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Eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea consists of karstified carbonates. It belongs to the well-known Dinaric karst region. The coast is extremely indented and there are 718 islands with numerous rock crags and reefs. Some of the inhabited islands use their own water resources for public water supply, or plan to do it in the future. Since karst rocks are extremely permeable, the seawater intrudes into underground water resources, thereby forming the wedge. A wide transition zone occurs between this seawater wedge and fresh water aquifers. Consequently, island groundwater reserves turn brackish to a certain extent. In this study, 77 water samples were collected from a wide variety of water resources. Comprehensive statistical and mathematical multivariate analysis of these data was performed. Simple statistical approach showed several useful correlations among some parameters, and more complex multivariate techniques extracted three factors in connection with three natural processes: (1) mixing with the seawater, (2) carbonate dissolution and (3) human influence (pollution) and nitrogen transformation processes. The results of this study demonstrate that in situ measurement of electrical conductivity is adequate for the very rough field estimation of numerous parameters.  相似文献   
The physical processes affecting the development of seasonal hypoxia over the Louisiana-Texas shelf were examined using a high-resolution, three-dimensional, unstructured-grid, Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM). The model was forced with the observed freshwater fluxes from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers, surface winds, heat fluxes, tides and offshore conditions. The simulations were carried out over a six-month period, from April to September 2002, and the model performance was evaluated against several independent series of observations that included tidal gauge data, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data, shipboard measurements of temperature and salinity, vertical salinity and sigma-t profiles, and satellite imagery. The model accurately described the offshore circulation mode generated over the Louisiana-Texas shelf by the westerly winds during summer months, as well as the prevalent westward flow along the coast caused by the easterly winds during the rest of the study period. The seasonal cycle of stratification also was well represented by the model. During 2002, the stratification was initiated in early spring and subsequently enhanced by the intensity and phasing of riverine freshwater discharges. Strong stratification persisted throughout the summer and was finally broken down in September by tropical storms. The model simulations also revealed a quasi-permanent anticyclonic gyre in the Louisiana Bight region formed by the rotational transformation of the Mississippi River plume, whose existence during 2002 was supported by the satellite imagery and ADCP current measurements. Model simulations support the conclusion that local wind forcing and buoyancy flux resulting from riverine freshwater discharges were the dominant mechanisms affecting the circulation and stratification over the inner Louisiana-Texas shelf.  相似文献   
Ina Cecić 《Natural Hazards》1994,10(1-2):59-64
In 1986, a project was started concerning the improvement of macroseismic data management in Slovenia. It was decided to establish a network of collaborators all over Slovenia (20 251 km2, approx. 2 million inhabitants), dense enough to allow the use of the MSK scale. Since the uniform spatial distribution with desired density of collaborators is hard to achieve, several methods are being used to obtain new collaborators. At present we have approximately 4100 collaborators in our computer supported database.When an earthquake is felt in Slovenia, the seismologist decides to what areas the questionnaires are to be sent. The prospective observers can be chosen by two criteria: density and quality marks. The density mark allows us to choose a number of observers in the same town or village, based mostly on the quality of answers and demographic conditions. The quality mark is computed, combined with the previous marks, and updated every time a completed questionnaire is returned.The average number of shocks for which the questionnaires are being sent is about 25 per year during the normal seismic activity. The average number of questionnaires is approximately 300 per event. The percentage of the returned questionnaires is above 66%. A user-friendly, interactive program has been developed to manage the database with information about collaborators, to select an area, density and quality threshold of inquiry, and to print addresses onto questionnaires.  相似文献   
Sublethal and lethal effects of biocide Slimicide C-30 on the developmental stages of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis and juvenile and adult mysid Leptomysis mediterranea were studied.Biocide at a concentration as low as 0.02 mg l?1 caused an incipient effect in the embryonic development of mussels where a decreased number of normally developed larvae from eggs was evident. Slimicide C-30 effective concentration (EC 50/96) was 0.07 mg l?1.In the mysids, the median lethal concentration (96 h LC50) was 0.11 mg l?1.Previous incubation of Slimicide C-30 at 38°C affected a small delay in mortality time (LT50) but did not cause marked change in the acute toxicity to mysids.  相似文献   
Summary Gabbros of two kinds, one related to dolerite and the other related to peridotite, are widespread in the Dinaride ophiolite zone. Gabbros within the Krivaja-Konjuh peridotite massif, along the Gostovii River and near Romanovac Mountain, exemplify the second kind. The gabbroic rocks range from feldspathic wehrlite and feldspathic dunite through troctolite and olivine gabbro to olivine-free gabbro, all of which are more or less serpentinized or uralitized.The gabbro is characterized by foliation and layering in which cumulus textures are well shown. Peridotite and gabbro intergrade and are interlayered, but in places feldspar seems to have been introduced metasomatically into peridotite along gabbro dikes. The gabbro masses, like their internal structures, parallel layering in the surrounding peridotite. Intrusive relations, however, are indicated by gabbro dikes in peridotite, and xenoliths of peridotite in gabbro. Absence of gabbro dikes in the surrounding Jurassic rocks shows that the gabbro was intruded into peridotite before both were emplaced tectonically.Chemically, the gabbros are typically alpine, with high ratios of CaO: Na2O, high MgO: FeO ratios, and low K2O and TiO2. Plots of chemical composition suggest a close affinity between gabbro and olivine tholeiite and olivine basalt.It is proposed that a primary magma of olivine tholeiite composition was produced by partial melting of the upper mantle material below an ancient Jurassic(?) Mid-oceanic ridge at a depth of 35 to 70 km. The melt was moved to higher levels and it was intruded into the peridotites moving upwards and crystallization began at a depth below 30 km. The trends of differentiation processes have been disscused in detail.
