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根据作者在印度洋东部海域的延绳钓生产实践,对渔获的大眼金枪鱼群体的群体构成、摄食、繁殖等基本生物学特征进行了初步探讨.结果表明,渔获群体由纯重10~115kg、叉长80~195cm个体组成,纯重与叉长关系式w=2.000×10-5×L2.969;渔获物以3~5龄个体为主,雄性个体所占比例明显高于雌性个体,且随年龄增长雄性个体所占比例逐步提高.鱼群在该海域产卵期较长,不同年龄组性腺发育节律有明显差异.  相似文献   
A self-organizing map (SOM) was used to cluster the water quality data of Xiangxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir region. The results showed that 81 sampling sites could be divided into several groups representing different land use types. The forest dominated region had low concentrations of most nutrient variables except COD, whereas the agricultural region had high concentrations of NO3N, TN, Alkalinity, and Hardness. The sites downstream of an urban area were high in NH3N, NO2N, PO4P and TP. Redundancy analysis was used to identify the individual effects of topography and land use on river water quality. The results revealed that the watershed factors accounted for 61.7% variations of water quality in the Xiangxi River. Specifically, topographical characteristics explained 26.0% variations of water quality, land use explained 10.2%, and topography and land use together explained 25.5%. More than 50% of the variation in most water quality variables was explained by watershed characteristics. However, water quality variables which are strongly influenced by urban and industrial point source pollution (NH3N, NO2N, PO4P and TP) were not as well correlated with watershed characteristics.  相似文献   
The Gangdese batholith, more than 2500 km in length, is composed mainly of JurassicMiocene igneous rocks. This batholith is one of the most important constituents of the Tibetan orogenesis and provides an ideal place for study of Neo-Tethyan ocean geodynamic evolution and plateau uplift. Recent studies on the Gangdese Jurassic felsic magmatism highlight its juvenile source. However, important aspects concerning the genesis of the juvenile magmatism and related deep geodynamic evolution are still unclear. Here, we report detailed petrological, geochronological, geochemical, whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopic, and in situ Sr-Hf isotopic data for a recently identified hornblende gabbro in the Dongga area, southern Lhasa sub-block. This hornblende gabbro is dominated by hornblende and plagioclase, dated at Early Jurassic(ca. 180–190 Ma), and characterized by a narrow compositional range in SiO_2(49.38wt%–52.27wt%), MgO(4.08wt%–7.00wt%), FeO(10.43wt%–11.77wt%), Na_2O(2.58wt%–3.51wt%), and K_2O(0.48wt%–1.53wt%). It has depleted isotopic signatures, with whole-rock(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)i ratios of 0.7033–0.7043, ε_(Nd)(t) values of +4.90 to +6.99, in situ plagioclase(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)i ratios of 0.7034–0.7042, and zircon ε_(Hf)(t) of +12.2 to +16.8. Our results integrated with published data suggest a model of Gangdese juvenile crustal growth by a subduction-related water-enriched mantle wedge. The hydrous partial melting of the lithosphere mantle was triggered by the dehydration of a Neo-Tethyan oceanic slab. This mafic magmatism emplaced in the middle-lower crust of intraoceanic arcs or active continental margins, leading to Jurassic juvenile crustal growth in southern Tibet.  相似文献   
