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Cosmos 316 (1969-108A) was launched on 23 December 1969 into an orbit with an initial perigee height of 154 km at an inclination of 49.5° to the equator. Being very massive, Cosmos 316 had a longer lifetime than any previous satellite with such a low initial perigee: it remained in orbit until 28 August 1970. Because of its interest for upper-atmosphere research, the satellite was intensively observed, and accurate orbits are being determined at RAE from all available observations. Using perigee heights from the RAE orbits so far computed, and decay rates from Spacetrack bulletins, 102 values of air density have been obtained, giving a detailed picture of the variations in density at heights near 150 km between 24 December 1969 and 28 August 1970. The three strongest geomagnetic storms, on 8 March, 21 April and 17 August 1970, are marked by sudden increases in density of at least 23, 15 and 24 per cent respectively. With values of density extending over eight months, it is possible for the first time to examine a complete cycle of the semi-annual variation at a height near 150 km: the values of density, when corrected to a fixed height, exhibit minima in mid January and early August; at the intervening maximum, in April, the density is 30 per cent higher than at the minima.  相似文献   
Explorer 1, 1958α, ths first U.S. artificial satellite, was launched on 1 February 1958 and remained in orbit for 12 years. In this paper theoretical curves have been fitted to the values of inclination, giving three values of the average atmospheric rotation rate at heights of 350–400 km, and latitudes 0–20°:
The Earth's gravitational potential is now usually expressed in terms of a double series of tesseral harmonics with several hundred terms, up to order and degree at least 20. The harmonics of order 14 can be evaluated by analysing changes in satellite orbits which experience 14th-order resonance, when the track over the Earth repeats after 14 revolutions.In this paper we describe our first evaluation of individual 14th-order coefficients in the geopotential from analysis of the variations in inclination and eccentricity of satellite orbits passing through 14th-order resonance under the action of air drag. Using results from eleven satellites, we find the following values for normalized coefficients of harmonics of order 14 and degree l, C?l, 14 and S?l, 14, for l=14, 154. 22:
Feb 1958 to mid 19601.5 rev/day
Mid 1960 to Dec 19671.2 rev/day
Jan 1968 to Mar 19701.3 rev/day
A new administrative-territorial system was introduced in Croatia in late 1992, after the country has passed through a tumultuous period and reached independence. The new internal territorial organization is a compromise between several different criterias. It reflects Croatia's position and geographic characteristics as well as the country's history and variety of traditional regions existing on those bases, but the most decisive was the functional principle. Counties, the first order units of the new division, are primarily functional regions of main centres. Beside counties, there is also a lower level of the division, namely municipalities created in predominantly rural areas and towns in more urbanized parts. The new civil division also provided a model of territorial autonomy for areas inhabited mostly by the Serbs, the second largest ethnic group in Croatia. For that purpose two districts with special status were proposed.  相似文献   
Summary Transitions between graphitic gneisses, graphite-bearing calcsilicate rocks and marbles of the Variegated Sequence (Bunte Serie) in the Moldanubian zone of the Bohemian massif were examined for their primary sedimentary signatures. The bulk chemistry of the graphitic gneisses is similar to those of common black shales. Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) distribution patterns of graphite-bearing rocks resemble those of average pelitic sediments. Graphite 13C-values around –22%o (PDB) show primary organic isotopic characteristics in the silicate rocks and confirm their organogenic origin. Traces of metasomatic mobilizations were found for a number of elements such as Ba, Rb, Cs, the REEs and Mn.Carbon isotope thermometry using the calibration ofScheele andHoefs (1992) suggests a peak-temperature of 640–780°C for the graphite-bearing calcsilicates and marbles. Small scale isotopic studies at the interface between gneisses and marbles argue against a pervasive streaming CO2-rich fluid derived from an external source and imply that the fluid was controlled more locally by lithology. Ore petrographic investigations showed iron-rich alabandite as an abundant phase within the calcsilicate rocks and marbles. The occurrence and metamorphic origin of alabandite within these rocks indicates high S- and low CO2-, O2-fugacities in local layers of the Variegated Sequence.
