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A scientific challenge is to assess the role of Deccan volcanism in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) mass extinction. Here we report on the stratigraphy and biologic effects of Deccan volcanism in eleven deep wells from the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India. In these wells, two phases of Deccan volcanism record the world’s largest and longest lava mega-flows interbedded in marine sediments in the K-G Basin about 1500 km from the main Deccan volcanic province. The main phase-2 eruptions (∼80% of total Deccan Traps) began in C29r and ended at or near the KTB, an interval that spans planktic foraminiferal zones CF1–CF2 and most of the nannofossil Micula prinsii zone, and is correlative with the rapid global warming and subsequent cooling near the end of the Maastrichtian. The mass extinction began in phase-2 preceding the first of four mega-flows. Planktic foraminifera suffered a 50% drop in species richness. Survivors suffered another 50% drop after the first mega-flow, leaving just 7 to 8 survivor species. No recovery occurred between the next three mega-flows and the mass extinction was complete with the last phase-2 mega-flow at the KTB. The mass extinction was likely the consequence of rapid and massive volcanic CO2 and SO2 gas emissions, leading to high continental weathering rates, global warming, cooling, acid rains, ocean acidification and a carbon crisis in the marine environment.  相似文献   
High-performance computing provides unprecedented capabilities to produce higher resolution 4-D models in a fraction of time. Thus, the need exists for a new generation of visualization systems able to maintain parity with the enormous volume of data generated. In attempting to write this much data to disk, each computational step introduces a significant performance bottleneck, yet most existing visualization software packages inherently rely on reading data in from a dump file. Available packages make this assumption of postprocessing at quite a fundamental level and are not very well suited for plotting very large numbers of specialized particles. This necessitates the creation of a new visualization system that meets the needs of large-scale geodynamic modeling. We have developed such a system, gLucifer, using a software framework approach that allows efficient reuse of our efforts in other areas of research. gLucifer is capable of producing movies of a 4-D data set “on the fly” (simultaneously with running the parallel scientific application) without creating a performance bottleneck. By eliminating most of the human efforts involved in visualizing results through postprocessing, gLucifer reconnects the scientist to the numerical experiment as it unfolds. Data sets that were previously very difficult to even manage may be efficiently explored and interrogated without writing to disk, and because this approach is based entirely on memory distributed across as many processors as are being utilized by the scientific application, the visualization solution is scalable into terabytes of data being rendered in real time.  相似文献   
In an earlier paper a particular discrete wavelet transform (DWT) was used to study the complex variation of beach profile changes. However, use of the DWT requires that the sequence of spatial and temporal resolution is fixed as a dyadic sequence, which means that the variability over longer intervals is not characterised well. Here we introduce the discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) that uses an adaptive scaling to partition the data variance, according to an entropy cost function. The advantages of this approach are demonstrated by its application to the study of temporal variability of a 22 year record of beach profile data from the Field Research Facility (FRF) at Duck, North Carolina, USA. Time series of beach elevations at three locations across a particular profile are investigated in detail. We conclude that the DWPT provides a superior analysis of non-stationary time series to that of the DWT, with improved resolution of the scale intervals of the variability. The beach elevation around the shoreline is shown to respond at both sub-annual and interannual scales, but variability at an annual scale is weak. Moving seaward into deeper water, the variance is partitioned into fewer and longer scales. It is confirmed that elevation changes around the inner bar at Duck exhibit a strong interannual variation consistent with Plant et al. (Plant, N.G., Holman, R.A. and Freilich, M.H., 1999. A simple model for interannual sandbar behaviour. Journal of Geophysical Research 104(C7), 15755–15776). Around 23% of the variance around the inner bar is explained at the temporal scale of 64–128 months, which is consistent with the bar behaviour of 6 years found by Ruessink et al. (Ruessink, B. G., Wijnberg, K. M., Holman, R. A., Kuriyama, Y. and Van Enckevort, I. M. J., 2003. Intersite comparison of interannual nearshore bar behaviour. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (C8): 1–12). A significant new finding is, however, that about 26% of the variance is attributable to temporal scales of 16–21.3 months. Reconstruction of the wavelet packet components for individual temporal scales is shown to provide a means for identifying the impact and scale of non-stationary events, such as storms, on the beach response. This provides further information that can be used to interpret the morphological changes in terms of the forcing processes and also serves to inform morphodynamic modelling.  相似文献   