Alpinotype Gabbros innerhalb des Ultramafit-Massivs von Krivaja-Konjuh in der Ophiolith-Zone der Dinariden, Jugoslawien
Zusammenfassung In der Ophiolith-Zone der Dinariden kommen verbreitet Gabbros zweierlei Art vor: die eine steht zu Doleriten in Beziehung, die andere zu Peridotiten. Gabbros innerhalb des Peridotit-Massivs von Krivaja-Konjuh, längs des Flusses Gostoviéi und nahe dem Berg Romanovac sind Beispiele für die zweite Art. Die gabbroiden Gesteine variieren von Feldspat-führenden Wehrliten und Feldspat-führenden Duniten über Troktolithe und Olivin-Gabbros bis zu Olivin-freiem Gabbro; sie sind alle mehr oder weniger serpentinisiert oder uralitisiert.Der Gabbro ist durch Faltung und Bänderung, in der Cumulus-Texturen gut erkennbar sind, charakterisiert. Peridotit und Gabbro gehen ineinander über und zeigen Wechsellagerung, aber an manchen Stellen scheint der Feldspat längs Gabbrogängen metasomatisch in den Peridotit eingedrungen zu sein. Die Gabbromassen liegen ebenso wie ihre internen Strukturen parallel zur Schichtung der umgebenden Periodotite. Gabbrogänge in Peridotit und Xenolithe von Peridotit in Gabbro zeigen indessen intrusive Beziehungen an. Die Abwesenheit von Gabbrogängen in den umgebenden jurassischen Gesteinen zeigt, daß der Gabbro in den Peridotit vor deren gemeinsamen tektonischen Platznahme intrudierte.Vom chemischen Standpunkt aus sind die Gabbros typisch alpin, mit großen (CaO: Na2O)- und (MgO: FeO)-Verhältnissen und kleinen TiO2-und K2O-Werten.Es wird vorgeschlagen, daß ein primäres Magma von olivintholeiitischer Zusammensetzung durch partielle Aufschmelzung von Material des Oberen Mantels unterhalb einer alten jurassischen(?) mittelozeanischen Schwelle in einer Tiefe von 35–70 km entstand. Die Schmelze wurde in höhere Niveaus bewegt und in die sich aufwärts bewegenden Peridotite intrudiert; die Kristallisation begann in einer Tiefe von unter 30 km. Die Tendenzen der Differentiationsprozesse werden im Detail diskutiert.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
Lysosomal membrane stability, the content of neutral lipids and lipofuscin as cellular biomarkers were measured in the digestive gland of mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis Lam., during a one year survey at selected sites along the coast of the northern Adriatic. The ability of mussels to survive in air as a general physiological response was tested at the same sites. Annual changes of sea temperature, salinity, O(2) saturation, pH and chlorophyll a concentration were measured and the effects of these environmental factors on the biomarkers selected for this study were determined. Survival of mussels after aerial exposure was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced in mussels collected from the contaminated harbors of Pula and Rijeka compared to clean control sites. Lysosomal membrane stability of mussels from urban and industrial areas was also lower indicating exposure to different environmental contaminants. At the same sites, the content of neutral lipids and lipofuscin in digestive cells was significantly higher compared to the reference sites, suggesting alterations in lipid metabolism and contaminant-induced peroxidation of cell membranes. The greatest influence of natural environmental factors was observed for the aerial survival of mussels and the neutral lipids and lipofuscin content in the digestive gland, indicating that the annual cycles of biomarker responses should be well understood for a correct interpretation of biomonitoring results.  相似文献   
Summary Annual precipitation over Serbia and Montenegro is studied in terms of its variability. The dependence of three selected absolute measures of variability (standard deviation, absolute mean deviation and mean absolute interannual variability) from the mean annual precipitation are examined for the area of interest. Two cases of extreme precipitation in Serbia were analysed using the gamma probability density function and some transformations.  相似文献   
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