Monazite is extensively used to date crustal processes and is usually considered to be resistant to diffusive Pb loss. Nevertheless, fluid-assisted recrystallisation is known to be capable of resetting the monazite chronometer. This study focuses on chemical and isotopic disturbances in monazite grains from two microgranite intrusions in the French Central Massif (Charron and Montasset). Petrologic data and oxygen isotopes suggest that both intrusions have interacted with alkali-bearing hydrothermal-magmatic fluids. In the Charron intrusion, regardless of their textural location, monazite grains are sub-euhedral and cover a large domain of compositions. U–Pb chronometers yield a lower intercept age of 297 ± 4 Ma. An inherited component at 320 Ma is responsible for the scattering of the U–Th–Pb ages. The Montasset intrusion was later affected by an additional F-rich crustal fluid with crystallisation of Ca-REE-fluorocarbonates, fluorite, calcite and chloritisation. Pristine monazite is chemically homogeneous and displays 208Pb/232Th and 206Pb/238U concordant ages at 307 ± 2 Ma. By contrast, groundmass monazite shows dissolution-recrystallisation features associated with apatite and thorite precipitation (Th-silicate) and strong chemical reequilibration. 208Pb/232Th ages are disturbed and range between 270 and 690 Ma showing that the Th/Pb ratio is highly fractionated during the interaction with fluids. Apparent U–Pb ages are older due to common Pb incorporation yielding a lower intercept age at 312 ± 10 Ma, the age of the pristine monazite. These results show that F-rich fluids are responsible for Th mobility and incorporation of excess Pb, which thus strongly disturbed the U–Th–Pb chronometers in the monazite. 相似文献
We performed experiments in a piston-cylinder apparatus to determine the effects of focused magma transport into highly permeable
channels beneath mid-ocean ridges on: (1) the chemical composition of the ascending basalt; and (2) the proportions and compositions
of solid phases in the surrounding mantle. In our experiments, magma focusing was supposed to occur instantaneously at a pressure
of 1.25 GPa. We first determined the equilibrium melt composition of a fertile mantle (FM) at 1.25 GPa-1,310°C; this composition
was then synthesised as a gel and added in various proportions to peridotite FM to simulate focusing factors Ω equal to 3
and 6 (Ω = 3 means that the total mass of liquid in the system increased by a factor of 3 due to focusing). Peridotite FM
and the two basalt-enriched compositions were equilibrated at 1 GPa-1,290°C; 0.75 GPa-1,270°C; 0.5 GPa-1,250°C, to monitor
the evolution of phase proportions and compositions during adiabatic decompression melting. Our main results may be summarised
as follows: (1) magma focusing induces major changes of the coefficients of the decompression melting reaction, in particular,
a major increase of the rate of opx consumption, which lead to complete exhaustion of orthopyroxene (and clinopyroxene) and
the formation of a dunitic residue. A focusing factor of ≈4—that is, a magma/rock ratios equal to ≈0.26—is sufficient to produce
a dunite at 0.5 GPa. (2) Liquids in equilibrium with olivine (±spinel) at low pressure (0.5 GPa) have lower SiO2 concentrations, and higher concentrations in MgO, FeO, and incompatible elements (Na2O, K2O, TiO2) than liquids produced by decompression melting of the fertile mantle, and plot in the primitive MORB field in the olivine–silica–diopside–plagioclase
tetrahedron. Our study confirms that there is a genetic relationship between focused magma transport, dunite bodies in the
upper mantle, and the generation of primitive MORBs. 相似文献
The Mio-Pliocene aquifer of the coastal sedimentary basin of Benin is the most exploited aquifer for water supply to the urbanised region in the southern part of the country. The population explosion is putting increasing pressure on quantitative and qualitative aspects of the groundwater resources. Preventing groundwater contamination caused by surface waters requires a thorough understanding of surface-water/groundwater interactions, especially the interactions between the Mio-Pliocene aquifer and surface waters. This study aimed to investigate the interactions between groundwater and surface waters along the major rivers (Sô River and Ouémé Stream) and brooks in the Ouémé Delta. Field campaigns identified 75 springs located in the valleys which feed the rivers, and thus maintain their base flow. The piezometric results indicated, through flow direction assessment, that the Mio-Pliocene aquifer feeds Ouémé Stream and Sô River. Chemical analyses of groundwater and surface waters show similar chemical facies, and changes in the chemical composition in groundwater are also observed in the surface waters. Moreover, the isotopic signatures of surface waters are similar to those of the groundwater and springs, which led to the identification of potential groundwater discharge areas. As a result of groundwater discharge into surface waters, the fraction of groundwater in the surface water is more than 66% in the brooks, regardless of the season. In the Ouémé Stream and Sô River, the fraction of groundwater is 0–21% between June and September, while from October to March it is 47–100%.
