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The process of aeolian flux in wild areas is usually unstable due to turbulent fluctuation of airflow. The physical parameters of wind and aeolian flux have strong pulsation characteristics and are even intermittent. Since the classical aeolian flux equations derived from steady sediment transport processes do not take into account the physical parameters such as soil particle properties and airflow turbulence characteristics, they cannot accurately predict the process of sediment transport driven by turbulent wind. Based on the analysis of the variables contained in the classical aeolian flux equations and their effects on the aeolian flux, the soil particle properties and the airflow turbulent fluctuation which influence unsteady sediment transport process, and the delayed response of the unsteady sediment transport process to airflow turbulent fluctuation, then the steady and unsteady sediment transports were defined. Strictly, there is no steady sediment transport process in nature, but the sediment transport process in a short period of time can be roughly considered to be a steady sediment transport process as the fluctuation of sediment transport is very little. Thus, the unsteady sediment transport process in a long-term series can be regarded as series of steady sediment transport processes on an "appropriate time scale" (Δt). The construction principles, variables in unsteady aeolian flux equation, and establishing unsteady aeolian flux equation of the way which is the method of determining each variable by controlling the conditional experiments were put forward. Finally, the foreseeable key issues in the process of establishing the unsteady aeolian flux equation were discussed.  相似文献   
Many hydrothermal Cu–Mo–Au deposits related to granitoid intrusives were recently discovered in the West Qinling Orogenic Belt (WQOB). These deposits were mainly formed during the late Indosinian epoch (ca. 214 Ma), and the regional geological setting of Cu–Mo ore formation in WQOB during this epoch is poorly understood until now. This paper describes the geochronology and geochemistry of the Wenquan ore-bearing pluton, a composite granite body, to study the geologic background of magmatic emplacement and ore formation. The Mo mineralisation occurs at the contact between a fine-grained biotite monzogranite and a medium- to fine-grained porphyritic monzogranite. Zircon 206Pb/238U ages of 223 ± 3 Ma (biotite monzogranite) and 225 ± 3 Ma (porphyritic monzogranite) were obtained. Geochemical analyses show that the Wenquan pluton is a high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonite series rock with relatively high LREE and low HREE and a moderate to weak negative Eu anomaly. Relatively negative anomalies of Ba, Ti, P, Nb, Ta also exist. These results imply that the Wenquan pluton was emplaced during a transitional process (from collision to extension) between the Yangtze Craton and North China Craton. During the later Indosinian epoch, the East Qinling Orogenic Belt (EQOB) and WQOB had similar tectonic settings, and intensive magmatic activity and Mo mineralisation occurred. The EQOB was then involved in the Mesozoic subduction of the Pacific plate, and its subsequent tectonic evolution was different from that of the WQOB.  相似文献   
IPCC第五次评估报告第三工作组报告是在世界经济、能源、温室气体排放、技术、全球气候治理等战略格局经历着深刻调整,新一轮国际气候谈判正在进行期间完成的。本文从IPCC第五次评估报告第三工作组报告的主线思路论争,减缓气候变化社会经济评价的概念体系构建,温室气体排放的历史趋势与动因,实现2℃温升控制目标的转型路径,支持路径转型的体制与政策选择和减缓气候变化知识体系与方法学发展等方面,对该报告进行了评述,并从中国低碳发展战略方向与政策取向、未来如何正确解读与应用该报告的科学信息和结论等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   
