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A previously unsuspected source of fuel for the global firestorm recorded by soot in the Cretaceous–Tertiary impact layer may have resided in methane gas associated with gas hydrate in the end-Cretaceous seafloor. End-Cretaceous impact-generated shock and megawaves would have had the potential to initiate worldwide oceanic methane gas blow-outs from these deposits. The methane would likely have ignited and incompletely combusted. This large burst of methane would have been followed by longer-term methane release as a part of a positive thermal feedback in the disturbed ocean-atmosphere system.  相似文献   
This paper explores the relationship between thermal energy and fresh water recoveries from an aquifer storage recovery (ASR) well in a brackish confined aquifer. It reveals the spatial and temporal distributions of temperature and conservative solutes between injected and recovered water. The evaluation is based on a review of processes affecting heat and solute transport in a homogeneous aquifer. In this simplified analysis, it is assumed that the aquifer is sufficiently anisotropic to inhibit density‐affected flow, flow is axisymmetric, and the analysis is limited to a single ASR cycle. Results show that the radial extent of fresh water at the end of injection is greater than that of the temperature change due to the heating or cooling of the geological matrix as well as the interstitial water. While solutes progress only marginally into low permeability aquitards by diffusion, conduction of heat into aquitards above and below is more substantial. Consequently, the heat recovery is less than the solute recovery when the volume of the recovered water is lower than the injection volume. When the full volume of injected water is recovered the temperature mixing ratio divided by the solute mixing ratio for recovered water ranges from 0.95 to 0.6 for ratios of maximum plume radius to aquifer thickness of 0.6 to 4.6. This work is intended to assist conceptual design for dual use of ASR for conjunctive storage of water and thermal energy to maximize the potential benefits.  相似文献   
The Pentland Firth, located between the north coast of mainland Scotland (UK) and the Orkney Islands, is recognised as an excellent location for the utilisation of tidal stream technology. Potential ecological impacts associated with tidal stream technology may ultimately depend on device design, array size and deployment location. Available ecological data for the Pentland Firth is summarised and strategic priorities for assessing ecological impacts are provided. Baseline data on marine species and habitats in the Pentland Firth is severely lacking and consequently the integrity of any environmental impact assessment could be compromised by this lack of data.  相似文献   
Arsenic release from aquifers can be a major issue for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) schemes and understanding the processes that release and attenuate As during ASR is the first step towards managing this issue. This study utilised the first and fourth cycles of a full scale field trial to examine the fate of As within the injectant plume during all stages of the ASR cycle, and the resultant water quality. The average recovered As concentration was greater than the source concentration; by 0.19 μmol/L (14 μg As/L) in cycle 1 and by 0.34 μmol/L (25 μg As/L) in cycle 4, indicating that As was being released from the aquifer sediments during ASR and the extent of As mobilisation did not decline with subsequent cycles. In the injection phase, As mobilisation due to oxidation of reduced minerals was limited to an oxic zone in close proximity to the ASR well, while desorption from Fe oxyhydroxide or oxide surfaces by injected P occurred further in the near well zone (0–4 m from the ASR well). With further aquifer passage during injection and greater availability of sorption sites there was evidence of attenuation via adsorption to Fe oxyhydroxides which reduced concentrations on the outer fringes of the injectant plume. During the period of aquifer storage, microbial activity resulting from the injection of organic matter resulted in increased As mobility due to reductive Fe oxyhydroxide dissolution and the subsequent loss of sorption sites and partial reduction of As(V) to the more mobile As(III). A reduced zone directly around the ASR well produced the greatest As concentration and illustrated the importance of Fe oxyhydroxides for controlling As concentrations. Given the small spatial extent of this zone, this process had little effect on the overall recovered water quality.  相似文献   
Reoxidation of S stored in lowlands after summer droughts has been reported to be responsible for the excess SO4 export observed in many catchments in south central Ontario. Stable S isotopes can be used to identify the source of SO4 export in stream water, and are particularly well suited to evaluating zones of dissimilatory SO4 reduction (DSR) and the contribution of oxidation of reduced S species to stream SO4. The Plastic Lake-1 (PC1) stream drains an upland coniferous forest and then passes through a Sphagnum-dominated swamp before discharging to Plastic Lake. Measurements of SO4 fluxes and isotope ratios were used to determine the source of net SO4 export and the contribution of redox processes to S retention and export in the upland and wetland, respectively. Mass balance budgets for the years 1999/00 and 2000/01, which had comparatively wet summers, indicated that the upland part of the catchment consistently exported SO4 in excess of bulk deposition inputs. In contrast, mass budget calculations for the swamp indicated a net retention of 3 and 2 g S-SO4/m2 of wetland area, in 1999/00 and 2000/01 respectively. Higher δ34SO4 ratios and lower SO4 concentrations in the swamp outflow (average +8.6 ± 2.6‰; 1.5 ± 0.6 mg S-SO4/L) compared to the inflow draining the upland (+5.4 ± 0.7‰; 2.4 ± 0.3 mg S-SO4/L) indicated that DSR was at least partly responsible for net SO4 retention in the swamp. Isotope values in upland stream water (+5.7 ± 0.7‰) were only slightly higher than values in bulk deposition (average +5.1 ± 0.6‰) and soil leachate (+4.4 ± 0.4‰) over the 2-year period of study. Similar δ34SO4 values in upland stream water compared to deposition and soil leachate, despite substantial variations in water table height in the streambed (92 cm), suggest that reoxidation of reduced sulphides is not an important contributor to SO4 export from the upland. Rather, net SO4 export from the upland subcatchment is likely due to net release from upland soil, and slight differences in δ34SO4 between bulk deposition and soil leachate are consistent with SO4 release from organic S forms.  相似文献   
A 5-year aquifer storage and recovery trial at Andrews Farm in South Australia involving the injection of more than 250 ML (250,000 m3) of fresh but turbid stormwater into a brackish limestone aquifer over 4 years and recovery of 150 ML in the fifth provided the opportunity to evaluate rates of clogging and unclogging and the potential to recover water suitable for irrigation supplies. Results reveal there is some clogging by injected sediment, but only to a relatively small degree considering the high suspended solid concentrations and moderate aquifer transmissivity. This clogging was offset by increased matrix porosity through calcite dissolution and by routine well redevelopments after each 40 ML of injection. No significant microbial clogging occurred. Breakthrough responses at three observation wells and the proportion of injectant in the recovered water were determined from chloride data. Temperature and caliper profiles clearly indicate the heterogeneous nature of the aquifer that is attributed, in part, to sand removal during the initial well development. The recovery efficiency was greater than 60%. The trial demonstrates that urban stormwater containing high and variable particulate levels, which receives only passive pre-treatment and is not disinfected, can be used to freshen a heterogeneous brackish aquifer to create a useful water resource.  相似文献   
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