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A detailed understanding of pāhoehoe emplacement is necessary for developing accurate models of flow field development, assessing hazards, and interpreting the significance of lava morphology on Earth and other planetary surfaces. Active pāhoehoe lobes on Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i, were examined on 21–26 February 2006 using oblique time series stereo-photogrammetry and differential global positioning system measurements. During this time, the local discharge rate for peripheral lava lobes was generally constant at 0.0061?±?0.0019 m3/s, but the areal coverage rate of the lobes exhibited a periodic increase every 4.13?±?0.64 min. This periodicity is attributed to the time required for the pressure within the liquid lava core to exceed the cooling-induced strength of its margins. The pāhoehoe flow advanced through a series of down-slope and cross-slope breakouts, which began as ~0.2-m-thick units (i.e., toes) that coalesced and inflated to become approximately meter-thick lobes. The lobes were thickest above the lowest points of the initial topography and above shallow to reverse-facing slopes, defined relative to the local flow direction. The flow path was typically controlled by high-standing topography, with the zone directly adjacent to the final lobe margin having an average relief that was a few centimeters higher than the lava-inundated region. This suggests that toe-scale topography can, at least temporarily, exert strong controls on pāhoehoe flow paths by impeding the lateral spreading of the lobe. Observed cycles of enhanced areal spreading and inflated lobe morphology are also explored using a model that considers the statistical likelihood of sequential breakouts from active flow margins and the effects of topographic barriers.  相似文献   
In this interview, Dieter Stöffler (Fig. 1) describes how his interest in meteorites and impact craters dates from his Ph.D. studies at the University of Tübingen when it was learned that the Ries crater was formed by impact. A paper by Dieter's advisor, Wolf von Engelhardt, also triggered an interest in meteorites. After graduation, Dieter helped to establish a laboratory for high pressure mineralogy and he examined rocks from the Ries crater, which led to the concept of progressive shock metamorphism. The group also worked on newly returned Apollo samples and guided astronauts over the crater. A year at the NASA Ames Research Center taught Dieter about experimental impact research with a light‐gas gun. After a few more years at Tübingen, Dieter obtained a professorship at the University of Münster where he created the Institute of Planetology, got involved in planning space missions including comet sample return, and continued high pressure mineralogy in collaboration with colleagues in Freiburg. Through several decades of research, Dieter and colleagues have documented the effects of shock on all the major rock‐forming minerals and devised widely accepted schemes for the classification of shocked rocks. After the unification of Germany, Dieter became Director of the Natural History Museum in Berlin, during which he made much progress rebuilding the laboratories and the collections. Dieter also helped to create a museum and research center in the Ries crater. He received the Barringer Award of the Meteoritical Society in 1994 and several prestigious awards in Germany.  相似文献   
Abstract– In this interview, Dale Cruikshank ( Fig. 1 ) explains how as an undergraduate at Iowa State University he was a summer student at Yerkes Observatory where he assisted Gerard Kuiper in work on his Photographic Lunar Atlas. Upon completing his degree, Dale went to graduate school at the University of Arizona with Kuiper where he worked on the IR spectroscopy of the lunar surface. After an eventful 1968 trip to Moscow via Prague, during which the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia, Dale assumed a postdoc position with Vasili Moroz at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute and more observational IR astronomy. Upon returning to the United States and after a year at Arizona, Dale assumed a position at the University of Hawai’i that he held for 17 years. During this period Dale worked with others on thermal infrared determinations of the albedos of small bodies beyond the asteroid Main Belt, leading to the recognition that low‐albedo material is prevalent in the outer solar system that made the first report of complex organic solids on a planetary body (Saturn’s satellite Iapetus). After moving to Ames Research Center, where he works currently, he continued this work and became involved in many outer solar system missions. Dale has served the community through his involvement in developing national policies for science‐driven planetary exploration, being chair of the DPS 1990–1991 and secretary/treasurer for 1982–1985. He served as president of Commission 16 (Physics of Planets) of the IAU (2001–2003). He received the Kuiper prize in 2006.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Dale P. Cruikshank.  相似文献   