Herkunft und Genese von graphitführenden Gesteinen der Bunten Serie aus der Böhmischen Masse (Österreich)
Zusammenfassung Übergänge zwischen Graphitgneisen, Kalksilikatgesteinen und Marmoren der Bunten Serie im Moldanubikum der Böhmischen Masse wurden auf primäre sedimentäre Merkmale hin untersucht. Die Gesamtzusammensetzung der Graphitgneise gleicht der von durchschnittlichen Schwarzschiefern. Chondrit-normierte Verteilungsmuster der Seltenen Erdelemente (SEE) der graphitführenden Gesteine spiegeln pelitische Sedimente wider. Kohlenstoffisotopenzusammensetzungen der Graphite mit 13C-Werten um –22 (PDB) aus den Graphitgneisen lassen eindeutig auf einen organogenen Ursprung der Graphite schließen. Hinweise auf metasomatische Mobilisierungen finden sich bei den Elementen Ba, Rb, Cs, den SEE und Mn.Graphit-Kalzit Isotopenthermometrie nachScheele undHoefs (1992) ergibt eine Peak-Temperatur zwischen 640–780°C für das prägende Metamorphoseereignis. Isotopengeochelnische Kleinbereichsuntersuchungen erlauben es, ein während der prägenden Metamorphose lithologische Grenzen pervasiv durchströmendes CO2-reiches Fluid, das von einer externen Quelle abgeleitet wird, auszuschließen und weisen auf eine eher lokale, von der Lithologie abhängige, Prägung des Fluids hin. Im Zuge der erzpetrographischen Untersuchung wurde Alabandin in den Kalksilikatgesteinen und Marmoren gefunden. Die Gegenwart von Alabandin, der in diesen Gesteinen als metamorphe Bildung angesehen wird, kann als Anzeiger für bereichsweise höhere S- und niedere CO2- bzw. O2-Fugazitäten in lokalen Bereichen der Bunten Serie gewertet werden.
Four different stressed carnallite-rocks were microscopically investigated by U-stage and the indicatrix orientation pattern was treated in topotropic analysis (AVA). The investigation involved a young, post-tectonic carnallitite, a layered carnallite-rock and a weakly cataclastic carnallitite, as well as so-called Trümmercarnallitite, and had as its objective observation of changes in fabric orientation.The youngest, uninfluenced carnallitite is a megagrained (handspecimen 3 grains), the other varieties are heterogenous, and respectively middleto finegrained carnallitite.With increasing tectonically strain, the number of grains with similar indicatrix orientation diminishs from that of the wholegrain. Neighbouring grains are shifted more and more and respectively show varying degrees of recristallisation from layered carnallitite up to the cataclastic Trümmercarnallitite.In addition for interpretation the mechanics undulations, kinkbands and rotationcristallisation by twinning were investigated.An attempt is made to explain the mechanism of the deformation.
Zusammenfassung Vier unterschiedlich beanspruchte Carnallitite wurden mikroskopisch mit dem U-Tisch gemessen und Achsenverteilungsanalysen angefertigt. Ausgehend von einem posttektonisch entstandenen, jüngeren Carnallitit wurden ein gut geschichteter, ein schwach kataklastischer und sog. Trümmercarnallitit auf die Änderung ihrer Gefüge hin untersucht. Der jüngere unbeeinflußte Carnallitit ist riesenkörnig (Handstück 3 Körner), die anderen Varietäten sind heterogen- und mittel- bis kleinkörnig.Mit zunehmender tektonischer Beanspruchung wird die Zahl der Körner kleiner, die ursprünglich ein Großkorn gebildet haben, d. h. die Lage der Indikatrix benachbarter Körner ist stärker verstellt.Zur Feststellung der Mechanismen werden Messungen an Verbiegungen (undulöse Auslöschungen), Knickbändern und die Rotationskristallisation durch Zwillingsbildung untersucht. Es wird der Versuch unternommen, den mechanischen Ablauf der Deformation zu erklären.

Résumé Quatre roches à carnallite, ayant subi des sollicitations différentes, ont fait l'objet d'une analyse topotropique («Achsenverteilungsanalyse») au moyen de la platine universelle. Ces quatre roches sont des carnallitites respectivement: (1) grenue posttectonique, (2) à rubanement bien exprimé, (3) légèrement cataclastique, (4) dite «Trümmercarnallitite». La roche jeune non affectée (1) est une Carnallitite à grains géants (3 grains pour l'échantillon); les autres sont des roches à granularité hétérogène moyenne à fine.Lorsque la sollicitation tectonique augmente, on voit diminuer le nombre de grains issus d'un même grain originel; en d'autres termes on voit se modifier de plus en plus la position des indicatrices de grains voisins.En outre, il a été procédé à une investigation des extinctions onduleuses, des kink-bands et des macles de déformation. La note présente finalement un essai d'interprétation du mécanisme de la déformation.

4 , . : - , , , .. »Trümmercarnallitite«. , , , . , . , ( ), . .
