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The Vents Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory is an interdisciplinary research initiative that brings together scientists from a wide range of disciplines, including geophysics, geology, physical oceanography, chemistry, and biology. Each discipline collects a variety of data types of varying structures and requiring intercomparison. The challenge of scientific information management is thus approached with a view of supporting data from multiple survey, mapping, and sampling tools and subject to multiple levels of interpretation. The ultimate objective is a system that integrates the functions of data storage, selective retrieval, display, and archiving. The results of our ongoing efforts in scientific information modeling and management have produced a relational database in which marine geological, geophysical, chemical, and biological observations can be accessed by any investigator.  相似文献   
A broad community intercalibration exercise for accurate measurement of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in seawater has been carried out over a period of 5 years. A set of 10 natural samples with DOC content from 40 to 200 μM C were accompanied by two glucose standards and a “zero C” blank; all sealed in glass ampoules. Samples were sent to all interested analysts for “blind” analysis; 62 laboratories in 17 countries participated. A total of 59 separate analyses were determined to be acceptable by screening criteria based on standards and blank; another nine sets of analyses did not pass the screening. The majority of the analyses, both those passing and those that did not, were performed with high temperature combustion (HTC) methods, six sets of analyses were done using wet chemical oxidation methods.From the 53 sets of acceptable HTC analyses, the coefficient of variation (%CV) for analytical comparability of the samples was 10% (“community precision”). It is estimated that the individual replicate injection precision for most instruments was approximately 2% and that no additional variability was caused by differences within the ampoules of individual samples. The additional variability over 2% was likely a result of both random and systematic differences in analytical capabilities from instrument to instrument and from day to day for individual instruments. With an arbitrary selection after the fact, smaller subsets of analysts can show comparability better than 10% and duplicate or triplicate runs on different days of the full sets of samples in several laboratories showed comparability in the 2–6.5% range. Experienced oceanic analysts, with internal or shared reference materials, can now show reproducibility and comparability at a level closer to 2%.Preliminary use of DOC reference materials by 14 participants showed day-to-day reproducibilities for their laboratories in the 2–6% range in most cases; several with poorer reproducibility do not normally perform DOC analyses on samples with concentrations as low as the deep ocean reference used here. Use of these reference materials can also give a demonstration of comparability between laboratories. For credibility of DOC analyses, it is necessary for analysts to use community reference materials and report results of their analytical performance with these references.This paper does not identify individual data nor should it be considered an evaluation of individual laboratories or analysts. The purpose is to show the summary picture of the international community of DOC analysts as it existed in the mid- to late 1990s.  相似文献   
During several decades of investigation, the East Pacific Rise seafloor-spreading center at 9°-10°N has been explored by marine geologists, geophysicists, chemists, and biologists, and has emerged as one of the best studied sections of the global midocean ridge. It is an example of a region for which there is now a great wealth of observational data, results, and data-driven theoretical studies. However, these have yet to be fully utilized, either by research scientists or educators. While the situation is improving, a large amount of data, results, and related theoretical models still exist either in an inert, noninteractive form (e.g., journal publications) or as unlinked and currently incompatible computer data or algorithms. Presented here is the prototype of a computational environment and toolset, called the Virtual Research Vessel, to improve the situation by providing marine scientists and educators with simultaneous access to data, maps, and numerical models. While infrastructure is desired and needed for ready access to data and the resulting maps via web GIS in order to link disparate data sets (data to data), it is argued that data must also be linked to models for better exploration of new relations between observables, refinement of numerical simulations, and the quantitative evaluation of scientific hypotheses. For widespread data access, web GIS is therefore only a preliminary step rather than a final solution, and the ongoing implementation of the Virtual Research Vessel (scheduled for final completion in 2004-2005) is a case study for the midocean ridge community to test the effectiveness of moving beyond the data-to-data mode towards data-to-models and data-to-interpretation.  相似文献   