The aim of this review is to examine the present knowledge about water structure close to an interface or confined in porous spaces. First, the structure of liquid water is briefly described. Though its understanding remains incomplete, it appears that it is largely dominated by the hydrogen bond network and its dynamical evolution. The presence of any ‘foreign’ substance in water perturbs such a structure by changing at least locally the hydrogen bond network. For this reason, the presence of a solid interface significantly modifies the structure of the first adsorbed layers. Whatever the support, it is now clearly evidenced that structural perturbations are limited to distances lower than 10–15 Å from the interface. The nature, energetic heterogeneity and hydrophilicility/hydrophobicity of the solid surface influence the arrangement of water molecules. This surface organisation must definitely be considered when studying adsorption phenomena at the solid–aqueous solution interface. The relevance of such problems to geosciences is illustrated by a few situations in which water structure plays a prominent role. To cite this article: L.J. Michot et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 611–631.相似文献
In order to further document the relation between redox conditions and the sedimentary record of Mn, U and Mo in a transitory anoxic water basin, their distribution has been studied along two profiles in the Thau lagoon (France). Sediments and pore-water have been sampled at two contrasting sites located, respectively, in the shellfish-farming area and in the centre of the lagoon. In the shellfish-farming area, the particulate organic carbon (POC) data indicate a more rapid organic matter mineralisation compared to the centre of the lagoon. This results in a sharper redox gradient characterized by the appearance of H2S in pore-water a few millimetres below the sediment–water interface. In the centre of the lagoon, H2S appears at a depth of 35 cm.In both cores, sedimentary Mn is relatively depleted through out the whole sedimentary column and varies with the proportion of clay minerals. After an initial release into solution at the sediment–water interface in relation to Mn-oxide reductive dissolution, authigenic U is immobilized when sulphides appear. Despite the occurrence of anoxic conditions at the sediment–water interface at the site influenced by shellfish farming, the burial of U is reduced by bioturbation, which raises reducing sediments to the surface. In the centre of the lagoon, Mo profiles reflect continuous diffusion into pore water and immobilization at 15 cm probably in anoxic microenvironments. At shellfish farms, dissolved Mo undergoes removal with sulphides but contrary to U, sedimentary Mo does not appear to be strongly affected by bioturbation. The profile indicates an increase in the frequency of anoxia crises during the second half of the 20th century. 相似文献
The detection and identification of carbonates on Mars are of prime importance to establish the evolution of its atmosphere, correlated to the history of the liquid water, or even to determine the existence of a possible ancient biological activity. Till date, no large deposits of carbonates have been found. In fact, their detection is specific to local areas and in very low amounts. The absence of such deposits is commonly attributed to the harsh environmental conditions at the surface of Mars. Additionally, the presence of UV radiation has been proposed to explain their photodecomposition and hence their absence. However, contradictory results from laboratory experiments mimicking Mars’ surface UV radiation did not resolve the behaviour of carbonates in such an environment, which is why we exposed, in low Earth orbit and in laboratory experiments, both abiotic and biotic calcium carbonates to UV radiation of wavelength above 200 nm, the same spectral distribution as the one reaching the surface of Mars. For low Earth orbit (LEO) exposure, this was done for the UVolution experiment on board the BIOPAN ESA module, which was set outside a Russian Foton automated capsule, and exposed to space conditions for 12 days in September 2007. The targeted carbonates are biominerals and abiotic samples. Our laboratory results mainly show that the exposed carbonates appear to be stable to UV radiation if directly exposed to it. The LEO experiment results tend to the same conclusion, but the integrated exposition time to Solar UV during the experiment is not sufficient to be conclusive. However, the stability of the biominerals derived from the laboratory experiment could strengthen the interest to explore deeper their potential as life records at Mars. Hence, they should be considered as primary targets for in situ analyses during future missions. 相似文献