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The layered Bushveld Complex hosts a number of chromitite layers, which were found to contain significant amounts of zircon grains compared with adjacent silicate rocks. Cathodoluminescent-dark, partially metamict cores and transparent rims of composite zircon grains were analyzed for trace elements with SIMS and LA-ICPMS techniques. The cores are enriched in REE, Y, Th and U and are characterized by distinctly flatter REE patterns in contrast to those of the rims and transparent homogenous crystals. Zircon from the different stratigraphic units has specific Th/U ratios, the highest of which (1.5–4) occurs in a Merensky Reef zircon core. The Ti content of Bushveld zircon ranges from 12 to 52 ppm correlating to a crystallization temperature range of 760–930 °C. The geochemical characteristics of the first zircon generation are consistent with its high-temperature crystallization as the first major U, Th and REE acceptor from a highly-evolved residue of the high-Mg basalt magma, whereas the rims and coreless crystals have crystallized from percolating intercumulus liquid of new influx of the same magma. U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircon cores and rims does not reveal a distinguishable difference between their ages indicating the absence of inherited zircon. Concordia ages of 2,051?±?9 Ma (2σ, MSWD?=?0.1) and 2,056?±?5 Ma (2σ, MSWD?=?0.05) for zircons from the Merensky Reef and the Upper Platreef located equally near the top of the Critical Zone are in agreement with published ages for the Merensky Reef. Zircon from the deeper-seated Lower Group, Middle Group and Lower Platreef chromitites yields younger concordia ages that may reflect prolonged late-stage volatile activity.  相似文献   
Maps of satellite-derived estimates of monthly averaged chlorophyll a concentration over the northern West Florida Shelf show interannual variations concentrated near the coastline, but also extending offshore over the shelf in a tongue-like pattern from the Apalachicola River during the late winter and early spring. These anomalies are significantly correlated with interannual variability in the flow rate of the Apalachicola River, which is linked to the precipitation anomalies over the watershed, over a region extending 150–200 km offshore out to roughly the 100 m isobath. This study examines the variability of the Apalachicola River and its impacts on the variability of water properties over the northern West Florida Shelf. A series of numerical model experiments show that episodic wind-driven offshore transport of the Apalachicola River plume is a likely physical mechanism for connecting the variability of the river discharge with oceanic variability over the middle and outer shelf.  相似文献   
Identifying the cratonic affinity of Neoproterozoic crust that surrounds the northern margin of the Siberian Craton (SC) is critical for determining its tectonic evolution and placing the Craton in Neoproterozoic supercontinental reconstructions. Integration of new U–Pb–Hf detrital zircon data with regional geological constraints indicates that distinct Neoproterozoic arc-related magmatic belts can be identified within the Taimyr orogen. Sedimentary rocks derived from 970 to 800 Ma arc-related suites reveal abundant Archean and Paleoproterozoic detritus, characteristic of the SC. The 720–600 Ma arc-related zircon population from the younger Cambrian sedimentary rocks is also complemented by an exotic juvenile Mesoproterozoic zircon population and erosional products of older arc-related suites. Nonetheless, numerous evidences imply that both arcs broadly reworked Siberian basement components. We suggest that the early Neoproterozoic (ca. 970–800 Ma) arc system of the Taimyr orogen evolved on the active margin of the SC and probably extended along the periphery of Rodinia into Valhalla orogen of NE Laurentia. We also suggest the late Neoproterozoic (750–550 Ma) arc system could have been part of the Timanian orogen, which linked Siberia and Baltica at the Precambrian/Phanerozoic transition.  相似文献   
An unusual feature of the saline stratified lakes that were formed due to ongoing postglacial uplift on the White Sea coast is the presence of several differently colored thin layers in the zone with sharp gradients. Colored layers in five lakes at various stages of separation from the sea were investigated using optical microscopy, spectrophotometry, spectrofluorimetry, and photobiology. The upper greenish colored layer located in the aerobic strata of all lakes near the compensation depth of 1% light penetration contains green algae. In the chemocline, another layer, brightly green, red or pink, is dominated by mixotrophic flagellates. Despite the very low light intensities and the presence of H 2 S, active photosynthesis by these algae appears to be occurring, as indicated by high values of the maximum quantum yield of primary photochemistry, electron transport activity, photosynthetic activity of photosystem II, the fraction of active centers, and low values of heat dissipation. In the reduced zone of the chemocline, a dense green or brown suspension of anoxygenic phototrophs(green sulfur bacteria) is located.  相似文献   