Foundation settlements and soil–structure interaction are important problems to structural and geotechnical engineers. This study introduces a novel elastoplastic three‐degree‐of‐freedom medium which models foundations settlements under combined loadings. A soil–structure interaction problem can then be solved by replacing the soil mass with this three‐degree‐of‐freedom elastoplastic medium, thus reducing significantly the size of the problem. The model was developed by extending the classical plasticity concepts to the force‐deformation level. Its ability to predict foundation deformations was evaluated using finite element solutions of a typical shallow foundation problem and was found reasonably accurate while producing significant time savings. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract— Impact ejecta (about 2.5 Gyr old) in the DS4 layer of the Dales Gorge BIF (Hamersley Group, Western Australia) are so well preserved that many original textures such as vesicles and microlites are faithfully preserved. About 65% of the particles in the layer originated as impact ejecta, of which 81% are splash forms. The remaining 19% are angular, but the splash forms and angular particles have the same composition (mainly diagenetic stilpnomelane and K‐feldspar) and share a common suite of internal textures. Some particles contain randomly oriented microlites texturally identical to plagioclase in basalts. Most splash forms have rims of inward‐growing crystals that may have formed from the melt (perhaps nucleated by impinging dust) or via thermal devitrification. The rims clearly formed in flight because in broken particles (which make up about 13% of the splash forms) they are generally not present on broken surfaces. The origin of the angular particles is uncertain, but they may represent solid ejecta. Given the large sizes and variable shapes of the splash forms, they are probably droplets of impact melt emplaced ballistically. This is largely by analogy to the K‐T boundary layer, but DS4 splash forms differ from K‐T spherules in important ways suggesting the K‐T model is not universal. The occurrence of basaltic ejecta from a large impact highlights its scarcity in the stratigraphic record despite the areal abundance of oceanic crust. The diverse textures formed via in‐flight crystallization suggest particle paths in the plume are more complex than is generally appreciated.  相似文献   
This paper provides the first comprehensive analysis of calanoid copepod vertical zonation and community structure at midwater depths (300–1000 m) through the lower oxygen gradient (oxycline) (0.02 to 0.3 ml/L) of an oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Feeding ecology was also analyzed. Zooplankton were collected with a double 1 m2 MOCNESS plankton net in day and night vertically-stratified oblique tows from 1000 m to the surface at six stations during four seasons as part of the 1995 US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) Arabian Sea project. The geographic comparison between a eutrophic more oxygenated onshore station and an offshore station with a strong OMZ served as a natural experiment to elucidate the influence of depth, oxygen concentration, season, food resources, and predators on the copepod distributions.Copepod species and species assemblages of the Arabian Sea OMZ differed in their spatial and vertical distributions relative to environmental and ecological characteristics of the water column and region. The extent and intensity of the oxycline at the lower boundary of the OMZ, and its spatial and temporal variability over the year of sampling, was an important factor affecting distributional patterns. Calanoid copepod species showed vertical zonation through the lower OMZ oxycline. Clustering analyses defined sample groups with similar copepod assemblages and species groups with similar distributions. No apparent diel vertical migration for either calanoid or non-calanoid copepods at these midwater depths was observed, but some species had age-related differences in vertical distributions. Subzones of the OMZ, termed the OMZ Core, the Lower Oxycline, and the Sub-Oxycline, had different copepod communities and ecological interactions. Major distributional and ecological changes were associated with surprisingly small oxygen gradients at low oxygen concentrations. The calanoid copepod community was most diverse in the most oxygenated environments (oxygen >0.14 ml/L), but the rank order of abundance of species was similar in the Lower Oxycline and Sub-Oxycline. Some species were absent or much scarcer in the OMZ Core. Two copepod species common in the Lower Oxycline were primarily detritivorous but showed dietary differences suggesting feeding specialization. The copepod Spinocalanus antarcticus fed primarily on components of the vertical particulate flux and suspended material, a less versatile diet than the co-occurring copepod Lucicutia grandis. Vertical zonation of copepod species through the lower OMZ oxycline is probably a complex interplay between physiological limitation by low oxygen, potential predator control, and potential food resources. Pelagic OMZ and oxycline communities, and their ecological interactions in the water column and with the benthos, may become even more widespread and significant in the future ocean, if global warming increases the extent and intensity of OMZs as predicted.  相似文献   
