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Traveltimes for infrasonic waves propagating in a stratified atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tau– p method of Buland & Chapman (1983) is reformulated for sound waves propagating in a stratified atmosphere under the influence of a height-dependent wind velocity profile. For a given launch angle along a specified azimuth, the ray parameter is redefined to include the influence of the horizontal wind component along the direction of wave propagation. Under the assumption of negligible horizontal wind shear, the horizontal wind component transverse to the ray propagation does not affect the direction of the wave normal, but displaces the reference frame of the moving wavefront, thus altering the observed incidence azimuth. Expressions are derived for the time, horizontal range, and transverse range of the arriving waves as a function of ray parameter. Algorithms for the location of infrasonic wave sources using the modified tau– p formulation in conjunction with regional atmospheric wind and temperature data are discussed.  相似文献   
If human‐environment geography is central to the discipline, then human‐environment courses should be a sizable segment of the undergraduate curriculum. Undergraduate educational offerings are inadequate, however, meaning that geography departments are shortchanging their majors, missing opportunities to attract and inform the general student body, and failing to meet the needs of future K–12 educators. Unless geography provides satisfactory human‐environment education, it will likely have much less impact on twenty‐first‐century environmental science.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Mesozoic potash‐rich volcanic rocks which hosted several gold or gold (copper) deposits are widely distributed around the Yishu deep fault zone, eastern China. Lithologically, these rocks include basaltic trachyandesite, trachyandesite, latite and trachyte, of which the trachyandesite and latite are the predominant rock types. Whole‐rock Rb‐Sr isochron ages and 40Ar‐39Ar plateau dates of them are 108.2 ? 119.6 Ma and 114.7 ? 124.3 Ma, respectively. Chemically, they are characterized by high and variable Al2O3 contents, high K2O+Na2O values, and high K2O/Na2O and Fe2O3/FeO ratios. The rocks also have enriched LILE and LREE concentrations, low HFSE abundance, and display extraordinary Sr‐Nd isotope signatures (ISr = 0.7084 ? 0.7125, εNd(t) = ‐9.43 ? ?18.07). Integrated geological and geochemical data suggest that they were formed in a continental‐arc setting and most likely originated from the partial melting of enriched mantle which was induced by source contamination of subducted continental crustal materials. Gold (copper) deposits in this district are closely related to Mesozoic volcanic‐subvolcanic magmatism. They are frequently located either at the margin or adjacent to the volcanic basins. Most of them are spatially associated with maar‐diatreme systems and/or flow‐dome complexes. The formations of two gold (copper) deposits, the Qibaoshan breccia pipe‐porphyry type Au‐Cu deposit and the Guilaizhuang tellurium‐gold type epithermal Au deposit, have been proved to be in close relation with potash‐rich magmatism. The genetic relations between potash‐rich magmatism and Cu‐Au mineralization is still quite unclear. Detailed review of the previous works demonstrates that the high contents of volatiles (such as H2O, CO2, S, F and Cl, especially F and Cl) and the high oxidation state of the potash‐rich magmas may be the main favorable factors for the formation of the Cu‐Au deposits.  相似文献   
Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) is a high spatial resolution analytical method which has been applied to the analysis of silicic tephras. With current instrumentation, around 30 trace elements can be determined from single glass shards as small as ~ 40 µm, separated from tephra deposits. As a result of element fractionation during the ablation process using a 266 nm laser, a relatively complex calibration strategy is required. Nonetheless, such a strategy gives analyses which are accurate (typically within ±5%) and have an analytical precision which varies from ~ ±2% at 100 ppm, to ~ ±15% at 1 ppm. Detection limits for elements used in correlation and discrimination studies are well below 1 ppm. Examples of the application of trace element analysis by LA‐ICP‐MS in tephra studies are presented from the USA, New Zealand and the Mediterranean. Improvements in instrumental sensitivity in recent years have the potential to lower detection limits and improve analytical precision, thus allowing the analysis of smaller glass shards from more distal tephras. Laser systems operating at shorter wavelengths (e.g. 193 nm) are now more widely available, and produce a much more controllable ablation in glasses than 266 nm lasers. Crater sizes of <10 µm are easily achieved, and at 193 nm many of the elemental fractionation issues which mar longer wavelengths are overcome. By coupling a short wavelength laser to a modern ICP‐MS it should be possible to determine the trace element composition of glass shards as small as 20 µm and, providing sample preparation issues can be overcome, the determination of the more abundant trace elements in glass shards as small as 10 µm is within instrumental capabilities. This will make it possible to chemically fingerprint tephra deposits which are far from their sources, and will greatly extend the range over which geochemical correlation of tephras can be undertaken. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This article explores whether past exposure to debris flow disasters with a human dimension (e.g. caused in part by deforestation) results in adaptive hazard mitigation and improved environmental and resource management practices in affected areas. When guiding hazard mitigation practice, the ‘adaptive hazard mitigation’ approach views mitigation as a multi-dimensional experiment, with the associated need for post-experiment monitoring, evaluation, learning and adjustment, and attention paid to multiple scales (Bogardi 2004). This article explores how the concept of ‘adaptive hazard mitigation’ has emerged, linking this ‘adaptive management’ used increasingly in resource and environmental management. Two case studies of disasters linked to human-induced environmental change are examined, and the mitigation responses of local communities, NGOs and Government agencies are documented. Data sources include secondary data (journal articles, web-based disaster reports and grey literature) on each disaster, key informant interviews (n = 8) and direct observation over the 2005–2006 period of post-disaster mitigation actions implemented after each disaster. The research indicates that in both case studies, a limited range of hazard mitigation actions was employed, including both structural and non-structural approaches. However, the research also found that causal factors involving human-induced environmental change (e.g. deforestation) were not addressed, and overall, the hazard mitigation strategies adopted lacked monitoring, learning and adjustment. In both case studies, responses to disaster were judged to be examples of ‘trial and error’ adaptation, rather than either ‘passive’ or ‘active’ adaptation.