Air quality was improved considerably and the so-called "Lanzhou Blue" appeared frequently in Lanzhou due to implementation of some strict emission-control measures in recent years. To better understand whether the concentration of each air pollutant had decreased significantly and then give some suggestions as to urban air-quality improvement in the near future, the variations of the Air Quality Index (AQI) and six criterion air pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, CO, SO2, NO2, and O3) at five state-controlled monitoring sites of Lanzhou were studied from 2013 to 2016. The AQI, PM2.5, PM10, and SO2 gradually decreased from 2013 to 2016, while CO and NO2 concentrations had slightly increasing trends, especially in urban areas, due to the large number of motor vehicles, which had an annual growth rate of 30.87%. The variations of the air pollutants in the no-domestic-heating season were more significant than those in the domestic-heating season. The increase of ozone concentration for the domestic-heating season at a background station was the most significant among the five monitoring sites. The vehicle-exhaust and ozone pollution was increasingly severe with the rapid increase in the number of motor vehicles. The particulate-matter pollution became slight in the formerly highly polluted Lanzhou City. Some synergetic measures in urban and rural areas of Lanzhou should be taken by the local government in the near future to control fine particulate-matter (PM2.5) and ozone pollution.  相似文献   
温度变化对夏季降温耗能的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
该文采用降温度日数作为评估夏季降温耗能的指标 ,分析了我国夏季降温度日分布和长期变化特征。温度与降温耗能相关分析表明 ,两者相关密切 ,相关程度随气温升高而增加 ;降温耗能的 1℃效应量 ,北方大于南方。文章最后 ,利用气温距平与降温度日变率建立了夏季降温耗能评估模型。  相似文献   
吴超  叶朝汉  樊向阳 《岩土工程技术》2009,23(6):288-291,295
在基坑开挖过程中,邻近重要建筑物的保护是一个重要的研究课题。对于含有地下车库和主楼的大面积基坑,往往主楼的开挖和建造先于地下车库,而地库往往紧挨着主楼,这就必然出现地库开挖对已建或在建主楼的影响问题。本文结合实际工程,采用有限元分析方法,模拟地库开挖对已建主楼的影响情况。  相似文献   
超导SIS (Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor)接收机因极低的接收机噪声温度成为毫米波和亚毫米波段射电天文观测的首选.本振系统耦合噪声也是接收机噪声的一部分,在多年的天文观测中,发现本振耦合噪声无法完全忽略,对天文观测的灵敏度有一定影响.采用两个不同种类的信号发生器作为本振系统初级信号源,测试了超导SIS接收机的噪声温度,发现信号发生器输出的基底噪声能够耦合到接收机内部,从而增加接收机噪声强度.分析研究了本振系统热噪声和信号发生器基底噪声对接收机噪声的影响.通过在信号发生器输入端加入窄带滤波器滤除其基底噪声,消除了信号发生器基底噪声引入的接收机噪声,降低了接收机的整体噪声,提高了望远镜的灵敏度.  相似文献   
随着社会的进步,人们对于位置信息服务的需求越发强烈,普通的室外定位导航已经不能满足人们的出行需求,迫切需要一种安全可靠的室内外导航服务,特别是在大型的超市、商场、停车场、机场等公共场所,将室外和室内定位导航技术相结合,可以更好地为人们提供位置和导航服务,提高人们的出行效率.本文基于An-droid平台,以采集的实验区室内数据建库,利用高德地图SDK设计并实现了室内外定位导航应用,该应用实现了地图浏览、室内定位、室外定位、室内查询、室外查询、室内路径规划、室外路径规划、室内外路径规划等多种功能,方便了人们出行.  相似文献   
鲁东-苏北榴辉岩的构造特征及其折返机制   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
王清晨  张儒瑷  从柏林  赵中岩  叶凯 《岩石学报》1992,8(2):153-160,T001
鲁东-苏北地区出露了M型和Q型两类榴辉岩,前者的原岩为地幔岩类,后者的原岩为地壳岩类。它们均呈外来岩块产出于片麻岩中。其形成经历了前榴辉岩I、A和S阶段,在I和A阶段它们表现为韧性变形,而在S阶段则表现为碎裂变形。它们的折返过程经历了剪切回流和区域性隆起剥蚀。  相似文献   

聚源钨矿是华南地区为数不多的大型石英脉型白钨矿矿床之一。在详细的野外地质调查基础上,本文利用α径迹蚀刻、电子显微镜、扫描电镜以及电子探针等实验手段,对该矿床含钨和含铀矿物开展了精细矿物学的研究工作,探讨了成矿过程中钨和铀的富集规律。研究显示,该矿床钨铀矿物的形成可分为四个阶段:第一阶段,钨铀主要进入富含Nb、Ti的氧化物矿物,形成铌铁矿、钇易解石等富钨矿物,另有极少量的钨进入黑钨矿和早阶段白钨矿;第二阶段,铌铁矿与钇易解石被后期流体交代,形成含钨富铀的骑田岭矿、铌锰矿以及钛-钇易解石;第三阶段,钨进入中阶段白钨矿,这一阶段也是钨最主要的矿化阶段;第四阶段,钨进入晚阶段白钨矿。最后两阶段白钨矿中铀含量不高。骑田岭矿(WO3 26.74%~29.68%),是聚源钨矿中除白钨矿和黑钨矿之外钨含量最高的含钨矿物。该矿易解石族矿物WO3最高可达9.80%,极度富钨,是目前有文可查的钨含量最高的易解石。聚源钨矿中的含钨矿物大多数为白钨矿,但绝大多数的白钨矿却在骑田岭矿、易解石族矿物、铌铁矿族矿物、黑钨矿之后形成,说明成矿流体在演化过程中,绝大多数W首先进入富含Nb、Ti的含铀矿物和少量黑钨矿,之后才是白钨矿的大量结晶。

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