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Multiple-Step Predictive Control for Offshore Structures   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
—Ocean wave propagation is slow,visible and measurable,so a wave theory can be used to approxi-mately predict the imminnent wave force on an offshore structure based on measured,real-time wave elevation nearthe structure.This predictability suggests the development of a more efficient algorithm,than those that have beendeveloped for structures under wind and seismic loads,for the active vibration control of offshore structures.Thepresent study delveops a mutiple-step predictive optimal control(MPOC)algorithm that accounts for multiple-step external loading in the determibation of optimal control forces.The control efficiency of the newly developedMPOC algorithm has been investigated under both regular(single-frequency)and irregular(multiple-frequency)wave loads,and compared with that of two other well-known optimal control algorithms:classical linear optimalcontrol(CLOC)and instantaneou optimal control(IOC).  相似文献   
A Modified Form of Mild-Slope Equation with Weakly Nonlinear Effect   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Nonlinear effect is of importance to waves propagating from deep water to shallow water.Thenon-linearity of waves is widely discussed due to its high precision in application.But there are still someproblems in dealing with the nonlinear waves in practice.In this paper,a modified form of mild-slope equa-tion with weakly nonlinear effect is derived by use of the nonlinear dispersion relation and the steady mild-slope equation containing energy dissipation.The modified form of mild-slope equation is convenient to solvenonlinear effect of waves.The model is tested against the laboratory measurement for the case of a submergedelliptical shoal on a slope beach given by Berkhoff et al,The present numerical results are also comparedwith those obtained through linear wave theory.Better agreement is obtained as the modified mild-slope e-quation is employed.And the modified mild-slope equation can reasonably simulate the weakly nonlinear ef-fect of wave propagation from deep water to coast.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTo study the compensation model of sea topography and isostatic states by using toPOgraphicand gravity data, is an imPOrtant mean for further researching deep structures as elastic structure,stress state of lithosphere, and so on. Since Airy and Pratt proPOsed local isostatic model in the1850' s, greater development on the theoretical study has been attained. Veining Meinesz (1941 )introduced regional compensation mechanism by considering it as floating crust in elastic fie…  相似文献   
Wave-Current Forces on Slender Circular Cylinders   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
- A series model tests of wave forces by both regular and irregular waves combined with currents on single piles and bipiles in tandem and parallel arrays have been carried out. Based on Morison Equation, linear wave theory and linear wave spectrum theory as well, the characteristics of inline, lift and resultant forces on cylinders have been analyzed respectively. The drag, inertia and lift coefficients CD, CM and CL f皉 single piles related to KC number and the grouping effect coefficients of inline, lift and resultant forces on bipiles in tandem and parallel arrays related to KC number are given in this paper.  相似文献   
南海北部陆坡ODP 1144站位第四纪硅藻及其古环境演变   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李家英 《地质论评》2002,48(5):542-551
中国南海北部陆坡ODP 1144站位硅藻植物群的研究,建立了西太平洋边缘海一个新的中更新世晚期以来的硅藻生物地层图式,根据硅藻化石中具有指示意义的硅藻种的分布和生态变化(暖水种和冷水种),划分了8个硅藻组合带,其硅藻组合带分别在不同的高低海面环境下形成的,根据ODP1144站位氧同位素(OIS)测定结果,8个硅藻组合带与OIS 1-8期相对应。1、3、5、7硅藻组合带相当于OIS1、3、5、7期,间冰期是以热带和亚热带硅藻占优势,其中冷期出现大量的沿岸硅藻为特征,反映高海平面温暖的气候条件;2、4、6、8硅藻组合带相当于OIS2、4、6、8期,冰期是以亚热带,热带和出现较多冷水硅藻为特征,反映低海平面较冷气候条件,硅藻丰度值的变化与冰期和间冰期有关,可以证实间冰期时期高的海平面和较低的生物生产力以及冰期时低的海平面和高的生物生产力,而生物生产力的变化又与沉积时期沿岸流或上升流的强弱及水团活动有密切关系,进而揭示该区古海洋环境的演化与季风强弱之间的内在关系。  相似文献   
1 .IntroductionRecentlygreatinteresthasbeenshowninthedevelopmentofverylargefloatingstructuressuchasMegaFloatofJapan (Isobe ,1 999)andMOBofUSA (Remmers ,1 999) .Owingtotheirextremelargesizeandgreatflexibility ,thecouplingbetweenthestructuraldeformationandfluidmotionissignifi cant.Thisisatypicalproblemofhydroelasticity .Efficientandaccurateestimationofthehydroelasticresponseofverylargefloatingstructuresinwavesisveryimportantfordesign .Manymethodshavebeenproposedinliteratureforthepredictiono…  相似文献   
1 .IntroductionAshiptravelingatseaundergoesundesirablewave inducedmotions ,namely ,surge ,sway ,heav ing ,rolling ,pitchingandyaw .Thesemotionsoftencauseproblemstothecrew ,theonboardequip mentand ,intheworstcase ,thesafetyofthevessel.Tominimizethewave inducedshipmotions ,controlsystemsmaybeapplied .Theaccuratemodelingofshipmotionsisthereforeveryimportantforshipdesignanddesignofmotioncontrolsystems .Manyresearchershavedevelopedshipmotionpredictionmethodsbasedonthepotentialflowtheo ries (Dong ,…  相似文献   
Modal Wave Number Tomography for South China Sea Front   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1 .IntroductionTheSouthChinaSealiestothesoutheastpartoftheChinesecontinent.TheKuroshioflowsbytheeastsideoftheLuzonStraitfromsouthtonorthinwinter ,spring ,andautumn .TheKuroshioaf fectsnearcurrentfieldsandtemperaturefields,changingtheoceanenvironmentparametersandsoundpropagation .Thus ,theoceanacoustictomographytechniqueisofpotentialtolong term ,largescalemonitoringoftheocean .Themodalwavenumbertomographymethod (Rajanetal.,1 987;Frisketal.,1 989)isusedtoobtainthesoundspeedprofileinwatercol…  相似文献   
1 .IntroductionNondestructiveinspection (NDI)isveryimportantforensuringthereliabilityofoffshorestructuresintheirservicelives (Lauraetal.,1 996 ) .Itiswellknownthatdetectionofflawsinvolvesconsider ablestatisticaluncertainties.Asaresult,theprobabilityofdetection (POD)forallflawsofagivensizehasbeenusedintheliteraturetodefinethecapabilityofaparticularNDItechniqueinagivenen vironment.SincethedataofPODusuallyscatterlargely ,itisdifficulttodeterminewhichmodelfitstheavailabledatabest.Thismodelun…  相似文献   
1 .IntroductionTheglobalairtemperatureroseabout 0 .5~ 0 .6°Coverthepast 2 0thcentury ,andtheglobalmeansealevelincreasedbyabout2 0cmduringtheperiod .Theregionalmeansealevelriseswiththerisingglobalmeansealevel.Zuoetal.( 1 997)indicatedthatthemeanrisingrateofabsolutemeansealevelalongtheChinacoastontheassumptionofunifiedisostaticdatumis 2mm a .Woodworth( 1 999)analyzedsealevelspanning 1 76 8tothepresentinLiverpool,andobtainedaseculartrendforheperiodupto 1 880of0 .39± 0 .1 7mm a ,andatrendfort…  相似文献   
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