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Changing trade patterns of the West Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the enormous expansion of world trade in the quarter century after 1950, the share generated by countries of the Western Pacific remained remarkably constant. This relationship primarily reflected the rise of Japan as a major force in the international economy. Whereas Japan's own trade grew more widely oriented and the Western Pacific margins relatively less important as trading partners than before WW II, to the states of the Western Pacific Japan's status both as a supplier of imports and as an export market greatly enlarged —only rarely is Japan not the leading trading partner. The Japanese strategy of export-led growth has been replicated by South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. All of these countries, as well as Japan itself, depend overwhelmingly on imports for their raw materials and energy supplies. Elsewhere trade patterns have been greatly modified by a rising spirit of nationalism that has emphasized development of manufacturing industries in Australia and New Zealand no less than in the states of SE Asia.  相似文献   
青藏高原唐古拉山冬克玛底河流域水文过程特征分析   总被引:16,自引:16,他引:16  
利用1993年5 ̄9月连续时间序列的资料,对青藏高原唐古拉山冬克玛底冰川区及其流域的水文过程特征进行初步分析。由于青藏高原季风环流的影响,在性质不同气团控制所产生的降水天然过程的降水量差别极大,该区域主要降水集中在6 ̄8月,Tretyakov雨量器对标准雨量器捕捉率的修正量小于天山地区的研究结果,该流域地面蒸发过程较为强盛,各种下垫面的蒸发量占流域水量平衡收入的37%,土壤蒸发量与水面蒸发和土壤含  相似文献   
Résumé Des formations paléozoïques d'origine essentiellement détritique, métamorphisées à des degrés divers (quartzophyllades, phyllades, micaschistes souvent feldspathiques à biotite, staurotide, andalousite, sillimamte) ont été échantillonnées méthodiquement dans les Pyrénées luchonnaises, à l'occasion de l'étude des relations structurales et géochimiques entre les formations granitiques du Massif du Lys-Caillaouas et leur environnement.La réalisation de 900 analyses (éléments majeurs) de ces « schistes » au sens large, prelevés le long de coupes systématiques à travers les principales unités régionales, pose avec acuité le problème d'une typologie chimique accordée aux connaissances sur la minéralogie des sédiments détritiques et sur leurs milieux de genèse.L'auteur tente en conséquence de présenter l'ensemble de ces analyses sous une forme qui mette en lumière quelques caractères importants de la sédimentation. Il propose à cet effet l'usage de deux diagrammes triangulaires dont l'un est destiné principalement à une présentation globale de la roche tandis que l'autre s'attache particulièrement aux silico-aluminates considérés comme la fraction la plus significative.Les différenciations que cette méthode de présentation fait apparaitre dans les séries échantillonnées, du Cambro-Ordovicien au Carbonifère inférieur, sont ensuite confrontées avec les connaissances classiques sur ce domaine pyrénéen. Au total, ce sont quelques uns des problèmes posés par l'utilisation de la géochimie dans des séries pélitiques fréquemment réputées monotones qui se trouvent évoqués sur un exemple assez large dont l'étude se poursuit.
Paleozoic formations of mainly detrital origin, which are metamorphized to various extents (quartzophyllades, phyllades, micaschists frequently containing feldspar, biotite, staurotide, andalousite, sillimanite) have been systematically sampled in the Luchon Pyrenees. This opportunity was offered by a study devoted to the relationship between the granitic formations of the Lys-Caillaouas massive and its environment.Over 900 of these « schists » taken on systematic profiles cross-cutting the principal regional units have been analyzed for major elements. This leads to the difficult problem of a chemical characterization of the mineralogical knowledge of detrital sediments and their medium of genesis.An attempt is made to restitute the mass of these analyses in a way that might throw light on some particularly important aspects of sedimentation. With this aim, two triangular diagrams are proposed. The first gives a global representation of the rock, whereas the second is concerned with silico-aluminates considered as the most significant fraction.The differenciations which appear in this graphical method, in the studied series proceeding from Cambro-Ordovicien up to the Carboniferous, are then compared with the classical knowledge of this part of the Pyrenees.Briefly, these are some of the problems which arise from the application of geochemistry to pelitic series, often considered monotonous. And these problems are treated on a broad example, the study of which is still being pursued.