Many typhoons pass through the East China Sea(ECS) and the oceanic responses to typhoons on the ECS shelf are very energetic. However, these responses are not well studied because of the complicated background oceanic environment. The sea surface temperature(SST) response to a severe Typhoon Rananim in August 2004 on the ECS shelf was observed by the merged cloud-penetrating microwave and infrared SST data. The observed SST response shows an extensive SST cooling with a maximum cooling of 3°C on the ECS shelf and the SST cooling lags the typhoon by about one day. A numerical model is designed to simulate the oceanic responses to Rananim.The numerical model reasonably simulates the observed SST response and thereby provides a more comprehensive investigation on the oceanic temperature and current responses. The simulation shows that Rananim deepens the ocean mix layer by more than 10 m on the ECS shelf and causes a cooling in the whole mixed layer. Both upwelling and entrainment are responsible for the cooling. Rananim significantly deforms the background Taiwan Warm Current on the ECS shelf and generates strong Ekman current at the surface. After the typhoon disappears, the surface current rotates clockwise and vertically, the current is featured by near inertial oscillation with upward propagating phase.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the meta-mafic volcanic rocks of the Gongyiming iron deposit at Baotou, Inner Mongolia. The major and trace elements and REE data indicate that the meta-mafic volcanic rocks occurred in the environment similar to a modern continental rift. Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic studies indicated that the meta-basic rocks were formed during the Early Neoarchean from 2800 Ma to 2900 Ma and reworked during the Late Neoarchean (2500 Ma) by metamorphism. Because of the separation of the North China Craton from the Siberia Craton during the Middle Proterozoic (1600 Ma), the Rb-Sr systematics of the rocks has been changed. The Se‘ ertengshan greenstone seems to occur during the Middle Archean. A stable continental crust may have existed during the Paleoarchean.  相似文献   
根据1:5万区域地质调查资料,对研究区岩土体工程地质类型进行了划分,论述了各类岩土体工程地质的特征,在此基础上将测区划分为三个工程地质区,四个工程地质分区。研究了测区主要工程地质问题,提出了防治这些工程地质问题的措施。  相似文献   
中国东部分布着大量的新生代玄武岩,其中第三纪的中新世和上新世的碱性玄武岩是蓝宝石、红宝石、红色锆石、橄榄石、镁铝榴石、月光石和辉石类宝石的寄主岩石,已在其内发现了多种宝石的原生矿床和矿化点。今后应重视碱性玄武岩型宝石矿床的研究和找矿评价工作。  相似文献   
1农村宅基地管理的主要做法(1)枣庄市党委政府重视农民住宅用地问题。该市政府在全市部署开展农村宅基地调查摸底,掌握实情,为市委市政府决策提供依据;同时,在用地指标十分紧张的情况下,从2009年开始对农村宅基地单独下达用地计划,2009年计划下达31.3 hm2,解决农村宅基地问题。市政府要求国土资源部门配合农村住房和危房改造工作,给予用地支持。各区(市)加强组织领导,在政策和财力上支持推进“空心村”治理,一些区(市)分别采取召开现场会等形式进行推广。  相似文献   
The vertical variation of P forms in sediments of urban shallow lakes in China, Xuanwu Lake, Daming Lake and Mochou Lake, were sequentially extracted and measured with the method of SEDEX. The results indicated the TP content in the sediment profiles ranged from 371.94 to 777.25 mg kg−1 for Xuanwu Lake, 1,308.14 to 4,632.63 mg kg−1 for Daming Lake, and 995.49 to 1,860.71 mg kg−1 for Mochou Lake. The results of sequential extraction showed that Ca-P and Fe-P were the main fractions. Meanwhile, the proportions of Bio-P to TP were 35.24% for Xuanwu Lake, 29.57% Daming lake, and 25.26%, for Mochou Lake, indicating a high potential of P releasing. The content of Bio-P was significantly and positively correlated with TP (r = 0.978, P < 0.01). Lake hydrations conditions played an important role in the distribution and contents of Bio-P and TP. In the region with macrophytes, the contents of TP and Bio-P were relatively low. Physicochemical properties of sediments were significantly related to the fraction distribution and P contents, and might play an important role in controlling P activity and mobility. Moreover, Fe showed an evident influence on P fraction and the ratio Fe/P might be good indicator to the contents and composition of active P in sediments.  相似文献   
2019年6月17日22时55分(北京时间),四川宜宾市长宁县发生了M6.0地震。中国地震台网中心用时10min发布正式速报结果,并开展余震监测和统计。同时,中国地震台网中心联合各有关单位,对台网数据进行分析处理,产出10类19种数据产品。产品结果显示:四川长宁M6.0地震极震区烈度达Ⅶ度,为一次逆冲型为主的事件,余震呈NWW向展布。据主震和余震分布方向,由区域地震构造图可初步推测,发震断层为NW向隐伏断层。  相似文献   
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