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We investigated microphytobenthic photosynthesis at four stations in the coral reef sediments at Heron Reef, Australia. The microphytobenthos was dominated by diatoms, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria, as indicated by biomarker pigment analysis. Conspicuous algae firmly attached to the sand grains (ca. 100 μm in diameter, surrounded by a hard transparent wall) were rich in peridinin, a marker pigment for dinoflagellates, but also showed a high diversity based on cyanobacterial 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis. Specimens of these algae that were buried below the photic zone exhibited an unexpected stimulation of respiration by light, resulting in an increase of local oxygen concentrations upon darkening. Net photosynthesis of the sediments varied between 1.9 and 8.5 mmol O2 m−2 h−1 and was strongly correlated with Chl a content, which lay between 31 and 84 mg m−2. An estimate based on our spatially limited dataset indicates that the microphytobenthic production for the entire reef is in the order of magnitude of the production estimated for corals. Photosynthesis stimulated calcification at all investigated sites (0.2–1.0 mmol Ca2+ m−2 h−1). The sediments of at least three stations were net calcifying. Sedimentary N2-fixation rates (measured by acetylene reduction assays at two sites) ranged between 0.9 to 3.9 mmol N2 m−2 h−1 and were highest in the light, indicating the importance of heterocystous cyanobacteria. In coral fingers no N2-fixation was measurable, which stresses the importance of the sediment compartment for reef nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   
In this study we test if calcite shells of the common mussel, Mytilus edulis, contain barium in proportion to the water in which they grew. Similar to all bivalves analyzed to date, the [Ba/Ca]shell profiles are characterized by a relatively flat background [Ba/Ca]shell, interrupted by sharp [Ba/Ca]shell peaks. Previous studies have focused on these [Ba/Ca]shell peaks, but not on the background [Ba/Ca]shell. We show that in both laboratory and field experiments, there is a direct relationship between the background [Ba/Ca]shell and [Ba/Ca]water in M. edulis shells. The laboratory and field data provided background Ba/Ca partition coefficients (DBa) of 0.10 ± 0.02 and 0.071 ± 0.001, respectively. This range is slightly higher than the DBa previously determined for inorganic calcite, and slightly lower than foraminiferal calcite. These data suggest that M. edulis shells can be used as an indicator of [Ba/Ca]water, and therefore, fossil or archaeological M. edulis shells could be used to extend knowledge of estuarine dissolved Ba throughputs back in time. Moreover, considering the inverse relationship between [Ba/Ca]water and salinity, background [Ba/Ca]shell data could be used as an estuary specific indicator of salinity. The cause of the [Ba/Ca]shell peaks is more confusing, both the laboratory and field experiments indicate that they cannot be used as a direct proxy of [Ba/Ca]water or phytoplankton production, but may possibly be caused by barite ingestion.  相似文献   
Reactive surface area is one of the key parameters for studying the kinetics of mineral dissolution. The common practice in experimental kinetics is to normalize the dissolution rate to the surface area measured by the BET method. The relationship between BET surface area and the reactive surface area is not trivial in minerals such as smectites, which possess both internal and external surface areas, and in which the dissolution is controlled by the chemical attack on the edge surface. The present study examines two proxies for the reactive surface area of the Clay Mineral Society reference smectite SAz-1: BET surface area and the edge surface area measured using AFM.Since smectites are very microporous, their BET surface area is strongly influenced by the degassing procedure. It is demonstrated that outgassing the smectite powder at 135°C in a 15 mL min−1 N2 gas flow for at least 24 hours minimizes contribution from micropores to less than 11% of the BET surface area.Following dissolution experiments in solutions with a low electrolyte concentration, the BET surface area increased from 34 ± 2 m2 g−1 in raw SAz-1 to 127 ± 13 m2 g−1 in SAz-1 sample recovered from dissolution experiments. This increase in BET surface area is explained by a decrease in the average size of the smectite aggregates, and by an increase in microporosity due to the depletion in the major interlayer cation, i.e., Ca2+. As the BET surface area of the raw smectite sample includes considerably less microporosity compared to the BET surface area of the smectite recovered from dissolution experiments, the former is a better approximation of the external surface area of the dried sample powder.AFM measurements show that there is no correlation between the specific external surface area of the sample and its specific edge surface area. This observation is explained by the platy morphology of the smectite particle in which the specific external surface area depends linearly on the height reciprocal, whereas the specific edge surface area is independent of the particles height and depends linearly on the sum of the reciprocals of the length of the axes. Therefore, there is no reason to expect a correlation between the BET and the edge surface area. Our results show that the edge surface area (4.9 ± 0.7 m2 g−1) of the smectite particles cannot be predicted based on its external surface area (136 ± 20 m2 g−1). Therefore, the BET surface area cannot serve as a proxy for the reactive surface area. We suggest using AFM measurements of the specific edge surface area as an alternative proxy for the reactive surface area of smectite.  相似文献   