The derivative of Kaula's inclination function is expressed as a linear combination of two inclination functions themselves.On leave from Institute of Applied Astronomy, 197042 St.-Petersburg, Russia.  相似文献   
The vegetation history and development of three different types of lakes, lakes Valday, Kubenskoye and Vishnevskoye (northwest of the East European Plain) were reconstructed using paleolimnological techniques. Watershed vegetation demonstrates a close connection with climate fluctuations: gradual expansion of the southern broad-leaved trees to the North during the Holocene with the maximum extent during the climate optimum (8000–5000 BP); and their subsequent retreat afterwards; followed by the extension of spruce during the cold and dry Subboreal time; and dominance of pine-spruce-birch forests in the Subatlantic time. The Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate changes resulted in lake-level fluctuations and other ecosystem changes. Valday Lake was formed ca. 12,500 BP as an oligotrophic, deep water basin. The lake level decreased during the dry Boreal, then increased again during the humid Atlantic period. The large shallow Kubenskoye Lake was formerly a part of an ice margin lake, which was then separated (ca. 13,000 BP) and developed into the Sukhona Basin with an outflow to the northwest. During the Atlantic, the outflow direction changed to the east. As a result, the ancient Sukhona Lake disappeared and Kubenskoye Lake formed in its modern size and shape. Vishnevskoye Lake, on the Karelian Isthmus, was formed at the beginning of the Preboreal after the disappearance of the Baltic Ice Lake. It was flooded by waters of the Boreal Ancylus transgression of the Baltic Basin and had become a small eutrophic lake by the time.  相似文献   
The abundance of major components (Fe, Ca, K, and organic carbon) and trace elements was analyzed in surface sediments and core samples from the Colorado River delta (CRD) and the Upper Gulf of California (UGC) using instrumental neutron activation analysis.The spatial distribution patterns of the elements studied are consistent with the model of sedimentary dynamics proposed for this area [Mar. Geol. 158 (1999) 125]: intense tidal resuspension of sediments in the delta with subsequent transport of suspended particulate matter in a southerly direction, followed by sedimentation of fine-grained material in a depocenter near the southwestern margin of the UGC. Concentrations of most of the elements are higher in the surface sediments of this depocenter. The gradual mixing of terrigenous and marine biogenic materials, normally expected for the estuarine sediments, was not detected in the CRD–UGC system because of homogenization of the sediments by tides and wind.Vertical profiles of element contents in samples of the sediment core collected in the depocenter area revealed (i) almost no anthropogenic contamination of the area by environmentally important trace elements such as Cr, Co, Sb, and As; (ii) a twofold decrease of Fe, Sc, Cr, and Co in upper core sediments; and (iii) the enrichment of the sediments at 60–62 cm depth in the core, in calcium carbonate, Ca, Sr, and the Eun/Smn shale-normalized ratio along with a depletion in this layer of Fe, Sc, Cr, Co, light rare-earth elements (REEs), and some other elements of terrigenous origin, presumably caused by the dilution of fluvial terrigenous material by biogenic carbonates, which were probably introduced at this level in the sediments by the action of a strong episodic winter storm, followed by the advective transport of shell fragments from the coastal clam banks or as a result of strong planktonic bloom.  相似文献   
Models of the wave boundary layer   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A general approach to model the structure of the wave boundary layer, based on the nonlinear Reynolds equations in a curvilinear system of coordinates, is described. Both spectral and numerical grid models are used. The energetic interactions between wind and wave in terms of Miles' parameter are studied. For waves outrunning or running against the wind, the range of the inverse flux of energy is found. For waves running slower than the wind, quadratic growth of is established. Vertical profiles of the wave momentum flux for different fetches are given. Following P. Janssen, a one-dimensional analytical model of the wave boundary layer is suggested. The effect of waves on the drag coefficient is analyzed.  相似文献   
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