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The presence of Granulatisporites confluens Archangelsky and Gamerro indicates an Asselian-Tastubian (lowermost Permian) age for glaciogene sediments in the Amal-6 borehole, Oman. This suggests that the Al Khlata Formation is in part coeval with glaciogene sediments of the Canning Basin, Western Australia, and sediments of the Chacoparana Basin, Argentina.  相似文献   
Stereochemical changes of triterpanes present in extracts from an immature oil shale sequence intruded by a 3-m dolerite sill have been studied by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The steric configuration of the hopanes was observed to change from one dominated by the thermally less stable 17β(H), 21β(H) configuration at some distance from the intrusion, to one dominated by the thermally more stable 17α(H), 21β(H) and 17β(H), 21α(H) configurating in the immediate vicinity of the intrusion. In addition, severe alteration of the kerogen appeared to have taken place as a result of the contact metamorphism, and high concentrations of extractable organic matter were observed below the intrusion. Characterization of the kerogens by Curie-point pyrolysis has enabled the effects of the intrusion on the shales to be monitored.  相似文献   
Summary Several formations within the lower part of the Dalradian Appin Group are characterised by calcareous and calc-silicate lithologies. Amphibole occurs in these metasedimentary units in a variety of habits, from fine-grained disseminated crystals, through radiating aggregates permeating the whole rock, to dark green layers consisting of over 90% amphibole. Electron microprobe analyses of these amphiboles exhibit simple compositional trends from tremolite, through tremolitic hornblende to magnesio-hornblende. The only significant substitutions are from tremolite towards alumino-tschermakite [MgSi AlviAliv] and from tremolite towards ferri-tschermakite [MgSi FeviAliv].This is in marked contrast to amphiboles from nearby suites of metavolcanic rocks and intrusive metadolerites which exhibit four coupled substitutions, leading from tremolite towards the ferro-actinolite, edenite, alumino-tschermakite and ferritschermakite end-members. These distinctive compositional trends may aid the distinction between para- and ortho-amphibolites elsewhere.Tremolitic amphibole commonly constitutes a high proportion of the calc-silicate rocks, the only other phases present being quartz ± phlogopite. Carbonate minerals are notably absent. This suggests that the sedimentary protolith was high in Mg, such as a dolomitic marl, possibly containing some magnesite. Sedimentological considerations suggest deposition in tropical latitudes in restricted coastal lagoons forming part of an extensive stable shelf bordering a mature landscape.
Amphibole in Metasedimenten der Dalradians, NE Schottland: Rückschlüsse auf prämetamorphe Ablagerungsbedingungen und Unterscheidung von Amphibolen aus orthomagmatischen Amphiboliten
Zusammenfassung Mehrere Formationen im unteren Teil der Appin Gruppe der Dalradians sind durch karbonatische und kalk-silikatische Lithologien gekennzeichnet. Amphibole treten in diesen metasedimentären Einheiten in verschiedener Ausbildung auf, als feinkörnige, disseminierte Kristalle, als radialstrahlige, die Gesteine durchwachsende Aggregate und in dunkelgrünen, zu mehr als 90% aus Amphibolen bestehenden Lagen. Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosondenuntersuchungen belegen einfache mineralchemische Zusammensetzungen, die Tremolite, tremolitische Hornblende und Magnesio-Hornblende umfassen. Die einzige bedeutende Substitution ist die zwischen Tremolit und Alumino-Tschermakit [MgSi AlviAliv] und zwischen Tremolit und Ferri-Tschermakit [MgSi = FeviAliv].Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen Amphibole aus den nahegelegenen Metavulkaniten und intrusiven Metadoleriten vier Substitutionstrends von Tremolit zu Ferro-Aktinolith, Edenit, Alumino-Tschermakit und Ferri-Tschermakit. Diese unterschiedlichen Trends könnten auch anderswo bei der Unterscheidung zwischen Para- und Orthoamphiboliten behilflich sein. Tremolitische Amphibole machen normalerweise einen Großteil der kalk-silikatischen Gesteine aus, in denen ansonsten nur Quarz ± Phlogopit auftritt. Karbonate fehlen bemerkenswerterweise. Dies weist auf Mg-reiche sedimentäre Protolithe, wie dolomitische Mergel mit möglicherweise etwas Magnesit, hin. Sedimentologische Überlegungen lassen die Ablagerung in abgeschnürten Küstenlagunen tropischer Breiten, die Teil eines weiträumigen stabilen Schelfes waren, vermuten.

