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Acta Geotechnica - There is extensive data to show that heating and cooling produces irrecoverable deformations in clays under fully drained conditions. The effects are most pronounced for normally...  相似文献   
Boegoeberg 1 (BOG1) is located on the Atlantic coast of South Africa, 850 km north of Cape Town. The site is a shallow rock shelter in the side of a sand-choked gully that was emptied by diamond miners. Abundant coprolites, chewed bones, and partially digested bones implicate hyenas as the bone accumulators. The location of the site, quantity of bones, and composition of the fauna imply it was a brown hyena nursery den. The abundance of Cape fur seal bones shows that the hyenas had ready access to the coast. Radiocarbon dates place the site before 37,000 14C yr ago, while the large average size of the black-backed jackals and the presence of extralimital ungulates imply cool, moist conditions, probably during the early part of the last glaciation (isotope stage 4 or stage 3 before 37,000 14C yr ago) or perhaps during one of the cooler phases (isotope substages 5d or 5b) within the last interglaciation. Comparisons of the BOG1 seal bones to those from regional Middle Stone Age (MSA) and Later Stone Age (LSA) archeological sites suggest (1) that hyena and human seal accumulations can be distinguished by a tendency for vertebrae to be much more common in a hyena accumulation and (2) that hyena and LSA accumulations can be distinguished by a tendency for hyena-accumulated seals to represent a much wider range of individual seal ages. Differences in the way hyenas and people dismember, transport, and consume seal carcasses probably explain the contrast in skeletal part representation, while differences in season of occupation explain the contrast in seal age representation. Like modern brown hyenas, the BOG1 hyenas probably occupied the coast year-round, while the LSA people focused their coastal visits on the August–October interval when nine-to-eleven-month-old seals were abundant. The MSA sample from Klasies River Mouth Cave 1 resembles BOG1 in seal age composition, suggesting that unlike LSA people, MSA people obtained seals more or less throughout the year.  相似文献   
The Breves deposit in the Carajás Copper-Gold Belt, Brazil, a member of the Cu-Au-(W-Bi-Sn) group of deposits, contains about 50 Mt of 1.22% Cu, 0.75 g/t Au, 2.4 g/t Ag, 1,200 g/t W, 70 g/t Sn, 175 g/t Mo and 75 g/t Bi. It is hosted by sandstones and siltstones of the Águas Claras Formation (minimum age of 2,681±5 Ma) in the roof zone of a complex, highly altered granite intrusion. The mineralisation is disseminated in a greisenized zone, resulting from alteration of probable monzogranites and syenogranites. The ore-bearing greisen contains abundant xenomorphic quartz in association with Fe-chlorite and muscovite. The gangue assemblage also includes fluorite, tourmaline, and minor amounts of monazite, xenotime, chlorapatite, thorite, zircon, calcite, siderite and bastnäesite. Copper mineralisation is dominated by chalcopyrite associated with pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and molybdenite. Gold particles, in equilibrium with native bismuth, are common as inclusions in chalcopyrite. The greisen contains sub-economic concentrations of tungsten and niobium that are related to the presence of ferberite, qitianlingite and Nb-rutile. SHRIMP II zircon dating of the host granites gives 207Pb/206Pb ages of 1,878±8 and 1,880±9 Ma for two phases, and a combined age of 1,879±6 Ma. SHRIMP II dating of monazite and xenotime grains in late- to post-mineralisation veins gives a combined 207Pb/206Pb age of 1,872±7 Ma, indistinguishable from the ages of the granites. This provides a genetic connection between the Breves deposit and the ca. 1.88 Ga A-type granite magmatism that typifies the Carajás Belt as part of a much larger, intracratonic magmatic province that extends over much of the Amazonian Craton. The recognition of this association has exploration implications, not only for the geophysical signature of the granite roof zones, but also for likely geochemical dispersion around the deposits of this type.Editorial handling: G. Beaudoin  相似文献   
Along the upper reaches of the Gediz River in western Turkey, in the eastern part of the Aegean extensional province, the land surface has uplifted by 400 m since the Middle Pliocene. This uplift is revealed by progressive gorge incision, and its rate can be established because river terraces are capped by basalt flows that have been K–Ar and Ar–Ar dated. At present, the local uplift rate is 0.2 mm a−1. Uplift at this rate began around the start of the Middle Pleistocene, following a span of time when the uplift was much slower. This was itself preceded by an earlier uplift phase, apparently in the late Late Pliocene and early Early Pleistocene, when the uplift rate was comparable to the present. The resulting regional uplift history resembles what is observed in other regions and is analogously interpreted as the isostatic response to changing rates of surface processes linked to global environmental change. We suggest that this present phase of surface uplift, amounting so far to 150 m, is being caused by the nonsteady-state thermal and isostatic response of the crust to erosion, following an increase in erosion rates in the late Early Pleistocene, most likely as a result of the first large northern-hemisphere glaciation during oxygen isotope stage 22 at 870 ka. We suggest that the earlier uplift phase, responsible for the initial 250 m of uplift, resulted from a similar increase in erosion rates caused by the deterioration in local climate at 3.1 Ma. This uplift thus has no direct relationship to the crustal extension occurring in western Turkey, the rate and sense of which are thought not to have changed significantly on this time scale. Our results thus suggest that the present, often deeply incised, landscape of western Turkey has largely developed from the Middle Pleistocene onwards, for reasons not directly related to the active normal faulting that is also occurring. The local isostatic consequences of this active faulting are instead superimposed onto this “background” of regional surface uplift. Modelling of this surface uplift indicates that the effective viscosity of the lower continental crust beneath this part of Turkey is of the order of 1019 Pa s, similar to a recent estimate for beneath central Greece. The lower uplift rates observed in western Turkey, compared with central Greece, result from the longer typical distances of fluvial sediment transport, which cause weaker coupling by lower-crustal flow between offshore depocentres and eroding onshore regions that provide the sediment source.  相似文献   
