 221 unbekannten Amphibolen (57,5%) und weitere 32 (14,5%) die zweithöchsten Werte. Innerhalb eines chemisch benachbarten Amphibolfeldes hatten 59 der 221 unbekannten Amphibole (26,7%) die höchsten CM Werte, wobei unter achemisch benachbart die Änderung eines chemischen Parameters zu verstehen ist. Die größten Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Programmen traten bei den Hornblenden auf. Die Übereinstimmung lag bei nur 20%, obwohl bei 58% der unbekannten Amphibole die Species mit dem höchsten CM Wert in MinIdent in ein chemisches Feld zu liegen kamen, welches zu den bei AMPHTAB angegebenen Speciesnamen eine benachbarte Position einnimmt. Die Unterschiede zwischen MinIdent und AMPHTAB könnten in vielen Fällen auf ein Fehlen von Daten in MinIdent zurükzuführen sein.Ein Vergleich beider Programme deutet an, daß die Angabe eines Einzelnamens für ein unbekanntes Amphibol im AMPHTAB Programm ohne Angaben über die Zuverlässigkeit zu Mißverständnissen führen kann. Normale analytische Fehler können bereits dazu führen, daß die Grenzen zweier willkürlicher Amphibolfelder überlappen. In derartigen Fällen emphiehlt sich die Anwendung des MinIdent Programmes, welches eben nicht einen willkürlichen Amphibolnamen angibt, sondern eine Liste von 20 Amphibolen mit dem Grad ihrer Ähnlichkeit, und einem Hinweis auf den unbekannten Amphibol. MinIdent bietet den zusätzlichen Vorteil, daß man außer chemischen auch andere Daten eingeben kann, und stellt dann sämtliche Daten des unbekannten Amphibols den Standard Daten gegenüber. Dieser Klassifizierungsvorgang wird mit der zunehmenden Routineanwendung von automatischen Refraktometern verstärkte Anwendung finden.
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