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The in situ measurement of Sr isotopes in carbonates by MC‐ICP‐MS is limited by the availability of suitable microanalytical reference materials (RMs), which match the samples of interest. Whereas several well‐characterised carbonate reference materials for Sr mass fractions > 1000 µg g?1 are available, there is a lack of well‐characterised carbonate microanalytical RMs with lower Sr mass fractions. Here, we present a new synthetic carbonate nanopowder RM with a Sr mass fraction of ca. 500 µg g?1 suitable for microanalytical Sr isotope research (‘NanoSr’). NanoSr was analysed by both solution‐based and in situ techniques. Element mass fractions were determined using EPMA (Ca mass fraction), as well as laser ablation and solution ICP‐MS in different laboratories. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio was determined by well‐established bulk methods for Sr isotope measurements and is 0.70756 ± 0.00003 (2s). The Sr isotope microhomogeneity of the material was determined by LA‐MC‐ICP‐MS, which resulted in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70753 ± 0.00007 (2s) and 0.70757 ± 0.00006 (2s), respectively, in agreement with the solution data within uncertainties. Thus, this new reference material is well suited to monitor and correct microanalytical Sr isotope measurements of low‐Sr, low‐REE carbonate samples. NanoSr is available from the corresponding author.  相似文献   
One lake and three peat bogs from the Lourdes glacial basin (France) were used for macrocharcoal analyses and fire frequency reconstruction over the entire Holocene (11700 years). The chronology was based upon thirty-three 14C AMS dates. Comparison of the distribution of both CHarcoal Accumulation Rate (CHAR) and fire return intervals showed that charcoal accumulation significantly differs between the lake and the peat bogs, but that frequency calculation overcomes the disparity between these site types. A composite frequency was built from the four individual records to assess regional versus local variability and fire regime controls by comparisons with regional fire activity, Holocene climatic oscillations and vegetation history. The millennial variability can be depicted as follows: relatively high frequency between 8000 and 5000 cal a BP (up to 5 fires/500 yrs), relatively low frequency between 5000 and 3000 cal a BP (down to 0 fires/500 yrs), and an increase between 3000 and 500 cal a BP (up to 4 fires/500 yrs). From 8000 to 5000 cal a BP, fire frequency displays strong synchrony between sites and appears to be mostly driven by increased summer temperature characterizing the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM). On the contrary, during the last 3000 years fire frequency was heterogeneous between sites and most probably human-driven. However, higher frequency at the millennial scale during the mid-Holocene strongly suggests that the perception of human-driven fire regime depends on the strength of natural controls.  相似文献   
The Amazonian state of Mato Grosso is the main production area for soybeans in Brazil and contains 31.3% of the national production as of 2009. The rapid evolution of the agricultural systems in this area shows that the region is experiencing a rapid agricultural transition. In this paper, we broke down this transition process into three steps: crop expansion, agricultural intensification and ecological intensification. We used remote sensing products to develop and compute satellite-derived indices describing the main agricultural dynamics during the cropping years from 2000-2001 to 2006-2007. Our results indicated that Mato Grosso is continuing to expand its agricultural sector, with a 43% increase in the net cropped area during the study period. Although this expansion mainly occurred in the cerrado ecoregion until the early 2000s, the forest ecoregion is experiencing expansion at this time. We observed that 65% of the crop expansion in Mato Grosso from 2000 to 2006 occurred in this ecoregion. However, we did not identify this crop expansion as the major driver of deforestation in Mato Grosso because only 12.6% of the cleared areas were directly converted into croplands. Agricultural intensification also evolved rapidly, as the proportion of the net cropped area cultivated with double cropping systems harvesting two successive commercial crops (i.e., soybean and corn or soybean and cotton) increased from 6% to 30% during the study period. Finally, we found that ecological intensification occurred because the region’s farmers planted a non-commercial crop (i.e., millet or sorghum) after the soybean harvest to prevent soil erosion, improve soil quality, break pest cycles, maintain soil moisture and set the conditions for high-quality no-tillage operations. In 2006-2007, 62% of the net cropped area was permanently covered by crops during the entire rainy season. This practice allowed the farmers to diversify their production, as shown by the positive evolution of the Area Diversity Index. Future scholars can use the method proposed in this paper to improve their understanding of the forces driving the agricultural dynamics in Mato Grosso.  相似文献   