The Managing Editor regrets that the complete text of this paper has already been published in Mineral Petrol 49: 45–62 (1993)  相似文献   
Recent studies have demonstrated a plausible link between surface and near-surface tectonic features and the vertical projection of the Commerce geophysical lineament (CGL). The CGL is a 5- to 10-km-wide zone of basement magnetic and gravity anomalies traceable for more than 600 km, extending from Arkansas through southeast Missouri and southern Illinois and into Indiana. Twelve kilometers of high-resolution seismic reflection data, collected at four sites along a 175-km segment of the CGL projection, are interpreted to show varying amounts of deformation involving Tertiary and some Quaternary sediments. Some of the locally anomalous geomorphic features in the northern Mississippi embayment region (i.e., paleoliquefaction features, anomalous directional changes in stream channels, and areas of linear bluff escarpments) overlying the CGL can be correlated with specific faults and/or narrow zones of deformed (faulted and folded) strata that are imaged on high-resolution seismic reflection data. There is an observable change in near-surface deformation style and complexity progressing from the southwest to the northeast along the trace of the CGL. The seismic reflection data collaborate mapping evidence which suggests that this region has undergone a complex history of deformation, some of which is documented to be as young as Quaternary, during multiple episodes of reactivation under varying stress fields. This work, along with that of other studies presented in this volume, points to the existence of at least one major crustal feature outside the currently defined zone of seismic activity (New Madrid Seismic Zone) that should be considered as a significant potential source zone for seismogenic activity within the midcontinent region of the United States.  相似文献   
We present microstructural data and lattice preferred orientations (LPOs) of omphacites from a suite of eclogites, from the Adula/Cima Lunga nappe (Central Alps). Our work shows a surprisingly strong correlation between the measured LPO and the ordering state of cations in omphacite. Estimates of deformation temperature from metamorphic petrology, together with measured omphacite compositions and LPOs, determine the field (ordering state), on the omphacite phase diagram, into which each sample falls. LPOs dominated by L-type and S-type signatures are developed in samples that fall in the P2/n field (ordered structure) and C2/c field (disordered structure), respectively.Dislocations with b=1/2−110 or b=[001] are observed in the transmission electron microscope (TEM) in all samples. The former change from a perfect dislocation in the C2/c structure to a partial in P2/n. Any movement of a partial dislocation requires the formation or growth of a stacking fault. Furthermore, in order to pass an obstacle a partial dislocation has to constrict to a unit dislocation. The energy to form a constriction is high in omphacite due to the large separation width. Thus, the activity of the b=1/2−110 dislocation is hindered in the P2/n structure relative to the C2/c structure, which change the balance between the two and might give rise to the different LPOs.  相似文献   
We describe the immediate impact of the 14 November 2016 Kaikōura magnitude 7.8 (Mw) earthquake on shore platforms and cliffs around Kaikōura Peninsula. The earthquake caused an instantaneous uplift of ~1.01 m of the peninsula. We resurveyed seven profiles previously used for erosion monitoring and observed changes in the configuration of the shoreline. The coseismic uplift has fundamentally changed the process regime operating on the platforms and altered the future trajectory of shore platform and cliff development. Our observations highlight the interplay of waves, weathering, biology and tectonics. At this location tectonism strongly modulates the process regime, driving instantaneous changes in morphology and altering rates and patterns of erosion. Finally, the uplift of the Kaikōura coast has implications for changing resilience to climate change and sea level rise. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We report newly measured noble gas isotopic concentrations of He, Ne, and Ar for 21 samples from the 10 ureilites, DaG 084, DaG 319, DaG 340, Dho 132, HaH 126, JaH 422, JaH 424, Kenna, NWA 5928, and RaS 247, including the results of both single and stepwise heating extractions. Cosmic ray exposure (CRE) ages calculated using model calculations that fully account for all shielding depths and a wide range of preatmospheric radii, and are tailored to ureilite chemistry, range from 3.7 Ma for Dho 132 to 36.3 Ma for one of several measured Kenna samples. In a Ne‐three‐isotope plot, the data for DaG 340 and JaH 422 plot below the Necos/Neureilite mixing envelope, possibly indicating the presence of Ne produced from solar cosmic rays. In combination with literature data and correcting for pairing, we established a fully consistent database containing 100 samples from 40 different ureilites. The CRE age histogram shows a trend of decreasing meteorite number with increasing CRE age. We speculate that the parent body of the known ureilites is moving closer to a resonance and/or that there is a loss mechanism that acts on ureilites independent of their size. In addition, there is a slight indication for a peak in the range 30 Ma, which might indicate a larger impact on the ureilite daughter body. Finally, we confirm earlier results that the majority of the studied ureilites have relatively small preatmospheric radii less or equal ~20 cm.  相似文献   
Organic-rich mudstones have long been of interest as conventional and unconventional source rocks and are an important organic carbon sink. Yet the processes that deposited organic-rich muds in epicontinental seaways are poorly understood, partly because few modern analogues exist. This study investigates the processes that transported and deposited sediment and organic matter through part of the Bowland Shale Formation, from the Mississippian Rheic–Tethys seaway. Field to micron-scale sedimentological analysis reveals a heterogeneous succession of carbonate-rich, siliceous, and siliciclastic, argillaceous muds. Deposition of these facies at basinal and slope locations was moderated by progradation of the nearby Pendle delta system, fourth-order eustatic sea-level fluctuation and localized block and basin tectonism. Marine transgressions deposited bioclastic ‘marine band’ (hemi)pelagic packages. These include abundant euhaline macrofaunal tests, and phosphatic concretions of organic matter and radiolarian tests interpreted as faecal pellets sourced from a productive water column. Lens-rich (lenticular) mudstones, hybrid, debrite and turbidite beds successively overlie marine band packages and suggest reducing basin accommodation promoted sediment deposition via laminar and hybrid flows sourced from the basin margins. Mud lenses in lenticular mudstones lack organic linings and bioclasts and are equant in early-cemented lenses and in plan-view, and are largest and most abundant in mudstones overlying marine band packages. Thus, lenses likely represent partially consolidated mud clasts that were scoured and transported in bedload from the shelf or proximal slope, as a ‘shelf to basin’ conveyor, during periods of reduced basin accommodation. Candidate in situ microbial mats in strongly lenticular mudstones, and as rip-up fragments in the down-dip hybrid beds, suggest that these were potentially key biostabilizers of mud. Deltaic mud export was fast, despite the intrabasinal complexity, likely an order of magnitude higher than similar successions deposited in North America. Epicontinental basins remotely linked to delta systems were therefore capable of rapidly accumulating both sediment and organic matter.  相似文献   
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