Here we present a new algorithm (StalAge), which is designed to construct speleothem age models. The algorithm uses U-series ages and their corresponding age uncertainty for modelling and also includes stratigraphic information in order to further constrain and improve the age model. StalAge is applicable to problematic datasets that include outliers, age inversions, hiatuses and large changes in growth rate. Manual selection of potentially inaccurate ages prior to application is not required. StalAge can be applied by the general, non-expert user and has no adjustable free parameters. This offers the highest degree of reproducibility and comparability of speleothem records from different studies. StalAge consists of three major steps. Firstly, major outliers are identified. Secondly, age data are screened for minor outliers and age inversions, and the uncertainty of potential outliers is increased using an iterative procedure. Finally, the age model and corresponding 95%-confidence limits are calculated by a Monte-Carlo simulation fitting ensembles of straight lines to sub-sets of the age data.We apply StalAge to a synthetic stalagmite ’sample’ including several problematic features in order to test its performance and robustness. The true age is mostly within the 95%-confidence age limits of StalAge showing that the calculated age models are accurate even for very difficult samples. We also apply StalAge to three published speleothem datasets. One of those is annually laminated, and the lamina counting chronology agrees with the age model calculated by StalAge. For the other two speleothems the resulting age models are similar to the published age models, which are both based on smoothing splines. Calculated uncertainties are in the range of those calculated by combined application of Bayesian chronological ordering and a spline, showing that StalAge is efficient in using stratigraphic information in order to reduce age model uncertainty.The algorithm is written in the open source statistical software R and available from the authors or as an electronic supplement of this paper.  相似文献   
Herbig-Haro objects (HHOs) are caused by outflows from young objects. Since the outflow relies on mass accretion from a circumstellar disk, it indicates ongoing growth. Recent results of infrared observations yielded evidence for disks around brown dwarfs. This suggests that at least a certain fraction of brown dwarfs forms like stars. Thus, young sub-stellar objects might cause HHOs as well. We present selected results of a general survey for HHOs based on DSS-II plates and CCD images taken with the Tautenburg Schmidt telescope. Numerous young objects could be identified due to their association with newly detected HHOs. In some cases the luminosity is consistent with very low-mass stars or close to sub-stellar values. This holds for L1415-IRS and a few infrared sources embedded in other dark clouds (e.g., GF9, BHR111). The question on the minimum mass for outflow activity is addressed.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Roy  B. K.  Stanley  William R.  Bronger  Dirk  Dlin  Norman  Kukliński  Antoni  Cori  Berardo  Babikir  A. A. A.  Kunkel  G.  César  N.  Martin  Kähler 《GeoJournal》1989,18(2):255-260
A special kind of magma mixing is extraordinarily well exposed in the Bittersberg subvolcanic complex in the Tertiary volcanic field of the German Westerwald: A trachytic melt has been penetrated by a latitic dyke which has been dispersed within the host magma as small spherical enclaves (globules). Whole rock analyses of the globules show a change in composition that cannot be explained by a simple mechanical mixing between the endmembers. The most evolved globules have a phonolitic composition. Microprobe measurements in the microlithic matrix of the host rock and the guest indicate a diffusive motion of the alkalis from the host into the globules. On the other hand, an opposite trend can be observed for Ca, Mg, Fe and Ti, which are impoverished in the globules. The trace elements and the middle rare earth elements (MREE) has also been involved in the diffusive exchange. The REE-pattern of the most evolved (phonolitic) globules shows a characteristic trough in the area of the MREE which is almost identical to the REE-pattern of many phonolites. The phonolites and the alkali-rich trachytes of the Westerwald show similar globular textures as the Bittersberg volcanics. Therefore, generation of these rocks involving diffusive element exchange during mixing processes in a magma reservoir situated on a deeper crustal level may be possible.  相似文献   
Analysis of subfossil remains of larval Chironomidae in 38 surface-sediment samples from between 53 and 189 meter depth in Lake Tanganyika (East Africa) yielded 77 morphotypes, among which 7 Tanypodinae, 19 Orthocladiinae, and 51 Chironominae. Character-state differences between these morphotypes resemble differences at the species level in the better-known Holarctic fauna, hence we consider most of our Lake Tanganyika morphotypes equivalent to morphological species. Individual morphotypes were identified to species, genus, or tribe level depending on current alpha-taxonomic knowledge on the larvae of the group concerned, and the taxonomic resolution of preserved diagnostic features. This paper presents taxon diagnoses and an illustrated key to the Chironominae (Chironomini and Tanytarsini) in this collection. As the living chironomid fauna of Lake Tanganyika has never been comprehensively studied, we also briefly discuss faunistic aspects, and the ecology of the recovered species and genera in relation to benthic habitat diversity in Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   
Diffractions not only carry important information about small-scale subsurface structures, they also possess unique properties, which make them a powerful tool for seismic processing and imaging. Since a point diffractor scatters an incoming wave to all directions, a diffraction event implies better illumination than a reflection, because the rays travel through larger parts of the subsurface. Furthermore, unlike the reflection case, in which the emergence location of the reflected wave depends on the source position, in the case of non-Snell scattering, up-going and down-going raypaths are decoupled. Based on this decoupling, we introduce a diffraction traveltime decomposition principle, which establishes a direct connection between zero-offset and finite-offset diffraction wavefield attributes. By making use of this approach, we are able to enhance diffractions and obtain high-quality diffraction wavefield attributes at arbitrary offsets in the prestack domain solely based on zero-offset processing without any further optimization of attributes. We show the accuracy of the method by fitting diffraction traveltimes, and on simple waveform data. Application to complex synthetic data shows the ability of the proposed approach to enhance diffractions and provide high-quality wavefield attributes even in sparsely illuminated regions such as subsalt areas. The promising results reveal a high potential for improved prestack data enhancement and further applications such as efficient diffraction-based finite-offset tomography.  相似文献   
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