In the context of American geography's distinguished record in area studies around the world, East Central Europe stands out as a region that has attracted particular scrutiny over the time-span of activity by the Association of American Geographers. While the work done prior to 1918 was inevitably cast in an imperial framework with some hints of environmental determinism, the subsequent emergence of a new Europe — along with more explicitly humanistic perspectives in a discipline that was continuing to grow rapidly — led to a surge in field activity which was maintained through the communist years despite the formidable restrictions of the early post-war years. While there is a great diversity in the contributions made it is evident that there has been a continuing preoccupation with political power and the region's geopolitical significance evaluated in the context of changing great power relations. Also the big questions of economic and social geography — resources, culture and planning systems — have been examined; while a number of geographers have dedicated significant proportions of their total career activity to in-depth primary research on their chosen specialisms.  相似文献   
Isolated patches ofSpartina anglica (cordgrass) at two sites on a wave-exposed mid-intertidal flat of the 340 km2 Manukau Harbor (Auckland, New Zealand) have developed very differently since being planted in the mid-1970s. Although the two sites are only 0.5 km apart and at the same intertidal elevation,Spartina patches at the easternmost site (site 1) have as much as an order of magnitude higher biomass and accumulated sediment volume thanSpartina patches at site 2. A field experiment was conducted to characterize waves and associated sediment dynamics at each site, which might explain whySpartina patches at the two sites have developed so differently over the past 25 yr or so. Suspended sediments were measured and wave characteristics were inferred from subsurface pressure data measured for 5 wk at bothSpartina sites and at an intermediate location. Bed-orbital speeds and frictional wave-energy dissipation were consistently lower at the easternmost site with the largerSpartina patches. The west-to-east reduction in wave energy is due to the spatial arrangement of theSpartina sites relative to the predominant wind fetches. The wave-energy gradient is maintained by tidal-cycle variations in fetch and bed friction and results in a west-to-east reduction in sand suspension. Silt, which is largely resuspended under southwest winds, is redeposited in the low wave-energy conditions in and around the larger site 1Spartina patches. Shell accumulation bySpartina patches at site 1 occurs infrequently, during southwest winds >10 m s−1 and water depths >0.7 m, when waves are least attenuated by bed friction. Large between-site differences in the growth of and sediment accumulation by theSpartina patch are consistent with the observed wave-energy gradient. The resulting spatial patterns of silt, sand, and shell resuspension and deposition directly influence the rate of sediment accumulation bySpartina patches and the composition of accumulated sediment on this wave-exposed intertidal flat.  相似文献   
The detection of long-term shifts in species composition and spatial structuring of aquatic communities may be obscured by high levels of interannual variation. Estuarine fish communities are likely to exhibit high levels of variation owing to the influence of riverine forcing and the importance of anadromous and transient species, whose abundances may not be locally controlled. We describe patterns of interannual variation and long-term shifts in the nearshore fish community of the mesohaline Hudson River estuary based on 21 yr of beach seine sampling conducted annually between late August and mid November. Of the 60 species encountered, the most abundant were Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia), striped bass (Morone saxatilis), white perch (Morone americana), American shad (Alosa sapidissima), and blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis). Relationships between annual community composition and seasonal flow and temperature regimes were examined with canonical correspondence analysis. Annual variation was most closely correlated with river flows in the 3-mo period preceding fish sampling, indicating a persistent effect of environmental conditions on community structure. Despite significant interannual variation in composition, longer-term trends in community structure were observed. These included declines in catch rates of freshwater and estuarine species and a dramatic increase in the catch of Atlantic silversides, an annual marine species. Associated with these changes were declines in community diversity and increased compositional variation. These results indicate that analyses of temporal changes in community structure need to account for the multiple time scales under which forcing factors and community composition vary.  相似文献   
This study demonstrates that a hydrous, halide bearing silicate melt is a viable medium for diamond growth. Experiments were conducted in the MgO–SiO2–H2O–C ± KCl ± NaCl system, which was used as a model for harzburgitic mantle. In no case did we observe crystals that could be interpreted as spontaneously nucleated, but growth of diamond on seed crystals at 1,400–1,600°C and 7 GPa in experiments of 4 h duration was observed. The addition of KCl to the system produced crystallization of diamond at temperatures as low as 1,400°C. At higher temperatures, larger growth features were produced than those that seen in the KCl-free system at the same conditions. The NaCl-bearing system is different; in these experiments, the diamond seed crystals show evidence of possible dissolution and layer growth, albeit more subdued growth than in the KCl system. Therefore, NaCl may be an inhibitor of diamond growth in a hydrous silicate melt. Based on these results, hydrous silicate melts could play a role in formation of diamond in either deep subduction zones, or above slabs imbricated against a lithospheric ‘root’ in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. The water and halide necessary for their formation could be transported into the mantle in hydrous phases such as serpentine in subducting lithospheric slabs. Dehydration of serpentine at >200 km depth would release hydrous, halide-bearing fluids into the overlying mantle wedge or lithospheric root, triggering melting at conditions similar to those of the formation of natural diamond.  相似文献   
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