Atmospheric General Circulation models (AGCMs) forced by prescribed sea surface temperature (SST) climatological seasonal cycle simulate interannual variabilities that have cyclic characteristics. Such cyclic characteristics generate relationships between one year and the next in the model output. We document these relationships by computing lag-1-year autocorrelation in hundreds of years of CAM3 and ECHAM5 simulations. The autocorrelation is found to be generally less than 0.2, but contain robust structures. In case of zonal averaged zonal wind and air temperature the winter hemisphere is characterized by negative autocorrelation and the summer hemisphere characterized by positive autocorrelation. The presence of autocorrelation means that an average over a 10~25 year AGCM simulation in an effort to reduce the influence of interannual variability on externally-driven climate change might not be very effective. In view of this, we investigate if ensemble runs instead of a continuous simulation is more effective in reducing such influences. The reduction gain by using N 1-year long ensemble runs over N years of continuous run is generally less than 30% and mainly limited to the areas where the autocorrelation is positive. We thus conclude that each year in a continuous simulation can generally be treated as largely independent of the next year in an AGCM run with fixed SST forcing.  相似文献   
Two representative thermally modified Stardust samples were investigated by analytical transmission electron microscopy in order to decipher their iron oxidation state after the strong thermal episode due to the capture in aerogel. Their dominant microstructure consists of evenly distributed rounded Fe-Ni-S nano-droplets within a silica-rich glassy matrix. The mineralogy and associated redox state of iron is assessed using a Fe-Mg-S ternary diagram on which ferromagnesian silicates, sulfides and metal can be represented and potentially compared with any other extraterrestrial material. In this diagram, all the data (bulk and local analysis of silicates, sulfide + metal) scatter along a mixing line between the Mg corner and the average composition of the iron-sulfide. There is an obvious genetic relationship between the different phases observed in such samples, further supported by the very low concentration of iron in the glassy matrix. Silicate glasses contain a significant concentration of dissolved sulfur probably present as MgS complexes. This chemical signature is typical of highly reduced environments. These secondary microstructures were established during the high temperature stage of the capture. A significant part of the Fe-droplets formed in situ by reduction at high temperature of ferromagnesian silicates (olivine and pyroxenes) during the impact. At this stage, the indigenous sulfides destabilized and sulfur readily volatilized as S2, diffused into molten materials and condensed later onto the Fe-precipitates that formed in the silicate melt. This scenario is supported by the structure of Fe-Ni-S beads with a metal core and a sulfide rim. It will be difficult to derive reliable information on the redox state of 81P/Wild 2 particles based on bulk analyses of whole tracks because particles found along the walls of tracks suffered strong reduction reactions, contrary to terminal particles that may have preserved their pristine redox state. The capture effect must be taken into account for comparison of Wild 2 particles with other chondritic material.  相似文献   
This paper describes the Cosmic Ray Isotope instrument launched aboard the HEAO-3 satellite on September 20, 1979. The primary purpose of the experiment is to measure the isotopic composition of cosmic ray nuclei from Be-7 to Fe-58 over the energy range 0.5 to 7 GeV/nucleon. In addition charge spectra will be measured between beryllium and tin over the energy range 0.5 to 25 GeV/nucleon. The charge and isotope abundances measured by the experiment provide essential information needed to further our understanding of the origin and propagation of high energy cosmic rays. The instrument consists of 5 Cerenkov counters, a 4 element neon flash tube hodoscope and a time-of-flight system. The determination of charge and energy for each particle is based on the multiple Cerenkov technique and the mass determination will be based upon a statistical analysis of particle trajectories in the geomagnetic field.Representing the Saclay-Copenhagen CollaborationOriginally submitted to the journalSpace Science Instrumentation.The Saclay-Copenhangen Collaboration consists of the authors and the following members.  相似文献   
Within fractured rock, the irregular and often unpredictable distribution and geometry of hydraulically conductive fractures produces large spatial variations in bore yield and groundwater quality. As fractures act as conduits for flow of both groundwater and electrical charge, methods which can efficiently detect the distribution of electrical pathways can be used to infer characteristics of significant hydrological parameters. This study compares the capabilities and limitations of electrical data obtained from direct current (DC) and electromagnetic (EM) surface azimuthal measurements, and from DC borehole-to-surface and cross-borehole measurements, for the interpretation of major hydrological structures in Clare Valley, South Australia. Electrical and EM surface methods are limited by poor depth sensitivity and the presence of conductive overburden, but provide useful tools for determining directional variations in resistivity at sites lacking bedrock exposure and boreholes. Application of borehole-to-surface methods yielded a better-resolved interpretation of sub-vertical fracture strike and was useful in identifying lateral variations in bedrock heterogeneity. Improved flexibility and sensitivity to measurements at depth permitted cross-borehole electrical tomography data to be used in reconstructing the spatial distribution of sub-horizontal, laterally extensive, electrically conductive zones. While the technique is restricted to small-scale sites with multiple boreholes, inferences can be made on fluid connections over a much larger regional scale. It is important to note, however, that while electrical methods provide valuable information about in-situ hydraulic pathways, they do not provide a complete hydraulic characterisation. Such a task requires integration of surface and borehole geophysics, geologic mapping, sampling and pumping tests of wells with packed-off intervals.