Ambient suspended particles (TSP) were collected from January to June 2001 at seven sampling sites in western Macedonia, Greece, where four thermal power stations are located. TSP samples were chemically characterized for minerals (Fe, Al, Mg, Ca, K, Ti and Si), trace elements (P, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, V, Zn, Te, Co, Ni, Se, Sr, As, and Sb), water-soluble ions , carbonaceous compounds (OC/EC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These classes of compounds were consequently compared with PM mass concentrations of TSP in order to perform mass closure. PM chemical compositions exhibited differences at the seven sites. Minerals were found to be more abundant at four sites, electrolytes dominated the composition at two of the sites while carbonaceous material was most abundant only at one site. The fraction unaccounted for ranged between 22 and 34%. Spatial variations of atmospheric concentrations showed significantly higher levels of minerals, some trace metals and TC at the site that was closest to the power plants. At the same site ions exhibited high correlations with minerals and the majority of trace elements.  相似文献   
This research continues a 7-year study of oxygen-containing organic compounds present in groundwater at gasoline and diesel fuel release sites that are quantified as diesel-range “total petroleum hydrocarbons” when measured by methods utilizing solvent extraction and gas chromatography. Two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to tentatively identify 1162 compounds (TICs) in 113 groundwater samples from 22 sites. Samples were collected from wells either upgradient of the release, within the source zone, or downgradient of the source but still within the plume of dissolved organics associated with release. The names and formulas of all TICs found in samples from each well type are presented and the results from upgradient and downgradient locations are compared in detail. About 60% of the most frequently detected TICs in downgradient wells were also detected in upgradient wells. A majority of these were saturated straight chain alkyl acids, commonly called fatty acids, or fatty acid esters. Of TICs frequently detected in downgradient wells but not upgradient wells, over half were branched alkyl alcohols. Hierarchical cluster analysis results suggest about 80% of the chemical composition of downgradient samples is more similar to upgradient samples than to source area samples. This similarity is due to the presence of the same types of fatty acids and esters. Principal component analysis indicates a continuum of biodegradation between the source area and downgradient samples with the latter becoming more consistent with upgradient samples. Results suggest some TICs may not be petroleum degradation intermediates but compounds synthesized by microorganisms through secondary production and carbon cycling.  相似文献   
Special concentrically braced frames (SCBFs) are commonly used as the lateral‐load resisting system in buildings. SCBFs primarily sustain large deformation demands through inelastic action in the brace, including compression buckling and tension yielding; secondary yielding may occur in the gusset plate and framing elements. The preferred failure mode is brace fracture. Yielding, buckling, and fracture behavior results in highly nonlinear behavior and accurate analytical modeling of these frames is required. Prior research has shown that continuum models are capable of this level of simulation. However, those models are not suitable for structural engineering practice. To enable the use of accurate yet practical nonlinear models, a research study was undertaken to investigate modeling parameters for line‐element models, which is a more practical modeling approach. This portion of the study focused on methods to predict brace fracture. A fracture modeling approach simulated the nonlinear, cyclic response of SCBFs by correlating onset of fracture to the maximum strain range in the brace. The model accounts for important brace design parameters including slenderness, compactness, and yield strength. Fracture data from over 40 tests was used to calibrate the model and included single‐brace component, single story frame, and full‐scale multistory frame specimens. The proposed fracture model is more accurate and simpler than other, previously proposed models. As a result, the proposed model is an ideal candidate for practical performance simulation of SCBFs. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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