During the Tropospheric Ozone Production about the Spring Equinox (TOPSE) program, aircraft flights during April 7–11, 2000 revealed a large area air mass capped below ∼500 m altitude over Hudson Bay, Canada in which ozone was reduced from normal levels of 30–40 ppbv to as low as 0.5 ppbv. From some of the in-situ aircraft measurements, back-trajectory calculations, the tropospheric column of BrO derived from GOME satellite measurements, and results from a regional model, we conclude that the event did not originate from triggering of reactive halogen release in the sub-Arctic region of Hudson Bay but resulted from such an event occurring at higher latitudes over the islands of the northern Canada Archipelago and nearby Arctic Ocean with subsequent transport over a distance of 1,000–1,500 km to Hudson Bay. BrO x remained active during this transport despite considerable changes in the conditions of the underlying surface suggesting that chemical recycling during transport dominated any local halogen input from the surface. If all of the tropospheric column density of BrO is distributed uniformly within the surface layer, then the mixing ratio of BrO derived from the satellite measurements is at least a factor of 2–3 larger than derived indirectly from in situ aircraft measurements of the NO/NO2 ratio.  相似文献   
Calcitic stalagmites from caves in the Sauerland, Germany, prove the existence of sub-Milankovitch cycles in precipitation during the last 6000 yr. The δ18O record dated with Th/U is interpreted as an indicator of paleohumidity. Spectral analysis of δ18O from 6000 a BP up to the recent top of a stalagmite from the Atta cave yields statistically significant peaks at 1450, 117, 64 and 57 a. Additionally we find a good correlation of the stalagmite’s δ18O and Δ14C from European tree rings. The 1450 a cycle in the stalagmite probably is analogous to the pervasive millennial scale climate cycle described by Bond et al. [Science 278 (1997) 1257-1266; 294 (2001) 2130-2136] derived from the amount of ice rafted debris in deep sediments from the North Atlantic. Our results suggest that the centennial to millennial shifts observed in the North Atlantic are accompanied by synchronous shifts of the climate in Northern and Central Europe, which most probably can be attributed to solar irradiation variations.  相似文献   
Because South Africa is situated in a semi-dry region, the limited water resources are placed under increasing pressure by consumers from different sectors. Irrigation consumes more than half of the available water resources in South Africa. In the Northwest Province large volumes of water are found in dolomitic aquifers. Since 1970 irrigation from these aquifers has resulted in an exponential growth in the withdrawal of groundwater. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of groundwater utilization with centre-pivot irrigation in the Northwest Province, as well as to identify the most important variables that influence this effectiveness. Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis were used to establish a model with which the probable effectiveness of groundwater utilization on a specific farm can be predicted. The results show that four variables have a significant effect on the net profit margin from centre-pivot irrigation in the study area, namely: • Knowledge regarding the water capacity of the soil • Adjusting irrigation according to precipitation • The use of a yield target for fertiliser application, and • Soil characteristics The above parameters were used to develop a model with which farmers in the study area can be ranked according to the effectiveness of their water usage for centre-pivot irrigation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Experimental diffusion couples were used to study chemical diffusion between molten rhyolite and basalt with special emphasis on the associated fractionation of calcium and lithium isotopes. Diffusion couples were made by juxtaposing firmly packed powders of a natural basalt (SUNY MORB) and a natural rhyolite (Lake County Obsidian) and then annealing them in a piston cylinder apparatus for times ranging from 0.1 to 15.7 h, temperatures of 1350-1450°C, and pressures of 1.2-1.3 GPa. Profiles of the major elements and many trace elements were measured on the recovered quenched glasses. The diffusivities of all elements except lithium were found to be remarkably similar, while the diffusivity of lithium was two to three orders of magnitude larger than that of any of the other elements measured. Chemical diffusion of calcium from molten basalt into rhyolite was driven by a concentration ratio of ∼18 and produced a fractionation of 44Ca from 40Ca of about 6 ‰. Because of the relatively low concentration of lithium in the natural starting materials a small amount of spodumene (LiAlSi2O6) was added to the basalt in order to increase the concentration difference between basalt and rhyolite, which was expected to increase the magnitude of diffusive isotopic fractionation of lithium. The concentration ratio between Li-doped basalt and natural rhyolite was ∼15 and the resulting diffusion of lithium into the rhyolite fractionated 7Li from 6Li by about 40‰. We anticipate that several other major rock-forming elements such as magnesium, iron and potassium will also exhibit similarly larger isotopic fractionation whenever they diffuse between natural melts with sufficiently large differences in the abundance of these elements.  相似文献   
14?38.5 ±2.9?7.8 ±2.2
154.5 ±1.1?23.8 ±0.3
16?22.3 ±3.6?36.0 ±3.8
17?15.0 ±2.616.8 ±1.2
18?24.0±4.9?3.2 ±3.7
19?1.6 ±2.8?7.6 ±1.0
208.8 ±5.8?15.4 ±4.6
2118.2 ±3.6?10.6 ±1.9
22?14.5 ±8.19.9 ±6.4
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