Resumen La geometría, y con frecuencia impredecible, distribución irregular de fracturas hidráulicamente conductivas dentro de roca fracturada genera variaciones espaciales grandes en producción de pozos y calidad de agua subterránea. Debido a que las fracturas actúan como conductos de flujo de agua y carga eléctrica, los métodos que detectan eficientemente la distribución de trayectorias eléctricas pueden utilizarse para inferir las características de parámetros hidrológicos significativos. Este estudio compara las capacidades y limitaciones de datos eléctricos obtenidos de mediciones azimutales superficiales electromagnéticas (EM) y de corriente directa (DC), y de mediciones de DC realizadas en la superficie y pozos así como mediciones realizadas entre pozos para la interpretación de estructuras hidrológicas principales en el Valle Clare, sur de Australia. Los métodos superficiales eléctricos y EM están limitados por sensitividad de profundidad pobre y la presencia de cubierta conductiva, pero aportan herramientas útiles para determinar variaciones direccionales de resistividad en sitios que carecen de pozos y afloramientos rocosos. La aplicación de métodos superficiales y de pozos aportan una mejor interpretación del rumbo de fracturas sub-verticales y fue útil en identificar variaciones laterales en la heterogeneidad del macizo rocoso. El mejoramiento de flexibilidad y sensitividad en las mediciones profundas permitió que los datos de tomografía eléctrica de los pozos fuera utilizado en la reconstrucción de la distribución espacial de zonas eléctricas conductivas, sub-horizontales y lateralmente extensas. Aunque la técnica está restringida a sitios de pequeña escala con múltiples pozos, puede realizarse inferencias sobre relaciones entre fluidos en una escala regional mucho más grande. Sin embargo, es importante notar que aunque los métodos eléctricos aportan información valiosa acerca de las trayectorias hidráulicas in-situ, aún no proporcionan una caracterización hidráulica completa. Esta tarea requiere integrar geofísica superficial y de pozos, mapeo geológico, muestreo y pruebas de bombeo en pozos con intervalos sin empaque.

Résumé Au sein des roches fracturées, lirrégularité et limprédictible distribution et géométrie des fractures par lesquelles sécoulent leau souterraine produit de larges variations spatiales entre les débits des forages et les paramètres de la qualité de leau. Comme les fractures conduisent et leau et les charges électriques, les méthodes qui peuvent de manière efficiente détecter la distribution des courants électriques peuvent être utilisées pour analyser les caractéristiques des principaux paramètres hydrologiques. Cette étude compare les capacités et les limites des données produites par Courant Direct (DC en Anglais) et par mesure Electromagnétique azimutale de surface (EM en Anglais), et par DC entre surface et forage et entre plusieurs forages, pour linterprétation de la structure hydrologique de la Vallée de Clare, Australie du Sud. Les méthodes électriques et électromagnétiques sont limitées par la faible sensitivité à la profondeur et la présence dune couverture conductrice, mais procure des outils utiles pour déterminer les variations directionnelles en terme de résistivité là où la roche nest pas affleurante et dans les puits. Lapplication de la méthode dinvestigation «forage à surface» apporte une meilleure interprétation des fractures sub-verticales et des hétérogénéités latérales. Les tomographies électriques entre forage bénéficient de la flexibilité et de la sensibilité des mesures en profondeur, et permettent de délimiter lextension latérale des hétérogénéités sub-horizontales de zones conductrices. Alors que la technique est restreinte à de petits sites comprenant de nombreux forages, il est possible de reconstituer les connections hydrauliques à des échelles régionales. Il est important de noter que les méthodes fournissent des informations intéressantes mais pas des caractérisations hydrauliques complètes. Pour cela les données pourraient être complétées par des études plus poussées intégrant les différentes prospections géophysique, les données des cartes géologiques, des échantillonnages et des essais de pompage à différents intervalles de profondeur.
