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A Late Weichselian sediment succession from the Kullen Peninsula, southern Sweden, was studied by means of stable carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of calcitic valves of selected ostracod taxa. The lower part of the record was deposited in a slightly brackish marginal sea close to the receding inland ice, whereas the upper part is lacustrine in origin as a result of glacio-isostatic rebound. The site was deglaciated at c. 17 200 cal BP (c. 14 500 14C BP) within the earliest ice-free area of Sweden, and the isolation took place c. 1100 cal years later. As a result of extensive input of glacial meltwater to the near-shore, shallow basin, the isotopic records predating the isolation give no clear indications of marine conditions. However, the isolation of the lake from the marginal sea is reflected by a distinct depletion of 18O in ostracod calcite as a response to the changing isotope hydrology of the basin. The change towards a lacustrine environment also fostered a decrease in the input of minerogenic material and a related increase in organic carbon content of the sediments, which may explain a short-lasting depletion of 13C in dissolved inorganic carbon and ostracod calcite. During the period of c. 14 700-13 900 cal BP a pronounced warming occurred associated with the onset of the Late Weichselian interstadial complex (Greenland Interstadial 1). Based on a distinct enrichment of 18O in ostracod calcite and applying modern spatial relations between δ18O of precipitation and temperature, this climatic shift involved an increase in mean annual air temperature in southernmost Sweden of at least 7°C.  相似文献   
利用秦岭─大别造山带及其毗邻地区310个地震台站记录到的区域地震23600条P波到时数据,重建了该区地壳和上地幔三维速度图像。结果表明:1.秦岭─大别造山带及其毗邻地区地壳和上地幔存在显著的横向不均匀性,直至110km深度处依然明显。2.地壳上部的速度图像与地表地质构造密切相关:造山带隆起区显著高速;盆地及坳陷区明显低速。由速度鲜明对比勾勒出的秦岭─大别造山带南界基本上位于扬子北缘主边断裂带上。3.中地壳的速度图像表明,造山带内部的一些低速区对应于一些大型推覆构造。4.40+0km深度处的速度图像反映了该区莫霍界面深度的起伏。大致以107°E为界,以东地区地壳厚度小于40km,以西地区大于40km,且呈现出往西地壳逐渐加厚的趋势。5.位于滦川、商县、丹凤的北秦岭构造带,上地幔顶部出现低速异常,异常速度值约为7.39—7.55km/s。结合地球物理测深的结果,可能是由下地壳、上地幔顶部的热过程所致。  相似文献   
The Generation of Kimberlites, Lamproites, and their Source Rocks   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:10  
Measurements of rare earth element (REE) concentrations in SouthAfrican kimberlites and in the Argyle lamproite from WesternAustralia constrain the composition of the source rocks fromwhich these melts originate. To account for the concentrationsof Tm, Yb, and Lu in these magmas, their sources must firsthave been strongly depleted by 20% melting in the garnet stabilityfield, and then enriched by a metasomatic melt rich in lightREE and other incompatible elements. The calculated source compositionsclosely resemble those of coarse, low-temperature, depletedperidotite nodules that are the commonest nodules in kimberlites.Rarer nodule types have undergone either more or less depletionthan have the source regions of kimberlites and lamproites.The REE composition of the metasomatic melt calculated fromthe diopsides and garnets in the sheared nodules, from the diopsidemegacrysts, and from majorite garnet inclusions in diamonds,is in excellent agreement with that expected for a melt producedby melting 0.5% of the source region of ocean ridge basalts.The initial depletion event requires the extraction of 20% meltfrom a region in which garnet and chrome-spinel were stable.The melt distribution obtained from inversion of komatiite compositionssatisfies both these conditions. Kimberlite source rocks areshallower than the layer from which fertile nodules originate.Such nodules must therefore be transported by entrainment ofthe lower boundary of the layer that becomes unstable. Thisproposal can account for their strong fabric.  相似文献   
对1960~2010年我国中东部地区霾日数的时空变化特征的分析结果表明:1)霾日数大值区主要分布在人口众多的四川盆地、北京-天津-河北地区、长江中下游地区以及广东-广西中部。2)季节变化上,霾日数冬季较多,其中北京-天津-河北地区中部和西南部、四川盆地和东北地区东部和南部等地超过20 d,夏季最少。3)霾日数气候趋势系数在北京-天津-河北地区、长江三角洲地区和珠江三角洲地区趋势系数高达0.8。4)霾日数呈现明显的上升趋势[3.69 d(10 a)–1],其气候趋势系数为0.82,通过了99.9%的信度检验。5)我国中东部气溶胶光学厚度和对流层NO2的空间分布与年平均霾日数的分布基本一致,近51年来能源消耗量的稳定上升趋势也表明,人为因素导致的大气污染物排放量增加是引起霾天气出现频率上升的重要因素。  相似文献   
张三  马文忠  马艳丽  李成  淡卫东 《地质通报》2016,35(203):433-439
对鄂尔多斯盆地姬塬地区长6储层特征、微观渗流特征及影响因素进行综合研究,为开发前期评价提供科学依据。以铸体薄片、扫描电镜等分析化验资料为基础,应用恒速压汞、核磁共振等储层评价新方法对岩石类型、孔隙结构进行分析。研究表明,该区长6储层物性较好,粒间孔发育,储层孔隙结构好,以小孔、微细喉为主,可动流体饱和度高,渗流能力强,有利于高效开发。储层孔隙结构、成岩相及储层润湿性是影响相渗特征的重要因素。  相似文献   