Abstract— The Noblesville meteorite is a genomict, regolith breccia (H6 clasts in H4 matrix). Mössbauer analysis confirms that Noblesville is unusually fresh, not surprising in view of its recovery immediately after its fall. It resembles “normal” H4–6 chondrites in its chemical composition and induced thermoluminescence (TL) levels. Thus, at least in its contents of volatile trace elements, Noblesville differs from other H chondrite, class A regolith breccias. Noblesville's small pre-atmospheric mass and fall near Solar maximum and/or its peculiar orbit (with perihelion <0.8 AU as shown by natural TL intensity) may partly explain its levels of cosmogenic radionuclides. Its cosmic ray exposure age of ~ 44 Ma, is long, is equalled or exceeded by <3% of all H chondrites, and also differs from the 33 ± 3 Ma mean exposure age peak of other H chondrite regolith breccias. One whole-rock aliquot has a high, but not unmatched, 129Xe/132Xe of 1.88. While Noblesville is now among the chondritic regolithic breccias richest in solar gases, elemental ratios indicate some loss, especially of He, perhaps b; impacts in the regolith that heated individual grains. While general shock-loading levels in Noblesville did not exceed 4 GPa, individual clasts record shock levels of 5–10 GPa, doubtless acquired prior to lithification of the whole-rock meteoroid.  相似文献   
Samples of the unshocked, equilibrated chondrite, Kernouve (H6), have been annealed for 1–100 hours at 500–1200°C, their thermoluminescence sensitivity measured and Na, K, Mn, Ca and Sc determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The TL sensitivity decreased with temperature until by 1000°C it had fallen by 40%. The process responsible has an activation energy of ~8 kcal/mole and probably involves diffusion. Samples annealed 1000–1200°C had TL sensitivities 10?2 times the unannealed values, most of the decrease occurring ~1100°C. This process has an activation energy of ~100 kcal/mole and is probably related to the melting of the TL phosphor, feldspar, with some decomposition and loss of Cs, Na and K. Meteorites whose petrography indicates healing > 1100°C by natural shock heating events (shock facies d-f). have TL sensitivities similar to samples annealed > 1100°C. Our own and literature compositional data indicate that TL is more stable to annealing than Ag, In, Tl, Bi, Zn and Te and less stable than Na, K, Mn, Ca, Se and Co, while the TL decrease resembles very closely the pattern of Cs loss on annealing.  相似文献   
An analysis of long-term records ofcorn yields and seasonal weather conditions inIllinois found major temporal shifts and importantspatial variations in the types of seasonal weatherconditions, expressed as the normality of temperatureand rainfall conditions, that create positive andnegative impacts on yields. Nineteen different typesof corn-weather seasons (May–August) occurred during1901–1997, and 9 of these seasons accounted for mostof the high corn yields (top 20 of the 97) and 8seasonal types produced most low yields (lowest 20values). Assessment of the years with either high orlow yields revealed (1) some corn-weather seasonaltypes were uniformly distributed throughout thecentury; (2) others were unevenly time distributed,some occurring only in early decades and others onlyin the last few decades; and (3) certain weather typesvaried regionally. The yield responses to certainseasonal types varied over time, being good early andnot so later, or vice versa. The findings indicatethat time changes in farming practices, cornvarieties, and agricultural technology have alteredhow certain types of growing season weather affectcorn yields. Regional differences in yield outcomesfrom a given set of weather conditions reflect varyingsoil and climate differences across Illinois. Thespatial and temporal differences reveal the importanceof using weather-impact results to define seasonalweather extremes. The kinds of seasons creating highyields predominated during 1901–1910 and 1961–1997,and most seasons creating low yields were concentratedbetween 1911 and 1960. Comparison of the 1901–1997temporal distributions of yield extremes (high andlow) with the temporal distributions of cyclonepassages and the incidence of ENSO conditions thataffect growing season weather conditions revealed agenerally good relationship. The shifting temporalresponses to various kinds of seasonal weatherconditions during the 20th century reveal some ofthe difficulties facing efforts to project realisticand detailed impacts in agriculture from alteredfuture seasonal weather conditions.  相似文献   
