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为研究地震作用下地裂缝场地建筑结构的动力响应特征,以西安地裂缝场地为研究背景,分别考虑独立基础、片筏基础、桩基础和桩筏基础上的框架结构,对结构峰值加速度、层间位移等动力响应特征及其影响因素和影响规律进行系统研究。研究结果表明:(1)地裂缝附近场地上的结构加速度响应和层间位移响应具有明显的放大效应,动力响应峰值随着距地裂缝距离的增大逐渐减小,最终趋于稳定,放大效应的影响范围约为24 m,此范围内的结构需提高抗震设防水平;(2)结构的峰值加速度随层高的增大而增大,整体呈现出“S”形,层间位移角随层高的增大先增大后减小,二者均表现出明显的“上盘效应”,即上盘结构响应强于下盘,且随着输入地震动强度的增大,上、下盘结构动力响应差异进一步扩大,上盘效应愈发显著;(3)片筏基础、桩基础和桩筏基础结构的加速度响应接近,而独立基础结构的加速度与前三者差异明显,但随着楼层的增大,基础形式对结构层间位移角的影响逐渐减弱;(4)上、下盘结构的峰值加速度、峰值位移大小及峰值出现的时间等存在一定差异,这是由于地震波经过地裂缝时发生复杂的反射和折射,结构受到非一致性激励造成的。  相似文献   

This paper presents gas compositions and H-, O-isotope compositions of sulfide- and quartz-hosted fluid inclusions, and S-, Pb-isotope compositions of sulfide separates collected from the principal Stage 2 ores in Veins 3 and 210 of the Jinwozi lode gold deposit, eastern Tianshan Mountains of China. Fluid inclusions trapped in quartz and sphalerite are dominantly primary. H-and O-isotopic compositions of pyrite-hosted fluid inclusions indicate two major contributions to the ore-forming fluid that include the degassed magma and the meteoric-derived but rock 18O-buffered groundwater. However, H- and O-isotopic compositions of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions essentially suggest the presence of groundwater. Sulfide-hosted fluid inclusions show considerably higher abundances of gaseous species CO2, N2, H2S, etc. than quartz-hosted ones. The linear trends among inclusion gaseous species reflect the mixing tendency between the gas-rich magmatic fluid and the groundwater. The relative enrichment of gaseous species in sulfide-hosted fluid inclusions, coupled with the banded ore structure indicating alternate precipitation of quartz with sulfide minerals, suggests that the magmatic fluid has been inputted to the ore-forming fluid in pulsation. Sulfur and lead isotope compositions of pyrite and galena separates indicate an essential magma derivation for sulfur but the multiple sources for metallic materials from the mantle to the bulk crust.

国土空间格局演化与形成机理是人地系统交互关系研究的科学问题和国土空间规划的关键前提。采用地学图谱、标准差椭圆和空间自相关方法,分析2000—2018年广西国土空间格局演变特征,并运用地理探测器揭示其形成机理。结果表明:① 广西城镇空间加速挤占农业、生态空间形成了“一增双减”的面积变化特征,国土空间动态变化速度加快;② 广西国土空间相互转化频繁,转移轨迹多样性特征明显,农业空间与生态空间加速互换以及生态空间内部结构加快重组;③ 城镇空间与农业空间互竞主导了广西国土空间的迁移路径,城镇、农业空间存在“南高北低”和生态空间存在“北高南低”的集聚特征;④ 广西国土空间格局演变受自然地理与社会经济因素的共同作用影响,自然环境条件的限制作用减弱,社会经济发展水平驱动力增强,政策调控力度驱动作用深远。下一步可通过国土空间规划、调整产业布局和引导生产生活方式优化国土空间格局。  相似文献   
Degrading river network due to urbanization in Yangtze River Delta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evolution of river systems under the background of human activities has been a heated topic among geographers and hydrologists. Spatial and temporal variations of river systems during the 1960s–2010s in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) were investigated based on streams derived from the topographic maps in the 1960s, 1980s and 2010s. A list of indices, drainage density (Dd), water surface ratio (WSR), ratio of area to length of main streams (R), evolution coefficient of tributaries (K) and box dimension (D), were classified into three types (quantitative, structural, and complex indices) and used to quantify the variations of stream structure. Results showed that: (1) quantitative indices (Dd, WSR) presented decreasing trend in the past 50 years, and Dd in Wuchengxiyu, Hangjiahu and Yindongnan have decreased most, about 20%. Structurally, the Qinhuai River basin was characterized by significant upward R, and K value in Hangjiahu went down dramatically by 46.8% during the 1960s–2010s. Decreasing tendency in D was found dominating across the YRD, and decreasing magnitude in Wuchengxiyu and Hangjiahu peaks for 7.8% and 6.5%, respectively in the YRD. (2) Urbanization affected the spatial pattern of river system, and areas with high level of urbanization exhibited least Dd (2.18 km/km2), WSR (6.52%), K (2.64) and D (1.42), compared to moderate and low levels of urbanization. (3) Urbanization also affected the evolution of stream system. In the past 50 years, areas with high level of urbanization showed compelling decreasing tendency in quantitative (27.2% and 19.3%) and complex indices (4.9%) and trend of enlarging of main rivers (4.5% and 7.9% in periods of the 1960s–1980s and the 1980s–2010s). In the recent 30 years, areas with low level of urbanization were detected with significant downward trend in Dd and K. (4) Expanding of urban land, construction of hydraulic engineering and irrigation and water conservancy activities were the main means which degraded the river system in the YRD.  相似文献   
