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香港地区活动断裂的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港地区的断裂构造颇为发育,主要有北东、北东东和北西向三组断裂。在现今构造应力场作用之下,北东东和北西向断裂组成共轭断裂系统。由于本地区地震活动水平不高,尚难确定哪组断裂与地震活动密切相关。断层泥的热释光资料表明,断裂的最新活动应在晚更新世,断裂的复发周期应在10万年左右。目前尚不能肯定哪条断裂为活动断裂。  相似文献   
提要 利用非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法,对虹鳟、溪红点鲑及杂交种(虹鳟♀溪红点鲑♂)的进行了血液蛋白多态性研究, 计算了各座位的基因频率、基因纯合度和Shannon 信息指数, 并探讨了群体间的亲缘关系和遗传距离。结果表明: ( 1) 3个种群在α球蛋白、β1球蛋白、γ-球蛋白、前白蛋白和白蛋白5个座位上的遗传差异较大, 血清蛋白座位的优势基因在不同群体中有不同的频率; ( 2) 杂交种中出现部分双亲特异条带,表明杂交种整合了虹鳟♀ 和溪红点鲑♂的遗传信息,属两性融合生殖, 是真正意义上的杂交种。( 3) 杂交种与虹鳟和溪红点鲑的遗传相似性系数分别为0.718和0.575, 遗传距离分别为0.332和0.554, 表明杂交种与两亲本的遗传差异不是对等的, 而是偏向母本一方, U PGMA 系统树也同样证明了这一点。  相似文献   
南海是西太平洋地区规模最大且具有代表性的边缘海盆地之一。经过近几十年的研究积累,尤其是通过实施5个国际大洋钻探航次(1999–2018年)与国家自然科学基金委“南海深海过程演变”重大研究计划(2011–2019年),我国科学家获得了大量宝贵的第一手资料,取得了一系列创新进展与重大突破,标志着南海海洋地质与地球物理研究正走向国际前沿。重要研究成果包括:(1)新提出南海是“板缘张裂”盆地,与经典的大西洋型陆缘模式不同;(2)大洋钻探首次获取了基底玄武岩样品,结合中国在南海首次深拖地磁测量实验,精确测定了南海海盆玄武岩年龄,揭示南海海盆从东向西分段扩张;(3)大洋钻探结果发现南海陆缘岩石圈减薄之初岩浆迅速出现,未发现缓慢破裂造成的蛇纹岩出露;(4)发现南海扩张结束后仍存在大量岩浆活动,可能受控于多种构造与地幔因素;(5)地球化学证据与地球动力学模拟都显示南海岩浆的形成受到周边俯冲带的影响。目前我国的海洋地球科学正在进入崭新的发展阶段,有望以南海为基点,开始拓展到周边大洋,通过主导大型研究计划以及建设我国大洋钻探平台,以提升我国在南海、西太平洋与印度洋海洋地质科学研究的实质性影响力与引领地位。  相似文献   
1987~1991年在黄海进行小型多毛类调查时,采到的裂虫科小型种标本,经鉴定有18种,其中9种在我国是首次记录。  相似文献   
张晶  丁一汇 《气象学报》1998,56(1):1-19
文中在综合比较过去各类陆面过程模式优缺点的基础上,主要参考BATS模式,发展了一个陆面过程模式(LPM-ZD)。它具有以下几个特征:1.采用物理方程和经验解析公式相结合的方法进行土壤温度和土壤水汽的求解。在上层土壤,土壤分层较细并采用温度传导和水汽扩散方程求解,而在下层土壤,土壤分层较粗并利用经验方法处理。2.考虑了降水分布的次网格特征及其对陆面水文产生的重要影响。3.较全面地考虑了雪盖对陆面过程的各种影响:对陆面水文的影响、对土壤热传导的影响以及雪盖的高反照率对辐射收支的影响。利用3组单点观测试验资料对陆面过程模式LPM-ZD进行了“独立(of-line)”模拟试验。模拟结果表明陆面过程模式LPM-ZD具有较好的模拟性能,能够比较准确地模拟不同气候区的多种下垫面类型的陆面过程变化特点,模拟结果与观测基本一致。进而又利用一组观测资料和模式LPM-ZD进行了一系列敏感性模拟试验,试验结果表明模式LPM-ZD对一些参数的确定非常敏感,如初始土壤水汽、植被的物理特性参数以及降水次网格分布因子等,因此提高确定这些参数的准确性是改进陆面模式的重要内容之一。  相似文献   
Niu  Jiaohong  Sun  Chengjun  Yang  Bo  Xie  Lei  Jiang  Fenghua  Cao  Wei  Chen  Yan  Ding  Haibing  Huang  Yuhuan  Gao  Xianchi 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2023,41(1):118-137

