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王驹  陈伟明  张鹏  郭永海  苏锐 《铀矿地质》2005,21(6):360-363,359
在甘肃北山1号孔中使用钻孔雷达系统进行“单孔反射法”测量,首次获得深达500 m的钻孔雷达数据。采用频率100 MHz的天线在该孔中探测到22个岩石裂隙面,侧向探测半径达20m。北山1号孔钻孔雷达测试的实践表明:钻孔雷达测量是了解岩体内部裂隙延伸和岩体完整性的有效手段,对高放废物处置库场址评价有重要意义。  相似文献   

Studies of lakes at different stages of separation from the sea have been carried out on the northwestern coast of Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea. At the end of the winter period, from March 16 to 29, 2013, the lakes Kislo–Sladkoe, Trekhtzvetnoe, Nizhnee Ershovskoe, Ermolinskaya Bay and snow near the pier of Pertsov White Sea Biological Station of Moscow State University (WSBS MSU) were studied. The isotope characteristics of the water of lakes, ice and snow, the distribution of salinity, temperature, and hydrogen sulfide content were studied.

We observed Mrk 421 in V and R band using the 1.0 m telescope at Weihai Observatory of Shandong University since 2009 April to 2012 May. The available historical data in B and V band were also assembled for constructing light curves. The brightness of Mrk 421 ranges from 11.40 to 16.14 in the B band light curve, and from 11.38 to 14.56 in the V band. Analyses with the Jurkevich method and the structure function method showed a possible period of about 1.36 years for its long periodic variability. This period could be explained by a close binary black hole system (BBHS) model with a primary black hole mass of 1.70×108 M and a secondary ~(0.49–2.9)×107 M . We showed the color variability of Mrk 421, a bluer when brighter behavior during its lower state. Analyses of spectral index variations show that only a host galaxy contribution is not sufficient to explain the spectral index variations in Mrk 421, and some intrinsic mechanism is needed.  相似文献   
We present a one-zone homogeneous lepton-hadronic model and obtain steady-state spectra by solving the time-dependent equations to study a plausible origin of hard TeV spectra in PKS 2155-304.In this model,we assume a steady electron and proton injection rate in the source and solve the non-linear time-dependent kinematic equations that self-consistently consist of proton-photon interaction,synchrotron radiation of electron/positron pairs and proton,inverse Compton scattering,and synchrotron self-absorption.We employ this model to reproduce the multi-wavelength spectrum of PKS 2155-304,then find that the possible bump located at E~1 TeV which may originate from the synchrotron radiation of secondary electrons produced by Bethe-Heitler pair production,resulting in the hard TeV spectrum.  相似文献   
对Shakura-Sunyaev盘向径移主导吸积流转变的机制作了更详细的研究,即考虑了有韧致辐射,同步辐射和康普顿化的双温等离子体吸积流,结果进一步表明这种转变在相当广泛的物理条件下都可能实现。  相似文献   
The literal solution of the restricted three body problem obtained by the authors up to the eleventh order with respect to the minor parameter is applied to the investigation of the motion of Phoebe, the ninth satellite of Saturn. As distinct from the existing analytical theories of the motion of the satellite, in the present paper the planetary perturbations are taken into account. A comparison with the modern numerical theory of the motion of Phoebe has shown that the new analytical theory of the satellite motion represents observations with the same degree of accuracy.  相似文献   
刘聚  暴景阳  许军 《海洋测绘》2019,39(2):10-15
为实现对时差法水位改正结果的精度评估,根据协方差传播律,推导了时差法水位改正的误差方程,讨论了评估潮时差确定精度的方法,并通过数据试验对结果进行了验证。试验结果表明,最小二乘拟合法比相关系数法更能满足时差法水位改正精度评估对潮时差的要求;根据《海道测量规范》要求,试验海域潮时差中误差的限差为6.2min,验潮站网潮时差闭合差中误差的限差为1.0min;水位改正方差反映出了水位改正结果的合理性,可用以评估水位改正精度。  相似文献   
Polunina  Ju. Ju.  Krechik  V. A.  Paka  V. T. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):954-963
Oceanology - The late-summer zooplankton features of the structure and distribution in the South Baltic and the Baltic Proper (deeps 55–215 m) in 2016 were revealed, taking into account...  相似文献   
This study investigates a construction-induced sea level rise and tide characteristics change, using a regression analysis to separate the local construction effect such as sea-dike/seawalls and global warming from total sea level change. The study also makes it clear why and how the extreme high water level has risen just after constructions at Mokpo harbor in Korea. As a result of the regression analysis, it is found that the high water level rise for the period of 1960–2006 is ~60 cm, which is summation of four components: ~23 cm for Youngsan River sea-dike (1981), ~15 cm for Youngam seawall (1991), ~8 cm for Geumho seawall (1994), and ~14 cm for gradual rise (due mainly to global warming). Then, a numerical simulation at Mokpo coastal zone is performed to identify each component, and the results support the premise that the tidal amplification caused by constructions is due mainly to the extinguishment of the tidal choking effect at outer Mokpogu. The tidal flat effect makes the amplification greater at spring tide or extraordinary high tide, which would result in the increase of inundation risk at the Mokpo coastal zone. Frequency distribution of observed high water level data shows increasing trend for both maximum value of astronomical tide component (simulated high water level) and meteorological tide component (surge height) after the coastal constructions. A frequency analysis presents that the high water level for 50 year return period, which is often used for design in practice, is 474 cm before the construction, and while that is 553 cm after the construction. Furthermore, design height might steadily be elevated considering future global sea level rise.  相似文献   
建设海洋化学基地专业,促进海洋科学事业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从课程和教学体系、师资队伍建设、培养学生的创新能力以及强化学生的海洋观意识等方面总结了我国“海洋化学基地班”的建设工作,并在此基础上提出了教学硬件和教改,创新能力培养和加强基地辐射作用等内容的“十五”期间基地建设设想。  相似文献   
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