The interannual variations of intensity of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) during boreal winter are investigated by using the observed outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and the reanalysis data of ECMWF and NCEP. The standard deviation of 20-80-day filtered OLR anomaly is used to measure the MJO intensity. The dominant spatial structure of the interannual variability is revealed by an EOF analysis of the MJO intensity field. It is found that the leading mode is associated with eastern Pacific type ENSO, whereas the second mode is related to central Pacific type ENSO. A simple atmospheric model is used to investigate the relative roles of background moisture and wind changes in affecting the overall strength of MJO. The numerical experiments indicate that the background moisture effect is dominant while the background wind change has a minor effect.  相似文献   
丽水市旅游气候舒适度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用人体舒适度气象指数(BCMI)、寒冷指数(CI)、温湿指数(THI)和度假气候指数(HCI)等4个综合性的气候指标,对丽水市的旅游气候舒适度进行了分析评价,并着重对比分析了BCMI和HCI对旅游气候适宜性的表征能力。结果表明:丽水市全年有8个月BCMI处在4~6级之间,属一类气候适宜区;冬季CI值较低,无严寒现象,夏季低海拔地区THI值偏高,但海拔600 m以上地区(约占市域面积6成)THI值较低,适宜“避暑纳凉”;HCI比传统的BCMI表现的更客观、更全面,它不仅考虑了气候的热舒适性影响,还考虑了降水和云量对旅游出行及观光的影响,且就时间尺度而言,HCI更适合旅游舒适度逐日预报的开展。  相似文献   
利用我国北极黄河站所在地,德国Koldwey站1994-2003年的逐时常规气象资料,对北极苔原Ny lesund地区短期气候特征进行了初步分析。结果表明,由于受北大西洋暖流的影响,该地是北极同纬度温度最高的地区。岛上气候温暖湿润,即使在隆冬季节,日平均气温都可以升至0℃以上。全年平均风力较小,以东南(SE)风居多。该地区平均增温速度为0. 68℃/10a,是北极增温较快的地区之一。与同期我国北冰洋浮冰区考察数据相比较,Ny lesund气候更温暖湿润,风速要小得多。在Ny lesund地区,美国国家环境预测中心/美国国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)的近地面气温的再分析结果,与Koldwey站实测常规地面资料相比,在冬季基本一致,而在夏季则差异较大。  相似文献   
The discovery of spatial clusters formed by proximal spatial units with similar non-spatial attribute values plays an important role in spatial data analysis. Although several spatial contiguity-constrained clustering methods are currently available, almost all of them discover clusters in a geographical dataset, even though the dataset has no natural clustering structure. Statistically evaluating the significance of the degree of homogeneity within a single spatial cluster is difficult. To overcome this limitation, this study develops a permutation test approach Specifically, the homogeneity of a spatial cluster is measured based on the local variance and cluster member permutation, and two-stage permutation tests are developed to determine the significance of the degree of homogeneity within each spatial cluster. The proposed permutation tests can be integrated into the existing spatial clustering algorithms to detect homogeneous spatial clusters. The proposed tests are compared with four existing tests (i.e., Park’s test, the contiguity-constrained nonparametric analysis of variance (COCOPAN) method, spatial scan statistic, and q-statistic) using two simulated and two meteorological datasets. The comparison shows that the proposed two-stage permutation tests are more effective to identify homogeneous spatial clusters and to determine homogeneous clustering structures in practical applications.  相似文献   
西南极利文斯顿岛含砾泥岩层的发现及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西南极南设得兰群岛利文斯顿岛赫德半岛中分布的一套主要由复理石相岩石组成的低级变质沉积岩(迈尔斯陡崖组)被认为是中- 新生代火山岩的基底(晚古生代- 早中生代?)。以前含砾泥岩在迈尔斯陡崖组局部地点曾有零星报道,但详细的地质填图确认此地有四层含砾泥岩分布。研究表明,这些含砾泥岩可能是水下碎屑流沉积,其生成环境可能是海底扇中扇的水道。对比在南极半岛所发现有大量的含砾泥岩,则进一步表明利文斯顿岛早期地质特征可与南极半岛相比,两者在中- 新生代岩浆弧形成之前处于相同的构造环境。  相似文献   
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