Located in northern Québec, the Lac Shortt Mine was a small gold mine consisting of a thin subvertical orebody which was mined in three main phases. High stress and rockbursting conditions were experienced when ore was extracted in the upper zone between the surface and a depth of 500 metres during the first two phases of mining. Severe rockbursts were experienced in late 1989 near the shaft and in the footwall development following a deepening of the mine shaft to a depth of 830 m and partial development of footwall drift access for the third phase of mining (the mining of the lower zone starting at a depth of 830 m moving upward toward a depth of 500 m). A 16-channel Electrolab MP250 microseismic system, with a Queen's University Full-Waveform piggy-back system, was installed underground at the site due to these problems.It was expected that the thinning sill would be subjected to an ever-increasing load as the thickness of the 500 m sill pillar decreased in the face of the mining excavation from below. A monitoring program consisting of the microseismic monitoring system, a range of conventional geomechanics monitoring tools as well as the undertaking of periodic seismic tomography surveys to assess the ongoing state of stress and rock mass condition within the sill was therefore warranted.The anomalously high-magnitude stress field and the brittle rockmass created a situation in which rockmass failure was common and violent. In the creation and thinning of the sill pillar, the location of banded microseismic activity was crucial in tracing rockmass failure and the associated ground control problems. Reliable source-location determination enabled the identification of areas of stress increase. The movement of the rockmass failure front could be followed, and was responsible for stope dilution, footwall and orebody development deterioration, and caving.Source-mechanism analyses gave accurate double-couple solutions for approximately forty percent of these events having at least ten recognizable polarities. Results suggested movement along vertical north-south striking or vertical east-west striking features. Underground observation of damaged access points showed that vertical north-south striking joints were experiencing failure.The microseismic activity, which was consistently concentrated close to the southwest and northeast corners of current production stopes, could be explained by a stress field oriented obliquely to the strike of the orebody, as measured prior to shrinkage of the sill pillar byin situ stress measurements and observed borehole overbreaks. The orientations of theP andT axes for the microseismic activity further confirmed that the stress field oriented obliquely to strike.While an increase in compressional-wave velocity of 2.3 percent, corresponding to a measured stress increase of approximately 10 MPa could be measured by repeated tomographic surveys, it was relatively small and only a factor of two or so above the velocity measured uncertainty. The relative insensitivity of thein situ rock mass modulus to the applied stress is believed to be largely due to the rockmass discontinuities being relatively closed prior to stress increase, as substantiated by the small deformations seen by the extensometer and borehole camera. This situation existed because of the very high pre-mining stress level.The experimental demonstration that the rock could not absorb substantially increased load through the mechanism of discontinuity closure or tightening (which would be reflected in the modulus) may be evidence in itself of potentially burst-prone ground, such as encountered at Lac Shortt.  相似文献   
Bioreduced anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AH2DS; dihydro-anthraquinone) was reacted with a 2-line, Si-substituted ferrihydrite under anoxic conditions at neutral pH in PIPES buffer. Phosphate (P) and bicarbonate (C); common adsorptive oxyanions and media/buffer components known to effect ferrihydrite mineralization; and Fe(II)aq (as a catalytic mineralization agent) were used in comparative experiments. Heterogeneous AH2DS oxidation coupled with Fe(III) reduction occurred within 0.13-1 day, with mineralogic transformation occurring thereafter. The product suite included lepidocrocite, goethite, and/or magnetite, with proportions varing with reductant:oxidant ratio (r:o) and the presence of P or C. Lepidocrocite was the primary product at low r:o in the absence of P or C, with evidence for multiple formation pathways. Phosphate inhibited reductive recrystallization, while C promoted goethite formation. Stoichiometric magnetite was the sole product at higher r:o in the absence and presence of P. Lepidocrocite was the primary mineralization product in the Fe(II)aq system, with magnetite observed at near equal amounts when Fe(II) was high [Fe(II)/Fe(III)] = 0.5 and P was absent. P had a greater effect on reductive mineralization in the Fe(II)aq system, while AQDS was more effective than Fe(II)aq in promoting magnetite formation. The mineral products of the direct AH2DS-driven reductive reaction are different from those observed in AH2DS-ferrihydite systems with metal reducing bacteria, particularly in presence of P.  相似文献   