The coupled models of both the Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System (GOALS) and the Atmosphere-Vegetation Interaction Model (GOALS-AVIM) are used to study the main characteristics of interannual variations. The simulated results are also used to investigate some significant interannual variability and correlation analysis of the atmospheric circulation and terrestrial ecosystem. By comparing the simulations of the climate model GOALS-AVIM and GOALS, it is known that the simulated results of the interannual variations of the spatial and temporal distributions of the surface air temperatures and precipitation are generally improved by using AVIM in GOALS-AVIM. The interannual variation displays some distinct characteristics of the geographical distribution. Both the Net Primary Production (NPP) and the Leap Area Index (LAI) have quasi 1-2-year cycles. Meanwhile, precipitation and the surface temperatures have 2--4-year cycles. Conditions when the spectrum density values of GOALS are less than those of GOALS-AVIM, tell us that the model coupled with AVIM enhances the simulative capability for interannual variability and makes the annual cycle variability more apparent. Using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) analysis, the relationship between the ecosystem and the atmospheric circulation in East Asia is explored. The result shows that the strengthening and weakening of the East Asian monsoon, characterized by the geopotential heights at 500 hPa and the wind fields at 850 hPa, correspond to the spatiotemporal pattern of the NPP. The correlation between NPP and the air temperature, precipitation and solar radiation are different in interannual variability because of the variation in vegetation types.  相似文献   
秦岭─大别造山带及其南北缘地震层析成像   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
利用秦岭─大别造山带及其毗邻地区310个地震台站记录到的区域地震23600条P波到时数据,重建了该区地壳和上地幔三维速度图像。结果表明:1.秦岭─大别造山带及其毗邻地区地壳和上地幔存在显著的横向不均匀性,直至110km深度处依然明显。2.地壳上部的速度图像与地表地质构造密切相关:造山带隆起区显著高速;盆地及坳陷区明显低速。由速度鲜明对比勾勒出的秦岭─大别造山带南界基本上位于扬子北缘主边断裂带上。3.中地壳的速度图像表明,造山带内部的一些低速区对应于一些大型推覆构造。4.40+0km深度处的速度图像反映了该区莫霍界面深度的起伏。大致以107°E为界,以东地区地壳厚度小于40km,以西地区大于40km,且呈现出往西地壳逐渐加厚的趋势。5.位于滦川、商县、丹凤的北秦岭构造带,上地幔顶部出现低速异常,异常速度值约为7.39-7.55km/s。结合地球物理测深的结果,可能是由下地壳、上地幔顶部的热过程所致。  相似文献   
The links between large‐scale turbulence and the suspension of sediment over alluvial bedforms have generated considerable interest in the last few decades, with past studies illustrating the origin of such turbulence and its influence on flow resistance, sediment transport and bedform morphology. In this study of turbulence and sediment suspension over large sand dunes in the Río Paraná, Argentina, time series of three‐dimensional velocity, and at‐a‐point suspended sediment concentration and particle‐size, were measured with an acoustic Doppler current profiler and laser in situ scattering transmissometer, respectively. These time series were decomposed using wavelet analysis to investigate the scales of covariation of flow velocity and suspended sediment. The analysis reveals an inverse relationship between streamwise and vertical velocities over the dune crest, where streamwise flow deceleration is linked to the vertical flux of fluid towards the water surface in the form of large turbulent fluid ejections. Regions of high suspended sediment concentration are found to correlate well with such events. The frequencies of these turbulent events have been assessed from wavelet analysis and found to concentrate in two zones that closely match predictions from empirical equations. Such a finding suggests that a combination and interaction of vortex shedding and wake flapping/changing length of the lee‐side separation zone are the principal contributors to the turbulent flow field associated with such large alluvial sand dunes. Wavelet analysis provides insight upon the temporal and spatial evolution of these coherent flow structures, including information on the topology of dune‐related turbulent flow structures. At the flow stage investigated, the turbulent flow events, and their associated high suspended sediment concentrations, are seen to grow with height above the bed until a threshold height (ca 0·45 flow depth) is reached, above which they begin to decay and dissipate.  相似文献   
基于我国地区543个地面气象台站观测的总云量、平均气温和相对湿度日均值资料,采用正交经验函数(EOF)、气候倾向率和线性趋势分析等方法,研究了1960~2012年总云量的时空变化特征及其与气温和水汽的关系。结果表明:(1)我国地区总云量呈南多北少的带状分布特征,最大值在四川盆地(82%)。近53年来总云量气候倾向率为-0.8%(10a)-1,趋势系数为-0.68,通过了99.9%的信度检验。(2)总云量季节变化特点明显,夏季最多,春秋季次之,冬季最少,其中春季、夏季和秋季有显著的下降趋势。(3)EOF分解的前两个模态表明总云量不仅具有一致减少的变化特征,还具有明显的区域差异。以此同时,平均气温和相对湿度不论在总体变化趋势、地区差异、还是时间演变上,均与总云量保持较高的一致性,进一步证明总云量的变化与气温和水汽有密切关系。  相似文献   
根据直立层状岩石边坡的实际失稳模式,基于欧拉压杆失稳模型建立了直立层状岩石边坡在自重荷载作用下的失稳计算模型及临界高度计算方法。同时基于岩石内部含有初始损伤的客观事实,建立了基于统计损伤模型的直立层状岩石边坡失稳模型,并对两种不同模型的计算结果进行了讨论。研究结果表明,根据自重荷载作用下的失稳计算模型计算得到的直立岩质边坡溃屈失稳破坏临界高度约为其他研究者相应计算结果的75%,更符合边坡的实际受力特征及破坏情况。基于岩石统计损伤本构模型提出的直立层状岩石边坡失稳模型不但考虑了岩石的弹性模量等参数,而且结合了应力-应变曲线等特征,得出的结果也更符合实际。研究还发现计算参数m、ε0的变化对计算结果有较大影响,说明在类似问题中考虑岩石的损伤演化特性十分必要。  相似文献   
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