The composition and concentration of dissolved free amino acid (DFAA) of seawater samples collected in May 2016 from the surface to the hadal zone of the northern region of the Yap Trench were analyzed by pre-column derivatization of o-phthalaldehyde. Results show that the average concentration of DFAA in the study area was 0.47±0.36 µmol/L. In different sampling stations, the concentrations of DFAA with water depth showed complex variation patterns. At the sediment-seawater interface, the concentrations of DFAA in the western side of the trench were obviously higher than that in its eastern side. In the study area, there were no significant correlations between the concentrations of DFAA and the environmental parameters such as concentrations of chlorophyll a (Chl a), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), indicating that the concentrations of DFAA in seawater of the trench are affected by many factors, such as photosynthesis, respiration, temperature, pressure, illumination, and circulation. The dominant DFAA are similar in different water layers of sampling stations, including aspartic acid (Asp), glutamic acid (Glu), glycine (Gly), and serine (Ser). The composition of different amino acids, and the relative abundance of acidic, basic, and neutral amino acids might be related to the sources and consumption of various amino acids. Nine pairs of amino acids in the DFAA showed significantly positive relationship by correlation matrix analysis, suggesting that they might share similar biogeochemical processes. The degradation index (DI) of the DFAA in seawater of the Yap Trench could reflect the degradation, source, and freshness of DFAA in the trench to some extents. This is a preliminary study of amino acids from sea surface to hadal zone in the ocean, more works shall be done in different trenches to reveal their biogeochemical characteristics in extreme marine environments.

姜大伟  张世民  丁锐 《地质科学》2023,58(3):1137-1146

在活动构造研究方面,传统RTK技术常用于局部的地表测量,测量距离受限于信号的地形影响。而网络RTK技术基于全国区域性的基准站网,通过移动通信可以实现百公里以上尺度厘米级精度动态测量,在构造地表分析方面具有广阔应用空间。本文以横跨龙门山地区的大塘断裂为试验对象,利用网络RTK技术测量了一条长度17.7 km的地表剖面。测量结果表明,尽管大塘断裂局部受到强烈的侵蚀作用不易识别,但网络RTK测线能够反映出区域性的褶皱变形特征。结合深部地震剖面进行定量分析发现,地表的冲积扇发生反坡向的构造抬升,与深部的断层扩展褶皱变形对应。进一步参考年代学数据计算得出,横跨大塘断裂的第四纪构造缩短速率为0.29±0.04 mm/yr。试验分析结果表明,网络RTK技术可以用于大尺度、高精度的构造变形分析,识别区域性的构造变形。

Barotropic responses of the East China Sea to typhoon KOMPASU are investigated using a high-resolution, three-dimensional, primitive equation, and finite volume coastal ocean model. Even the fact that the typhoon KOMPASU only brushed across the brink of China mainland without landing, it still imposed great influence across China's east coastal area, where storm surges ranging from 35 to 70 cm were intrigued during this event and a large wake of water setdown due to the outward radial transport driven by the cyclonic wind stress was generated after the KOMPASU traveled across the Yellow Sea. Analysis of the numerical results reveals that the barotropic waves propagating along the coast after the typhoon's landing can be identified as Kelvin wave and the currents associated with the storm are geostrophic currents. A series of model runs are initiated to diagnose the effects of wind stress, atmospheric pressure, and storm track variation on the surge's spatial distribution in the East China Sea. The barotropic waves affected by the atmospheric disturbance due to the typhoon in deep Pacific Ocean travel far more rapidly, arriving at the coastal regions at least 60 h ahead of the typhoon. The wave amplitudes are merely 0.2–0.4 cm and damp gradually due to friction. The model experiments also confirm that the surge levels in nearshore regions are highly dominated by winds, whereas the water level variations in deeper areas are controlled by the atmospheric pressure forcing during typhoon events in the East China Sea.  相似文献   
PAH concentrations of 61 surface soil samples collected from the Yellow River Delta (YRD), China were measured to determine occurrence levels, sources, and potential toxicological significance of PAHs. The total concentrations of ∑PAHs ranged from 27 to 753 ng/g d.w., with a mean of 118 ± 132 ng/g. The highest concentrations was found in the mid-southern part of the YRD (753 ng/g), which was associated with the oil exploration. The ratios indicated that the PAHs throughout the YRD were mostly of pyrogenic origin; while various sites in mid-southern part in the region were derived mainly from the petrogenic sources. Multivariate statistical analyses supported that the PAHs in surface soils of the YRD were principally from the coal and biomass combustion, petroleum spills, and/or vehicular emissions. The toxic assessment suggested that the PAHs in soils were at low potential of ecotoxicological contamination level for the YRD.  相似文献   
中国南极新站选择在维多利亚地特拉诺瓦湾难言岛上进行建设,其气象环境状况是开展科学研究的基础工作,也是考察队员生命安全保障的基础资料。因此,通过2013年度难言岛气象站的观测资料,结合附近地区历史气象资料,对该区域气象要素特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)由于地处罗斯海与东南极冰盖交界处,难言岛年均气压为987.8 h Pa,与中山站非常接近;(2)年均温为-16.1℃,最低气温为-39.3℃,且冬季气温波动较大,标准差可达±6.0℃;(3)年均相对湿度为42.1%,年均比湿为0.6 g·kg-1且冬季比湿极低,空气非常干燥,降水量非常低;(4)盛行风向为WNW,5—7级风出现频率超过50%,但夏季风速明显低于冬季风速,一般不超过8.0 m·s~(-1),有利于中国在夏季开展工程建设和补给;(5)难言岛年总辐射量为3 342.8 MJ·m~(-2),明显低于中山站,但两站反照率非常接近。  相似文献   
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