Zusammenfassung Anläßlich umfassender, struktureller und geochemischer Untersuchungen in dem Granitmassiv des Lys-Caillaouas und seiner Umgebung wurden systematische Probenahmen in den Pyrenäen bei Luchon auch an diesen überwiegend detritischen Gesteinen durchgeführt. Sie liegen heute in verschiedenen Graden der Metamorphose vor. Quarzphyllite, Glimmerschiefer - oft mit Feldspat und Biotit, Andalusit und Sillimanit.900 Analysen des Makrochemismus dieser schiefrigen Gesteine erlauben systematische Profile durch die wichtigsten regionalen Einheiten zu geben. Es stellt sich das Problem, eine chemische Typologie zu finden, die sich in Übereinstimmung mit unseren Kenntnissen der Mineralogie detritischer Gesteine und ihrer Sedimentationsräume befindet.Verfasser versucht, die Gesamtheit dieser Analysen in Form eines Systems zu geben, das es gestattet, die wichtigsten Charakteristika der Sedimentation zu erfassen. Zu diesem Zweck werden zwei Dreiecks-Darstellungen vorgeschlagen, von denen die erste hauptsächlich dazu bestimmt ist, eine globale Darstellung des Gesteinschemismus zu geben. Das zweite Diagramm gibt vor allem eine Darstellung der Alumino-Silikate, die als charakteristische Fraktion dieser Gesteine anzusehen sind.Die Differenzierungen, die diese Methode in den Probenreihen vom Cambro-Ordoviz bis zum Karbon sichtbar werden läßt, verden anschließend verglichen mit den älteren, geologischen Kenntnissen dieses Abschnitts der Pyrenäen.Im Rahmen einer umfangreichen Arbeit, die noch fortgesetzt wird, sind dies einige Teilergebnisse, die den Wert geochemischer Untersuchungen gerade in pelitischen Serien zeigen, die gemeinhin als äußerst monoton gelten.

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Major and trace element analyses of over 180 individual chondrules from 12 carbonaceous chondrites are reported, including individual analyses of 60 chondrules from Pueblito de Allende. Siderophile elements in most chondrules are depleted, compared to the whole chondrite. Correlations of Al-Ir and Ir-Sc among chondrules high in Ca and Al were observed. A Cu-Mn correlation was also found for chondrules from some meteorites. No correlation was observed between Au and other siderophile elements (Fe, Ni, Co and Ir). It is suggested that these elemental associations were present in the material from which the chondrules formed. Compositionally, chondrules appear to be a multicomponent mixture of remelted dust. One component displaying an Al-Ir correlation is identified as Allende-type white aggregates. The other components are a material chemically similar to the present matrix and sulfides-plus-metal material. Abundances of the REE (rare earth elements) were measured in ‘ordinary’ Allende chondrules and were 50% higher than REE abundances in Mokoia chondrules; REE abundances in Ca-Al rich chondrules were similar to REE abundances in Ca-rich white aggregates.  相似文献   
Superstructures in synthetic mullite, Al4+2x Si2?2x O10?x , prepared using the zone melting technique, are studied by high resolution electron microscopy (HREM), electron diffraction, and in situ energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. For x=0.40 composition HREM images indicate only short-range order. Near x=0.5 composition mullite has an antiphase domain structure with antiphase boundaries (APB's) oriented parallel to (100). For higher Al-content the APB's run in non-rational orientations which are slightly inclined against the {601}-planes. We propose models for the superstructures in which oxygen vacancies are arranged in channels parallel to the crystal b-axis. The models are supported by a one-to-one match between observed and computer-simulated images. An Al-rich limit of x=2/3 for mullite is deduced on the basis of stereochemical considerations. Different ordering schemes for the tetrahedral cations are believed to result in the orientation change of the APB's near x=0.5 composition.  相似文献   
Myers developed a matrix form of the cokriging equations, but one that entails the solution of a large system of linear equations. Large systems are troublesome because of memory requirements and a general increase in the matrix condition number. We transform Myers’s system into a set of smaller systems, whose solution gives the classical kriging results, and provides simultaneously a nested set of lower dimensional cokriging results. In the course of developing the new formulation we make an interesting link to the Cauchy-Schwarz condition for the invertibility of a system, and another to a simple situation of coregionalization. In addition, we proceed from these new equations to a linear approximation to the cokriging results in the event that the crossvariograms are small, allowing one to take advantage of a recent results of Xie and others which proceeds by diagonalizing the variogram matrix function over the lag classes.  相似文献   
Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION From the considerations of the scattered oil occurrences and suitablegeological structures, the Red Basin of Szechuan has long been regarded as apromising country for oil prospecting. In the last decade much attention hasbeen paid by geologists and engineers to the search for oil resources in certain  相似文献   
We studied carbonates of mainly postmagmatic origin. As a result of extensive measurements of the absorption spectra, light of λ=253 nm of a Xenon lamp was used for excitation. The emitted luminescence was measured by a photometer. Luminescence of considerable intensity is exhibited by calcites, aragonites, smithsonites, strontianites as well as by witherites and cerussites. Calcites have the most strongly differentiated spectrum. Each of their five different luminescence types is caused by a special activation. Particularly characteristic are calcites, whose luminescence is activated (a) by lattice defects and/or Zn-contents (broad emission band with maximum at about 420 nm), (b) by Mn/Pb-substitution (maxima at 325 and 420 nm), (c) by REE (maxima at 340–360, 480, 545, 575, 623 and 670 nm). The other, also luminescing carbonates, show a close relationship to the calcite of the ‘fundamental type’ (a) but with varying position of their emission maxima. Also most of the phosphorescing samples of calcite are of this type (a). The majority of these calcites originate from telethermal, surface-near formation regions and from resolutions, respectively. Fe, Ni, and in the case of smithsonite also Cu, are ‘killing elements’, which are less efficient by REE-activation than by Mn/Pb-activation. In particular phosphorescence and activation by lattice defects will be disturbed. The luminescence analysis represents a possibility for mineral identification. Furthermore it gives criteria for chemical homogenity of minerals, and locates concentrations of certain elements in inhomogeneous samples. For the most important activators it is a tool for qualitative element detection, especially in the case of REE.  相似文献   
We describe the results of our morphologic, stratigraphic and mineralogic investigations of fluvial landforms, paleolakes and possible shoreline morphologies at the Libya Montes/Isidis Planitia boundary. The landforms are indicative of aqueous activity and standing bodies of water, including lakes, seas and oceans, that are attributed to a complex hydrologic cycle that may have once existed on Mars in the Noachian (>3.7 Ga) and perhaps also in the Hesperian (>3.1 Ga). Our observations of the Libya Montes/Isidis Planitia boundary between 85°/86.5°E and 1.8°/5°N suggest, that (1) the termination of valley networks between roughly ?2500 and ?2800 m coincide with lake-size ponding in basins within the Libya Montes, (2) an alluvial fan and a possible delta, layered morphologies and associated Al-phyllosilicates identified within bright, polygonally fractured material at the front of the delta deposits are interpreted to be the results of fluvial activity and discharge into a paleolake, (3) the Arabia “shoreline” appears as a series of possible coastal cliffs at about ?3600 and ?3700 m indicating two distinct still stands and wave-cut action of a paleosea that temporarily filled the Isidis basin the Early Hesperian, and (4) the Deuteronilus “shoreline” appears at ?3800 m and is interpreted to be a result of the proposed sublimation residue of a frozen sea that might have filled the Isidis basin, similar to the Vastitas Borealis Formation (VBF) identified in the northern lowlands. We interpret the morphologic–geologic setting and associated mineral assemblages of the Libya Montes/Isidis Planitia boundary as results of fluvial activity, lake-size standing bodies of water and an environmental change over time toward decreasing water availability and a cold and dry climate.  相似文献   
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