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介绍了分形奇异值分解方法的原理和实现过程,在桃山花岗岩型铀矿矿集区开展了应用试验,利用该方法将桃山地区1/5万铀地球化学场分解为噪声场、区域地质背景场和局部异常场,在提取隐伏铀矿弱信息方面取得了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   
张丹  郝亚东 《测绘通报》2017,(11):77-79
高铁沿线施工期间引起地面沉降的因素错综复杂、相互影响,本文提出通过对沉降区域地下水位、孔隙水压力等进行分层观测,根据分层观测得到地下水位变化、孔隙水压力变化等数据,并采用回归分析法构建了沉降区域地面沉降与诸影响因子的关联模型,通过对郑徐客运专线开封段进行的地面沉降监测量与同时采用二等精密水准测量得到的监测点沉降量进行对比分析,结果表明本方法的有效性和可靠性。  相似文献   
基于GML的WFS研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗显刚  谢忠  吴亮  刘丹 《地球科学》2006,31(5):639-644
网络要素服务(webfeature services, WFS) 是空间数据互操作的一个重要组成部分, 能为不同GIS数据格式提供要素级的交互.基于地理标志语言(geography markup language, GML) 的WFS能够为Web环境下的空间数据互操作技术和空间信息处理互操作技术提供简单而又有效的基本数据访问、要素编辑(包括添加、删除、更新)、要素的组合查询.通过研究开放式GIS联盟(open GIS consortiumInc., OGC) 的标准规范, 使用MAPGIS基础平台和.NET编译环境实现WFS, 使用XML传输和存储地理信息, 其中包括属性和地理要素的几何属性.最后给出了以MAPGIS平台为基础的基于GML的WFS的体系结构和实现方法.WFS只解决了空间数据互操作的一部分, 为了更好的进行空间数据互操作, WCS、WCTS的实现是必不可少的.   相似文献   
基于分形理论,提出了一种快速测量多区断裂分维值的方法,并获得了研究区断裂分维值的平面等值图。研究结果表明,断裂分维值的大小较好地反映了断裂构造复杂程度的高低,它们之间存在着正相关关系。研究区花岗岩型铀矿田内约有86%的铀矿床位于断裂分维值D偏高(D>1.18)的区域内,表明断裂分维值越大,越有利于花岗岩型铀矿成矿,为建立该区花岗岩型铀矿新的预测标志提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
岩石临破裂前波速变化特征的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高波速的测量精度以便能观测到岩石临破裂前波速的微小变化,采用了波形的数值化,波的叠加,波的互相关和DTE(Subsample delay time estimate)方法和cosine插值,使时间分辨率提高到0.001 μs,波速分辨率达到1 m/s.在较小的应力增量(0.17 MPa)下测量了波的延迟时间,进而得到速度随应力的变化规律.实验结果显示在0.98破裂强度时岩石波速最大,然后下降直到破裂,此期间的波速下降量约30m/s.同时对临破裂前波的主频能量进行了计算,其变化规律与波速相同,认为破裂前的有关变化与岩石膨胀有关.最后用涨落模型讨论了延迟时间的方差变化.  相似文献   
Non-point source pollution is one of the primarily ecological issues affecting the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. In this paper, landscape resistance and motivation coefficient, which integrated various landscape elements, such as land use, soil, hydrology, topography, and vegetation, was established based on the effects of large-scale resistance and motivation on the formation of non-point source pollution. In addition, cost models of the landscape resistance and motivation coefficients were constructed based on the distances from the landscape units to the sub-basin outlets in order to identify the “source” and “sink” patterns affecting the formation of non-point source pollution. The results indicated that the changes in the landscape resistance and motivation coefficients of the 16 sub-basins exhibited inverse relationships to their spatial distributions. The landscape resistance and motivation cost curves were more volatile than the landscape resistance and motivation coefficient curves. The landscape resistance and motivation cost trends of the 16 sub-basins became increasingly apparent along the flow of the Yangtze River. The landscape resistance and motivation cost models proposed in this paper could be used to identify large-scale non-point source pollution “source” and “sink” patterns. Moreover, the proposed model could be used to describe the large-scale spatial characteristics of non-point source pollution formation based on “source” and “sink” landscape pattern indices, spatial localization, and landscape resistance and motivation coefficients.  相似文献   
海岸带变化监测以遥感影像为矢量更新依据。在实际应用中,由于数据源复杂,全色影像与底图套合、多光谱影像与全色配准容易出现局部超限,为项目生产带来一定的难度。本文主要介绍利用样条函数进行影像的局部配准以满足项目精度要求。  相似文献   
离子色谱分析在黄土和粉尘研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄土中存在着大量的碱金属及碱土金属,以往的测试方法多为原子吸收和ICP—MS,离子色谱法在测试黄土样品的碱金属和碱土金属元素含量中应用不多。将黄土地质标准样品进行消解后用离子色谱进行测试,测试效果良好,重复测试的相对标准偏差小于5%,与推荐值的相对误差小于5%,准确度和精密度符舍相关的质量控制要求。本实验方法测试的离子含量都在仪器响应呈线性的最佳测试范围之内,标准曲线经回归后相关系数均达到0.9999。黄土样品的分析结果与粉尘气溶胶样品的离子分析结果对比表明,此方法对于探讨粉尘起源以及沙尘暴天气的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
若干特殊地表风蚀的风洞实验研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
经风洞模拟实验,本文对四种特殊地表在净风和挟沙风情况下的风蚀特性,进行了定量的研究。揭示了原始地表结构受人为破坏后,其抗风蚀能力急剧降低的特点。探讨了风成沙粒配、戈壁风蚀平衡与风蚀有关的几个问题。  相似文献   
Assessment on agricultural drought risk based on variable fuzzy sets model   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Drought is one of the major natural disasters causing huge agricultural losses annually. Regional agricultural drought risk assessment has great significance for reducing regional disaster and agricultural drought losses. Based on the fuzzy characteristics of agricultural drought risk, variable fuzzy sets model was used for comprehensively assessing agricultural drought risk of Liaoning Province in China. A multi-layers and multi-indices assessment model was established according to variable fuzzy sets theory, and agricultural drought risk of all 14 prefecture-level cities was respectively estimated in terms of dangerousness, vulnerability, exposure and drought-resistibility. By calculating the combination weights of four drought risk factors, agricultural drought risk grade of each city was obtained. Based on the assessment results, the spatial distribution maps of agricultural drought risk were drawn. The results shows that eastern cities have lower drought dangerousness than western cities in Liaoning Province totally. Most cities are located in low drought vulnerability region and high drought exposure region. Because of frequent and severe drought since 2000, most cities are located in lower drought-resistibility region. Comprehensive agricultural drought risk presents apparent spatial characteristics, escalating from the east to the west. Drought dangerousness is the most important factor influencing comprehensive agricultural drought risk. Through the spatial distribution maps of drought risk, decision makers could find out drought situation and make decisions on drought resistance conveniently.  相似文献   
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