Resume. Situés dans la partie la plus distale du bassin molassique suisse et dans le prolongement sud du fossé rhénan, les dép?ts conglomératiques appartenant au groupe stratigraphique des Gompholithes & Conglomérats ont fait l’objet d’une étude sédimentologique et paléontologique détaillée. La multitude des affleurements réalisés lors des travaux de construction de l’autoroute Transjurane dans la région de Porrentruy (Jura), permet d’appréhender ces paléoenvironnements rupéliens (Oligocène inférieur). Les études sédimentologiques et paléontologiques révèlent l’existence d’environnements c?tiers avec des falaises de calcaires mésozo?ques entaillées par des canyons où se trouvent des rivières au régime torrentiel. Ces rivières qui érodent les couches du Mésozo?que créent des galets qui sont déposés sous la forme de deltas marins progradant vers le nord. A l’abri des exutoires des canyons se développent quelques environnements lacustres. Ces dép?ts conglomératiques sont fortement liés à l’activité tectonique rupélienne. La distension rhénane et l’activité de la faille transformante située entre le fossé rhénan et le bassin de la Bresse subdivisent les différents blocs mésozo?ques en horsts et grabens, permettant ainsi l’érosion des sédiments dans les parties hautes (horst) et leur transport dans les zones basses (graben). La découverte de rares galets de roches endogènes et effusives dans les dép?ts conglomératiques montre un transport du socle des Vosges vers le sud dans la région de Porrentruy par l’intermédiaire sans doute d’une dérive littorale. Bien que la surrection des Vosges et de la Forêt-Noire et leur mise à l’érosion soient connues dès la base du Miocène, la présence de ces galets atteste l’existence de failles dès le début du Rupélien qui mettent à l’érosion le socle du massif des Vosges.
Located in the distal part of the Swiss Molasse Basin and in the southern extension of the Rhine Graben, the conglomeratic deposits belonging to the Gompholithes & Conglomérats stratigraphic group have been the object of detailed sedimentological and paleontological studies. The great number of outcrops that came into sight during the building works of the Transjurane highway in the vicinity of Porrentruy (Swiss Jura) lead to a better understanding of Rupelian paleoenvironments (Early Oligocene). The sedimentological and paleontological studies reveal the existence of coastal environments with Mesozoic limestone cliffs notched by canyons with torrential rivers. Those rivers eroding the Mesozoic series create pebbles deposits forming marine deltas prograding towards North. In protected areas, some lacustrine environments can develop. These conglomeratic deposits are strongly bound to the Rupelian tectonic activity. The rhenish distension and the activity of the transform faults located between the Rhine Graben and the Bresse basin divide the Mesozoic blocks in horst and graben structures, thus allowing the erosion of sediments in higher regions (horst) and their transport in lower zones (graben). The discovery of rare pebbles made of endogene and effusive rocks in those conglomeratic deposits shows a transport coming from the Vosges massifs towards south to the Porrentruy region, probably with the support of a littoral drift. Although the surrection of the Vosges and Schwarzwald massifs (and the beginning of their erosion) is normally attributed to the base of the Miocene, the presence of those pebbles attests the existence of faults putting the basement of the Vosges massif to erosion since the base of Rupelian.
Manuscrit re?u le 4 février 2003 Révision acceptée le 30 mars 2005  相似文献   
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