This paper presents a model of facies distribution within a set of early Cretaceous, deep‐lacustrine, partially confined turbidite fans (Sea Lion Fan, Sea Lion North Fan and Otter Fan) in the North Falkland Basin, South Atlantic. As a whole, ancient deep‐lacustrine turbidite systems are under‐represented in the literature when compared with those documented in marine basins. Lacustrine turbidite systems can form extensive, good quality hydrocarbon reservoirs, making the understanding of such systems crucial to exploration within lacustrine basins. An integrated analysis of seismic cross‐sections, seismic amplitude extraction maps and 455 m of core has enabled the identification of a series of turbidite fans. The deposits of these fans have been separated into lobe axis, lobe fringe and lobe distal fringe settings. Seismic architectures, observed in the seismic amplitude extraction maps, are interpreted to represent geologically associated heterogeneities, including: feeder systems, terminal mouth lobes, flow deflection, sinuous lobe axis deposits, flow constriction and stranded lobe fringe areas. When found in combination, these architectures suggest ‘partial confinement’ of a system, something that appears to be a key feature in the lacustrine turbidite setting of the North Falkland Basin. Partial confinement of a system occurs when depositionally generated topography controls the flow‐pathway and deposition of subsequent turbidite fan deposits. The term ‘partial confinement’ provides an expression for categorising a system whose depositional boundaries are unconfined by the margins of the basin, yet exhibit evidence of internal confinement, primarily controlled by depositional topography. Understanding the controls that dictate partial confinement; and the resultant distribution of sand‐prone facies within deep‐lacustrine turbidite fans, is important, particularly considering their recent rise as hydrocarbon reservoirs in rift and failed‐rift settings.  相似文献   
Processing of arsenopyrite ore took place at Blackwater Au mine, New Zealand, between 1908 and 1951 and no rehabilitation was undertaken after mine closure. High As concentrations in solid processing residues (up to 40 wt% As) are due to secondary As minerals. Site pH regimes vary from 4.1 to circum-neutral. Originally, all processed As was present as arsenolite (arsenic trioxide polymorph, AsIII), a by-product of arsenopyrite roasting. Near the roaster, scorodite precipitated as a result of the high dissolved As concentration during arsenolite dissolution. The formation of scorodite has two major consequences. Firstly, the scorodite precipitate cements the ground in the vicinity of the roaster area, thereby creating an impermeable surface crust (up to 30 wt% As) and encapsulating weathered arsenolite grains within the cement. Secondly, formation of scorodite temporarily immobilizes some of the dissolved As that is generated during nearby arsenolite dissolution. Where all the available arsenolite has dissolved, scorodite becomes soluble, and the dissolved As concentrations are controlled by scorodite solubility, which is at least two orders of magnitudes lower than arsenolite solubility. Downstream Eh conditions fall below the AsV/AsIII boundary, so that scorodite does not precipitate and dissolved As concentrations are controlled by arsenolite solubility. Dissolved As reaches up to 52 mg/L in places, and exceeds the current WHO drinking water guideline of 0.01 mg/L by 5200 times. This study shows that dissolved As concentrations in discharge waters at historic mine sites are dependent on the processing technology and associated mineralogy.  相似文献   
ALMA, EVLA and e-MERLIN use high data rate optical fibre links based on commercially available 10 Gbps opto-electronics. This paper describes the systems designed by NRAO and JBO staff to be used in ALMA and e-MERLIN. ALMA has a requirement for a 120 Gbps data rate per telescope, requiring the use of 12 lasers in the 1550 nm telecommunication band, with maximum link lengths around 20 km. e-MERLIN has a lower bandwidth and requires 30 Gbps links per telescope and therefore three lasers per telescope; however, the link lengths reach up to around 400 km, and amplification, de-dispersion and regeneration are required. Dense wavelength division multiplexing is used to avoid fibre management problems and save fibre costs. The design criteria and experience gained in these projects is very relevant to SKA as the proposed configuration of the antenna elements maps well to the link lengths used here. The chosen data rate will be a major cost driver.  相似文献   
A computer model of mid-ocean ridge basalt generation using trace element geochemistry has been developed. The model simulates a periodically replenished, continually cooled and fractionated magma chamber, with periodic lava extrusion. Primitive basalts from the ocean floor are used to generate likely evolution paths for the magma chamber. The steady state variant of this model has led to the isolation of several variables which critically affect the basalt composition. Although the fraction of cumulates is an important parameter, other variables such as the volume of incoming magma batches, their frequency, and the volume of the mixing cell, play a critical part especially on slow-spreading ridges. The growing magma chamber model uses random number generators to simulate the initiation and growth of a chamber. This model predicts a rapid increase in incompatible element concentrations, immediately after chamber initiation on a fast-spreading ridge. This would occur in situations such as propagating rifts and may help in the understanding of ferrobasalt generation.  相似文献   
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