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3月6日,山东省国土资源厅厅长徐景颜在全省国土资源工作会议上透露,山东省深部找矿再传喜报,在鲁西南曹县一定陶一带发现了一处资源量超过30亿t,其中1500m以浅资源量达20亿t的优质大型煤田——曹县煤田。曹县煤田的发现,是山东省继金矿、铁矿深部找矿取得显著成效之后的又一重大突破。对于缓解山东省及华东地区优质炼焦用煤的缺口,促进地方经济发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
山东梁邹矿业集团有限公司,位于山东省邹平县境内。由邹平钼业有限公司、邹平铭兴化工有限公司、邹平铭波电源有限公司、邹平铭扬建材有限公司、邹平碑楼铜业有限公司、邹平铭远贸易进出口有限公司组成,是集铜钼采选、精细化工、充电电池、建筑材料、进出口贸易和职工现代服务等为一体的综合性企业集团。其中,钼业公司、化工公司属省二级安全标准化企业,钼业公司是山东省唯一铜钼采选企业,在2000年国家统计局公布的全国最大100家有色金属采选企业中排名第32位。  相似文献   
文登市矿山地质环境治理简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文登市地处胶东半岛东部,矿产资源种类丰富,全市共发现矿产资源20余种,其中已开发利用的有10种,年产矿石量1000多万吨。近年来,文登市围绕增强综合竞争力和可持续发展能力,加快资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设,不断强化对矿山地质环境的保护和管理。  相似文献   
新疆和田玉是世界软玉品种中最好的一种,有“玉王”之称。该文对和田玉的矿物组成、化学成分及物理性质进行了鉴定分析,提出了和田玉原料及玉器的评估方法。  相似文献   
济南市的鹊山上设立了3块岩层水准标石的原点组。使用美国Tri mble Di Ni 12电子水准仪和条码式铟钢水准标尺施测一等精密水准82.2 km,二等精密水准30.8 km,联测各类水准点35个。对观测结果进行统计与分析表明,在临盘采油区(以后仓西北采油四队LY18为中心)形成了一个较明显的沉降区域,年沉降量为54.3 mm。建议在其周边增埋地面观测标石,进行加密观测,以掌握其变化规律。  相似文献   
利用工程物探方法对济南市历城区全民健身中心建设项目铁矿采空区进行了勘查工作,结果表明物探电阻率测深法勘查工作,对铁矿采空区反映效果明显,结合磁测资料与现场调查访问,推测出评估区内的2处隐伏采空区影响范围基本与事实一致。  相似文献   
Polysiphonia urceolata is one type of potential commercial red seaweeds used for breeding and cultivation, because of its significant biochemical and biomedical application. However, the information of breeding and seedling incubation for cultivation is limited, especially the early development. In this study, tetrasporohyte and gametophyte of P. urceolata were taken as the study materials in Huiquan Bay, Qingdao, China. The cleaned and sterilized tetrasporophytes and gametophytes were pre-cultured in sterilized seawater, then nurtured at 18°C, 25 μmol photons m−2 s−1 in 12:12 h (light:dark) photoperiod. Continuous observation under microscope showed that the early development consists of bipolar division stage and seedling stage. In the division stage, tetraspores germinate into bipolar sporelings that further differentiate into a colorless rhizoidal portion and a lightly pigmented upright shoot. The lightly pigmented rhizoidal cell develops to a rhizoid and the larger pigmented cell transforms to an erect axis. In the seedling stage, several quasi-protuberances appear on the erect axis and form juvenile seedlings. The results demonstrate the culture of P. urceolata from tetraspores under laboratory conditions. Supported by National Key Technology Support Program, Development Program of China (No.2006AA09Z21), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40618001 and N_CUHK438/06) and Shandong Agricultural Seed Stock Breeding Project  相似文献   
The ability of several ab initio models to predict experimental 29Si-NMR chemical shift is examined. The shielding values of trimethylsilyl chloride (A), t-butyldimethylsilyl chloride (B) and allytrimethylsilane (C) are calculated by GIAO, CSGT and IGAIM methods, using HF/6–31G*, B3LYP/6-31G*, HF/6–311+G**, B3LYP/6–311+G** and MPW1PW91/6–311+G** models respectively. The 29Si chemical shifts calculated by GIAO method using HF/6–311+G** model are highly in agreement with those obtained experimentally. All of the models above reproduce the trends of chemical shifts in all cases studied, suggesting that the models are of practical value.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheKuroshioisthewesternboundarycurrentintheNorthPacificandisthecounterpartoftheGulfStreamintheNorthAtlantic.TheoriginoftheKuroshioisthenorthwardflowingbranchoftheNorthEquatorialCurrentwhichisdividedintotwocurrentsonapproachingthewesternbo…  相似文献   
本区炒米店组上部出现了厚达几十米的白云岩夹灰岩层段,按地层清理对“三山子组”的定义—以连续的大套白云岩出现为其底界[1],这段地层不属三山子组,应归炒米店组。然而,不但这里的三山子组白云岩均含燧石结核,炒米店组顶部的灰岩也含大量的燧石结核和条带。于白云岩夹灰岩之层段发现大量的头足类化石,其时代属早奥陶世。该段地层可与区域上的三山子组a段下部和b段相对比。这是鲁西地区寒武—奥陶系剖面的一种新类型。  相似文献   
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