Brent DobersteinEmail:
川东北地区构造-热演化探讨——来自(U-Th)/He年龄Ro的约束   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用镜质组反射率和磷灰石与锆石的(U-Th)/He年龄一起模拟了川东北地区三叠纪以来的构造-热演化特征.结果表明早三叠世的热流值在51~66 mW/m2,自晚三叠世至白垩纪随盆地性质由前陆盆地演化为陆内坳陷盆地,热流缓慢降低直至现今的44.5 mW/m2.但在晚白垩世-古新世时期受燕山晚期构造运动的影响,热流有一个微弱增高的现象.同时,磷灰石和锆石的He年龄揭示了川东北地区大致在晚白垩世期间开始隆升且抬升剥蚀量较大.因此,磷灰石和锆石的(U-Th)/He年龄可以揭示后期详细的冷却历史.  相似文献   
A simple one‐dimensional model is developed to quantitatively predict the change in elevation, over a period of decades, for vertically accreting floodplains. This unsteady model approximates the monotonic growth of a floodplain as an incremental but constant increase of net sediment deposition per flood for those floods of a partial duration series that exceed a threshold discharge corresponding to the elevation of the floodplain. Sediment deposition from each flood increases the elevation of the floodplain and consequently the magnitude of the threshold discharge resulting in a decrease in the number of floods and growth rate of the floodplain. Floodplain growth curves predicted by this model are compared to empirical growth curves based on dendrochronology and to direct field measurements at five floodplain sites. The model was used to predict the value of net sediment deposition per flood which best fits (in a least squares sense) the empirical and field measurements; these values fall within the range of independent estimates of the net sediment deposition per flood based on empirical equations. These empirical equations permit the application of the model to estimate of floodplain growth for other floodplains throughout the world which do not have detailed data of sediment deposition during individual floods. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Microbial reduction of hexavalent uranium has been studied widely for its potential role in bioremediation and immobilization of soluble U(VI) in contaminated groundwater. More recently, some microorganisms have been examined for their role in immobilization of U(VI) via precipitation of uranyl phosphate minerals mediated by microbial phosphate release, alleviating the requirement for long-term redox control. Here, we investigated the mechanism of U(VI) removal mediated by an environmental isolate, strain UFO1, that is indigenous to the Field Research Center (FRC) in Oak Ridge, TN and has been detected in U(VI)-contaminated sediments. Changes in U(VI) speciation were examined in the presence and absence of the electron-shuttling moiety, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS). Cell suspensions were capable of nearly complete removal of 100 μM U(VI) from solution within 48 h; U(VI) removal was not dependent on the presence of an exogenous electron donor or AQDS, although AQDS increased the rate of U(VI) removal. X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopic measurements indicated that U(IV) was the predominant oxidation state of uranium in cell suspensions in both the absence and presence of 100 μM AQDS. Interestingly, 17% of the cell-associated precipitates in a U(VI)-treated suspension that lacked AQDS had spectral characteristics consistent with a uranyl phosphate solid phase. The potential involvement of phosphate was consistent with observed increases in soluble phosphate concentrations over time in UFO1 cell suspensions, which suggested phosphate liberation from the cells. TEM-EDS confirmed the presence of uranyl phosphate with a U:P ratio consistent with autunite (1:1). EXAFS analyses further suggested that U(IV) was bound to low-Z neighbors such as C or P, inferred to be present as functional groups on biomass. These results suggest that strain UFO1 has the ability to facilitate U(VI) removal from solution via reductive and phosphate precipitation mechanisms. Both mechanisms offer potential for the remediation of U-contaminated sediments at the FRC or elsewhere.  相似文献   
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