Erta Ale volcano, Ethiopia, erupted in November 2010, emplacing new lava flows on the main crater floor, the first such eruption from the southern pit into the main crater since 1973, and the first eruption at this remote volcano in the modern satellite age. For many decades, Erta Ale has contained a persistently active lava lake which is ordinarily confined, several tens of metres below the level of the main crater, within the southern pit. We combine on-the-ground field observations with multispectral imaging from the SEVIRI satellite to reconstruct the entire eruptive episode beginning on 11 November and ending prior to 14 December 2010. A period of quiescence occurred between 14 and 19 November. The main eruptive activity developed between 19 and 22 November, finally subsiding to pre-eruptive levels between 8 and 15 December. The estimated total volume of lava erupted is ??0.006?km3. The mineralogy of the 2010 lava is plagioclase?+?clinopyroxene?+?olivine. Geochemically, the lava is slightly more mafic than previously erupted lava lining the caldera floor, but lies within the range of historical lavas from Erta Ale. SIMS analysis of olivine-hosted melt inclusions shows the Erta Ale lavas to be relatively volatile-poor, with H2O contents ??1,300?ppm and CO2 contents of ??200?ppm. Incompatible trace and volatile element systematics of melt inclusions show, however, that the November 2010 lavas were volatile-saturated, and that degassing and crystallisation occurred concomitantly. Volatile saturation pressures are in the range 7?C42?MPa, indicating shallow crystallisation. Calculated pre-eruption and melt inclusion entrapment temperatures from mineral/liquid thermometers are ??1,150?°C, consistent with previously published field measurements.  相似文献   
Six plains cottonwoods along the axis of a meander were excavated to determine if dendrochronology could identify the year and location of germination and date past overbank sedimentation events. Samples from all excavated trees showed clear anatomical changes associated with burial, including increased vessel size, decreased definition of annual ring boundaries, and decreased ring widths. Some of these burial signatures were created by deposition of only a few centimeters of sediment, and most burial events were detected by multiple samples from the same tree. Four of the trees germinated at or near the upper surfaces of bar deposits, while two germinated within thin overbank deposits draped over bar deposits, indicating that germination is closely associated with bars. Dates and inferred thicknesses of overbank sedimentation events are consistent with repeated topographic surveys and data obtained from cesium-137 (137Cs) analyses. However, the record of overbank sedimentation extracted from the trees does not entirely reflect the history of past peak discharges documented by stream gaging, largely because individual trees are progressively less likely to be flooded through time as the river migrates farther away. Germination dates and locations closely track past positions of the river channel. Germination elevations and the elevations of the tops of point bars appear to be decreasing with time as the bend migrates, implying vertical incision by Powder River at a rate of 7.1 ± 4.3 mm/yr. The rate of floodplain growth determined by elevation changes decreases progressively through time, ultimately reaching an apparent plateau after 0.8–1.3 m of vertical accretion. While similar patterns of vertical accretion have previously been interpreted as resulting from decreasing flood probability with increasing floodplain elevation, distance from the channel is also a first-order control on vertical floodplain growth. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Neck cutoffs and their resultant oxbow lakes are important and prominent features of riverine landscapes. Detailed field-based research focusing on the morphologic evolution of neck cutoffs is currently insufficient to fully characterize cutoff evolution. High-resolution bathymetric data were collected over 3 years for the purpose of determining channel morphology and morphologic change on three actively evolving neck cutoffs. Results indicate the following general trends in morphologic adjustment: (1) a longitudinal bar in the upstream meander limb that develops near the entrance to the abandoned bend; (2) a deep scour hole in the downstream meander limb immediately downstream of the cutoff channel; (3) erosion of the bank opposite the cutoff in the downstream meander limb; (4) a cutoff bar in the downstream meander limb at the junction corner of the cutoff channel and the downstream meander limb; and (5) perching of the exit of the abandoned bend above the cutoff channel due to channel bed incision. The results presented herein were used to develop a conceptual model that depicts the morphologic evolution of highly curving neck cutoffs. The findings of this research are combined with recent analyses of the three-dimensional flow structure through neck cutoffs to provide a mechanistic explanation for the morphodynamics of neck cutoffs. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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